CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children's Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation

Lead Research Organisation: University of the West of England
Department Name: Faculty of Environment and Technology


There is emerging consensus that lack of effective climate leadership, combined with institutional inertia and confused governance mechanisms, is resulting in widespread climate indifference or extremism. Our consortium seeks to co-create new knowledge through the 'eyes and ears' of children, teachers and other supporters of learning on how they situate and make sense of their lives in relation to climate complexity and cultural shifts. Using a youth-led methodology, the Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children's Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation project (CCC-CATAPULT) aims to critically examine educational, worldview and intercultural influences on children's climate and environment-focused learning and agency at a time when 'eco-anxiety' is starting to become a defining characteristic of the climate emergency. This has ramifications for young people. Taking this as a starting point, the CCC-CATAPULT project proposes creation of a fully blended, transdisciplinary conceptual framework, synthesized using multiple knowledges, literatures, methodologies and impact pathways. The conceptual framework will be used as a balanced lens through which researchers from different disciplines and geographical contexts (case study cities) simultaneously undertake empirical research that accommodates interdisciplinary viewpoints but without any one discipline dominating, either conceptually or methodologically.

From initial consideration of these perspectives, our overarching areas of enquiry are: How do we ensure young people become 'climate literate'? And when they are, how do we ensure that literacy does not become overwhelming? Could knowledge and/or experiences of climate impacts during youth impede or nurture climate literacy? Could experiences of intercultural collaboration and dialogue nurture reduced eco-anxiety and empower young people? How do young people, teachers and other key actors who shape the learning of children understand the value-action gap in tackling the climate emergency? Could intercultural and intergenerational experiences positively or negatively influence the value-action gap? What might legitimate transformation look like to young people going through different processes of sense-making and cultural meaning formation in relation to reducing the value-action gap? To explore these areas of enquiry, our interdisciplinary consortium (with case studies in England (Bristol), Ireland (Galway), Finland (Tampere) and Italy (Genoa)) will address the following Objectives: (1) explore sense-making and existing and potentially new social norms, worldviews, possible tensions and eco-anxieties; (2) co-create a vision for transformed climate-focused education in each context; (3) deep-map insights and actions to enable transformation; (4) co-develop a methodology and toolkit to better link education and worldview knowledge with policymaking; (5) co-deliver and evaluate a set of research-informed activities inside and outside of educational settings, and (6) co-develop policy and practice-focused recommendations.

Our consortium draws together intercultural experience in engaged research into different knowledges and sense-making, understandings of citizenship and learning for resilience. Asking young people to take part directly in research will contribute to their personal development, confidence and resilience. The project will also indirectly impact parents, grandparents, peers and wider networks of educators and young people through an extensive communication and dissemination programme that embeds beneficiaries at its heart. We aspire to generate impactful research evidence across cultures on the agency of young people as active citizens, who can reduce the value-action and intergenerational learning gaps through influencing education and policy making for societal transformation in a climate-uncertain future.
Description CCC-CATAPULT is working within an ethos of co-production within a multi-method process. All partners are involved in all stages of this process. The account below indicates the data gathered that is currently being analysed and forms an update of the draft end of project report to JPI SOLSTICE (Dec 2023). The project has a six month extension to May 2024.

Youth Action Partnerships: We have active Youth Action Partnership (YAP) groups in three locations (Finland, UK, Ireland and Italy). Some young people (YP) have been actively involved longitudinally in research and capacity building throughout the project since July 2021. Challenges have involved securing diversity in membership of YAPs and on-going participation. Co-production processes have been evaluated and insights from both researchers and YP have been analysed and developed within a multi-authored journal article.

Survey of young people: This is completed and the data has been analysed statistically at basic and advanced levels. In total, 1,971 young people completed the survey across the four settings. Basic statistical analysis has been completed as a report and as animations and is being shared in different stakeholder fora. This analysis identified differences between Tampere respondents (Finland) and the other three settings. Advanced statistical analysis was not in the original programme of work but a sub-group of the research team have seized the opportunity to take the exploration of the value-action gap forward working with a statistical specialist (UWE). Survey analysis has been written up as a public-facing executive summary and is also being prepared for a Cambridge Policy Working Paper.

Focus groups with young people: The focus groups explored in further depth themes identified from survey responses: trust and intergenerational influence; understanding the value action gap and transformative futures addressing the value action gap. In total, we conducted 21 focus groups (FG) with young people (15-18 years old; five FG in Finland, Italy and Ireland, and six in the UK). Initial analysis of each FG has been completed and summary analysis sheets have produced by researcher in each of our four regions. These data have undergone cross-country analysis with Galway leading the report writing.

Interviews with teachers and supporters of learning: The interview schedule had five themes with different questions for teachers and other supporters of learning in some themes. The themes were, 1) Climate change and integration, 2) Climate change and teachers/educators, 3) Climate change knowledge and confidence, 4) Climate change and young people's experiences, 5) Climate change and the future. We have conducted 37 interviews with teachers and other supporters of learning (eight interviews in Italy, eleven in the UK, nine in Finland and Ireland). Analysis of each interview has been completed and summary analysis sheets have been produced by researcher in each of our four regions. These data have undergone cross-country analysis with Galway leading.

Narrative work with YP: UWE team developed two phase narrative process which combines elements of deep mapping and storyboarding to discuss YP's important places and where they might learn for transformation in the climate crisis. We have completed the narrative workshops (minimum 4 x 1.5-hour workshops with YP in all locations; 20 delivered) and are co-interpreting the results with our YAP groups. A public-facing executive summary has been produced and a journal article on the cross-city region narrative work is in preparation led by UWE Bristol.

Policy workshops: WP3 has delivered interactive Outcome Mapping Workshops with each of the partner cities to co-design the policy workshops. This has entailed online meetings with each city team working together on a Miro board. The outcomes from these meetings fed into a guideline document for each city to follow when setting up and delivering their workshop. The overall aim of these policy workshops is to influence key decision makers in local, regional and national educational policy. Outcomes of these workshops are four policy briefs - one for each city region. This will be accompanied by an overarching policy brief.

Final fidings from this multi-method approach will be shared in the next audit.
Exploitation Route The work will be carried forward by academic, educational and policy stakeholders in each national setting. The four policy workshops, which involve a sharing of CCC-CATAPULT's research results, have been completed in the four city-regions including Bristol. An evaluation is taking place of how resources produced by CCC-CATAPULT are being used in each city-region/national context. CCC-CATAPULT's resources are being tailored for different audiences and include educational tools, policy briefs and papers for different audiences, and are being lodged as a project resource legacy on CCC-CATAPULT's website (
Sectors Education



Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description CCC-CATAPULT is using a co-productive research process with young people so there has therefore been knowledge exchange and a sharing of findings throughout the research process with both co-producers and advisors. The research from the project is underpinning the development of a cluster of nine tools, which will be added as a resource for young people, educationalists, policy makers and researchers. Youth Action Partnerships (YAP): Development of YAP groups in each case-study setting is a key element of the project's research process. The aspiration was to work within the principles of coproduction although the young people (YP) were not involved at the funding proposal development stage. There has been the challenge to deliver in terms of engaging young people in each setting, working to ensure diversity and sustaining the involvement of the group. However, elements of the process have worked as planned or better. As a team, we have reflected on the process with the YP we have worked with. Two settings have active YAP groups (Tampere, Bristol); the other settings (Galway, Genoa) have adapted the model. The teams have blended research participation with capacity building and activities in the research process. The team has learnt that co-production brings specific challenges with YP (15-18 years old) given that they are developing as adults, have other pressures like examinations, and are moving onto new stages in their lives. A first paper on this work has been written up for different audiences, drawing learning from settings with a well developed YAP process. CATAPULT Stakeholder groups: These groups have run in different formats in the four different national settings and have different roles in different settings. Bristol's group comprises regional focusing on Bristol stakeholders, with an advisory role. There has been on-going sharing and reflection on emergent research results with this group. Both Irish and Finnish teams have national stakeholder groups that are involved in project monitoring and formal reporting to funders. These meetings have involved on-going knowledge sharing and feedback. Policymakers: CCC-CATAPULT's policy workshops brought together decision makers involved in educational policy and practice, including teachers, local government, and youth organisations. These groups are being used for a sharing back of the research outcomes and resources. International Advisory Board: Although this group is predominantly comprised of academic participants, there are members from policy whose expertise is being drawn on in developing the impact pathways for the project. Knowledge exchange with this group will continue in the latter funded stages of the project. Resources generated: The findings have been integrated into a series of resources for different audiences: writing for academic and practitioner audiences is in progress. The tool kit with nine thematic clusters of learning tools is currently being constructed and evaluated.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Education,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Centre for Sustainable Development, 15th Invitational Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We developed a piece of writing, presented during a seminar event for people working in similar areas of research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Climate CafĂ© Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Four undergraduate students and youth action partner members worked to develop and facilitate a climate café event and workshop day, which had approximately 50 attendees. A third sector organisation supported the development of the event. The event led to a new youth action partner signing up to the project, and the development of the youth climate cafe guide.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Conference Dublin 19-21st June 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Lindsey McEwen, Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori, Ilaria Gnecco, Kathy Reilly, Sabrina Sposito, and the CCC-CATAPULT team (2023) Q: How to reduce the value-action gap in the climate emergency? A: Involve young people in (re)visioning transformative climate change education European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) cConference, Dublin, 21st June 2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Geography Workshops for Schools (UWE-led) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Approximately 60 children from Swindon took part in a deep mapping climate activity, whilst attending a day at UWE focused around geography and environmental activities. The event helped us develop our deep mapping processes for our research work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description International Project Advisory Board Meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The meetings were attended by a panel of subject matter experts tp share expertise in the development of the research project from different disciplinaryand/or professional perspectives. The aims of the group and meetings are:
? To provide "a sounding board" on research processes, deliverables and issues raised by
? To offer advice on the social, political and ethical ramifications of the research method and
? To help shape the project in order to maximise its national and international impact
? To act as ambassadors for the research project in different national and international
? To provide a wider network for dissemination of key findings
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023
Description Local Stakeholder Group (Bristol) Meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The local stakeholder group meetings were set up to with the aim to:
? To share expertise in the development of the Bristol division of the CCC-CATAPULT
research project from different disciplinary and/or professional perspectives
? To provide "a sounding board" on research processes, deliverables and issues raised by the
Bristol-based members of the CCC-CATAPULT team
? To offer advice on the social, political and ethical ramifications of the research method and
outcomes both in Bristol and beyond.
? To help shape the project in order to maximise its local, national and international* impact
? To act as ambassadors for the research project in different local, national and international*
? To provide a local network for dissemination of key findings
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description Online workshop for Red Cross Climate and YOUth Summit, 16th November 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Lindsey McEwen, Rosamund Portus, Kathy Reilly, Sabrina Sposito, Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori, Anette Mansikka-aho, Bronagh Dillon, and Ilaria Grecco (2023) Using Narrative Tools: How to Explore Young People's Vision of Transformative Learning Places for Climate Change Education. Online workshop for Red Cross Climate and YOUth Summit, 16th November 2023.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Policy Workshop - Visions & Actions for Transformative Learning and Youth Climate Justice 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A range of stakeholders from environmental and youth education, policy makers, governing bodies, and researchers heard about young people's views and visions for transformative learning and intergenerational climate justice, and collectively discussed how we can support young people to develop their political climate agency. After hearing the findings from our co-developed research project, and thinking through our own visions, small groups worked to generate ideas and action plans to help make these visions a reality.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description RGS-IBG 2023 Annual International Conference (London, UK) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A the following paper was presented at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference 2023: Drawing out the Future: Engaging with deep mapping processes as educational interventions for envisioning climate futures.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Royal Geography Society Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Between 50 - 100 people attended a panel event we presented as part of. The event has led to the development of a peer reviewed paper.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description World Environmental Education Congress 2022 Conference. Exploring co-production with young people in challenging the climate crisis. Online Presentation. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This paper shared our reflections on using a co-productive approach. This is a large, international conference, that will allow us to share information about the CCC-Catapult project with researchers across the world
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description World Environmental Educational Conference 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We presented as part of a panel at the World Environmental Education Conference, as part on an online, recorded panel. The activity sparked discussions between researchers, and led to internal discussions about future projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Young Hero Awards 2022 - Community of Purpose Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A group of young people we work with as co-producers were nominated for a young hero award. This included attending two public-facing award events and celebrations, and creating media content.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022