The survival of the mass party: Evaluating activism and participation among populist radical right parties (PRRPs) in Europe.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: POLSIS


It is often claimed that political parties in Europe are losing their traditional function of bridging the gap between citizens and the political elites. Whereas the 20th century saw the rise of political parties characterised by large memberships organised in local branches, it is now widely assumed that the era of the 'mass parties' is over. In a well-known article, for instance, Katz and Mair (1995) argued that political parties are converging towards a new organisational model: the 'cartel party'. In essence, this model entails that parties become increasingly intertwined with the state, whilst ties with their grass-root membership, or what is left of it, weaken. Parties, in other words, become actors of the state rather than society.

We argue, however, that it may be too soon to speak of the end of the mass party. Particularly among certain parties challenging the traditional political establishment (or 'cartel'), this party model is ostensibly still popular. In our study we focus in particular on parties of the populist radical right (PRR), which currently pose the most serious electoral threat to mainstream parties and which, despite several prominent exceptions, have also been shown to often adopt mass organisations and create communities of loyal partisans activists (Heinisch and Mazzoleni, 2016). PRR parties, then, do not only pose a challenge to established politics, but also to the theory that the age of mass parties is over.

In our research we aim to understand why the mass party is still a popular model among the PRR, from the perspective of both the party members and party elites. On the one hand, we seek to understand why different groups of people become activists of these parties and what different typologies of party activists contribute to their parties. On the other, we want to understand why the leaderships of populist parties go against the 'tide of disengagement' characterising their competitors: what are, in their eyes, the advantages of adopting rooted models of party organisation. Crucially, answering these questions will allow us to build a more nuanced conceptual framework for assessing differential party development; rather than converging around a similar model of organisation, political parties are likely to organise their party in a way that best suits their aims and ideology.

We take a comparative case study approach, and investigate the 'life of the party' within four seasoned PRR parties which are well established within their party systems: the Italian Northern League, the Flemish Interest in Belgium, The Finns Party in Finland, and the Swiss People's Party. To map the parties' formal and informal organisational structures, and shed light on party members' and elites' motivations, our study combines a variety of methods: it involves a study of secondary and party literature, an original survey conducted among party members, life-history interviews with party activists, and semi-structured elite interviews with party representatives and executives. We have received confirmation from the parties that they are willing to participate in the research.

Our research, first of all, benefits the academic community: there is still a serious gap in our knowledge of how party organisations operate, in particular regarding the role of members and activists (Gauja and Van Haute, 2015). By advancing our knowledge of what happens inside PRRPs, we seek to address the serious shortage of comparative party research on this topic. The project will also have benefits beyond academia, as we will listen to the activists of populist parties themselves, and capture in detail the individual, cultural, social and organisational drivers of populist sentiment at a highly critical juncture in the life of the EU. Our findings thus have implications not only for political parties more generally, but also for organisations interested in the quality of Western democracy.

Planned Impact

Beyond generating knowledge about PRRP organisations, our research findings have important implications for discussions surrounding political participation and party organisation at large, and are relevant to a variety of stakeholders. The project significantly contributes to understanding causes of the widespread perception of a 'democratic deficit' affecting both national and EU institutions, by listening to the activists of populist radical right parties themselves, mapping their motivations and convictions, and understanding how PRRPs work. Beneficiaries of the research can be grouped into the following categories (see "Pathways to Impact" for a list of specific organisations that will be targeted):

1) Policy makers, including ministries, branches of government and EU institutions. These organisations follow the rise of PRRPs often out of concern for the legitimacy of contemporary democratic systems, and some of them are in a position to design policies countering citizen disengagement.
2) Institutions responsible for the management, communication and promotion of the European Union's image at national levels. PRRPs are arguably the most vehement and electorally successful opponents of the EU, and their Eurosceptic arguments resonate with a considerable share of European citizens, also affecting the rhetoric and policy positions of mainstream parties across the continent. If the EU is to improve its democratic legitimacy - which seems imperative - it needs to understand what drives the discontent of PRRP supporters.
3) Think-tanks and NGOs, as well as organisations facilitating debate and the exchange of information among policy makers and diplomats at the highest levels, or running capacity building programmes, as these have a particular interest in the quality of democracy and civil society.
4) Media organisations, as they report on the successes and setbacks of PRRPs across Europe, but often lack the time and means to explore the motivations of PRRP activists in any depth, as well as whatever makes PRRPs' organisations effective.
5) The informed observer of political events (i.e. citizens/voters).

To reach these stakeholders the project team utilises Knowledge Exchange opportunities (relying in particular on the expertise of CI Lucas), as well as traditional impact generation activities, including reports and briefs, the organisation of workshops and the deployment of an already high profile website. These activities aim to increase understanding of the following areas:

- The causes of the widespread perception of a "democratic deficit" affecting both national and EU institutions - thereby capturing the political, social and cultural drivers of populist sentiment (and ressentiment) at a highly critical juncture in the life of the EU.
- Linked to the above, the motivations of people who engage in political activities, by asking what draws them to different kinds of activism, including within PRRPs.
- The workings of party organisations, by identifying and exploring the advantage accrued by a selection of PRRPs as they commit themselves to maintaining costly and complex mass organisations. This knowledge will help challenge the assumption that the strength of PRRPs in Europe is due merely to "charismatic leadership" and allow us to draw lessons that can be applied to party organisations more generally.
- The nature and features of political participation in post-industrial societies, including the survival of more "traditional" means of participation, alongside new ones made possible by new technologies.

The project's findings will be relevant for, and factored into the work of, the different categories of beneficiaries and stakeholders listed above. They have the potential to beneficially influence the further evolution of policies aimed at fostering political participation.


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Description Key findings

Our project has generated important new theoretical as well as empirical insights by opening the black box of populist radical right party (PRRP) organisations. To be able to do so, we have gained unique access to four well-established PRRPs. Our research project generated extensive new data from over 225 interviews with party representatives and grassroots members, as well as in-depth analysis of party documentation, including statutes, which reveal why the 'mass party' is still a popular model among PRRPs, from the perspective of both party elites and ordinary members.

We show how legitimacy, electoral success, and organisational survival are key motivations of PRRP party elites to invest in complex mass organisations and create communities of loyal partisan activists. What became also clear from our assessment of the formal and informal structures of the parties' organisations was that the selected parties offer 'participation without power' to their members: decision-making authority within these parties is heavily concentrated in the hands of a small group of party leaders and executives. Yet from our interviews with grassroots activists, it became clear that ordinary members did not generally desire having their hands on the levers of intra-party power. Activists were typically motivated by the companionship they found in the close-knit party community (often referred to as "family"), as well as ideological ("purposive") incentives, and identified with and trusted their leaders to make decisions on their behalf.

Altogether, we have shed light on what goes on inside parties that have been central to contemporary academic and public debate, but whose organisations have rarely been investigated. While the rise of PRRPs is often justifiably considered as a threat to liberal values or even democracy, our study has shown that several of these parties have 'kept alive' a model of party organisation characterised by social rootedness and lively member communities. Our findings illustrate the ideological aspects behind organisational choices. For PRRPs in particular, it is important to signal societal rootedness and "closeness to the people" in order to avoid an extremist stigma. As a broader theoretical contribution, our findings challenge the idea that there is a one-way teleological movement towards more lean, electoral-professional kinds of party organisation.

Meeting the set objectives

Our research project had two primary objectives: a) to understand why PRRPs adopted the mass party model from the perspective of both the party members and party elites and b) to define a nuanced conceptual framework for assessing differential party development. As described above, our empirical research has provided us with rich and ample data improving our understanding of PRRP mass parties, allowing us to reflect on wider theories of political participation, party development and party organisation.

The Covid-19 crisis caused logistical challenges as well as delays in our data-gathering activities. We therefore decided to refrain from conducting the proposed party member survey. Our remaining data analysis of original party documents and interviews nevertheless allow us to answer all our individual research questions and thus to meet our objectives. Our results have already been disseminated in several academic outlets, and more publications (including a monograph for Oxford University Press) are currently being prepared. In addition, the project leaders have brought together a team of country experts for a Thematic Issue on right-wing populist party organisations across 12 European countries (in Politics and Governance, Vol.9 No. 4), broadening the scope of research beyond the four selected parties and contributing to the building of new research networks.
Exploitation Route While our findings pertain to the organisations of PRRPs in particular, they have wider implications for theories about the direction in which political parties evolve. Our project is likely to incentivise other scholars of party organisation to revisit the claim that modern parties show a tendency to move away from social rootedness and organisational complexity. Ultimately, the project has contributed to the wider research agenda and potential new research questions regarding the role of party organisations as part of representative democracy in the 21st century, and how traditional party organisation and new digital activism intertwine. We also hope to have inspired other researchers to see party organisations and their members as important resources for original research, given that there is still a serious gap in our knowledge about how party organisations operate, in particular regarding the role of members and activists.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections


Description The principal impact flowing from this body of research so far has been the improvement of public understanding of the populist radical right: a) by influencing how journalists around the world, and their international audiences, have interpreted its success in Europe and its characteristics; b) by shaping how a series of organisations, including policy makers, think tanks and NGOs make sense of populist radical right parties, and specifically their ideologies and party organisations. Our work has contributed to growing debates within the public sphere about the resilience and continuing success of the populist radical right in Europe during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Our findings have been used by many journalists to inform their writing on populist parties in Europe and, more specifically, political developments in the four countries we have studied: Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Finland. Working with media organisations, the team has shaped public understanding of contemporary European populism through citations in media reports, including those reaching policymakers. The PI is a prolific media commentator who has been relied upon as a source of expertise by journalists/media practitioners on the findings of this research, and has established a sustained relationship with prominent organisations. Since the research started in July 2019, the PI has given 51 interviews to the international media drawing on the research, including with the BBC, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Financial Times, Sky News, Reuters, and the Independent. Between July 2019 and February 2023, the research team as a whole (including the Co-I Van Kessel and four research fellows) gave a total of 189 interviews to the media, drawing on the research findings. The impact of our research has been boosted further through a series of Project Briefs disseminated to individuals and organisations --- initially 117, rising to 230 near the end of the project --- who signed up for receipt. The recipients can be divided into the following categories: a) journalists (all British national media organisations, plus international outlets such as AlJazeera, Washington Post, Reuters, Deutsche Welle; b) UK MPs and European MEPs; c) researchers for international think-tanks and NGOs, such as Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Demos, Wilton Park, Counterpoint, Chatham House. Impact was further boosted by the organisation of a series of webinars that illustrated the content of the Briefs and advertised the findings of the research. We discussed our research in a series of online interviews, which typically attracted several hundreds of viewers on YouTube via channel @EAWorldView). Our activities online enabled us to bring our findings into public debates about the populist right. These activities included: a) a project website hosted by the University of Birmingham (; b) a series of articles concerning developments affecting the subjects of our research. Since the start of the project the principal investigator and other members of the research team have written 49 articles analysing the politics of the four countries covered by the project, as well as populism in Europe more generally. These were published by: a) the project's website; b) academic sites such as The Conversation, LSE blog, The UK in a Changing Europe, ECPR's Political Science Blog - The Loop, and the Centre for Constitutional Change; and c) newspapers such as the Italian Domani. We set up project Twitter and Facebook accounts to maximise the dissemination and reach of the items published on the website and keep followers updated about our research. As of 15 February 2023, the project's Twitter account ( has 1,979 followers and the Facebook account has 401 ( In summary, the research team has had a significant impact on public debates concerning the populist radical right in Europe through extensive quotation by prominent media organisations; webinars; articles for the project's site and for other outlets; and posts and discussions on social media.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Education,Government, Democracy and Justice,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections,Other
Impact Types Cultural


Description Collaboration with University of Surrey 
Organisation University of Surrey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution There was no change in the input provided by me and my team (see following answer).
Collaborator Contribution The University of Surrey was added as a collaborator as the PI Daniele Albertazzi was employed by them as Professor of Politics from 1 Sept 2021, and left the University of Birmingham. Hence the University of Surrey became the lead institution in this project and took over responsibility for: managing the budget, providing intellectual leadership to the team, guaranteeing the ethical conduct of the research and producing the deliverables.
Impact The collaboration allowed the research to continue despite the PI having moved institution.
Start Year 2021
Description Partnership between University of Birmingham and Queen Mary University of London 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Department School of Politics and International Relations
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This research project was always envisaged as a collaboration between the two institutions. While the PI and one of the Co-I are based in Birmingham, a second Co-I (Stijn Van Kessel) is based at Queen Mary (London).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Stijn van Kessel has been fully involved with all research and dissemination/impact activities. As an expert in populist parties throughout Europe (ideology, discourse, voters, electoral performance) he has played a key role in: completing the preliminary research before the research fellows started their fieldwork; contributing to finalising what aspects of party organisation needed investigating; contributing to the analysis of the collected data, feeding into the production of the outputs listed elsewhere.
Impact All items listed elsewhere on the form are a product of this collaboration. The project - as approved by ESRC - was always going to be run in collaboration between the two institutions.
Start Year 2019
Description 2 project briefs sent out to NGOs, government officials, MPs, Think-tanks and the media 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A project brief describing the objectives of the research was sent out in 2019 to 117 individuals and/or organisations, which can be divided into the following categories: a) journalists (all British national media organisations, plus international ones such as AlJazeera, Washington Post, Reuters, Deutsche Welle; b) UK MPs and European MEPs; c) Researchers for international think-tanks and NGOs, such as Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Demos, Wilton Park, Counterpoint, Chatham House. They were invited to sign up to a distribution list so as to receive further briefs, updates and invitations to our forthcoming impact events, and 46 of them did so.

In September 2020 (after the first report was submitted to ESRC) a second project brief focusing on the first findings of the research was sent out to 175 individuals and/or organisations, which also fall into the categories described above. Thanks to the webinars organised by the team to disseminate our research (see elsewhere on this form) we have been able to reach even more individuals working in these fields, hence we now hold contact details for 230 people/organisations who wish to receive news from the project. All of them have now been sent the two briefs mentioned above, and will receive our forthcoming "Brief 3".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Engagement with media 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The PI gave eleven interviews to the international media before the first report was submitted to ESRC (including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Skynews and the Independent), drawing on the results of the research to comment on political developments in the countries under investigation.

From March 2020 onwards (that is, after submission of the first report to ESRC), the PI gave a further 12 interviews with the international media (including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Politico-eu and Euronews). He continued to draw on the results of the research to comment on politics in various European countries.
Moreover, in the same period, other members of the research team were interviewed a further 14 times by the international media (including Yle 1 TV, News 24, Euronews). Research fellows drew on the results of their research to comment on politics in the European countries they study.

In February 2022, the research team has given a total of 149 interviews to the international media on populism in Europe. These include interviews with high profile organisations, such as the BBC, the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Reuters and Sky News.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2021,2022
Description One of the research fellows (Favero) gave guest lectures and public presentations on right wing populist party organisations and the mainstreaming of their ideologies at various locations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact One of our research fellows, Adrian Favero, gave guest lectures and public presentations on right wing populist party organisations and the mainstreaming of their ideologies by drawing on the ESRC-funded research. The talks took place at the following Universities: KU Leuven, Belgium; WZB Berlin; the University of Groningen, NL. This sparked questions and discussion afterwards between the speakers and members of the audience, feeding into the teaching at these institutions in related subject areas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Project website, Twitter and Facebook accounts set up 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We set up a website that provides: 1. Information about the project and the research team; 2. Information about planned academic and impact activities; 3. Blog articles written by team members concerning developments affecting the selected parties being studied, based on our original research.

We also set up Twitter and Facebook accounts to maximise the dissemination and reach of the items published on the website and keep followers updated about our research. As of 3 March 2021, the Twitter account has 1,454 followers and the Facebook account has 296.

Since the start of the project the principal investigator and other members of the research team have written 44 articles commenting on recent developments in the politics of the 4 countries covered by the project: Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Finland, as well as populism in Europe. They were written for: a) the project's own website (; b) academic blogs, such as: The Conversation, LSE blog, The UK in a Changing Europe, the Centre for Constitutional Change; c) newspapers, such as the Italian Domani. When the original articles appeared somewhere other than the project website, they were always republished by the latter to reach our followers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022
Description Public lectures about the research project 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Around 100 people overall (postgraduate students, undergraduate students and academics) attended three separate events at which the PI was invited to speak about topics related to the current research project:

29 October 2019. Invited Panellist for 'Europe in Question roundtable: Democratic Backsliding in Europe', University of Warwick, Department of Politics and International Studies.

9 December 2019. Jean Monnet lecture on "'No Regionalism Please, We are Leghisti!' The Transformation of the Italian Lega Nord Under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini" for the programme "Challenges to European Integration: Multidisciplinary Perspectives" at Oxford Brookes University,

12 February 2020. Presentation of "The Survival of the Mass Party" project at the London School of Economics. Event organised and funded by the Anti-Politics Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association.

The events generated lively debate among attendees about populism in Europe, and stimulated increased interest in the research. This is evidenced by the increased number of followers for the project's Twitter account in the following days.

After submission of my first report to ESRC, members of our research team have organised the following online webinars in order to disseminate the findings of our research. (The pandemic meant that in person presentations and seminars could not be organised throughout 2020 and beyond):

11 May 2020. 'Populism and Activism in Europe Today'. Presentation of the findings of our research project, with principal and co-investigator. Co-organised by our research project and EA Worldview.

15 October 2020. 'Populism Around The World: Beyond The "Charismatic Leader". Presentation of the research project by Principal and Co-Investigator. Co-organised by our research team and University College Dublin (Clinton Institute).

22 October 2020. 'Populism Around The World: Populism in Europe and the USA'. Co-organised by the project's research team and University College Dublin (Clinton Institute). Including the principal investigator as one of the panellists.

24th February 2021. 'New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe: populists vs. populists'. Webinar organised by the project's research research team. 120 people enrolled for this event alone. Chaired by the principal investigator.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021
Description Response to media queries, made results of the research available to media 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Between February 2023 and February 2024 the PI gave 13 interviews to the international media (including the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Financial Times, Folha de S.Paolo and Volksrant), drawing on the results of the research to comment on political developments in the countries under investigation. Moreover, in the same period, other members of the research team were interviewed a further 9 times by the international media (including France 24, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Stern, Deutsche Welle and Mediapart). Research fellows drew on the results of their research to comment on politics in the European countries they study. By February 2024, the research team had given a total of 171 interviews to the international media on populism in Europe, by drawing on findings from this research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description Team members wrote blog pieces and articles for academic blogs and daily newspapers 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Members of the research team, including the PI, wrote 8 blog pieces/ or articles on the populist radical right in Europe. Platforms included the UK in a Changing Europe, the Observer, the Loop, the Conversation and Agenda Publica/ El Pais. The pieces sparked online discussions of the topics, leading to some of these publications having approached us to continue this collaboration throughout 2024.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023