ProSHARE: Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Practices of Sharing in Housing and Public Space

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Architectural Studies


The project aims to explore: 1) forms and conditions in which residents of socially mixed neighbourhoods share spaces and resources in housing and public space, and 2) the potential and limits of sharing for bringing diverse populations together. Partners will first exchange results on previous/ongoing research. Then, as a continuation of the StadtTeilen-project, they will conduct participative action research in different neighbourhoods across eight European cities and implement 'Practices-of-Sharing-Labs', a form of urban real-world experiments, in which to test different practices of sharing. Results will be circulated to the scientific community, stakeholders, and the general public.


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Title Digital and analogue diagrams and maps on sharing practices in urban neighbourhoods 
Description During WP1,2, 3, the UK research team has produced a number of digital and analogue diagrams and maps which detail modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. Some of these were co-produced with stakeholders in Bagneux/Paris and London. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact These diagrams and maps have been used within the international ProSHARE consortium. They have potential to be used by other researchers and organisations. 
Description Initial research objectives:
? Understand existing dynamics and practices of neighbourhood sharing and space-commoning in residential neighbourhoods across 6 European cities (Paris, London, Berlin, Kassel, Vienna, Uppsala) with a focus on Paris and London and on three categories of sharing (ie. sharing of goods, spaces and experiences)
? To understand the motivations to space-commoning and neighbourhood sharing for participants in the neighbourhoods of study.
? To identify barriers and challenges to neighbourhood sharing practices in socially diverse neighbourhoods
? To initiate co-design processes via Urban Living Labs which catalyse new sharing initiatives between local associations and groups in both Paris and London and to compare these with Urban Living Labs implemented in parallel in Berlin and Vienna.
? To create policy recommendations for local metropolitan governments and key institutional stakeholders (e.g. housing associations officers) to help support existing neighbourhood sharing practices.

Research objectives were broadly achieved through the mixed method data collection and research process. Qualitative interviews allowed a broad picture of stakeholder attitudes to space-commoning and sharing, which in the Paris case could then be compared with research findings from the Quantitative Survey. A journal article in progress will focus on these particular research findings.
? Due to limited research funding and poor local uptake the Quantitative Survey element of the research was not carried out in London. Following a wide publishing of the online survey only a handful of participants took part meaning the data was not of a large enough sample size to be considered as a research outcome. This was largely reflective of the challenges in the local neighbourhood, with low uptake without financial incentives or community payback through other means
? The creation of 'Sharing Neighbourhoods' online/open-access map - highlights key local stakeholders in both neighbourhood contexts, this has become a valuable resource for further research and used by local project stakeholders as well.
? Importantly research findings have been taken forward by local community partners/stakeholders in different ways; In London through a renewed sense of collaboration between participants of the co-design labs. In Paris for the formalisation of further funding applications at a regional level (e.g a new JPI Urban Europe Project in which ProSHARE partners were involved, notably in France). A strong outcome from the Paris and London research has been the strong community uptake.
? One weakness of the ProSHARE research is the limited extent to which the findings have been disseminated to policy makers, planning officers and decision makers in metropolitan and regional governments. Due to limited resources, little budget and time allocated to disseminating the findings in appropriate forums, this would ideally be completed with a follow up piece of research which targets policy influence.
? Across both Paris and London research teams, we've developed a shared co-design methodology for catalyst sharing projects, basing the workshops around community needs and offers, which is a successful method of community involvement and participation for future research projects. We are currently working on a research article on the comparative findings around the application of this methodology in Paris and London.
Exploitation Route Some of our team partners (AAA in France) which were successful with JPI funding on civic resilience, continue the work started in ProSHARE, in which we are acting as consultants. It is planned to contribute to further research outputs underpinned by this research process continuation.

The 'Sharing Neighbourhoods' map continues to evolve with new contributions and will be integrated in some of the stakeholders websites (notably AAA and Mairie de Bagneux).
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Democracy and Justice


Description Civic impact: ? Poplar Sharing Solidarity Network: Established through the research co-design labs was the formation of a local network of community-led associations and groups who continue to collaborate beyond the research period. Increased collaboration between partners has led to greater sharing of resources between groups, Examples of this include; Space-sharing (one local association now rents-in-king from lead research partner), Sharing of goods e.g. lending gardening tools and equipment between local associations and sharing of knowledge e.g. the partner association offering free workshops for other associations in gardening, green skills and composting. ? Eight organisations across Bagneux (AAA, Agrocite, La Preuve par Sept, Le Lycee avant le Lycee, Bagneux Environment, PPCM, Sourouss, Apprentissages) who met in the ProSHARE Living Lab continue to collaborate as part of a new JPI Urban Europe project and continue to hold the living lab activity. They continue the process of mapping and co-design, with the goal of establishing civic networks for resilience and ecological transition. Public sector impact: ? The City of Bagneux promotes policy and action around the initiative 'Bagneux, terreau europeen de l'ecologie citoyenne', involving the municipal team and 6 local organisations, as an outcome of the ProSHARE lab co-design sessions. The stakeholders around this action continue to mobilise more and more participants in one year long action across the city and its region, which promotes civic collaboration and sharing. ? Presented research findings (qualitative interview findings, mappings and co-design lab outcomes) to key local stakeholder; Poplar HARCA Accents team. The accents team have a specific remit around socio-environmental regeneration for the housing association and manage 1000s of homes locally. Difficult to quantify impact within the team, but continued collaboration between community research partner and the accents team and other local associations and stakeholders who participated. ? Continued comparative research between Paris and London: The ProSHARE research allowed for the first time to compare two R-Urban hubs in detail in Paris and London (previous evaluation research had focussed on Paris only). This has continued beyond the scope of the ProSHARE research with new comparative journal articles being written comparing the role of design as intermediary in space-commoning and neighbourhood sharing, currently in draft development.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Creative Economy,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice,Other
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description Policy influence via invited Chaire at BSI CityDev Brussels
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The lectures recordings have been published and distributed by CityDev to inform their regeneration development policy in Brussels.
Description ProSHARE cartographic tool used in further research and practice
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description knowledge co-production via workshops
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title ProSHARE-Labs methodology 
Description The UK team has been leading on the WP3 and its ProSHARE-Labs. The methodology applied in this WP draws upon the concept of 'Urban Living Labs (ULL)' that have been set as testing grounds for innovation and transformation in real-world environments in different four European cities: Paris/Bagneux, London, Berlin, and Vienna. The already existing transdisciplinary networks and initiatives linked to the consortium partners such as R-Urban in Paris and London or Kiezanker 36 in Berlin, and Garage Grande/ Gebietsbetreuung in Vienna, have served as basis for applied research, to ensure the situatedness of the knowledge (co)produced in the Labs. All labs have sought to engage stakeholders, migrant, and non-migrant communities to co-test different forms of sharing via the use of physical and virtual, intranet-based platforms. As part of the ProSHARE labs methodology, we have used three main approaches: a quantitative survey, to generate knowledge about inhabitant's perceptions of the potential of existing resources and infrastructures to support sharing practices, and to define relevant research categories requiring further exploration; qualitative interviews with relevant stakeholders, to better understand sharing processes and issues at stake within specific areas of influence; and mapping, to draw a situated inventory of existing resources and actors in order to foster new synergies and collaborations between Lab participants. In addition, drawing on a research methodology between a user's centred and participatory design, self-assessment, co-design and prototyping workshops have been planned to bring together diverse groups of actors interested in testing the possibilities of sharing spaces and negotiate new 'sharing and commoning agreements'. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The methodology has been applied within 4 international research teams. 
Title Open Digital map on Sharing Neighbourhoods 
Description The UK team has put together an open digital map recording organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar: Through a process of mapping both projects documented and recorded the spaces of sharing which exist in the two neighbourhoods of study; Poplar, London and Bagneux in Paris. This open mapping process is hosted via gogocarto platform. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Open database on places and practices of sharing in neighbourhoods (for instant in Bagneux FR and Poplar UK) to be used by the general public. The database has been used and continued to grow during the CoNECT (Collective Networks for Everyday Community Resilience and Ecological Transition) JPI Urban Europe project ( 2022-25) by the French team ( Atelier d'Architecture A. utogéree and Chaire EFF&T) 
Description CoNECT (Collective Networks for Everyday Community Resilience and Ecological Transition 
Organisation Atelier d'architecture autogérée
Country France 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I have collaborated with atelier d'architecture autogérée, as part of CONECt France team .
Collaborator Contribution CoNECT (Collective Networks for Everyday Community Resilience and Ecological Transition is a European research project that aims to study and catalyze collective action networks in six EU countries: Sweden, Romania, Norway, Spain, the Netherlands and France. Underlining the importance of community resilience, CoNECT aims to encourage collaboration between citizens, researchers and municipalities in the partner countries, in order to stimulate the organizing capacity of communities by recognizing, mapping, connecting and strengthening everyday practices of collective resilience. The project attends to the needs of cities and neighbourhood communities and aims to increase capacity for local processes of ecological transition grounded in urban liveability, justice, inclusivity and active community engagement in several European contexts: Bucharest, Sibiu, Paris St Denis and Bagneux, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Oslo, Seville, Eindhoven, and Rotterdam. The role of practitioners is emphasised as initiators, mediators or leaders of multistakeholder collaborative networks.
Impact The collaboration is in progress and a number of journal articles are planned.
Start Year 2023
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation Atelier d'architecture autogérée
Country France 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation Public Works Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation Royal Institute of Technology
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Berlin)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation University of Kassel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation Uppsala University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE Consortium : University of Kassel (UoK), Department of Urban Sociology, University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (HTW Berlin) KTH School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Uppsala University, School of Architecture, the University of Sheffield (TUoS) and Vienna University of Technology Institute of Spatial Planning (TU Wien). In addition the UK team particularly collaborates with TU Delft and Atelier d'Architectur 
Organisation Vienna University of Technology
Country Austria 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The UK team has contributed to all Work Packages as follows: WP1 Common Ground Uk team has provided documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] WP2 Transnational research Our team has contributed to the shaping, adjustment and translation of the initial layout proposed by the WP2 lead in M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations in French and English were finalised in M7-9 [ Sept-November 2021]. The transnational survey has been conducted in London and Paris/Bagneux in Dec 2021-Jan 2022 ( M10-M11). Results are collected by the WP lead and will be processed and submitted in M17/18. The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. The UK team has conducted 10 interviews with stakeholders in each location (Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar (M10-M12). The UK team has used and adjusted the interview guidelines provided by the WPLead. The coding and analysis of the interviws will take place M 12-13, with and end of data analysis across the consortium planned for M16 [July 2022]. WP3 ProSHARE-labs Our UK team is leading this WP. Our team sets up two ProSHARE labs : in Bagneux/Paris and London Poplar set up M3 [Jun.2022]. We have organised 2 online theoretical workshops across the consortium (one on mapping with partner TUDelft and another on ULL methodology) to establish ProSHARE-Labs methods [M8, M10]. Also, different workshops have been developed within the Labs: In Paris (Bagneux) 3 workshops were conducted in Feb-Mar 2022 and in London 2 workshops in March 2022. All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article on the work conducted in the proSHARE labs, which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] together with eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach UK team contributed to the ProSHARE Website [M3] and developed other online communication (webpages and social media). We are co-authors of the article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, already submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22] and of a second article based on the AESOP abstract (accepted) which is planned to be submitted in M17/M18. WP5 Project management We have attended all management meetings (online until the present) coordinated by the project leader (UoK). We contribute to the writing of the transnational Report to be submitted in M12/M13 [April 22]
Collaborator Contribution Accomplished work (only until M12, March 2022) (goals, preliminary results, and milestones) WP1 Common Ground (led by KTH) d.1.1 Documentation of Sharing knowledge & Practices [M4] d.1.1. is being developed in parallel to other WPs. A current draft of d.1.1. being developed (led by KTH) and collaboratively elaborated by the partners. m.1 Joint Workshop in Berlin [M2] All presential workshops were shifted digital in the first year of the project. The first presential meeting will take place from 31st March to 02nd of April in Vienna [M12] Other work accomplished in the reporting period in this WP Under WP1, four internal workshops were conducted among the partners to exchange and jointly discuss previous experiences in other projects relevant to ProSHARE. WP2 Transnational research (led by HTW Berlin) d.2.1 Report: Analysis of the transnational research [M12] The transnational survey has been developed in four countries, in seven European cities. Given the accumulated delay in the process d.2.1 is planned to be submitted in M17/18. m.2. Final layout of survey [M3] The online preliminary layout of the German survey was finalised in M4 [July 2021]. Additional documents (e.g., cover letters, flyers, postcards) and translations into 7 languages were finalised in M5 [Aug.2022]. The survey was then adjusted to the other countries/cities specificities between M6 and M9 [Sept. and Nov. 2022]. m.4 End of data collection / Survey - Platform 01 (P01) [M6] The closing of the collection of Data in P01 (random sample) differs slightly between the different countries. In Germany data collection in P01, was ended in M11 [Feb.2022]; in UK, France, and Vienna in M12 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden it will be finalised in M13 [Apr.2022] m.5. End of data collection / Survey - Platform 02 - via stakeholders [M9] The closing of the collection of Data in Platform 02 (via stakeholders and paper/pen, and face to face interviews) differs slightly between the different countries as per the response rates obtained in P01 and the resources available. In UK data collection in P02 was finalised in M11 [Feb.2022]. In Germany, France, and Vienna data collection in P02, will be ended in M12 [April.2022]; in UK and France, and Vienna in M11 [Mar.2022]. in Sweden the response rate was higher than in other countries ( last estimation ranged 14%) therefore no surveys will be distributed via stakeholders. m.6. End of qualitative appraisal [M9] The qualitative appraisal has run parallel to the survey. But given the modification of the timeline of the project to adjust to the resources available in the pandemic situation, the end of qualitative appraisal is scheduled in M12 [Mar.2022] before the meeting in Vienna m.8. End of Analysis [M12] The end of data analysis has been postponed to M16 [July 2022] Other work accomplished The WP lead has shared the interview guidelines conducted within the framework of the StadtTeilen project to facilitate the qualitative appraisal of data in ProSHARE. WP3 ProSHARE-labs (led by TUoS) m.3 Launch of four Pro-SHARE-Labs [M3] Four ULLs were launched in Berlin, Paris (Bagneux), London and Vienna, M3 [Jun.2022]. m.7 ProSHARE-Labs Workshop(s) [M9] Different workshops have been developed in the Labs. In Paris (Bagneux) workshops were conducted in [Feb-Mar 2022]; in Berlin: (Sept21 to Ma 2022); in London (March); in Vienna Phase 1 of the ULLs [Sept. 21 to Mar.22] included a Kick Off with participatory exhibition and Open day "Grätzl-Picknick" . All these included discussion rounds, and semi-structured interview sessions (WP2). Other work accomplished Doina Petrescu (lead of WP3) coordinated the writing process of an article which was submitted for review to the open access journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. Eight members of ProSHARE collaborated as co-authors. The article offers a cross-case analysis of the four developed ULLs and reflects on the spatial knowledge they generate and how they can potentially lead to social innovations and more resilient urban transformations. WP4 Dissemination and Outreach (led by TU Wienn) d.4.1. ProSHARE Website [M3] The ProSHARE website was developed within the StadtTeilen Website as planned [M3] d.4.2. Presentation at international and national conferences [M10] An abstract with the title: Governing Sharing Practices: The Role of Planning in the Co-production and Collaborative Use of Urban Resources was submitted for a presentation in the AESOP conference in the AESOP Annual Congress - 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia. Additionally, an abstract with the title: Scrutinizing the trend towards sharing in European cities: between (re)production and combating of socio-spatial inequalities has been submitted for organizing a panel in the V ESA RN37 Midterm conference, Berlin, 5th-7th October 2022. d.4.3. Articles (Submission) [M6 & M12] The article: Sharing and Space-commoning Knowledge through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities, was submitted to the journal Urban Planning in M11 [Feb.22]. A second article based on the AESOP abstract is planned to be submitted in M17/M18 - Other work accomplished The Vienna team (lead of the WP4) has developed a DOS and the corporate design of the ProSHARE team (which includes templates for deliveries, ppt, flyers). WP 5 Project management (Led by UoK) d.5.2. Quality Management, Action and Risks and Contingency Plans [M2] d.5.2. was not developed in the initial phase of the project. Instead, the detailed consortium agreement and research proposal guided the start of the Project while the d.5.2 (finalised in M12 [Mar.22]) collects all the adjustments in the timeline and action plan agreed during the previous months by the partners. d.5.3. Transnational Report Submitted in M12/M13 [April 22] - Other work accomplished The Kassel team (lead of WP5) organised regular consortium meetings, developed the minutes of these meetings and coordinated the communication and exchange between teams per mail and with a Cloud project folder (Hessen Box) in which documents can collaboratively be edited.
Impact Database: open digital map on organisations promoting practices of sharing in Paris/Bagneux and London Poplar Engagement: 3 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Bagneux 2 participatory workshops in the ProShare Lab Poplar London Social media communication _ Twitter and Facebook: Web pages publications on the partner and stakeholders websites A community of practice around existing and future local projects promoting sharing practices around the two R-Urban hubs in Bagneux (10 organisations) and London Poplar (12 organisations) A flyer (2000+2000 copies) distributed in Bagneux and London Poplar Methods : ProSHARE-Labs (as original forms of Urban Living Labs) in Bagneux and London Poplar Artistic Products : digital and analogue diagrams and maps - which go into detail with modes of occupation, ownership, and use, aiming to reveal both assets and obstacles to sharing. These are co-produced with stakeholders.
Start Year 2021
Description ProSHARE survey flyers 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Distribution of printed flyers (n=2000) in Bagneux and respectively in Poplar London to advertise the project activities and incite residents to participate in the ProSHARE online survey (WP2).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Workshops to Set up 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On 16th - 18th of September 2022, the "European Heritage Days" event was held, with the theme of sustainable heritage. As part of this event, the "Plus Petit Cirque du Monde", "la Preuve par 7", the City of Bagneux, the City of Sceaux, the Metropolis of Greater Paris, CAUE92, Bagneux Environnement, the "Théâtre Les Gémeaux", aaa and the Agrocité of Bagneux (all actors and/or stakeholders of CONECT) organized the "Grand Voyage de(s) Proximité(s)" to discover the architectural and ecological heritage of the cities of Sceaux and Bagneux. At this event, R-Urban and its two units in Bagneux - Agrocité and Recyclab - were presented as winners in the "reconnecting with nature" category of the New European Bauhaus 2022 prize, one of the most prestigious prizes in contemporary architecture. The award recognizes projects that embody the spirit of the New European Bauhaus: beautiful, sustainable and inclusive. It is a great recognition for this collective work initiated by aaa on civil resilience and ecological transition in the city.
The evening was an opportunity to celebrate the award with 60 local actors, present upcoming projects to elected officials and residents , and to launch the city wide action "Bagneux, terreau européen de l'écologie citoyenne'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Workshops within the ProShare labs in Paris and London (WP3) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Three workshops hold at Agrocite R-Urban hub, (5 Feb, 18 Feb, 11 March) with local stakeholders from Bagneux area on sharing practices. During these workshops representatives of 9 local organisations and the municipal council have worked on identifying resources and needs for sharing (mapping and discussions), have co-designed actions to answer some of these needs, and have prototyped 3 of these actions.

Two workshops have been held at R-Urban Poplar, in London (4 March, 8 March) with a third workshop planned for late March. These workshops have invited stakeholders and actors from 12 local organisations to work on mapping sharing practices and networks in Poplar and to identify potential collaborations between these invited groups. The third and final workshop will develop a co-design process for potential sharing projects which emerged through the previous workshops.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022