Evaluation of a Mask Aerosol Sampling System (MASS) as an Active Case Finding Approach Focused on Infectious TB in Low-Resource Settings.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leicester
Department Name: Infection Immunity and Inflammation


Globally, tuberculosis (TB) is the most important cause of death and disease due to a single bacterial agent. TB is transmitted by aerosols (tiny droplets expelled by coughing and other respiratory efforts) generated by infected individuals. The bacteria-containing droplets are breathed deep into the lungs where, over months and years, disease is produced in about one in ten of those who get the initial infection. Over one quarter of humanity is infected with the bacterium that causes TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), but only people who go on to develop lung disease can spread the infection.
Mtb must cause lung disease and be spread by aerosols to survive in the long term; if we prevent transmission, eventually the organism will die out and the disease will be eliminated. Thus, detection and treatment of infectious cases is of paramount importance.
TB is a disease associated with poverty and, in resource constrained settings, many cases of TB go undiagnosed. This is particularly so in sub-Saharan Africa where healthcare is resource limited. Here, detection of individuals with suggestive symptoms (e.g. prolonged cough) and Mtb positive sputum (coughed up mucus) provides the main means of diagnosis. However, many symptomatic individuals do not access healthcare, even when enabled to do so by community health workers (CHWs) and a significant proportion (20-50%) are not able to produce sputum.
The Leicester team have been developing the use of adapted face masks to capture aerosols in a way that allows detection of Mtb in the World Health Organisation-recommended Mtb detection system, called Xpert MTB/RIF. The mask samples allow detection of Mtb positive individuals at a similar frequency to sputum analysis. However, unlike sputum samples, everyone who can wear a mask produces a sample in our mask aerosol sampling system (MASS). MASS is very low cost and requires only modest expertise to take and analyse the samples. In this project we shall evaluate use of the MASS as a low cost community screening tool.
Our study is based in the Tshwane district of South Africa (around 1% are estimated to have lung TB) where the Pretoria team have developed a community oriented primary care (COPC) programme (http://www.up.ac.za/en/family-medicine/article/2077127/launch-video) directed to patient and household (HH) centred health promotion. Building on our established TB aerosol collaboration (MRC and Wellcome Trust funded) and, critically, with the support of the 1670 COPC CHWs, we now plan to evaluate application of MASS as a TB screening tool in Tshwane. If favourable, this evaluation will enable us to develop a large scale intervention trial where we will compare the in-practice capacity of MASS-based screening to detect infectious cases with the conventional approach of symptom and sputum screening. If a high proportion of such cases can be detected and treated, the approach has clear potential to reduce the overall frequency of TB in this and other poor communities.
We will first test MASS in the CHWs to optimise the 15 minute procedure and train them for the study. We will then use the standard CHW review programme to detect HHs with individuals showing TB-related symptoms. Following informed consent, all members of such HHs aged 5 years and above will be mask sampled. We aim to sample 120 HHs with symptomatic individuals and expect to detect at least 20-40 positives. In parallel, through data collected from the near 300,000 individuals registered on the COPC programme we will identify 120 HHs matched for key socioeconomic indicators. All members of these HHs will be sampled as above. Symptomatic individuals and MASS positive individuals will all be referred to local clinics for standard diagnosis and treatment.
We believe MASS could enable resource-constrained health systems to focus control efforts on the most infectious TB cases and their contacts, thereby reducing transmission and consequently reducing disease.

Technical Summary

We aim to evaluate use of our mask aerosol sampling system (MASS) to detect individuals with pulmonary TB (pTB) in a community oriented primary care programme in Tshwane district (RSA). We will test the capacity of MASS combined with Xpert MTB/RIF analysis to detect pTB at similar or greater rates than conventional symptom and sputum review. Mask samples are obtained in 15 min from all who take part. Because many individuals with pTB either do not produce sputum or attend clinic when requested, we believe MASS may increase detection rates.
Recent evidence clearly indicates that analysis of patient aerosols for Mtb provides a more accurate assessment of infectivity than sputum. Our unpublished MASS studies show that up to 20% of individuals may be discrepant for aerosol and sputum positivity at any one sampling time. Thus, in addition to its potential to increase community-based pick up rates, we suggest that MASS will preferentially detect people who are actively spreading TB. If diagnostic rates in this study are favourable and if the results of our ongoing transmission related studies support the capacity of MASS to detect infectious pTB then we will use these results to develop an intervention study. This will test, in a defined target community, whether active case finding by MASS compared to conventional screening can a) increase the number of individuals diagnosed and treated; b) allow focusing of limited resources on individuals and contacts most likely to be involved in transmission and c) reduce the prevalence of TB within 4-5 years.
Following optimisation of MASS sampling for implementation in Tshwane, CHWs will sample entire HHs triggered by detection of symptomatic members. They will then sample an equal number of HHs matched for key indicators without symptom assessment. Screening of 240 HHS and ~1,200 individuals in this way will allow feasibility and design of the follow on intervention trial to be determined.

Planned Impact

Through the mask aerosol sampling system (MASS) we aim to deliver a new approach to the assessment of TB in communities. The simplicity and low cost of the approach indicate its feasibility in the proposed setting and this evaluation will establish whether it can deliver results that are of value in TB control. Favourable evaluation here will deliver:
1.A means of detecting pulmonary TB cases in communities that does not require individuals to produce sputum or attend a clinic.
2.An assessment of the relative value of MASS against symptom and sputum-based screening.
3.Detection of Mtb aerosol positivity in individuals who do not report symptoms.
While this will be the first substantial evaluation of the MASS approach, the Leicester team expect to be in a position to support other groups who wish to explore sampling this way by the end of this project.
Comments below all assume a positive outcome in the evaluation, development towards the impacts described is outlined in the Pathways to Impact document.
We emphasise that TB control is just one of the applications of MASS. The approach can and is being developed to assess all airborne microbes in a format compatible with routine clinical practice.

Identification of infectious individuals within a community will enable refocussing of control efforts on these individuals and their contacts. This approach could rapidly impact on transmission and prevalence of disease. Evidence supporting this approach would lead to significant changes in TB control strategies funded and implemented by the organisations listed. In addition to production of the sampling system and the downstream analysis of samples, the approach creates new opportunities for the healthcare industry to develop products directed to limiting transmission

MASS will enable practitioners to recognise and manage infective patients and to obtain microbiological confirmation of diagnosis in those who do not produce sputum. A pilot study to detect the effect of treatment in patients with fully sensitive and drug resistant infection (10 each) has ethical permission and will commence shortly in Pretoria. A simple test recognising infectivity based on samples that can be obtained from everyone who can wear a mask will be of great value to practitioners, hospital managers, patients and their contacts. Currently, in the UK patients considered infectious, particularly those with drug resistant infections are maintained in isolation at considerable cost until they are sputum culture negative; if they don't produce sputum then they are evaluated by bronchoalveolar lavage. While much work will needs to be done, to establish the negative predictive value of MASS for transmission risk, the potential is clear.

While there are no obvious opportunities for new drug development here, the capacity to recognise infectivity will allow evaluation of different treatments in this regard. In the case of resistant infections, existing drugs may differentially affect infectivity. Moreover, our parallel studies on the biological basis of Mtb aerosol transmission (MR/PO23061/1) have potential to identify and transmission-specific bacterial targets.


10 25 50
Description We have shown that a simple low cost face mask sampling system can be used to detect exhaled tubercle bacilli. The approach may well assist in controlling this airborne infection which kills more people than any other single microbe. The initial phase of this work has been published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Exploitation Route The approach has potential for use in detecting and controlling any airborne pathogen
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/face-mask-worn-for-half-an-hour-offers-early-tb-diagnosis-lfd6bpnsd
Description We have produced a video to assist community level sampling and inform communities about airborne infection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nq3y0P6t44
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Medical and biological significance of exhaled M. tuberculosis detected by community level face mask sampling in Pretoria.
Amount £537,490 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/T031255/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2020 
End 01/2023
Title Facemask sampling (FMS) to detect and quantify exhaled microbes 
Description We have developed use of facemasks carrying a sampling matrix primarily to assess individual outputs of pathogens and other microbes found in the human respiratory tract.The primary objective has been to assess the infectiousness of individuals (source strength) and determine whether signals obtained in clinical or community settings are reflected in the risk of transmission to contacts. We have recently shown this to be the case in tuberculosis and in COVID-19 Publications by Williams and Pan). Particular advantages of FMS include ease of sampling compared to upper respiratory swab and sputum collection, stability of the samples for deferred analysis, acceptability for participants and capacity for sampling during normal settings such as workplaces or meetings. Our approach is in the early stages of adoption by other UK and international groups. In addition, FIND Diagnostics (FINDdx.org) have worked with us to produce a commercial prototype that has recently entered clinical trials for tuberculosis screening. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None as yet but there is clear potential for screening and for integration into routine clinical practice. 
Description Airborne infection studies supported by face mask sampling (FMS) 
Organisation University of Pretoria
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have studied exhaled Mycobacterium tuberculosis with Professor Anton Stoltz (tragically deceased May 2020) and Professor Jannie Hug of the departments of Medicine and Family Medicine at UP. Initial work was done by a Leicester research Fellow, Caroline Williams and this has been followed by the UP team based in Family Medicine through their Community Oriented Primary Care programme (COPC)
Collaborator Contribution The COPC team have delivered community level FMS in households in informal settlements in Western Pretoria. Data have been gathered in a two phase study from over 400 individuals and the samples analysed in our jointly run lab at Steve Biko academic hospital.. Exhaled TB signals have been detected in up to 10% of non-symptomatic individuals..
Impact The publication of part of this work in Lancet Infectious Diseases and the recognition of the community sampling led to and approach from FIND diagnostics. Since autumn 2020 we have been working with FIND to develop FMS as a screening tool for TB in resource limited settings. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary, involving clinicians, lab scientists and engineers.
Start Year 2015