Improving the mental health of children and young people in Northern Ireland - making research count
Lead Research Organisation:
Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sociology Social Policy and Social Work
This fellowship creates the opportunity to apply knowledge & learning from PhD study to identify & disseminate key findings from a new data source, the Youth Wellbeing Study NI. The is the first survey in NI to reliably estimate the rate, or prevalence, of mental health disorders in the general population of children, young people & their parents. It will give government, health & social care services, schools & the voluntary sector important information to help plan & deliver services to prevent & treat mental health problems. It will help us to understand the relationship between parent & child mental health & the impact of other socio-economic & environmental factors. The survey includes a range of measures of emotional & behavioural problems such as anxiety & depression, eating disorders, autism spectrum disorders & self-harm and suicide, physical health, education, environment & exposure to trauma (in childhood or relating to 'The Troubles' in NI). These data have the potential to transform the understanding of mental health in the youth population in NI & inform international knowledge about the onset of mental health disorders in children & young people & the impact of intergenerational trauma in a post-conflict society. Mental health & wellbeing is a significant public health concern & many services are stretched to breaking point. Having a better understanding of the issues facing children & young people is crucial to plan a strategic response based on need & one that targets support & encourages early help & treatment for children & families. While a valuable data set has been generated, it is important that this information is analysed, understood & communicated in a responsible and effective way that maximises its potential to inform policy, practice and ultimately improve service delivery. The fellowship plan will involve training to conduct analysis to examine the relationship between anxiety & depression rates in young people & other factors such as poverty & deprivation, parental mental health & environmental factors such as social media use/bullying/cyberbullying. Survey data has been collected on household level income, benefits, area level deprivation & home ownership, parental mental health (using the GHQ-12 questionnaire) & young people's use & experiences of social media & negative experiences online & at school. Planned analysis will examine how these complex factors interact with each other & affect child & parental mental health. Once this analysis has been completed, the work plan will include a series of short internships/research visits to organisations that have well established systems of making research data widely accessible, communicating research findings effectively, & influencing & shaping policy to promote change. This will include examining co-production methods that involve people who are 'experts by experience' e.g. people with mental health problems, or care experienced young people. The programme will also include a 6-week placement with the DOH to explore the application of this learning within a policy environment & consider how to increase & support co-production methods in this setting & increase the relevance & utility of research to improve services. Following the internships, relevant outputs based on the anxiety & depression data will be co-produced with a group of young people & disseminated. A paper will be prepared for the team at the DOH, building on the knowledge gained from the MHF and Chapin Hall visits, which will help explore how to engage stakeholders in their decision making & providing data access. The preparation of a peer-reviewed journal article will also be important. Finally, the learning & experience will place me in a strong position to identify & apply for funding as principal investigator & start to build a career as an independent researcher.
- Queen's University Belfast (Lead Research Organisation)
- Mental Health Foundation (Collaboration)
- University of Tampere (Collaboration)
- Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice (CYCJ) (Collaboration)
- University of Oulu (Collaboration)
- University of Turku (Collaboration)
- The Cochrane Collaboration (Collaboration)
- Cardiff University (Collaboration)
- Bielefeld University (Collaboration)
- University of Helsinki (Collaboration)
- Government of Northern Ireland (Collaboration)
- University of Münster (Collaboration)
People |
Claire McCartan (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |

Blair C
'Getting involved in research': a co-created, co-delivered and co-analysed course for those with lived experience of health and social care services.
in Research involvement and engagement

Bunting L
Prevalence and risk factors of mood and anxiety disorders in children and young people: Findings from the Northern Ireland Youth Wellbeing Survey.
in Clinical child psychology and psychiatry

Bunting L
Experiences of childhood adversity across generations - Continuity or change? A study from the Northern Ireland youth wellbeing survey.
in Child abuse & neglect

Bunting L
Rationale and methods of the 'Northern Ireland Youth Wellbeing Survey' and initial findings from the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
in Clinical child psychology and psychiatry

Devaney J
An agenda for future research regarding the mental health of young people with care experience
in Child & Family Social Work

Hassan J
Systematic review of physical activity interventions assessing physical and mental health outcomes on patients with severe mental illness (SMI) within secure forensic settings.
in Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing

McCartan C
A scoping review of international policy responses to mental health recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic
in Health Research Policy and Systems

McCartan C
Are we starting to 'think family'? evidence from a case file audit of parents and children supported by mental health, addictions and children's services
in Child Abuse Review

McDaid S
Recent policy developments in promotion and prevention: a scoping review of national plans in Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales
in Advances in Mental Health

McFadden P
The Role of Social Work Education in Relation to Empathy and Self-Reported Resilience: Results from Entry to Exit of Social Work Education on the Island of Ireland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
in The British Journal of Social Work
Description | Using a valuable new dataset, greater understanding of the risk and protective factors for children and young people's mental health has been established in Northern Ireland and has directly contributed to informing Northern Ireland's mental health strategy and action plan. The work participatory work undertaken with young people has helped to highlight how important positive messaging is for young people and the opportunity to build on positive childhood and adolescent experiences can plan in supporting young people's mental wellbeing. The work to interpret the findings in a relevant and accessible way for young people has concentrated on the ways they can help protect their wellbeing through altruism and recognising the important role other actors outside the family can help promote better mental health. |
Exploitation Route | The ongoing evidence emerging from the prevalence study data continues to inform policy and practice. In my new role which provides research support to specialist psychological trauma services for victims and survivors of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the research evidence is helping to design and deliver services to children and young people affected by transgenerational trauma and the ongoing impact of paramilitarism on young people's lives. Additional work will focus on involving young people using the same methods and enable experts by experience to contribute to the development of services. |
Sectors | Communities and Social Services/Policy |
Description | Cochrane Common Mental Health Disorders Group/Mental Health Foundation |
Organisation | Mental Health Foundation |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | As part of a DRILL funded project I am working with the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group and the Mental Health Foundation on two new qualitative synthesis systematic reviews. |
Collaborator Contribution | I have applied for in-kind support from CCMD and part funding of my post to cover a contribution towards the production of these reviews. |
Impact | 2 protocols currently under review. Collaboration with an international multi-disciplinary team of co-authors including physiotherapy, psychology, social work, social care, participation, sports psychology, psychiatry. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Cochrane Common Mental Health Disorders Group/Mental Health Foundation |
Organisation | The Cochrane Collaboration |
Department | Depression Anxiety and Neurosis Group (CCDAN) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | As part of a DRILL funded project I am working with the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group and the Mental Health Foundation on two new qualitative synthesis systematic reviews. |
Collaborator Contribution | I have applied for in-kind support from CCMD and part funding of my post to cover a contribution towards the production of these reviews. |
Impact | 2 protocols currently under review. Collaboration with an international multi-disciplinary team of co-authors including physiotherapy, psychology, social work, social care, participation, sports psychology, psychiatry. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | Bielefeld University |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | University of Helsinki |
Country | Finland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | University of Münster |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | University of Oulu |
Country | Finland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | University of Tampere |
Country | Finland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Finland universities |
Organisation | University of Turku |
Country | Finland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was approached by a Senior Research Fellow, Dr Meri Kulmala, to endorse a funding application about participatory research with young people and host an study visit to Queen's University Belfast for Meri and a research fellow, Anna-Maija Multas. I provided a letter of support and offer to host Meri's visit to share our work on participation. |
Collaborator Contribution | We hosted a two-week visit in February and facilitated a range of meetings for Meri and Anna-Maija to inform their project work. This involved hosting a symposium at QUB which was attended by over 80 people. We have helped them to establish links with local organisations with expertise in participation and working with young people. We will continue to be involved with colleague in Finland over the course of the project and anticipate another visit in autumn 2023 once they have recruited their young researchers and hopefully will contribute to their training. |
Impact | Symposium on participatory research about the mental health of children and young people - Queen's University Belfast 24/02/23 The collaboration is multidisciplinary and includes: Computing Sciences; History, Culture & Communication; Nursing; Social Policy; Social Work; Sociology |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Mental Health Action Plan |
Organisation | Government of Northern Ireland |
Department | Department of Health |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Working closely with partners at QUB, we have been commissioned to inform the action plan of the Northern Ireland's Mental Health Strategy by undertaking a series of rapid reviews including work on crisis services, recovery, rehabilitation, personality disorder and forensic services. |
Collaborator Contribution | I have led on a number of reports for the Department of Health providing supporting evidence to contribute to the delivery of government policy. |
Impact | Multidisciplinary: psychiatry; psychology; and social work. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., McFarland, D., Browne, S., Donnelly, S.,& Hamilton, T. (2023). Psychological trauma and substance use: A rapid interventional evidence review of interventions, service design and delivery. Antrim: Regional Trauma Network & Impact Research Centre, Northern Health & Social Care Trust. Shannon, C., McCartan, C., Mulholland, C. & Davidson, G. (2023). A rapid review to inform the further development of mental health rehabilitation services in Northern Ireland. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., Shannon, C., & Davidson, G. (2022). Crisis Services Briefing Paper. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., Shannon, C., & Davidson, G. (2022). Recovery-oriented mental health services: An international scoping review. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Mental Health Action Plan |
Organisation | Queen's University Belfast |
Department | School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Working closely with partners at QUB, we have been commissioned to inform the action plan of the Northern Ireland's Mental Health Strategy by undertaking a series of rapid reviews including work on crisis services, recovery, rehabilitation, personality disorder and forensic services. |
Collaborator Contribution | I have led on a number of reports for the Department of Health providing supporting evidence to contribute to the delivery of government policy. |
Impact | Multidisciplinary: psychiatry; psychology; and social work. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., McFarland, D., Browne, S., Donnelly, S.,& Hamilton, T. (2023). Psychological trauma and substance use: A rapid interventional evidence review of interventions, service design and delivery. Antrim: Regional Trauma Network & Impact Research Centre, Northern Health & Social Care Trust. Shannon, C., McCartan, C., Mulholland, C. & Davidson, G. (2023). A rapid review to inform the further development of mental health rehabilitation services in Northern Ireland. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., Shannon, C., & Davidson, G. (2022). Crisis Services Briefing Paper. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. McCartan, C., Mulholland, C., Shannon, C., & Davidson, G. (2022). Recovery-oriented mental health services: An international scoping review. Antrim and Belfast: Impact Research Centre, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen's University Belfast. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Praxis Care service user research |
Organisation | Mental Health Foundation |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Establishment and ongoing collaboration in mental health service user research |
Collaborator Contribution | This is an ongoing collaboration working with a number of Praxis Care service users who work as co-researchers on a number of different projects including the development of a research methods training course and the delivery of funded research programme. |
Impact | Recent outputs have included: McCartan, C., Davidson, G., Bradley, L., Greer, K., Knifton, L,.& White, C. (under review). 'Lifts your spirits, lifts your mind': A co-produced mixed methods exploration of the benefits of green and blue spaces for mental wellbeing. Health Expectations. Blair, C., Best, P., Burns, P., Campbell, A., Davidson, G., Duffy, J., ... & Yap, J. (2022). 'Getting involved in research': a co-created, co-delivered and co-analysed course for those with lived experience of health and social care services. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), 1-16. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Praxis Care service user research |
Organisation | Queen's University Belfast |
Department | School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Establishment and ongoing collaboration in mental health service user research |
Collaborator Contribution | This is an ongoing collaboration working with a number of Praxis Care service users who work as co-researchers on a number of different projects including the development of a research methods training course and the delivery of funded research programme. |
Impact | Recent outputs have included: McCartan, C., Davidson, G., Bradley, L., Greer, K., Knifton, L,.& White, C. (under review). 'Lifts your spirits, lifts your mind': A co-produced mixed methods exploration of the benefits of green and blue spaces for mental wellbeing. Health Expectations. Blair, C., Best, P., Burns, P., Campbell, A., Davidson, G., Duffy, J., ... & Yap, J. (2022). 'Getting involved in research': a co-created, co-delivered and co-analysed course for those with lived experience of health and social care services. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), 1-16. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Secure care in the UK - four nation study |
Organisation | Cardiff University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Invited to be part of a four-nation collaborative examining secure care for children and young people in the UK. I am one of 4 partners in Northern Ireland contributing to the development of the work. |
Collaborator Contribution | Contribute to project planning, grant writing, publications and organising of events relating to the proposed programme of work. |
Impact | Outputs currently under review An online symposium was held on 15th March attended by over 250 people |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Secure care in the UK - four nation study |
Organisation | Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice (CYCJ) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Invited to be part of a four-nation collaborative examining secure care for children and young people in the UK. I am one of 4 partners in Northern Ireland contributing to the development of the work. |
Collaborator Contribution | Contribute to project planning, grant writing, publications and organising of events relating to the proposed programme of work. |
Impact | Outputs currently under review An online symposium was held on 15th March attended by over 250 people |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Secure care in the UK - four nation study |
Organisation | University of Edinburgh |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Invited to be part of a four-nation collaborative examining secure care for children and young people in the UK. I am one of 4 partners in Northern Ireland contributing to the development of the work. |
Collaborator Contribution | Contribute to project planning, grant writing, publications and organising of events relating to the proposed programme of work. |
Impact | Outputs currently under review An online symposium was held on 15th March attended by over 250 people |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Youth Action Altrusim Project |
Organisation | Queen's University Belfast |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Building on the analysis of the making research count project, we collaborated with Youth Action and a group of young researchers to support their own research into altruism and mental wellbeing. |
Collaborator Contribution | Have been part of the project team delivering an IDEAS fund project involving young people in developing their own research project based on the findings of our research into young people's mental health. This has included delivering training, and supporting the analysis and write up of the findings. |
Impact | Work ongoing |
Start Year | 2021 |