Neural Oscillations in Health and Disease

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Institute of Neurology


Most neurological and psychiatric disorders are driven by complicated neural circuits. Tremor is one such disorder, driven by exaggerated rhythmic activity in brain regions involved in motor control. To date, disease circuit remains poorly understood and treatment options limited. Due to limitations of pharmacological therapy for long-term treatment of tremor, deep brain stimulation has become a prevalent alternative for management of disease symptoms. Deep brain stimulation is an effective surgical treatment, which involves regular and high frequency electrical stimulation of key brain regions by a battery powered brain pacemaker. Stimulation is effective, but unfortunately may affect other functions giving rise to side effects, impacting patients' speech, balance and impulsivity. This is because the form of stimulation presently applied cannot distinguish between diseased and normal brain activities.

Enclosed research programme aims to alter the way stimulation is delivered so that it preferentially disrupts disease-related brain activities, leaving normal activity relatively spared. To this end, I will develop theoretical models to understand how brain is organized in health and disease. Theoretical models are powerful tools that can be used to investigate brain function in different levels of detail and to refine clinically testable hypothesis. I will interrogate theoretical models to determine how to selectively disrupt disease related brain activities and subsequently pilot this novel stimulation pattern in a group of Parkinson's disease and Essential Tremor patients, who have already been implanted with deep brain stimulation electrodes for treatment of their tremor.

This work will provide significant contributions to our understanding of how brain is organized during disease, and crucially will inform us how treatment can be improved to be pathology specific, reducing unwanted side effects.

Technical Summary

The main research question I am aiming to answer is whether altering deep brain stimulation patterns to selectively disrupt neural oscillations underlying disease symptoms can provide significant improvements in therapy by reducing treatment side-effects and improving power efficiency.

1) I will develop theoretical disease models to determine when pathological neural oscillations are most susceptible for disruption using dynamic causal modelling, a Bayesian framework for inferring neural dynamics. In order to represent neural dynamics central to disease pathophysiology, I will extend the dynamic causal modelling framework to a) capture changes in neural oscillation amplitude and phase, b) incorporate the effect of deep brain stimulation on neural oscillators, and c) model activity dependent plasticity.

2) Using dynamic causal modelling, I will identify neural networks driving Parkinsonian and Essential tremor and explore neural dynamics defining pathophysiological differences between these two tremor types. By simulating neural response to different stimulation patterns I will gain valuable insight into stimulation patterns that can most effectively disrupt pathological neural oscillations driving tremor.

3) Finally, I will experimentally test the hypothesis that delivering stimulation only when tremor-related brain activity is most susceptible for disruption can achieve significant improvements in therapy and crucially reduce side effects currently observed during continuous high frequency stimulation. To this end, I will control when deep brain stimulation pulses are delivered for therapy using active phase tracking of peripheral tremor in two patient groups: Parkinson's disease and Essential Tremor.

Planned Impact

1) Patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and Essential Tremor

This research will be most relevant to patients suffering from Essential Tremor and Parkinson's disease. Essential tremor is the most commonly observed movement disorder affecting 2-4% of UK's population and there are approximately 120,000 patients, who suffer from Parkinson's disease, in the UK. Tremor, which is involuntary rhythmic movement of the limbs, affects majority of the patients with Parkinson's disease, and all Essential Tremor patients. To date, treatment options for tremor remains limited, and neural mechanisms underlying disease pathophysiology still unknown, limiting efforts to develop new therapies to effectively manage this symptom. Deep brain stimulation, which involves regular and high frequency stimulation of key brain regions by a battery powered brain pacemaker, is highly effective in treating this debilitating disorder (10-20% of patients diagnosed with Essential tremor or Parkinson's disease will be considered eligible for this therapy). However, deep brain stimulation may cause side effects, and is not power efficient requiring replacement of stimulator battery every few years.

The main research question the proposed research programme aims to answer is whether altering deep brain stimulation patterns to selectively disrupt neural oscillations underlying disease symptoms can provide significant improvements in therapy by reducing treatment side-effects and improving power efficiency. Such improvements would reduce the need for additional operations every few years to replace the stimulator battery and increase patients' overall quality of life by reducing side effects of treatment.

2) Benefit to other patient groups

Several other patient groups may potentially benefit from this research. These include patients with conditions that can be treated with deep brain stimulation such as dystonia, depression, chronic pain, Tourette's syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Moreover, theoretical disease models can potentially be extended to investigate pathophysiology and possible treatment strategies for other neurological and psychiatric disorders currently not treated with deep brain stimulation.

3) Healthcare industry

Outlined research is of immediate interest to medical device companies, designing and developing brain pacemakers. Recently, pharmaceutical companies have also shown interest in this research field, as evident from the recent 50 million dollar venture capital created by GlaxoSmithKline to invest in research into bioelectronics; i.e. electrical stimulation of nerve fibers to restore health.

4) Wider Public

There has been substantial interest in recent years in neuroscience and in particular in deep brain stimulation, as evident from frequent media coverage of these topics. Outlined research may benefit the wider public by providing insights into how medical technology can contribute to improve patients' quality of life.


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publication icon
Brittain JS (2018) Recent Trends in the Use of Electrical Neuromodulation in Parkinson's Disease. in Current behavioral neuroscience reports

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Brittain JS (2015) Distinguishing the central drive to tremor in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

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Cagnan H (2017) Stimulating at the right time: phase-specific deep brain stimulation. in Brain : a journal of neurology

publication icon
Cagnan H (2015) Inertial-Based Control System Concepts for the Treatment of Movement Disorders. in International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference : [proceedings]. International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems

publication icon
Friston KJ (2019) Dynamic causal modelling revisited. in NeuroImage

Description Advanced Analysis Course, FMRIB, University of Oxford, UK (2016)
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact I had the opportunity to give a lecture during the Advanced Analysis Course to a group of PhD students and Postdocs. During the course, we discussed novel analysis techniques that could be utilised in the field of neuroscience and neuroimaging.
Description INCF Short Course Introduction to Neuroinformatics, Reading, UK (2016)
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact I had the opportunity to give a lecture on how Neuroinformatics could be applied to medical research. The audience included international PhD students and Postdocs. We discussed issues such as the importance of data sharing, and various data analysis techniques that could be applied to research based on functional neurosurgery.
Description MSc in Neuroscience 2018
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact I have given a lecture on Basal Ganglia pathophysiology to a group of students who are enrolled in the MSc in Neuroscience programme at the University of Oxford. Majority of students who attended the lecture were undertaking research on this topic.
Description SPM course 2017
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The course had 25 attendees from around the world . Main topics covered during the course were how to analyse and model neuroimaging data with extensive theoretical and practical segments .
Description SPM course 2018
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact I organised the SPM 2018 course which had 24 attendees from around the world . Main topics covered during the course were how to analyse and model neuroimaging data with extensive theoretical and practical segments .
Description Dynamic Neuromodulation
Amount £1,155,935 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/R020418/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2018 
End 05/2023
Description Parkinson's - Conference Travel Award
Amount £534 (GBP)
Funding ID MRF-068-0002-CTA-CAGNA 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Department Medical Research Foundation
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2016 
End 04/2018
Description Phase specific Deep Brain Stimulation
Amount £50,935 (GBP)
Funding ID 1961891 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2017 
End 03/2021
Title Exploring the efficacy of phase locked stimulation on tremor 
Description This dataset was obtained from a group of non-parkinsonian tremor patients. During the recordings, tremor phase locked stimulation was applied to the ventrolateral thalamus, while the effect of stimulation on tremor was tracked using a peripheral sensor attached to patients' tremulous limb. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset demonstrates for the first time the feasibility and efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation in a group of non-parkinsonian tremor patients implanted with deep brain stimulation electrodes. In some patients, prolonged phase locked stimulation could suppress tremor comparable to suppression levels observed with the state-of the art high frequency stimulation yet with less than 20 % of the power demanded by conventional stimulation. This dataset can be used to understand the neural mechanisms underlying the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation so that such stimulation strategies can be extended to treatment of other pathologies. 
Title Transient dynamics during Parkinson disease 
Description This model explores dynamic changes in the cortico-thalamic network which underlie spontaneous changes in beta synchrony. It is important to understand these dynamic changes since patient symptom severity is linked to how synchronised the cortico-thalamic network is in the beta frequency band. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The paper describing the model is currently published, and the model is available to other researchers upon request. 
Description 6OHDA lesioned animal model of PD - Dr Andrew Sharott 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC)
Department MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford (BNDU)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I have developed a data analysis pipeline, which is currently being used to analyse electrophysiological data, obtained from the unilaterally lesioned 6-OHDA rodent model of Parkinson's disease. I am currently co-supervising a PhD student who is extending this work to explore cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Andrew Sharott has provided the archival electrophysiological data, obtained from the unilaterally lesioned 6-OHDA rodent model of Parkinson's disease and contributed to the development of the data analysis pipeline. My collaborators is also co-supervising the PhD student who has been recruited to extend our work to explore cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Impact This collaboration has resulted in a conference proceeding presented at the Neuroscience 2015 Conference in Chicago and Neuroscience 2017 Conference in Washington DC. Additionally, the work has been presented during various workshops and talks such as the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit Science Day. Three journal publications (Cagnan et al 2019, Reis et al 2019, West et al 2022) and one thesis chapter (Reis 2021) have been published. This research blends together electrophysiology and biomedical informatics to explore information exchange during Parkinson's disease. The techniques developed have enabled us to explore information exchange across multiple brain regions that play a key role in both disease pathophysiology and treatment. This collaboration has resulted in recruitment of one PhD student who will extend this work to explore cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Start Year 2015
Description BG DCM - Dr Bernadette van Wijk 
Organisation University of Amsterdam
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have contributed to the development of the theoretical modelling framework, which can be used to make inferences from subcortical electrophysiological data.
Collaborator Contribution Dr van Wijk has contributed to the development of the theoretical modelling framework, which can be used to make inferences from subcortical electrophysiological data.
Impact This collaboration has resulted in the development of a theoretical framework that can be used to make inferences from subcortical electrophysiological data, one conference proceeding and two manuscripts (van Wijk et al 2018 and Reis et al 2019). This framework has been further developed by my postdoctoral research associate (Timothy West), giving rise to one poster presentation at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2019 and two manuscripts which are currently both in submission. The research is multi-disciplinary, spanning neuroimaging and theoretical modelling.
Start Year 2016
Description DCM revisited - Dr Peter Zeidman 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration aims to develop a novel analysis framework that can be used to make electrophysiological inferences from fMRI data. I have contributed to experimental design and theoretical modelling.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Zeidman contributed to experimental design and theoretical modelling.
Impact This collaboration has resulted in three journal publications (Jafarian et al, Zeidman et al, Friston et al). The research is multi-disciplinary, spanning neuroimaging and theoretical modelling.
Start Year 2016
Description Phasic DBS - Dr Rafal Bogacz 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have provided the datasets used for analysis and contributed to conceptualisation of the theoretical framework, which has been used to describe the neural dynamics underlying the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation. Recordings were obtained from a group of tremor patients while a novel stimulation pattern was delivered to the ventrolateral thalamus, controlled by patients' tremor. This novel stimulation strategy (Phasic DBS) is being further developed and trialled as part of my research programme funded by the Medical Research Council.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Rafal Bogacz and his team have contributed to conceptualisation and implementation of the theoretical framework.
Impact This work has been presented during a public engagement event to school students to inform them about therapies available for the treatment of movement disorders, and how theoretical models can be used to optimise novel treatment strategies. Two manuscripts have been accepted for publication - detailing the neural dynamics underlying the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation. The research carried out is multi-disciplinary and spans disciplines such as physics, mathematics, neurology and basic neuroscience.
Start Year 2015
Description Phasic DBS - Oxford Functional Neurosurgery 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Oxford
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration aims to investigate whether patients' own tremor could be used to control stimulation patterns in order to improve the efficacy and efficiency of deep brain stimulation. I have contributed to experimental design, data collection, and development of the analysis pipeline used to determine efficacy of this novel stimulation strategy with respect to conventional high frequency deep brain stimulation (Cagnan et al 2017). This collaboration focuses on further testing this stimulation strategy and exploring stability of therapy.
Collaborator Contribution Oxford Functional Neurosurgery has contributed to identification of patients for recruitment.
Impact This research demonstrated for the first time the feasibility and efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation. In some patients, this novel stimulation strategy could suppress patients' symptoms comparable to suppression levels observed with the state of the art high frequency stimulation yet with less than 20% of the power demanded by conventional stimulation. Our aim is to maximise efficacy and selectivity of novel treatment strategies in order to reduce stimulation induced side effects. This collaboration has resulted in a journal publication (Cagnan et al 2017), detailing the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation, and numerous oral presentations. The research carried out is multi-disciplinary and spans disciplines such as physics, electronics engineering, neurology and basic neuroscience. Patient recruitment was on hold due to Covid-19. A manuscript detailing the outcome of this study is currently in preparation using the limited data set acquired prior to the pandemic. However, we anticipate potential challenges which may influence the impact of the study outcome.
Start Year 2015
Description Phasic DBS - Unit of Functional Neurosurgery 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration aims to investigate whether patients' own tremor could be used to control stimulation patterns in order to improve the efficacy and efficiency of deep brain stimulation. I have contributed to experimental design, data collection, and development of the analysis pipeline used to determine efficacy of this novel stimulation strategy with respect to conventional high frequency deep brain stimulation (Cagnan et al 2017). This collaboration focuses on further testing this stimulation strategy and exploring stability of therapy.
Collaborator Contribution Unit of Functional Neurosurgery has contributed to identification of patients for recruitment.
Impact This research demonstrated for the first time the feasibility and efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation. In some patients, this novel stimulation strategy could suppress patients' symptoms comparable to suppression levels observed with the state of the art high frequency stimulation yet with less than 20% of the power demanded by conventional stimulation. Our aim is to maximise efficacy and selectivity of novel treatment strategies in order to reduce stimulation induced side effects. This collaboration has resulted in a journal publication, detailing the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation, and numerous oral presentations. The research carried out is multi-disciplinary and spans disciplines such as physics, electronics engineering, neurology and basic neuroscience. Patient recruitment was on hold due to Covid-19.
Start Year 2015
Description Phasic DBS and peripheral stimulation - Prof Peter Brown 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC)
Department MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford (BNDU)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This collaboration aims to investigate whether patients' own tremor could be used to control stimulation patterns in order to improve the efficacy and efficiency of deep brain stimulation. I have contributed to experimental design, data collection, and development of the analysis pipeline used to determine efficacy of this novel stimulation strategy with respect to conventional high frequency deep brain stimulation (Cagnan et al 2017). This collaboration now focuses on further testing the new deep brain stimulation protocol and exploring stability of therapy. This collaboration has also been extended to application of the same core stimulation principle via peripheral stimulators and recruitment of two PhD students, who are extending the deep brain stimulation work to development of non-invasive stimulation strategies for tremor patients. I have also contributed to writing a grant application and securing additional funding to support this new research direction.
Collaborator Contribution Prof Peter Brown has contributed to experimental design and patient recruitment for the deep brain stimulation study. He has also been involved with experimental design and patient recruitment for the phasic peripheral stimulation study.
Impact This research demonstrated for the first time the feasibility and efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation. In some patients, this novel stimulation strategy could suppress patients' symptoms comparable to suppression levels observed with the state of the art high frequency stimulation yet with less than 20% of the power demanded by conventional stimulation. Our aim is to maximise efficacy and selectivity of novel treatment strategies in order to reduce stimulation induced side effects. The research carried out is multi-disciplinary and spans disciplines such as physics, electronics engineering, neurology and basic neuroscience. This collaboration has resulted in a conference paper, describing the use of peripheral sensors to control implanted stimulators, two publications (detailing the efficacy of tremor phase locked stimulation and the future of deep brain stimulation (Cagnan et al 2017 and Cagnan et al 2019)), and numerous oral presentations. This work has lead to recruitment of one PhD student (Carolina Reis). An additional journal publication is currently in preparation highlighting utility of this new stimulation protocol during movement. The follow up work on peripheral stimulation has lead to recruitment of an other PhD student (Beatriz Arruda) in 2019. There are two manuscripts which are currently under revision (Reis et al and Arruda et al), detailing this new research direction. This collaboration has also resulted in securing additional funding for the development of a peripheral stimulator which can be used to optimise therapy from home.
Start Year 2015
Title DCM for fmri 
Description This method, which is part of an already established analysis software, aims to provide a novel analysis framework that can be used to make electrophysiological inferences from fMRI data. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This method, which is part of an already established analysis software (SPM), aims to provide a novel analysis framework that can be used to make electrophysiological inferences from fMRI data. 
Title DCM for subcortical regions 
Description This software, which is part of an established and widely-used analysis package (SPM), aims to provide an analysis framework for subcortical neural activity, and coupling between cortical and subcortical regions. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This software aims to provide a flexible platform for making inferences from a wide variety of electrophysiological data. 
Description BNDU School Open Day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact We have described various types of research that takes place at the BNDU (University of Oxford) to a group of high school students, and highlighted the importance of translational research. The students had the opportunity to observe a variety of research methods used and to ask questions about on going research activities. The students were highly motivated and engaged throughout the day, showing interest in science and research methodologies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Basal ganglia oscillations and closed loop deep brain stimulation workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The workshop was organised to exchange research output and future research directions with an international group of neuroscientists, neurologists and employees of a medical device company. During the workshop, researchers discussed new research directions, novel treatment strategies and methods that need to be developed to implement these treatment strategies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Functional Neurosurgery Unit / Neurobiology meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Neurobiology meetings take place every quarter and are designed to exchange research progress with the Functional Neurosurgery group at the University College of London. Neurosurgeons and neurologists, who attend these meetings, are responsible from treatment and care of the patients recruited to take part in research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016
Description MRC Science Festival - Open day for Parkinson patients 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact A group of Parkinson's disease patients and their carers attended the open day , which included presentations by the researchers and extensive discussions afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Oxford Biomedical Research Centre Open Day 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact During the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre Open Day 2016 , we had the opportunity to interact with the general public and patient groups, and describe the on going research activities. The attendees were interested in different types of research on functional neurosurgery, which lead to fruitful discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Science day of the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford (May and December 2015) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presented research to a group of collaborators, research fellows and postgraduate students. The presentation was followed by a discussion on future collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description UCLH Open Day 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact During the UCLH open day we had the opportunity to interact with various patient groups and the general public and to explain the on going research activities. The attendees were interested in different types of research on functional neurosurgery, which lead to fruitful discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK Brain Bees Competition 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I had the honour of being a judge for the UK Brain Bees competition, which is a neuroscience general knowledge competition for high school students. During and after the competition, we had the opportunity to interact with students and discuss different career opportunities in neuroscience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016