A cluster randomised trial of an innovative, low-cost primary care programme for the detection and management of type 2 diabetes in rural Thailand

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: School of Public Health


Diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) were ranked 5th and 7th leading cause of mortality in Thailand by the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. An estimated 3.2 Thai adults (6.4% of the adult population) had diabetes in 2013, expected to grow to 5.2 million by 2035. Treatment of advanced kidney failure by dialysis is expensive, costing about 3.6% of the Thai healthcare budget in 2011, projected to increase to 6.2% by the year 2018. If detected early, this complication can be prevented in a majority.

Despite the implementation of universal health coverage in Thailand, the health care systems - particularly those serving rural populations - remain poorly equipped to manage diabetes because doctors are in short supply and there are few organised diabetes programmes. This is especially true for diabetes-related kidney disease. Therefore, alternative methods of detecting and managing diabetes in rural areas are urgently required. One potential method is to use a more widely available health care workforce such as village health workers. These workers are not medically qualified but have received health training workers and could potentially be used to deliver more effective care. This study will develop and assess a strategy called 'SMART Health' to use non-physician healthcare workers to identify and manage village residents with diabetes and kidney disease according to best practice. Healthcare workers will be trained to use a simple mobile device (tablet or smartphone) on which they can record patient data such as age, weight, blood pressure, family history and receive immediate advice about how to treat the patient with drugs and/or lifestyle advice generated by an electronic program. This program considers the patient's risk factors and stage of disease and generates recommendations based on national treatment guidelines. The program also links with the patient's personal health record so that they can be followed up or referred to hospitals as appropriate.

The study will have 2 phases. In the first phase, we will develop and test the electronic programmes or 'algorithms' to detect and manage diabetes ensuring that the recommendations are appropriate and in line with the facilities and resources (including affordable medicines) available. In the second phase, we measure the effectiveness of SMART Health Diabetes in a large trial which compares 20 villages who have been trained to use and have access to SMART Health Diabetes ('intervention' villages) with 20 villages who do not have SMART Health Diabetes but will continue their usual practice ('control' villages). We will then compare individuals from intervention and villages in terms important diabetes-related outcomes such as glucose control and kidney damage. In parallel, we will conduct economic assessments and interviews with health workers to determine whether SMART Health Diabetes is cost-effective and acceptable.

We will work with village leaders, government organisations and professional groups to make sure the study is relevant and appropriate. By working with these groups, we will also ensure that SMART Health Diabetes can be used more widely in routine diabetes care if proven to be effective and safe.

Technical Summary

The burden of diabetes and diabetic kidney disease is growing rapidly in Thailand but the healthcare systems, particularly in rural areas, are poorly equipped to address this problem. The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of a bespoke diabetes management program designed for implementation within existing healthcare systems in rural regions of Thailand. The program, called SMART Health Diabetes and Kidney, uses trained non-physician health workers (NPHWs) to deliver evidence-based care to people with, or at risk of, diabetes assisted by an electronic, clinical decision support system.

The study includes 2 phases: a development phase and an evaluation phase.

In Phase 1, we will develop diabetes-specific screening and management algorithms based on national and international guidelines. These algorithms will be deployed using an existing java-based mobile platform which can be accessed directly on low-cost smartphone or tablet devices. Based on entered patient information through the application, output will be generated providing screening and treatment recommendations for frontline NPHWs or doctors. The algorithms will undergo iterative testing and refinement as part of Phase 1. In Phase 2, we will evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and SMART Health Diabetes in a large cluster randomised controlled trial of 40 villages in Kamphang Pet province. The unit of randomisation will be the Sub-district (Tambon) health office catering to villages. The co-primary outcomes for the study are HbA1c and progression of albuminuria. We will use household surveys to sample individuals 30 years and older at baseline and at follow-up after 48 months. A parallel qualitative study will assess the scalability of SMART Health diabetes.

Planned Impact

In addition to the academic beneficiaries listed above, since this intervention will be integrated into an existing rural community-based healthcare system and will include components directed to health workforce training, there are a number of potential beneficiaries from the research aside from academics, such as the village health workers, nurses and other non-physician health workers.

Diabetes and kidney disease are two important (and rapidly growing) causes of premature death and disability in Thailand, and indeed in most LMIC, and innovative models of care delivery are urgently needed. If found to be effective and cost-effective, the approaches being investigated by this proposed research will have direct implications for health and quality of life of millions of Thais and potentially also large populations in other LMICs. Making a significant contribution towards health and wellbeing of disadvantaged populations will foster economic performance through reduced healthcare costs to the system and enhanced productivity.

The evidence-based technologies developed in this study will potentially have further direct economic and societal impacts through commercial sector engagement. The George Institute has been working on pathways to implementation for the two core technologies of similar interventions for several years and will use the same pathways in this study through collaborations with technology transfer partners.

Through engagement with governments (KT is an advisor to the Thai Government on development of diabetes and kidney disease screening guidelines) and professional societies (VJ is the President-Elect of International Society of Nephrology), this study will help drive the formulation of national guidelines for innovative methods to deliver routine diabetes care and increase the effectiveness of public services. It will also help support the work of local advocacy groups and professional organisations that we have engaged as part of this study. Further, the international role of the investigators will foster implementation of similar approaches in other LMIC settings.

We plan to craft a series of communications to stakeholders, including print, broadcast and digital audiences. We believe that because of the recent changes in policy by the Ministry of Public Health, and emphasis on NCD screening and management in the community, Thai environment will be more receptive to the study's findings and conducive to policy change if we can help promote awareness of projects and its results.

At the beginning of the study, we will issue a traditional announcement and fact sheets. These initial foundation communications pieces will be in Thai. The local team will reach out directly to the media regarding the study for interviews. We will look for opportunities to leverage the study with ongoing topical news, and continue to build interested audiences. Updates on the study will be sent to influential decision makers, the media and interested members of the public through electronic newsletters. We plan to produce a video during the study phase and include this in our digital outreach efforts. We will link to the annual World Diabetes Day and World Kidney Day, and build partnerships with organisations dedicated to fighting diabetes. After a full analysis of the research results, we would leverage the expected publication in a prominent journal for further media coverage. We will conduct multidisciplinary Round Tables and Workshops with healthcare professionals, Technology teams, health economists and policy makers to disseminate the findings and stimulate structural change. Public Policy engagement: We will prepare reports and presentations for the health ministry as well as for municipal government and civil society. Recommendations will be made with the desired outcome of facilitating technology-led healthcare delivery for addressing the NCD prevention needs of the impacted population.


10 25 50
Description We have shown in the work done so far that it is possible to develop a check-list based algorithm that permits frontline healthcare workers and village health volunteers to identify patients at high risk of developing complications due to diabetes and refer them appropriately for further medical care to physicians in subdistrict hospitals in Rural Thailand. We have also shown that these health workers and nurses are able to use digital tool for this purpose. The digital tool through a cloud-based electronic medical record system allows seamless integration with physician services within the context of the Thai public health system.

The implementation of the randomised clinical trial was delayed because of Covid. However, it started in earnest in mid-2022 once the Covid situation had quietened down. We have rapidly recruited almost 80% of our target population and all of them are being followed up. Over 100 subjects have been recruited in the study in both arms. Because of the required duration of follow-up to capture the case study endpoint, this will continue beyond the duration of the project. The implementation is being conducted in collaboration with the state and district, public health officials.
Exploitation Route If successful, this will provide an efficient approach for the management of people with diabetes and kidney disease at community level in rural Thailand.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL https://gtr.ukri.org/project/D5F42B6E-5679-4E80-AB61-B1B062ABBD40
Description Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS): -A CDSS based on existing local government guidelines is designed to provide evidence-based guidance to Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) Community nurses, and doctors at Sub District Health Offices (SHDO) -This CDSS would work through an application installed in a 7-inch tablet device. A kit, containing the tablet, blood pressure (BP) monitor, glucometer and other management resources are procured for the health workers. -Induction training is planned in March 2020 for doctors and VHVs and community nurses -Two modules are developed in OpenMRS which will support real time patient tracking: (a) a patient priority module to help community nurses prioritize workload for follow up visits and (b) an alert / reminder module to provide feedback on whether patients were achieving recommended targets SMARThealth: The George Institute's SMARThealth program is a novel primary care platform to support communities and healthcare providers in the prevention and management of common NCDs. -It draws on the principles of "task-sharing" whereby some routine clinical procedures are transferred from doctors to community nurses in an effort to increase access to healthcare and reduce costs. -This is facilitated by a suite of innovative, affordable digital technologies developed to provide evidence-based decision support to both providers and consumers -A SMARTHealth application for the tab has been developed in Thai language and the CDSS algorithm is set as per the Thailand medical management of T2DM -Field testing of the app is being conducted in Kamphaeng Phet Province of Thailand Workforce Training Module: -A SMARThealth Diabetes and CKD training programme module to health workers and doctors consistent with local practice is developed to ensure local relevance. This training package will be delivered in an initial workshop format and continuously reinforced through the program's digital platform. Over the last 6 months (2022-2023), the program has been expanded to include additional districts and sub-district offices with strong support from the Ministry of Public Health. Subsequent to the past Steering Committee meetings where our team described the success of the program in the East Java province of Indonesia, officials from the Ministry of Health, expressed a desire to visit the scale-up sites, which took place in March 2023. We will also organise a policy forum to coincide with the World Congress of Nephrology at Bangkok at the end of March. Also an invited presentation will be delivered at a satellite conference that focuses on healthcare delivery in underserved settings.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Description Development of new policy to deliver dialysis in Thailand
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Scale up plans for the study and extension to additional districts
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Our work was presented to the Ministry officials, with a description of the scale-up programs in other countries which was well-appreciated by the MoH officials who expressed an interest in knowing more about such programs. Given the rapid take up by the health workers, this was extended to additional districts to facilitate rapid recruitment
Description UKRI GCRF and Newton Fund Consolidation Award
Amount £49,995 (GBP)
Funding ID PSO025_WPGI 
Organisation Imperial College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 04/2023
Title Questionnaire 
Description A novel questionnaire that helps primary healthcare workers assess the kidney disease and cardiovascular risk of subjects with diabetes using simple checklists is being developed. This will be deployed by village health volunteers and nurses to stratify subjects according to their kidney disease risk, to decide further referral, track treatment compliance and measure quality of care. This questionnaire and the tool have undergone significant modifications based on feedback from the very stakeholders, including public health officials, subdistrict health office nurses, and local Physicians. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - human 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This tool has now been validated in the study and is likely to become the default tool for risk assessment of individuals with diabetes and kidney disease in the community. 
Title SMARTKidney Algorithm 
Description The development and validation of the algorithm followed a three-step process: i. A group of leading Thai and international physicians developed and validated the plain language algorithm on the basis of the ADA, KDIGO and Thai disease management guidelines. The physicians then performed a manual review of the algorithm and assessed the appropriate pharmacological and lifestyle recommendations. ii. A researcher who was not involved with the algorithm development was given the plain language algorithm summary along with mock input data from 200 patients. Output variables were generated using the paper algorithm and were then compared with the output generated by an independent statistical code developed using SAS version 9. iii. The plain language rules were built as a Java-based application into a mobile tablet using the Android operating system. De-identified data from a large cross-sectional study (~1000 patients) was run using the statistical and programming codes. Correlation between the programming code and the statistical code was assessed and inconsistencies were resolved by making changes to the programming code. This continued until 100% consistency was obtained between both the outputs. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The algorithms have been incorporated into the SMARTKidney Thailand application which will be used by the frontline healthcare workers to screen and refer persons with suspected diabetes and its complications to the Government Healthcare Centres and higher-level hospitals. The effectiveness of this tool will be evaluated in an RCT. A group of village health workers and nurses have received training on this tool. 
Description Collaboration with Research partners in Thailand 
Organisation Chulalongkorn University
Country Thailand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We engaged with the teams at Chulalongkorn University and the Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute, Bangkok Thailand, to appraise them of the nature of the primary health intervention and educate them in the frontline health worker-led primary care delivery models. This involved a series of brainstorming meetings and consultations.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Kearkiat Praditpronsilpa and Dr Anutra Chittinandana have facilitated the interactions with the Thai Ministry of Public Health and the development of the treatment algorithm for the SMARTHealth tool
Impact Treatment algorithm developed Nephrology Endocrinology IT Specialists Primary care physicians
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with Research partners in Thailand 
Organisation Government of Thailand
Country Thailand 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We engaged with the teams at Chulalongkorn University and the Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute, Bangkok Thailand, to appraise them of the nature of the primary health intervention and educate them in the frontline health worker-led primary care delivery models. This involved a series of brainstorming meetings and consultations.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Kearkiat Praditpronsilpa and Dr Anutra Chittinandana have facilitated the interactions with the Thai Ministry of Public Health and the development of the treatment algorithm for the SMARTHealth tool
Impact Treatment algorithm developed Nephrology Endocrinology IT Specialists Primary care physicians
Start Year 2019
Description Demonstration of effective partnerships with state governments, district level authorities and implementation partners (medical institutes) for advancing the agenda of early detection and guidelines based management of diabetes 
Organisation Government of Haryana
Department Department of Health
Country India 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The George Institute for Global Health (TGI, India), India as a part of IMPACT Diabetes developed and evaluated a novel diabetes management program that utilizes the existing non-physician healthcare workers and uses technology (mobile tablet-based clinical decision support system (CDSS)) for early detection of diabetes, management and prevention of its complications in individuals aged 30 years and above with diabetes. The intervention of this study was primarily led by ASHAs (accredited social health activists) in the selected intervention areas who were trained in screening the community members for high risk of diabetes and cardiovascular risk using a tablet-based decision support tool, provided to them by George Institute for Global Health. For the implementation of this study TGI India, established effective partnerships with departments of health in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Partnerships were also established with the administrations in the two intervention districts (Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, and Rohtak, Haryana). Specific contributions made by TGI to this collaboration include: • Supporting the overall mandates of early diagnosis, management, and referral of cases under the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). • Training and capacity building of the community health workers for community-level screening of the high-risk patients and on the use of contemporary mobile health decision support system for data capture and referrals. • Providing clinical decision support tools to the physicians for guideline-based management of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. • Development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease-related, vernacular information, education & communication (IEC) material. Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), a public medical institute and tertiary care hospital in Rohtak, Haryana has been a critical implementation partner for IMPACT Diabetes. TGI intends to support PGIMS by implementing this study in the community areas being served by PGIMS, Rohtak.
Collaborator Contribution The partnerships established with the state departments of health and district administration have been vital in the implementation of study activities within these states. Being a part of the study steering committees and the advisory groups, inputs provided by state and district level officials and study investigators from the PGIMS, Rohtak and University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) have helped in timely resolution of the on-field challenges. The site investigator and the site staff at the PGIMS have been critical in guiding the on-field activities. The study staff recruited at PGIMS has been previously involved with the implementation of several state-level programs and have worked closely with the state department of health, district administration, and the national health mission. Through this partnership, TGI has been able to specifically garner the support of the district health administration which has further translated into the success of ASHA training initiatives and engagement of the primary health care physicians at the study site. On the other hand, TGI's collaboration with district health officials in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh benefitted the community as the PHCs under this study started prescribing longer duration medications for the management of diabetes. Before the start of the study, community members could only receive glucose-lowering medicines for 7 days, which was further increased to 30 days.
Impact The partnerships established have helped in the valuable local context for the study implementation that has helped TGI to develop intervention that is not only guided by strong contemporary clinical evidence but is also culturally responsive.
Start Year 2016
Description Demonstration of effective partnerships with state governments, district level authorities and implementation partners (medical institutes) for advancing the agenda of early detection and guidelines based management of diabetes 
Organisation Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The George Institute for Global Health (TGI, India), India as a part of IMPACT Diabetes developed and evaluated a novel diabetes management program that utilizes the existing non-physician healthcare workers and uses technology (mobile tablet-based clinical decision support system (CDSS)) for early detection of diabetes, management and prevention of its complications in individuals aged 30 years and above with diabetes. The intervention of this study was primarily led by ASHAs (accredited social health activists) in the selected intervention areas who were trained in screening the community members for high risk of diabetes and cardiovascular risk using a tablet-based decision support tool, provided to them by George Institute for Global Health. For the implementation of this study TGI India, established effective partnerships with departments of health in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Partnerships were also established with the administrations in the two intervention districts (Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, and Rohtak, Haryana). Specific contributions made by TGI to this collaboration include: • Supporting the overall mandates of early diagnosis, management, and referral of cases under the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). • Training and capacity building of the community health workers for community-level screening of the high-risk patients and on the use of contemporary mobile health decision support system for data capture and referrals. • Providing clinical decision support tools to the physicians for guideline-based management of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. • Development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease-related, vernacular information, education & communication (IEC) material. Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), a public medical institute and tertiary care hospital in Rohtak, Haryana has been a critical implementation partner for IMPACT Diabetes. TGI intends to support PGIMS by implementing this study in the community areas being served by PGIMS, Rohtak.
Collaborator Contribution The partnerships established with the state departments of health and district administration have been vital in the implementation of study activities within these states. Being a part of the study steering committees and the advisory groups, inputs provided by state and district level officials and study investigators from the PGIMS, Rohtak and University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) have helped in timely resolution of the on-field challenges. The site investigator and the site staff at the PGIMS have been critical in guiding the on-field activities. The study staff recruited at PGIMS has been previously involved with the implementation of several state-level programs and have worked closely with the state department of health, district administration, and the national health mission. Through this partnership, TGI has been able to specifically garner the support of the district health administration which has further translated into the success of ASHA training initiatives and engagement of the primary health care physicians at the study site. On the other hand, TGI's collaboration with district health officials in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh benefitted the community as the PHCs under this study started prescribing longer duration medications for the management of diabetes. Before the start of the study, community members could only receive glucose-lowering medicines for 7 days, which was further increased to 30 days.
Impact The partnerships established have helped in the valuable local context for the study implementation that has helped TGI to develop intervention that is not only guided by strong contemporary clinical evidence but is also culturally responsive.
Start Year 2016
Description Demonstration of effective partnerships with state governments, district level authorities and implementation partners (medical institutes) for advancing the agenda of early detection and guidelines based management of diabetes 
Organisation University College of Medical Sciences
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The George Institute for Global Health (TGI, India), India as a part of IMPACT Diabetes developed and evaluated a novel diabetes management program that utilizes the existing non-physician healthcare workers and uses technology (mobile tablet-based clinical decision support system (CDSS)) for early detection of diabetes, management and prevention of its complications in individuals aged 30 years and above with diabetes. The intervention of this study was primarily led by ASHAs (accredited social health activists) in the selected intervention areas who were trained in screening the community members for high risk of diabetes and cardiovascular risk using a tablet-based decision support tool, provided to them by George Institute for Global Health. For the implementation of this study TGI India, established effective partnerships with departments of health in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Partnerships were also established with the administrations in the two intervention districts (Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, and Rohtak, Haryana). Specific contributions made by TGI to this collaboration include: • Supporting the overall mandates of early diagnosis, management, and referral of cases under the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). • Training and capacity building of the community health workers for community-level screening of the high-risk patients and on the use of contemporary mobile health decision support system for data capture and referrals. • Providing clinical decision support tools to the physicians for guideline-based management of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. • Development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease-related, vernacular information, education & communication (IEC) material. Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), a public medical institute and tertiary care hospital in Rohtak, Haryana has been a critical implementation partner for IMPACT Diabetes. TGI intends to support PGIMS by implementing this study in the community areas being served by PGIMS, Rohtak.
Collaborator Contribution The partnerships established with the state departments of health and district administration have been vital in the implementation of study activities within these states. Being a part of the study steering committees and the advisory groups, inputs provided by state and district level officials and study investigators from the PGIMS, Rohtak and University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) have helped in timely resolution of the on-field challenges. The site investigator and the site staff at the PGIMS have been critical in guiding the on-field activities. The study staff recruited at PGIMS has been previously involved with the implementation of several state-level programs and have worked closely with the state department of health, district administration, and the national health mission. Through this partnership, TGI has been able to specifically garner the support of the district health administration which has further translated into the success of ASHA training initiatives and engagement of the primary health care physicians at the study site. On the other hand, TGI's collaboration with district health officials in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh benefitted the community as the PHCs under this study started prescribing longer duration medications for the management of diabetes. Before the start of the study, community members could only receive glucose-lowering medicines for 7 days, which was further increased to 30 days.
Impact The partnerships established have helped in the valuable local context for the study implementation that has helped TGI to develop intervention that is not only guided by strong contemporary clinical evidence but is also culturally responsive.
Start Year 2016
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation Chulalongkorn University
Country Thailand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation Department of Health Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Country Pakistan 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation George Institute for Global Health
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation Government of Thailand
Country Thailand 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation National Research Council of Thailand
Country Thailand 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation Rajamangala Institute of kidney disease
Country Thailand 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Description SMARTKidney 
Organisation Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council
Country Thailand 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We organised all the collaborations, developed the research proposal, and the protocol. We have developed the study tool, the CDSS and working with the Thai Team to manage the project and data. We will do all analyses.
Collaborator Contribution The Thai Team is providing local intellectual inputs and managing the on-ground implementation of the project. The team is providing local guidelines to help develop the clinical decision tool. The Nursing Council has reviewed the app and the workflow. It has provided important inputs that were considered for the existing version of the application. The project is being implemented in the context of the Thai Ministry of Health. The Indian partners are providing intellectual inputs
Impact The detailed study protocol and the algorithms have been written. The platform to deliver the intervention has been developed. An implementation plan has been decided. Approval has been obtained from the Thai Nursing Council and the Ministry of Thailand.
Start Year 2018
Title SHThailand 
Description This software has been developed using the George Institute SMARTHealth platform and will be used for screening and follow up of study subjects by the study team. It has a unique clinical decision support that provides bespoke management advice for each patient. This has been accepted by the stakeholders including the Nursing Council of Thailand. The software has undergone modifications to conform to the current diabetes and kidney disease management gyudelines. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The tool has been reviewed and accepted by the Nursing Council of Thailand. Once implemented, will influence the way community screening is done in Thai healthcare system. 
URL https://www.georgeinstitute.org/projects/systematic-medical-appraisal-referral-and-treatment-smart-h...
Description Community engagement 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A series of meetings have been held with 15-25 members to discuss the progress of the study and plan for the steps forward. The meetings included members from the Royal College of Physicians of Thailand, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council, Head of NCD Division - KampangPet provincial health office and Deputy Chief - KPP provincial health office, Chulalongkorn university, Bhumirajanagarindra kidney institute and the George Institute for Global Health India. Many important suggestions related to the implementation of the program, working of the algorithms and evaluation including publication plans were provided to the team. Regular reviews were undertaken to understand the ongoing COVID pandemic in the field location and modify the project plan accordingly
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022
Description Meeting of the Learning Committee for review of the dialysis policy in Thailand 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The meeting was intended to conduct an initial consultation to understand the landscape of the consequences of the revision of dialysis policy in Thailand in 2022, how should the National government proceed with regard to development of long term policy in the country and what is the implication of this finding on the global community
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Visit to SMART Health scale up in Malang, Indonesia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The SMARTHealth implementation teams from Thailand, George Institute India and Imperial College visited Malang district in East Java Province, indonesia, to interact with and understand the process of scale-up of the technology-enabled SMARTHealth intervention similar to the one being tested in the current research. This is being undertaken by the local government and public health office in the state of East Java in Indonesia. Researchers interacted with local implementation partners, frontline healthcare workers, members of the public, policymakers, and politicians to understand the local context in which such a technology-enabled intervention is improving the quality and reach of primary healthcare delivery to improve the management of common noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease. These findings will be used by the Thai Ministry of Health colleagues who were part of the team to develop similar programs to enable scale-up of the ongoing study in the local healthcare system.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023