Extending active life for older people with cognitive impairment through innovation in the visitor economy of the natural environment (ENLIVEN)

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Institute of Health Research


Getting out and about in nature is good for us. It helps us stay healthy and active, stimulates our brains, keeps us in contact with other people, and brings pleasure and joy to our lives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, spending time in the garden or watching nature from the doorstep has helped people cope and feel connected.

Older people living with cognitive impairment, and people with young-onset dementia, say that nature helps them in lots of ways. They feel more engaged, more enthusiastic, more hopeful, more resilient and better able to deal with challenges. Their family members agree that getting out and about in nature is helpful. This could be as simple as spending time in a nearby park or garden, or it could be a visit or organised outing to a special place or beauty spot that rekindles past memories.

They also say there are things that get in the way and stop them enjoying nature as much as they would like. These include lack of facilities such as seats where you can have a rest, features like awkward steps that make it hard to get around, fear of getting lost due to lack of signs, staff seeming unhelpful, or a sense that older people are unwelcome. We need to remove these barriers and change attitudes.

The places where people go to enjoy nature are usually managed by businesses, local councils, social enterprises and charities. We will call them 'providers'. Many providers want to make it easier for older people living with cognitive impairments and their families to access the places they manage, but do not know how.

There is little guidance available for providers, because the amount of research so far has been small. Providers need to know how to respond to a growing market. If people are more satisfied with their visit to a particular place, they will tell others and more people will come. This will generate new business. The provider can then add better facilities. It is important that more research is done to help make these changes. A good number of providers and other organisations are keen to work with us on this project.

Our research project will ask: What can be done to make outdoor places easier for older people living with cognitive impairment (including people with young-onset dementia) and their family members of all ages to visit?

We will do this in 4 stages.

We will involve older people (for the purposes of this project, this means older people living with cognitive impairment, including people with young-onset dementia) and their families in all of the stages. We will involve provider organisations in all of the stages as well.

Stage 1
We will invite a wide range of people, providers and other organisations to send us information. We will talk to older people about their experiences of getting out and about in nature and what would make this easier. We will talk to providers to find out what works well and what could be improved. We will learn from the research that has already been done.

Stage 2
We will work with older people and their families, and with managers and staff from provider organisations, to find ways to help people enjoy getting out and about in nature more. We will come up with a variety of ideas, to allow for different preferences and abilities.

Stage 3
We will test these ideas out. We will work with different kinds of providers in different areas to find ways of making the places they run more accessible and welcoming. We will help them make changes. We will find out how well these changes work by talking with the older people who visit and with managers and staff.

Stage 4
When we have finished we will pull together everything we have learned and share it with as many people as possible. We will work with older people and providers to develop resources such as guidelines and toolkits, and networks for sharing information. This will allow more people to use the results of our research.
Title Photography exhibition at BEAMISH Museum 
Description The innovative offering developed at BEAMISH Museum involved the co-production of a course called 'Framing it Differently: Mindful Dementia Friendly Photography Walks'. This 10 - week course provided participants with the freedom to explore their own sense of personhood and perception via the medium of photography and heritage of a rural place. To celebrate and showcase this work, the Museum hosted a photo exhibition at the end of the project attended by friends and family as well as visiting members of the public. The exhibition is now on display permanently 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact This exhibition highlighted to members of the public the continued creativity of people living with dementia. Participants pointed to the role of this initiative in sedimenting the importance of BEAMISH in the community as a 'safe place' that they feel comfortable returning to. 
URL https://www.beamish.org.uk/
Description The ENLIVEN research project realised its core objective to bring together people living with dementia and their families and supporters, with businesses in the visitor economy, to co-develop innovative dementia-inclusive nature-based provision. Its achievements, summarised here, are relevant to and cut across the business, healthcare, academic and policy sectors. First, ENLIVEN contributed to new knowledge. Building upon but also extending existing research, ENLIVEN found that getting out into nature can have a profound impact on people living with dementia and their supporters, articulating a series of interconnected benefits at an in-depth, granular level. Some of these benefits relate to impacts on mood, the cultivation of a sense of escape and enhancing social connectedness. Second, the project explored how, for businesses in the visitor economy who have access to green spaces in a range of forms, this presents considerable opportunity to develop new and enhanced offerings and provision for people living with dementia. By adopting a co-production approach - one which amplified the voices of businesses and people living with dementia - ENLIVEN was able to bring to light what people living with dementia find helpful, and like about getting into nature (examples include activities promoting connection and sensory depth of engagement), and also what gets in the way (e.g., poor signage, limited provision and misconceptions). The project also successfully identified levels of understandings of dementia amongst businesses and shed light on the organisation realities and dynamics of businesses and business ecosystems, that impede or make dementia inclusive provision possible (e.g., a networked approach, an in-house dementia champion). Theoretically, the work operationalizes the concept of transformative tourism and provides a framework for future research on the well-being elements of the visitor economy.

Equipped with this knowledge, and through assembling an innovative network of stakeholders which placed people living with dementia at the centre of the endeavour (something completely new to many of ENLIVENs' organisational stakeholders), ENLIVEN supported the co-production of eleven new innovations and nature-based offerings at sites across the breadth of the United Kingdom. ENLIVENs partner sites included both small scale and also larger visitor attractions such as the Tower of London, which receives over 2 million visitors a year. In addition, the project was also able to support three other businesses through a consultative 'light touch' approach. This process further built the knowledge base and culminated in 11 innovations serving as demonstration projects which were evaluated to identify best practice.

The ENLIVEN project continues to generate scholarly, societal and business impact. Its outputs include a comprehensive guide for businesses in the outdoor visitor economy and a 'practical tips' booklet to enhance the innovation capability of businesses by equipping them with a framework for organising a nature-based event for people living with dementia. These were presented at Tower of London, new Armouries on the 31st January 2024. Significantly, ENLIVEN has made a clear 'call for action', setting the wheels in motion for businesses to lead change with marginalised communities and publics for healthier and more equitable societies. Its innovative Knowledge Exchange Network is a particularly important achievement, demonstrating an impactful co-creation approach centring people living with dementia. The project has opened up an important interdisciplinary research agenda going forward, one which takes seriously the collective and collaborative role of businesses and marginalised communities in working together to develop greater well-being and quality of life for all.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding can be put to use by a diversity of stakeholders and parties. ENLIVEN's guide for businesses 'Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive' can be adopted by businesses and organisations interested in making their offerings more dementia inclusive. The guide, complemented by a separate 'practical tips' booklet, includes marketing and communication tips, as well as guidance on how to ensure that 'event staging' and 'event design' meets the needs of people living with dementia. ENLIVEN's site audit template (contained within the ENLIVEN report) can similarly be used by organisations to help ensure that their site is dementia-friendly and effectively meets basic 'hygiene' factors (such as having adequate signage), something that is still not yet the norm across this industry space. ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Forum has built capacity with new connections and collaborations, harnessing collective energy across sectors to support an interdisciplinary research agenda going forward. We hope that the ENLIVEN project philosophy further serves as a source of guidance and inspiration for putting people living with dementia at the heart of the research endeavours in a co-productive capacity.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism



Museums and Collections

URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/
Description The findings from ENLIVEN's Workstream 1 have been used to co-produce 11 innovative nature-based offerings at a range of visitor economy sites across the breadth of the UK. These offerings provided enhanced satisfaction and a sense of connectedness for people living with dementia, contributing to improved quality of life for our participants. Associated non-academic impacts arising from ENLIVEN include the development of a supportive framework to increase the innovation capacity of businesses seeking to develop more dementia-inclusive experiences. ENLIVENs findings are further feeding into a policy brief pointing to the imperativeness and rationale for recognising the value of (and meaningfully supporting) innovative approaches to living well with dementia in the wider community - a pressing issue given the mounting prevalence of dementia as a contemporary grand challenge. Importantly, our work has also made the case for the co-production of research with people living with dementia, with businesses in the ENLIVEN network welcoming this development. At the ENLIVEN knowledge exchange event on 31st January 2024, the outcomes and findings of the project as a whole were presented to a diverse and leading cohort of visitor economy businesses in the UK (some with annual visitor numbers of 2million), many of whom are seeking to actively embed the lessons learnt on this journey into their everyday practice going forward. These presentations were recorded and made publicly available on the NIHR Dementia Researcher website and via the ENLIVEN website. The event launched our suite of resources including the Guide and Practical Tips booklets for businesses, a policy brief aimed at the health and well-being sector, and a set of short films about nature and the lived experience of dementia. Approximately 1800 copies each of the Guide and the Practical Tips booklet have already been disseminated globally in pdf format and 500 hard copies of the initial report have been posted to key contacts. To maximise impact, we will continue to disseminate the ENLIVEN resources over the coming year through in-person events, webinars, and electronic means. The ENLIVEN website has been re-developed to host the project resources and outputs as a sustainable legacy. We have been invited to several events following the Tower of London conference to showcase the ENLIVEN project as a means to inspire other groups and organisations to become more dementia-inclusive (e.g. East Lincolnshire Alzheimer's Society in Dementia Week), and to contribute to wider social goals such as Levelling Up with Grimsby Town. At a community level, we have been invited to host a webinar with the Hertfordshire Live Longer Live Better programme that has 1100 members, connecting our work more widely at a county level. We envisage further opportunities will arise from these initial invitations. These are likely to feed into broader social and economic impacts. At a policy level, ENLIVEN has made a sustained contribution towards a major government policy objective as the Government wants the UK to become the most accessible tourism destination in Europe by 2025. The ENLIVEN work and support for its dissemination from the Cabinet Office accessibility Champions Kim Klug (Historic Royal Palaces) and Ross Calladine (Visit England) has raised the profile and interest in how businesses can take small steps towards achieving these accessibility goals. This is because action on dementia-inclusivity often has unintended consequences that make a site or business more accessible for others.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Environment,Healthcare,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Societal

Title Action plan template 
Description Action plan template designed to highlight key features of small grant scheme project plans to extend active life of older people living with cognitive impairment to facilitate innovation in the visitor economy of the natural environment. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN's action plan template has highlighted focus points for further work to progress projects aimed at improving outdoor provision for people living with dementia, their families and carers. 
Title Qualitative interview schedules (set of four) - for businesses and people living with dementia and their supporters 
Description Qualitative interview schedules designed to elicit a unique data set to support the extension of active life of older people living with cognitive impairment and their families through innovation in the visitor economy of the natural environment. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN's qualitative interview schedules have provided a window onto the intersection between cognitive impairment and innovation in the visitor economy. This is an area where there is currently a knowledge gap. 
Title Site audit template 
Description Site audit template designed to guide researchers' attention to key features of visitor attractions that are factors in the extension of active life of older people living with cognitive impairment to facilitate innovation in the visitor economy of the natural environment. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact ENLIVEN's site audit template draws attention to the site factors that impact on the experiences of people living with dementia and their families when visiting attractions and visitor economy sites with nature provision across the breadth of the UK 
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/
Title Top tips framework for businesses to increase their capacity in innovative initiatives for enhanced dementia inclusivity 
Description Top tips framework to guide businesses in the core tenets or considerations required to develop an event or initiative that meets the needs of people living with dementia and their families/supporters 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Enhanced understanding and innovation capability for businesses seeking to develop their capacity for dementia-inclusive provision 
Title Dataset - WS1 - Business qualitative interview transcripts (dementia inclusivity in the visitor economy) 
Description Workstream 1 qualitative transcripts focusing on business understandings of, practices relating to, and aspirations surrounding dementia inclusivity in the visitor economy. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN's publications, reports and co-produced innovation projects enhancing nature based provision for people living with dementia across the breadth of the UK. 
Title Dataset - WS1 - Dementia qualitative interview transcripts (dementia inclusivity and aspirations as experienced by people living with dementia and their supporters) 
Description Qualitative dataset exploring what helps, what gets in the way, and aspirations for nature based provision as experienced and desired by people living with dementia and their supporters. Includes the perspectives of advocacy and supporter organisations. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN publications, end report and policy brief emerged from the developed of this dataset. The dataset also contributed to the co-production of eleven new innovations in nature based provision that is dementia inclusive across the breadth of the UK. 
Title Dataset - WS2/3 - Pre/mid/end/post interview transcripts with businesses developing innovative dementia-inclusive nature based provision 
Description A dataset encapsulating the experiences and perspectives of businesses at various stages of their journey in co-developing innovative dementia-inclusive nature based provision. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN report for businesses supporting the innovation capacity of businesses seeking to develop their greater dementia-inclusivity in their nature based offerings. 
Title Dataset - WS2/3 - Pre/mid/end/post interview transcripts with people with dementia or supporters engaged in new business offerings 
Description Interview transcripts consisting of the perspectives and experiences of people living with their dementia and their supporters participating in the eleven new dementia inclusive offerings developed by business members of ENLIVEN's small grant scheme. Dataset includes transcripts from two focus groups. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact ENLIVEN report for businesses developing the innovation capacity of businesses interested in developing their nature-based provision to be inclusive of the needs of people living with dementia and their families 
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Active Devon
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Age UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Alzheimer's Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Beamish The Living Museum of the North
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Bishops' Palace, Wells
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Dartmoor National Park Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Devon Wildlife Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Dorset AONB Partnership
Department Stepping into Nature
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Historic England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Historic Royal Palaces
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Lost Gardens of Heligan
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation New Forest Park Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation South West Heritage Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation Strawberry Hill House Trust and Charity
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation The Donkey Sanctuary
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation The Lewy Body Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation The Sensory Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Forum 
Organisation The Sensory Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The ENLIVEN KEF replaced the COP, with participants extending beyond businesses in the visitor economy to include people living with dementia, their supporters and carers, as well as other related organisations such as those with a social prescribing focus or dementia advocacy remit.
Collaborator Contribution Partners shared their experiences and insights, providing feedback and ultimately helping to co-develop 11 innovative offerings in the visitor economy of a dementia-inclusive nature.
Impact Innovative dementia inclusive provision co-developed across 11 visitor economy sites spanning the breadth of the UK.
Start Year 2022
Description ENLIVEN Light Touch projects 
Organisation Exeter Cathedral
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Businesses and organisations within the ENLIVEN network that have not been able to take advantage of the ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme are offered smaller scale opportunities to engage with ENLIVEN. ENLIVEN set up the Light Touch project initiative to share the knowledge generated from the project so far and encourage co-production with people living with dementia and further action among a wider group of organisations and businesses. This has involved the time and expertise of our Knowledge Exchange Officers, the support of our non-Academic project partner, Innovations in Dementia, and financial support to cover the costs of site visits by people living with dementia, where this is appropriate.
Collaborator Contribution In-kind contributions of time and funding to implement plans.
Impact ENLIVENs' collaboration with Stuart Line Cruises (SLC) raised this company's awareness of a) the needs of people living with dementia and b) its understanding of how to make its service attractive for people living with dementia. This was achieved by ENLIVEN working with this company to develop its understanding of the concept of the 'visitor journey' for people living with dementia. ENLIVENs' collaboration with Exeter Cathedral involved a site audit as well as involvement of ENLIVEN's Advisory Group composed of people living with dementia and their carers. This assisted the Cathedral in thinking through accessibility as well as the visitor experience for people living with dementia at the Cathedral grounds. ENLIVENs' collaboration with the Lost Gardens of Heligan involved a user-centred approach with a member of the Advisory Group highlighting mobility challenges on site at Heligan, contributing to the development of practical proposals to better the experience for people living with dementia. This included a consideration of wayfinding, signage and interpretation.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Light Touch projects 
Organisation Lost Gardens of Heligan
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Businesses and organisations within the ENLIVEN network that have not been able to take advantage of the ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme are offered smaller scale opportunities to engage with ENLIVEN. ENLIVEN set up the Light Touch project initiative to share the knowledge generated from the project so far and encourage co-production with people living with dementia and further action among a wider group of organisations and businesses. This has involved the time and expertise of our Knowledge Exchange Officers, the support of our non-Academic project partner, Innovations in Dementia, and financial support to cover the costs of site visits by people living with dementia, where this is appropriate.
Collaborator Contribution In-kind contributions of time and funding to implement plans.
Impact ENLIVENs' collaboration with Stuart Line Cruises (SLC) raised this company's awareness of a) the needs of people living with dementia and b) its understanding of how to make its service attractive for people living with dementia. This was achieved by ENLIVEN working with this company to develop its understanding of the concept of the 'visitor journey' for people living with dementia. ENLIVENs' collaboration with Exeter Cathedral involved a site audit as well as involvement of ENLIVEN's Advisory Group composed of people living with dementia and their carers. This assisted the Cathedral in thinking through accessibility as well as the visitor experience for people living with dementia at the Cathedral grounds. ENLIVENs' collaboration with the Lost Gardens of Heligan involved a user-centred approach with a member of the Advisory Group highlighting mobility challenges on site at Heligan, contributing to the development of practical proposals to better the experience for people living with dementia. This included a consideration of wayfinding, signage and interpretation.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation Beamish The Living Museum of the North
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation Bishops' Palace, Wells
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation Dartmoor National Park Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation Historic Royal Palaces
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation National Coal Mining Museum for England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation New Forest Park Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description ENLIVEN Small Grants Scheme 
Organisation Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ENLIVEN set up the Small Grants Scheme to identify up to 20 collaborative projects in which ENLIVEN's Knowledge Exchange Officers could support the development, co-production (with people living with dementia), implementation and evaluation of small-scale, exploratory ideas for businesses and organisations to make their provision more dementia-inclusive. ENLIVEN funded and worked in a co-production capacity with each of the 11 partners listed above.
Collaborator Contribution Outline project proposals, in-kind contributions of time and funding to deliver projects
Impact Each collaboration involved a multidisciplinary team composed of specialists in dementia, health and business studies. A Knowledge Exchange Officer worked at each business site, along with the engagement of people living with dementia and their supporters. Current outputs are: Page, S., Connell, J., Price, S., Owen, S., Ledingham, K., Clare, L. (2023). 'Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences,' Journal of Travel Research. doi.org/10.1177/00472875231217735. Also published and distributed across the ENLIVEN network is the report Page, S., Connell, J., Clare, L. (2024). Using nature to make your visitor economy business dementia-inclusive. Included in this report is ENLIVENs' site audit tool, further details of which are provided under the Research Tools & Methods heading. Twelve short films were created with people with dementia at project sites Seaton tramway and Dartmoor National Park. These are available on ENLIVENs' website which hosts all key outputs and resources from the project https://enlivenproject.co.uk/resources/. Stemming from ENLIVEN's commitment to a co-production approach, ENLIVENs' research participants, particularly those living with dementia, reported feeling empowered and valued by meaningfully contributing to the research project and the innovations developed by ENLIVEN.
Start Year 2023
Description Chatathon interview participation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Two of the ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Officers were guests on the 2022 Dementia Research Charity Chatathon LIVE which was held on Friday 2nd December (a non-stop 12.5 hours livestream hosted by Adam Smith, interviewing 68 Dementia Researchers and Special Guests working across all areas of discovery to beat Alzheimer's disease and all forms of dementia). Their session was on the topic The Great Outdoors - Benefits of Nature in Dementia & Tech Help. The Chatathon was aimed at anyone with an interest in dementia (including healthcare professionals, clinicians, researchers, people living with dementia and their families).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Conference presentation - British Society of Gerontology conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation by Professor Jo Connell on 'Innovation in the Outdoor Visitor Economy: Towards inclusivity for older people living with cognitive impairment' at the British Society of Gerontology Conference 6th-8th July 2022
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description ENLIVEN Community of Practice meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact ENLIVEN's community of practice meetings have provided a space for mutual learning amongst businesses and organisations. They have also facilitated the formation of new business connections.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange Event: Harnessing nature to create dementia-inclusive visitor experiences 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This conference brought together a wide range of stakeholders to examine innovative nature-based experiences co-created by people living with dementia and visitor attractions as part of the ENLIVEN project. A knowledge sharing event it stimulated new ideas, creating new opportunities for networking and future collaboration. Video recordings of the event have been added to the National Institute for Health and Care Research website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/
Description ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange forum meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The ENLIVEN Knowledge Exchange forum involves businesses and organisations from our Community of Practice network and people living with dementia from our advisory group. It is a unique opportunity for business and organisation representatives to meet and discuss their ideas and receive feedback directly from people living with dementia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description ENLIVEN Webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The ENLIVEN webinar is intended to provide a focus on a particular issue that has emerged as significant from previous project findings and discussions with partners. In the first webinar people discussed their experiences, problems and ideas around social prescribing, and shared resources for working in this area.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/kef-webinar-connecting-with-social-prescribers/
Description ENLIVEN business/organisation meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Discussions with a diverse range of businesses and organisations to raise awareness of innovation for dementia friendly experiences and spaces in the visitor economy of the natural environment.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023
Description ENLIVEN engagement with Lewy Body Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact This was an event consisting of a short presentation to attendees about the ENLIVEN project, describing opportunities to get involved. The short presentation was followed by a wider discussion about experiences of getting out into the nature, focusing on what helps and what gets in the way.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WekTW8OnxM
Description ENLIVEN newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact ENLIVEN's newsletter is co-produced with the research team and ENLIVEN's partner organisations and businesses. It raises awareness of dementia related issues and provision, 'spotlighting' the work of our partner businesses and organisations who are at various stages of their journey in becoming dementia-friendly.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/newsletters/
Description ENLIVEN website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The ENLIVEN website raises awareness of ENLIVEN, helps others to learn more about the project and highlights opportunities to get involved. It provides businesses/industry and people living with dementia and their supporters with a suite of resources and information in a variety of format including video and pdf resources.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023,2024
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/
Description Meetings of ENLIVEN's PPI Advisory Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact ENLIVEN's Advisory Group provides persons living with dementia as well as carers/supporters an opportunity for their voices to be heard and shape strategic decision making about the future trajectory of ENLIVEN. Over the last year, the advisory group has provided insights into early project findings, proposals for collaboration and their experience of social prescribing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023
URL https://enlivenproject.co.uk/enliven-advisory-group/
Description Nature Health Network presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact An online presentation to a network of professionals interested in the role of nature in promoting health. The presentation was delivered to an audience of 42 on the topic of emerging findings of ENLIVEN's research, with the opportunity for audience members to ask questions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description PPI participation in ENLIVEN management meetings 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Participation of one person living with dementia and one carer in ENLIVEN management meetings, providing a space for PPI voices to become embedded at the heart of the ENLIVEN research project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description RHS Bridgewater invited visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact On 4th October 2021, ENLIVEN Co-Investigator Dr Carol Opdebeeck was invited to RHS Bridgewater to meet the Fabulous Forgetful Friends group. This helped to raise awareness of the project and ENLIVEN's work to make outdoor nature spaces in the visitor economy more accessible for all.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The Accessibility to coastal places for people living with Dementia workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Linda Clare gave a presentation as part of an online workshop, hosted by Dynamic Dunescapes Cymru team & Green Links Bridgend, with the aim of raising the awareness of accessibility to coastal spaces for people living with Dementia, and facilitating knowledge exchange and networking between staff from different sectors and organisations (particularly anyone working in the coastal land management sector, event planning or care & support sector).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Workshop for nursing students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation and discussion for level 3 nursing students as part of Managing complexity, holistic approaches course University of Exeter Academy of Nursing. ENLIVEN's Research Fellows summarized the project and its early findings and set up discussions to encourage students to consider how the ideas and issues raised might affect their work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022