Prevention of Addiction and Mental Ill Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)

Lead Research Organisation: Curatio International Foundation
Department Name: Research


There is a lack of epidemiological studies on mental disorders in the general population and particularly in children and adolescents (CA) in Georgia. According to official data, 2.4% of the Georgian population is affected by mental disorders (NCDC, 2016), while international prevalence studies indicate that on average 9 -16% of the population suffer from mental disorders (Thornicroft and Tansella, 2009). Similarly, national statistics indicate that 377.5 per 100,000 population (or 11%) under 15 years suffer from mental disorders, while international evidence indicates that globally 20% of CA suffer from a disabling mental illness (Klasen & Crombag, 2012). This assumes that official statistics underreport prevalence of mental disorders among general and CA population in Georgia and especially taking into the consideration multiple risks for mental health burden to the population arising from different social and economic factors of the country: (a) since independence from the Soviet Union Georgia underwent significant demographic, economic, health and social systems transformations although every fifth Georgia is still living in relative poverty (under 60% of the median consumption) (WHO Georgia HIT, 2017); (b) during last three decades the country has experienced two main phases of conflict in the early 1990s and in 2008, resulting forced displacement of population - about 200,000 of the Georgian population remain internally displaced (IDMC, 2012) and are living in poor conditions, in poverty experiencing financial barriers to access health care and medicines; (c) the country's geopolitical uniqueness and other contextual factors have facilitated the spread of illegal drug use in Georgia. Strengthened supply control and repressive measures undertaken by the government of Georgia resulted in a shift of drug use behavior by introducing the use of new toxic preparations and subsequent harm to the physical and mental health of drug consumers (Otiashvili et al., 2016). According to the last published annual report on the drug situation in Georgia (Javakhishvili, 2016), as well as information obtained about drug use at the 2017 and 2018 youth festivals, new life-threatening cannabis-type synthetic drugs have entered the drug stage and caused drug-related deaths (Frontnews 2017; Frontnews 2018).
All of the abovementioned information indicates the necessity of targeted effective mental health interventions addressing the needs of CA in the country, although Georgia lacks such service. It should be noted that the government and policy makers in Georgia have acknowledged the problems resulting from mental health burden among CA and prepared a National Action Plan on Mental Health Reform 2015-2020, that emphasizes the needs of CA mental health (MH) interventions development in the country. However, the evidence to support the development of CAMH services in Georgia is very limited.
From spring 2019 it is planned to start implementation of MH interventions for CA and their family members with the support of the European Commission (EC) in two cities (in Tbilisi and Batumi) of Georgia.
Proposed research project aims to (a) contribute in the design stage of the EC funded initiative to refine the service to optimise a package of interventions tailored to the needs of CA with co-morbid conduct and emotional disorders and substance abuse to Prevent Addiction and Mental Ill Health among Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd) and (b) evaluate PAMAd service (from clinical and cost-effectiveness persepctives).
This is a unique opportunity for Georgia to evaluate the donor supported activity and generate solid evidence with interventions cost estimates to inform policy decisions for further uptake of the service. The results will also be useful for other former Post-Soviet Union countries.

Technical Summary

The study will first inform how the PAMAd service (package of interventions) is designed in collaboration with potential service beneficiaries (CA and their family members), service providers, main stakeholders and policy makers at national level and also generate evidence on effectiveness of CA targeted service (clinical effectiveness and unit costs of PAMAd service).
Proposed research project will use pre and post-test design without control groups (Shadish WR, et al.2002) with nested process evaluation. A controlled design will not be feasible because the research is being undertaken within a developing EC supported service with well-estabished plans and a strict timeline. This offers an unique opportunity for implementation research in a real-world setting that will be an integral part of the PAMAd piloting/development work. This will allow exploration of how the interventions are developed and conducted, mechanisms through which the interventions produce change, and what contextual factors may act as barriers or facilitators to PAMAd implementation.
This will be mixed methods research. Quantitative interviews with structured questionnaires will be used to determine socio-demographic status, living conditions, measure outcomes to determine effectiveness of the service and to collect cost data on service. Qualitative data (from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions) will be used to obtain depth of understanding and more comprehensively address the research questions. Data will also be collected on utilization of mental and physical health services, and social services; financial, economic and other barriers to care for common mental health and drug related problems, drug related risks awareness and risk behaviors. Qualitative data from service users and providers, different stakeholders will capture all factors important for duplication of the service in different areas and make it clear for decision makers how feasible its introduction will be.

Planned Impact

The beneficiaries of this research will be CA with co-morbid conduct and emotional disorders and substance abuse, service providers, policy-makers and the scientific community in Georgia, the region and globally.
The aim of the proposed research is to support the design of MH service tailored to CA needs (PAMAd service) and to evaluate the effectiveness, costs and mechanisms of change of the service focused on improving the health and wellbeing of CA affected by substance use and common mental health disorders through effective service provision.
Our research will contribute to the CA MH service in two ways, (i) by supporting the design of an appropriate package of interventions, and (ii) assessing its effectiveness and costs (design and implementation) and identifying the factors that support or undermine its effectiveness, as well as documenting intended or unintended effects of the service implementation.
In addition to the PAMAd service design and evaluation of its effectiveness, the project will contribute to development of mHealth application for CA that will also be tailored to their needs and will be co-produced with service users to expand the availability and quality of mental health support in future.
The evidence produced through this research will be used by national policy-makers to reform the mental health system in a way that improves health and wellbeing of CAs through a participatory learning process. Decision makers involvement in the design and implementation stages of the service will benefit the national rollout and possible expansion of PAMAd service in future.
Moreover, findings will be beneficial for other LMICs, particularly for those with a similar socio and economic environment (most of the former Socialist countries of Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia). Using the communication strategies outlined above, we will inform the development of MH service for CA in other contexts - highlighting positive and negative findings, as well as contextual barriers and enablers, and the wider systems effects and resource implications which are crucial to scalability and sustainability.
Title Tools - Costing tools- Cost of the service 
Description Costing tool for the study costing component. Tools to collect Top-down cost data on human resources, capital, recurrent, overhead, transportation costs. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title Tools- RE Client IDI guide 
Description Realist Evaluation of factors influencing service provision from clients perspective 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title Tools- RE Provider IDI guide 
Description Realist Evaluation of factors influencing service delivery from the providers perspective 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title Tools- RE Stakeholders FGD guide 
Description Qualitative data collection tool used for Realist Evaluation of all major events in the policy and environment and other factors that may impact outcomes including policy change. Will be used for National context mapping 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title Tools- RE- National Context Mapping 
Description Qualitative data collection tool used for Realist Evaluation of all major events in the policy and environment and other factors that may impact outcomes including policy change, MH care-related resource availability, drug scene on the National Level 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title Tools- Several outcome measure tools to assess psychosocial conditions and outcomes 
Description Tools- Several outcome measure tools to assess psychosocial conditions and outcomes. Such as EQ5D-5L, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire (ACE) (ACE-IQ), Life Event Checklist (LEC-5), International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ), Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASIST), Lie/Bet Questionnaire, Demographic & Care seeking behavior assessment. All those tools are internationally approved to use in the same type of studies. The study will use them for pre and post evaluation purposes. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact NA 
Title PAMAd- Detailed database for quantitative data 
Description The excel-based detailed database includes all data from the several data collection tools: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire (ACE), Life Event Checklist (LEC-5), Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASIST). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Title PAMAd- Master database for quantitative data 
Description The excel-based master database includes the main variables of the quantitative study tools. Includes individual, group, basic and advanced modules. It also includes demographic data about clients and their care-seeking behavior. All data in the database is entered 3 times first is pre-test while enrolment, second upon completion of the intervention and final after 3 months for the follow-up purposes. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact NA 
Description Proposal - Guided Digital Interventions to Support People Affected by the Russian-Ukrainian War (RUW-Aid) 
Organisation Cardiff University
Department School of Medicine
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our organisation - Curatio International Foundation (CIF) leaded the consortium of partners including Cardiff University - School of Medicine, Global Initiative in Psychiatry - Tbilisi, Vytautas Magnus University, Human Rights in Mental Health- Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Counteracting Consequences of Humanitarian Crisis and Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at Kharkiv National Medical University. The consortium has been created as a result of PAMAd study where CIF, Cardiff University and GIP Tbilisi are working on the research project. The consortium has submitted the proposal to the UKRI Applied Global Health Research Board Outline Round 4 call. CIF team contributed to the study concept, design and overall approach creation. If successful will be leading the implementation and will be responsible on the outputs of the proposed project.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners contributed to the intervention idea, study design and methodology and to the general approach and vision. Some new partners from Ukraine, Germany and Lithuania has been brought to the board with the help of PI- Dr. Darejan Javakhishvili, from CIF and Co-I Dr. Nino Makashvili from GIP-Tbilisi, as both of them have big network of partners working in the Mental Health field.
Impact The collaboration has tangible output at this stage- which is submitted proposal to UKRI.
Start Year 2022
Description Proposal - Guided Digital Interventions to Support People Affected by the Russian-Ukrainian War (RUW-Aid) 
Organisation Global Initiative on Psychiatry
Country Georgia 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Our organisation - Curatio International Foundation (CIF) leaded the consortium of partners including Cardiff University - School of Medicine, Global Initiative in Psychiatry - Tbilisi, Vytautas Magnus University, Human Rights in Mental Health- Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Counteracting Consequences of Humanitarian Crisis and Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at Kharkiv National Medical University. The consortium has been created as a result of PAMAd study where CIF, Cardiff University and GIP Tbilisi are working on the research project. The consortium has submitted the proposal to the UKRI Applied Global Health Research Board Outline Round 4 call. CIF team contributed to the study concept, design and overall approach creation. If successful will be leading the implementation and will be responsible on the outputs of the proposed project.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners contributed to the intervention idea, study design and methodology and to the general approach and vision. Some new partners from Ukraine, Germany and Lithuania has been brought to the board with the help of PI- Dr. Darejan Javakhishvili, from CIF and Co-I Dr. Nino Makashvili from GIP-Tbilisi, as both of them have big network of partners working in the Mental Health field.
Impact The collaboration has tangible output at this stage- which is submitted proposal to UKRI.
Start Year 2022
Description Proposal - Guided Digital Interventions to Support People Affected by the Russian-Ukrainian War (RUW-Aid) 
Organisation Vytautas Magnus University
Country Lithuania 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our organisation - Curatio International Foundation (CIF) leaded the consortium of partners including Cardiff University - School of Medicine, Global Initiative in Psychiatry - Tbilisi, Vytautas Magnus University, Human Rights in Mental Health- Federation Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Counteracting Consequences of Humanitarian Crisis and Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at Kharkiv National Medical University. The consortium has been created as a result of PAMAd study where CIF, Cardiff University and GIP Tbilisi are working on the research project. The consortium has submitted the proposal to the UKRI Applied Global Health Research Board Outline Round 4 call. CIF team contributed to the study concept, design and overall approach creation. If successful will be leading the implementation and will be responsible on the outputs of the proposed project.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners contributed to the intervention idea, study design and methodology and to the general approach and vision. Some new partners from Ukraine, Germany and Lithuania has been brought to the board with the help of PI- Dr. Darejan Javakhishvili, from CIF and Co-I Dr. Nino Makashvili from GIP-Tbilisi, as both of them have big network of partners working in the Mental Health field.
Impact The collaboration has tangible output at this stage- which is submitted proposal to UKRI.
Start Year 2022
Title A new psychosocial service for adolescents and youth in Georgia named Club Synergy 
Description The service for adolescents and youth in Georgia opened in March 2019 in Tbilisi and in April in Batumi for adolescents and youth aged 14-25. The service was named 'Club Synergy - Tbilisi" and "Club Synergy - Batumi' to attract young people and reduce the stigma of addressing a psychosocial service. Club Synergy's target groups are young people with emotional and conduct problems, among them addiction problems, namely: - adolescents and youth in conflict with - adolescents under state care - Internally displaced adolescents and youth - adolescents and youth from a general population - Their family members/careers This is a preventive-intervention service, offered by trained and closely supervised multidisciplinary teams (psychologists, social workers, addictologists, psychiatrists). The clients/beneficiaries of the Club are referred from: • Crime prevention center of Georgia under the Ministry of Justice • National Probation Agency (MoJ) • Social Service Agency (Ministry of IDPs, labor, health and social issues) • Psychological centers under the Ministry of Education • Psychological counseling center for students at Ilia State University • Self-referral Foundation GIP-Tbilisi runs the service under a grant from EC. The interventions are divided into basic and advanced packages. The basic package is transdiagnostic and oriented at skills development and dealing with some problems. The modules developed and offered at individual and group formats are as such: • Effective communication and interpersonal relationships' skills module; • Emotion regulation module (i.e. anger & conflict management) • Art-therapy • 'Positive parenting' module • Brief addiction module (based on WHO ASSIST) • Brief multicomponent module (Ist target group only) • A specific module: "awareness of your crime" (Ist target group only) The Advanced package at this stage entails 3 modules: • Trauma-Focused Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (TF CBT) • CBT based intervention for addiction • Intervention for Gambling These modules are also delivered to individuals and groups. 
Type Preventative Intervention - Behavioural risk modification
Current Stage Of Development Initial development
Year Development Stage Completed 2020
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact Not yet 
Title Intervention/ Service modification due to Covid-19- A new psychosocial service for adolescents and youth in Georgia named Club Synergy (Initial development - 2020) 
Description The service for adolescents and youth in Georgia opened in March 2019 in Tbilisi and in April in Batumi for adolescents and youth aged 14-25. The service was named 'Club Synergy - Tbilisi" and "Club Synergy - Batumi' to attract young people and reduce stigma of addressing a psychosocial service. Club Synergy's target groups are young people with emotional and conduct problems, among them addiction problems, namely: - adolescents and youth in conflict with - adolescents under state care - Internally displaced adolescents and youth - adolescents and youth from a general population - Their family members/careers This is a preventive-intervention service, offered by trained and closely supervised multidisciplinary teams (psychologists, social workers, addictologists, psychiatrists). The clients/beneficiaries of the Club are referred from: • Crime prevention center of Georgia under Mo Justice • National Probation Agency (MoJ) • Social Service Agency (Ministry of IDPs, labor, health and social care) • Psychological centers under Mo Education • Psychological counselling centre for students at Ilia State University • Self-referral Due to Covid-19 pandemic since April 2020, the service is working online, offering clients distant counseling via ZOOM, Skype, and other means of virtual communication. Consultants are equipped with mobile phones and in case if clients do not have access to the mentioned above virtual platforms they receive service via text messiging and email-communication. The need/demand for the service is high and intense - since the pandemic the Clubs provided more then 700 distant counseling. The new brief module for the stress management and emotional regulation - a brief psychosocial counselling - was developed and is delivered during 3-5 sessions. 
Type Preventative Intervention - Behavioural risk modification
Current Stage Of Development Initial development
Year Development Stage Completed 2020
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact As a result some mid outcomes of the intervention are: the unique and new service for young beneficiaries, the flexible online counseling and easy adaptable service, trained staff, improved access for people in need especially during the lockdown due to Covid-19, as intervention has been modified with online sessions and also crisis management component for the population of all age groups. 
Description Annual International Conference of the Georgian Society of Psychotrauma and Ilia State University "Trauma and Society" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presenting the outcomes of the study "Developing Evidence-Based Services in Response to Mental Health Crises"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Dissemination of study results on ISTSS 38th Annual Meeting "Trauma as a Transdiagnostic Risk Factor Across the Lifespan", November 9-12, Atlanta, USA 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The research team has organised the workshop on the 38th Annual Meeting of The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies ISTSS-2022. The event took place in Atlanta, US. The participants were representing the researchers and experts in the field. The annual meeting provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns and theoretical formulations of trauma. The research team presented on the workshop entitled " Implementing Transdiagnostic, Trauma-Informed Services in the Republic of Georgia: The Club Synergy Approach" study outcomes and participants expressed great interest about the novel intervention and the study methodology and also the positive outcomes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description PAMAd project launch meeting to introduce new intervention and the study design 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Project launch meeting to introduce new intervention which aims to deliver evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions to adolescents and young people (aged 14 to 25) with a range (mild to severe and complicated) of emotional, behavioural and addiction problems and will focus on prevention as well as treatment. On the workshop the study design has been presented as well and participants provided questions during the discussion session. The meeting has been attended by different stakeholders such as: representatives of the Parliament of Georgia, Ministry of IDPs, Labor, Health and Social issues, field experts, civil society organizations, students and service providers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation of study outcomes at Cardiff University - Transdiagnostic Mental Health services for young people in Georgia: Evolution and evaluation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Study team of PAMAd project presented study outcomes at the Cardiff University in November 2023. The presentation covered detailed description of country context and it's challenges in terms of mental health services for young people, team described the intervention and presented it's outcomes resulting from the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. As a result study team revealed the main outcomes such as 1.The trauma-informed, TD psychosocial prevention-intervention service provided by Club Synergy improved the health and wellbeing of YP presenting with a range of MH difficulties, 2.The Club Synergy model has the potential to be expanded and implemented elsewhere in Georgia and beyond, to help to address the major 'treatment gap' for people with MH problems, especially for YP in LMICs, 3. YP presenting to Club Synergy had been exposed to significant childhood trauma, were at very high risk of developing mental disorder and an appropriate group to attempt to reduce the impact of ACEs in through the provision of preventive interventions, 4. The prevalence of ACEs and overall Club Synergy experience underlines the importance of adopting a trauma-informed approach, 5. The TD approach, combining common elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy-based treatment for multiple and comorbid mental health problems, appears well suited to the Club Synergy target group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description The Workshop "Disseminating Evidence-Based Approaches to Services for Traumatized Young People in Georgia" was delivered at the 36th annual virtual conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop "Disseminating Evidence-Based Approaches to Services for Traumatized Young People in Georgia" (and corresponding oral presentations) has been delivered by Prof. Darejan Javakhishvili, Prof. Jonathan Bisson and Prof. Nino Makhashvili (PI and Co-Is) at the 36th annual (virtual) conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). The title of presentation was, During the workshop, the aim, objectives, methodology and interim outcomes of PAMAd study have been presented.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Training of data collectors in Tbilisi and Batumi 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Research team members provided training to the service providers who are involved in the data collection. The training was in both locations Tbilisi and Batumi. 10 data collectors have been trained in Tbilisi and 7 data collectors in Batumi.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description Workshop on the framework development for the qualitative component of the study 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The research team convened for the 3-day workshop with the aim to develop the analytical framework for the qualitative component of study. The above mentioned components aims to assess the development, implementation and outcomes of the PAMAd service, from the perspectives of the service beneficiaries, providers and supervisors. The research team used the sub-sample of the data collected through the in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to construct the analytical framework. As a result the code book for the further data analysis was developed.
The research team also updated the context map within the small group. Initially this activity was planned for the wider audience but has been reschedules due to Covid-19 restrictions. The study team aims to conduct complex context mapping during the spring 2022.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Workshop- Study Interim outcomes presentation and dissemination on National Level 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The workshop has been conducted in order to disseminate interim outcomes of the study. The descriptive analysis has been presented to check the interim impact of the intervention "Club Synergy Service". The policy makers, field experts, researchers, civil society organizations, international non-governmental organizations and service providers participated in the workshop. Stakeholders discussed funding sustainability and positive impact of the intervention and the benefit of the research component which allows to examine outcomes and refine the intervention.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020