Brain white matter imaging and cognitive ageing in the Lothian Birth Cohort of 1936

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Centre of Population Health Sciences


This is covered in the Disconnected Mind outline attached document.

Technical Summary

At a meeting at MRC?s headquarters on 20.12.2006, it was decided that The Disconnected Mind project team should request cash-limited funds from the MRC, for the first wave of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the LBC1936 and its analysis. This request was granted, and this form is now required to complete that process. Attached is the requested short, free-format document, justifying the data collection and intended analyses. In it, we describe the justification of human brain MRI within The Disconnected Mind project. The specific part of The Disconnected Mind project for which we are requesting cash-limited funds will provide a comprehensive and cutting-edge examination of the brain?s white matter in the LBC1936.


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