The role of microRNA regulation in a Drosophila model of Huntington disease

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sussex
Department Name: Sch of Life Sciences


The overall goal of this proposal is to determine the roles played by small non-coding RNAs in Huntington Disease (HD), an incurable neurodegenerative disease and the most common monogenic neuropathology in the developed world. HD manifests as a combination of motor, cognitive and behavioural features which deteriorate the patient's physical and mental abilities, ultimately leading to death. Recent studies in humans (Hoss et al., 2014) have demonstrated that many small non-coding RNAs (microRNAs, miRNAs) show differential expression in HD brains suggesting that miRNAs may be involved in the development of HD pathology or be part of a cellular compensatory mechanism that combats the disease. This project investigates these important and timely questions using a Drosophila model of HD.
The work will be focused on two central questions:
Q1: What are the molecular mechanisms that trigger miRNA dysregulation in HD?
Q2: What are the mechanisms that link HD-related miRNA dysregulation to neural dysfunction?
The project will be developed as a novel collaboration between Prof. Claudio Alonso at the University of Sussex and Prof. Gillian Bates, FRS at UCL. The Alonso lab is an international leader in the study of the neural roles of miRNAs in Drosophila and Prof. Bates is a world authority in the molecular cellular biology of HD and an expert in mammalian models of HD. The highly complementary nature of our team puts us in an excellent position to determine the roles played by miRNA regulation in a Drosophila model of HD while keeping close to the context of mammalian models of this disease. The project fits the core remit of the MRC Neuroscience and Mental Health Board on "understanding of the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and disorders of the motor system" and will also contribute to advance current models on the molecular control of "the physiology of the nervous system in health and illness".

Technical Summary

Huntington Disease (HD) is an incurable disease that causes a combination of motor, cognitive and behavioural features which deteriorate the patient's physical and mental abilities, ultimately leading to death. Recent studies in humans revealed that several small non-coding RNAs (microRNAs) show differential expression in HD brains suggesting that microRNAs may be involved in the development of HD pathology or constitute a compensatory mechanism by the patient. This project investigates these important and timely questions using a Drosophila model of HD. In preliminary work to this application we discovered that induction of HD in Drosophila leads to dysregulation of a common minimal microRNA "signature" associated to HD in both humans and flies. In addition, overexpression of one signature HD-microRNA upregulated in HD (miR-10) in a non-HD background is sufficient to trigger severe locomotor defects in adult flies, while attenuation of miR-10 function in HD flies significantly improves locomotor defects. These observations show that Drosophila is an excellent genetically-tractable system where to study the mechanisms that link microRNA dysregulation to HD. This proposal builds on this and investigates (i) the mechanisms that link HD to microRNA dysregulation, and (ii) the neural cellular basis underlying microRNA effects on motor dysfunction. The project will be developed as a novel collaboration between the labs of Professor Claudio Alonso (an international expert in microRNA neurobiology at the University of Sussex) and Professor Gillian Bates FRS, a world leader in the molecular and cellular biology of Huntington Disease from UCL. The work will thus contribute to two MRC core objectives in relation to neuroscience research: (i) fundamental discovery research relating to the development, function and disorders of the human nervous system, and (ii) research to inform novel strategies for preventing and treating disorders of the nervous system.

Planned Impact

The overall goal of this proposal is to determine the roles played by small non-coding RNAs in Huntington Disease (HD), an incurable neurodegenerative disease and the most common monogenic neuropathology in the developed world. HD causes a combination of motor, cognitive and behavioural features which deteriorate the patient's physical and mental abilities, ultimately leading to death. Recent studies in humans have demonstrated that a large number of small non-coding RNAs (microRNAs) show differential expression in HD brains suggesting that microRNAs may be involved in the development of HD pathology or constitute part of a cellular compensatory mechanism that combats the disease. This project investigates these important and timely questions using a Drosophila model of HD.
The proposal hits a core scientific remit of the MRC Neuroscience and Mental Health Board, i.e. "understanding of the physiology and behaviour of the human nervous system... as well as how to treat and prevent disorders of the brain". It belongs to the NMHB portfolio on "Neurodegeneration" and commitment to support work on "neurodegenerative conditions that result in progressive degeneration or death of nerve cells, including disorders of the motor systems".
We expect the project to have several potential avenues for impact. I. Who will benefit?
- Researchers working in basic neuroscience
- Researchers working in the medical application of neuroscience
- Patient groups suffering HD
- General public
II. How will they benefit?
(i) Academic beneficiaries. During the lifetime of the project, the main form of impact will be within the academic community. Several benefits can be envisaged:
-Training the new generation of scientists. Because the work will integrate modern molecular biology and neurodegeneration, a significant benefit will involve capacity building for postdocs, technicians and students, who may develop careers in industry or academia. New capacities will include skills in cutting-edge approaches in transcriptomics, neurophysiology, imaging and microscopy. These skills are applicable to clinical brain research, biomedicine, and data sciences.
- Promoting Interdisciplinary Research. The project has the potential to fuel new interdisciplinary research emerging at the interface between Molecular Biology and Brain Disease research catalysing the development of new technologies and approaches that emerge from principles of molecular biology and the neurophysiology of disease.
- Reducing Animal Experimentation. Our work will foster core principles of the "3Rs" the UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of animal use in research. NB: the use of Drosophila is promoted under the specific initiative of "partial replacement".
(ii) Beneficiaries of applications stemming from the project:
- Development of novel HD therapies. Our work has the legitimate long-term potential of identifying new targets for pharmacological manipulation with the view of ameliorating or eradicating symptoms of HD. This might impact the work of large pharmaceutical companies with core interests in neurodegeneration (GSK, Sanofi, Roche). Professor Bates will lead these efforts given that she is in contact with companies in this sector due to her on-going HD therapy evaluation work.
(iii) Patient groups suffering HD
- New ways of treating HD. Our work can unlock some of the fundamental processes that underlie the development and establishment of HD. Therefore, in the long-term, our work may open up the possibility that patients suffering from HD will be able to receive new forms of treatment.
(iv) General public
We will make extensive use of public engagement channels to share the implications of our work with the public, explaining how our science can contribute to decode the mechanisms of disease as detailed in the Communications Plan and Pathways to Impact.
Description Mathematical Modelling of Drosophila Behaviour 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Department School of Informatics Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We discovered behavioural effects linked to particular microRNA molecules and manipulations in Hox gene expression, and asked our collaborators to help us characterise the nature of some of these behavioural effects using their expertise in mathematical and physical modelling of locomotion in Drosophila
Collaborator Contribution Dr Jane Loveless and Professor Barbara Webb, our collaborators at the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh (UK), aassisted us to develop quantitative mathamatical and physical modelling approaches to investigate locomotor patterns in Drosophila larva. They helped my team writing mathematical models and developing physical models and computer code to establish the physical basis of locomotion in Drosophila larvae. This work offers us a point of reference to study the impact of gene mutation on the fundamental processes underlying motion control in Drosophila as well as an important approach to compare how artificially-induced neurodegenerative conditions can affect movement control in Drosophila.
Impact Jane Loveless, Alastair Garner, Abdul Raouf Issa, Ruairí J. V. Roberts, Barbara Webb, Lucia L. Prieto-Godino, Tomoko Ohyama and Claudio R. Alonso (2020) A physical theory of larval Drosophila behaviour BioRxiv doi:
Start Year 2018
Description Quantitative analysis of behaviour in adult Drosophila 
Organisation Champalimaud Foundation
Country Portugal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We discovered behavioural effects linked to particular microRNA molecules and asked our collaborators to help us characterise the nature of some of these behavioural effects using their expertise in quantitative behavioural approaches.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Eugenia Chiappe, our collaborator at the Champalimaud Centre in Lisbon (Portugal), and her team assisted us to develop quantitative behavioral approaches in adult Drosophila. They helped my team writing computer code and providing suitable set ups and advise to conduct behavioural tests and reading neural activity patterns in Drosophila bearing different mutations.
Impact A Single MicroRNA-Hox Gene Module Controls Equivalent Movements in Biomechanically Distinct Forms of Drosophila. Issa AR, Picao-Osorio J, Rito N, Chiappe ME, Alonso CR. Curr Biol. 2019 Aug 19;29(16):2665-2675.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.082. Epub 2019 Jul 18. PMID: 31327720
Start Year 2018
Description Quantitative analysis of behaviour in larval Drosophila melanogaster 
Organisation Francis Crick Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We discovered behavioural effects linked to particular microRNA molecules and asked our collaborators to help us characterise the nature of some of these behavioural effects using their expertise in quantitative behavioural approaches in larval Drosophila.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Lucia Prieto-Godino, our collaborator at the Francis Crick Institute in London (UK), and her team assisted us to develop quantitative behavioral approaches in larval Drosophila. Dr Godino-Prieto helped my team writing and adapting computer code based on transfer learning with deep neural networks, and providing training and advise to my team so that we could extract quantitative behavioural signatures from Drosophila larvae engaged in different behavioural activities.
Impact Jane Loveless, Alastair Garner, Abdul Raouf Issa, Ruairí J. V. Roberts, Barbara Webb, Lucia L. Prieto-Godino, Tomoko Ohyama and Claudio R. Alonso (2020) A physical theory of larval Drosophila behaviour BioRxiv doi:
Start Year 2020
Description Nature Podcast (Interviewee) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact I was interviewed by Nature Podcasts to explain the impact of the COVOD-19 pandemic on our research programmes and on our strategies to deal with the challenges imposed by doing laboratory research during a full national lockdown.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Presentation at Cafe Scientifique, Brighton 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Evening presentation to discuss the process of brain development and how the genetic program can produce a structure of the morphological and functional complexity such as the brain.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023