"Forens-OMICS": a cross disciplinary implementation of omics sciences to in vivo and post-mortem ageing investigations for forensic applications
Lead Research Organisation:
Northumbria University
Department Name: Fac of Health and Life Sciences
The aim of this research project is to apply some of the most cutting-edge technologies available in modern biology and biochemistry laboratories to address two of the most important questions that a forensic scientist could be asked to answer in order to solve a crime, namely the post-mortem interval (PMI) of the victim (the time elapsed from his/her death) and the age of the victim (AAD, age-at-death). Despite the availability of several different approaches that can be used to perform these estimations, they usually rely on the expertise of the forensic scientist that performs the analysis, thus suffering from poor inter-individual reproducibility and objectivity. Moreover, most of the techniques developed so far to estimate PMI rely on evaluations that has to be performed on soft tissues (e.g. after short periods from death), and techniques aimed at addressing AAD often rely on the completeness of the skeleton to look for specific morphological skeletal traits (e.g., cranial sutures, pubic symphysis) that can give information about the chronological age of the victim. Starting from these assumptions, it is clear and evident what the limits of the actual methodologies are, that is the lack of ageing information obtainable from skeletonised remains or from incomplete bodies (such as body fragments), which is a very common situation for cold cases victims, natural disasters, war victims, terroristic attacks, human trafficking victims, and also for archaeological excavations.
Nowadays, technological progress allows researchers to extract an invaluable amount of biological information starting from very small amount of materials such as very small fragment of bone. This includes genetic information, as well as protein and metabolite information, and these are generally summarised under the common term of "omics" disciplines. Interestingly, all the biomolecules cited here can bring a specific "signature" depending on in-vivo and post-mortem ageing phenomena of the biological tissue that contains them, and these signatures could be investigated within a small biological sample in a non-targeted way, in order to evaluate their linkage with ageing phenomena (both PMI and AAD) and their predictive power.
The term "Forens-OMICS" indicates here the first global application of several "omics" technologies aimed to address ageing phenomena primarily for forensic applications, but also for archaeological ones.
To achieve these aims, several newly established collaborations with several anthropological facilities in the United States of America will allow the collection and the sampling of a significant number of human bones of either individuals with a wide age range (from very young to elderly individuals) and of individuals characterised by a wide range of PMIs (from a couple of months to over forty years). The bone samples collected will be then used to extract DNA, proteins and metabolites, and high-throughput analyses will be performed on each of these specific biomolecules to extrapolate quantifiable features associated with both PMI and AAD. All the recovered information will then be combined together with advanced bioinformatics tools, in order to develop a mathematical model that will estimate PMI and AAD, and that will predict the predictive power of the methodology, as well as clarifying which of the biomolecules (or combination thereof) will provide the most accurate estimations. To conclude, the newly found biomarkers will be used to develop a commercial kit that could be used by forensic examiners, police officers or researchers to make these estimations in an easy, quick, un-biased and reliable way. The kit will also allow "non-omics" experts to get fundamental investigative clues that will help to improve the outcome of unsolved crimes and of future crimes involving the presence of skeletonised or highly fragmented remains.
Nowadays, technological progress allows researchers to extract an invaluable amount of biological information starting from very small amount of materials such as very small fragment of bone. This includes genetic information, as well as protein and metabolite information, and these are generally summarised under the common term of "omics" disciplines. Interestingly, all the biomolecules cited here can bring a specific "signature" depending on in-vivo and post-mortem ageing phenomena of the biological tissue that contains them, and these signatures could be investigated within a small biological sample in a non-targeted way, in order to evaluate their linkage with ageing phenomena (both PMI and AAD) and their predictive power.
The term "Forens-OMICS" indicates here the first global application of several "omics" technologies aimed to address ageing phenomena primarily for forensic applications, but also for archaeological ones.
To achieve these aims, several newly established collaborations with several anthropological facilities in the United States of America will allow the collection and the sampling of a significant number of human bones of either individuals with a wide age range (from very young to elderly individuals) and of individuals characterised by a wide range of PMIs (from a couple of months to over forty years). The bone samples collected will be then used to extract DNA, proteins and metabolites, and high-throughput analyses will be performed on each of these specific biomolecules to extrapolate quantifiable features associated with both PMI and AAD. All the recovered information will then be combined together with advanced bioinformatics tools, in order to develop a mathematical model that will estimate PMI and AAD, and that will predict the predictive power of the methodology, as well as clarifying which of the biomolecules (or combination thereof) will provide the most accurate estimations. To conclude, the newly found biomarkers will be used to develop a commercial kit that could be used by forensic examiners, police officers or researchers to make these estimations in an easy, quick, un-biased and reliable way. The kit will also allow "non-omics" experts to get fundamental investigative clues that will help to improve the outcome of unsolved crimes and of future crimes involving the presence of skeletonised or highly fragmented remains.
Planned Impact
This proposal aims at combining several "omics" methodologies with applications within the fields of forensic sciences and archaeology, therefore resulting in a highly multidisciplinary project which will deliver benefits at different levels, from academic members to commercial partners, policy-makers and general public members.
Academic: The knowledge generated during the duration of the project will be disseminated through several identified pathways fully described in Pathways to Impact, such as publications on peer-reviewed journals, talks and posters at national and international meetings. Data generated will be made publicly available on public repositories for maximum benefit of the invested money allowing other researchers to perform additional meta-analyses on it. Overall, our data will not impact the forensic field and the archaeological one, but also within biological and medical researchers' groups interested in the understanding of the ageing phenomena and age-related diseases, offering a remarkable number of omics data that would be referred to a wide age ranges of individuals and for which metadata will be available.
Commercial: The successful outcome of this proposal (at the end of year 4) will result in the licensing of arising intellectual property, which will consist in the development of commercially available kit/s that will evaluate specifically the abundance/the modifications of selected biomarkers (proteins, lipids or methylated DNA) within the bone tissue and that will link the obtained "biomolecular" information with post-mortem interval (PMI) or with the age-at-death (AAD) estimations of the individual. An example could be the development of a kit that could include optimised reagents for the extraction of proteins from bone samples and an ELISA assay for the evaluation of the protein fetuin-A within bone samples for AAD estimation purposes. The predictive models that will be developed within this project will allow also to estimate the predictive accuracy of the results obtained with the kit, enabling their use in court rooms for forensic caseworks. This will overall benefit the selected commercial partners but also the UK economy (years 4-7).
Policy-makers and government agencies: The development of quantifiable, non-biased methodologies to address PMI and AAD from skeletal remains will provide remarkable benefits that will allow the obtainment of fundamental investigative clues for the resolution of unsolved crimes involving the presence of non-identified human remains. This is a common situation for clandestine mass graves, catastrophic events, war crimes, terrorist incident and human trafficking investigations, but also a standard in historical/archaeological studies. This study will be worldwide beneficial for government agencies and policy-makers that will be able to apply these methodologies within these types of contexts, overall increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy.
Wider public: The improvement of the performances that the justice system will experience with the results from this project will consequently increase the trust of the wider public community in laws and justice. The possibility to solve unsolved crimes will positively impact the society and the family members of unidentified victims.
Academic: The knowledge generated during the duration of the project will be disseminated through several identified pathways fully described in Pathways to Impact, such as publications on peer-reviewed journals, talks and posters at national and international meetings. Data generated will be made publicly available on public repositories for maximum benefit of the invested money allowing other researchers to perform additional meta-analyses on it. Overall, our data will not impact the forensic field and the archaeological one, but also within biological and medical researchers' groups interested in the understanding of the ageing phenomena and age-related diseases, offering a remarkable number of omics data that would be referred to a wide age ranges of individuals and for which metadata will be available.
Commercial: The successful outcome of this proposal (at the end of year 4) will result in the licensing of arising intellectual property, which will consist in the development of commercially available kit/s that will evaluate specifically the abundance/the modifications of selected biomarkers (proteins, lipids or methylated DNA) within the bone tissue and that will link the obtained "biomolecular" information with post-mortem interval (PMI) or with the age-at-death (AAD) estimations of the individual. An example could be the development of a kit that could include optimised reagents for the extraction of proteins from bone samples and an ELISA assay for the evaluation of the protein fetuin-A within bone samples for AAD estimation purposes. The predictive models that will be developed within this project will allow also to estimate the predictive accuracy of the results obtained with the kit, enabling their use in court rooms for forensic caseworks. This will overall benefit the selected commercial partners but also the UK economy (years 4-7).
Policy-makers and government agencies: The development of quantifiable, non-biased methodologies to address PMI and AAD from skeletal remains will provide remarkable benefits that will allow the obtainment of fundamental investigative clues for the resolution of unsolved crimes involving the presence of non-identified human remains. This is a common situation for clandestine mass graves, catastrophic events, war crimes, terrorist incident and human trafficking investigations, but also a standard in historical/archaeological studies. This study will be worldwide beneficial for government agencies and policy-makers that will be able to apply these methodologies within these types of contexts, overall increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy.
Wider public: The improvement of the performances that the justice system will experience with the results from this project will consequently increase the trust of the wider public community in laws and justice. The possibility to solve unsolved crimes will positively impact the society and the family members of unidentified victims.
- Northumbria University (Lead Research Organisation)
- Federal University of São Paulo (Collaboration)
- Texas State University–San Marcos (Collaboration)
- University of Amsterdam (Collaboration)
- Lincoln Memorial University (Collaboration)
- University of Tennessee (Collaboration)
- University of Eastern Piedmont (Collaboration)
- Sam Houston State University (Collaboration)

Bonicelli A
Insights into the Differential Preservation of Bone Proteomes in Inhumed and Entombed Cadavers from Italian Forensic Caseworks.
in Journal of proteome research

Mickleburgh HL
Human Bone Proteomes before and after Decomposition: Investigating the Effects of Biological Variation and Taphonomic Alteration on Bone Protein Profiles and the Implications for Forensic Proteomics.
in Journal of proteome research

Procopio N
Bone Diagenesis in Short Timescales: Insights from an Exploratory Proteomic Analysis.
in Biology

Procopio N
Proteome Variation with Collagen Yield in Ancient Bone.
in Journal of proteome research

Procopio N
Soil Fungal Communities Investigated by Metabarcoding Within Simulated Forensic Burial Contexts.
in Frontiers in microbiology

Procopio N
"Touch microbiome" as a potential tool for forensic investigation: A pilot study.
in Journal of forensic and legal medicine
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Description | The main results obtained so far with this work are the following: 1. Identification of a severe issue associated with the treatment of human remains at multiple levels (e.g., at University level (research institutes), at practitioners' level (e.g., forensic pathologists) and at cultural heritage level (e.g., museums and paleontological collections). With this research we discovered that skeletal remains are usually cleaned via a process called "maceration" prior to the long-term storage of bones in osteological collections. This affects the quantity and quality of the molecules contained in bones (e.g., DNA, proteins, metabolites and lipids) therefore limiting our capability to conduct research on such collections (e.g., to study time elapsed since death, age at death, lifestyle habits of past populations etc.) and to allow the identification of unknown individuals in forensic contexts. After highlighting this issue with the forensic and archaeological community, we have now started a collaboration with the University Sam Houston in Texas to identify new less damaging procedures that could be put in place to clean bones without affecting their biomolecular composition. 2. Development of improved/new methods to extract biomolecules of interest from challenging forensic bones. We have developed so far improved methods to extract proteins (by adopting a new method that improves the replicability of the results when different users perform the analysis), metabolites and lipids (by developing a new method to extract them both from skeletal remains) and DNA (by optimising a protocol normally used in ancient DNA studies and overall maximising the DNA yield). 3. Identification of biomarkers of interest for post-mortem interval estimation. So far we have already completed the analyses on the metabolites present in bones and their association with the time elapsed since death (post mortem interval, PMI), and we have successfully identified several markers that correlate with the PMI that will be used in the next steps of this work to develop predictive algorithms for the estimation of PMI starting from the metabolic signature in the remains. |
Exploitation Route | The key results obtained so far might be used in the future by the law forces/police/forensic practitioners/forensic pathologists for improving the estimation of the time elapsed since death in contexts involving the presence of highly decomposed cadavers and/or skeletal remains. As our main goal is to develop targeted assays that will use the molecular signatures identified in this work to assist the practitioners in the estimation of the time elapsed since death in a precise and accurate way. The research we are conducting however is still at a "discovery" level by the time of the completion of this report (March 2023), therefore it is difficult to predict exactly how the results will be used by others at this stage. Similarly, our results on the treatment of human remains prior to their storage or prior to further molecular analysis may lead to significant improvements in Policies and Procedures worldwide and at multiple levels (e.g., forensic, heritage...). |
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Title | Bone Diagenesis in Short Timescales: Insights from an Exploratory Proteomic Analysis |
Description | Pride for proteomics database EMBL-EBI. Project number PXD026042. Proteomics data on rat bones. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Data will be useful for peers interested in rat bone proteomics. |
URL | https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD026042 |
Title | Experimental maceration of bovine bones and its effects on the bone proteome |
Description | This study is aimed at understanding how bone soft maceration procedures (e.g., soaking the bones in warm water with the aid of detergents) used to process bones for long term storage (e.g., in human osteological collections) affect the bone proteome. Three different maceration protocols have been tested in the study, in order to test different lenghts for the soaking in water, different temperatures and different detergents. Bovine tibiae (n=6, 3 left and 3 right from 3 animals) have been used in the experiment - in particular, the left ones have been used as non-macerated controls, and the right ones have been macerated with three protocols (one per protocol). Sampling was conducted on both fresh and macerated remains and used to conduct shotgun proteomics analyses. The full LC-MS/MS dataset is available at https://doi.org/10.6019/PXD032295. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The data generated have allowed my team to demonstrate that the maceration of bones can have detrimental effects on the bone proteome. Starting from this point, we have conducted an additional study on human bones to obtain information on the effect of maceration on multiple biomolecules in human remains. This allowed us to inform general practitioners, human taphonomy facilities worldwide, researchers in the field of environmental forensics, archaeology and palaeontology about the negative effect that maceration has on skeletal remains. |
Title | Identification of gravesoil microbiotas via metabarcoding approach |
Description | This dataset can be found in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA-NCBI; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra). The title is: "Investigation of soil bacterial and fungal communities via metabarcoding for forensic applications (estimation of the time since death)". The work has been done using animal models (pigs) to simulate a forensic scenario involving the presence of decomposing buried bodies for selected time periods. Dataset includes "raw sequence reads" and "targeted loci environmental". Accession number is PRJNA594906. ID is 594906. Biosamples are SAMN13816980 and SAMN13816975. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The development of this dataset may allow microbiologists, forensic scientists and ecologists to work on the raw data shared to conduct further research on these results (e.g. developing models) adding new knowledge that could complement what already showed in our two manuscripts associated with these datasets. |
URL | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/?term=PRJNA594906 |
Title | Insights on the Differential Preservation of Bone Proteomes in Inhumated and Entombed Cadavers from Italian Forensic Caseworks |
Description | This is a LC-MS/MS dataset originated from a study conducted on human bones for the evaluation of the effect that the burial environment can have on bones at a proteomic level. Bone is a long-lasting biological tissue often used in forensic investigations as it retains vital biomolecular information commonly used for identification purposes. Bone proteins have attracted interest for their potential in estimating post-mortem interval (PMI) and age-at-death (AAD). However, the preservation of such proteins is highly dependent on intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and these have an impact in the potential application of molecular techniques to forensic sciences. The present study aims at investigating the effect that two commonly used types of burial practices (entombment and inhumation) have on bone protein survival. The sample consists in 14 exhumed individuals from cemeteries in south of Italy at with different AADs (29-85 yeas) and PMIs (1-37 years). LC-MS/MS analyses show that 16 proteins are better preserved in the entombed condition and four in the inhumated one, while no clear cluster separation is detected with principal component analysis. Besides the different burial environments, several potential protein markers are identified for PMI and AAD estimation. Overall, preliminary results show that the two burial environments seem to play a marginal role in the differential preservation of non-collagenous proteins and in the accumulation of post-translational modifications, confirming the potential of LC-MS/MS based proteomics in forensic sciences. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Not aware of impact generated for research carried out by others. |
URL | http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/cgi/GetDataset?ID=PXD029911 |
Title | Long-term Microbial DNA Survival in Frozen Samples and DNA Extracts from Human Cadavers: Laboratory Analysis, Ethical and Juridical Considerations |
Description | Dataset containing microbiome data (16s rRNA gene raw sequence reads) associated with human DNA extracts from long-term stored judicial samples. Accession number: PRJNA773228. ID: 773228. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The obtainment of the dataset made our team aware of the potential that metabarcoding analyses may have on DNA extracts for forensic applications. We are aiming to apply metabarcoding analyses to more samples (e.g., cold cases) in order to get new information that may be useful to solve cases that remained unsolved until nowadays. |
URL | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA773228 |
Title | Postmortem human microbiome |
Description | Postmortem human microbiome - Raw sequence reads. Accession: PRJNA925138 ID: 925138. Donated cadavers are often stored frozen, pending the start of any experimental study, yet little is known about how freezing may affect their microbiome. We assessed the effects of freezing by analysing microbial diversity and abundance in seven human cadavers donated to the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State (FACTS). Samples were obtained from the postmortem human microbiome using swabs - oral, skin (hand, neck, foot) and rectal - taken before and after freezing whole donated human remains. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The database has just been created so we are not yet aware of any impact that may have generated on other's work. However, these data allowed us to publish a manuscript on the effect of freezing and thawing on the microbiome of on human bodies prior to decomposition studies at human taphonomy facility, and we are expecting this publication to generate significant impact in the community, as the freezing/thawing topic for microbiome studies in decomposition investigations is a highly debated one. |
URL | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA925138 |
Title | Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Maceration Procedures on Bone Metabolome and Lipidome |
Description | The metabolomic characterization of the bone samples was performed on a Thermo Scientific (Hemel Hempstead, UK) Vanquish Liquid chromatography system connected to an ID-X High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MS) system. The MS data were acquired using the AcquireX acquisition workflow (data dependent analysis). The dataset contains information regarding metabolome and lipidome profiled in ESI+ and ESI- with HILIC and RP chromatographic separation of tibial animal cortical bone. The raw data produced are available via the EMBL-EBI's MetaboLights repository [27] under the permanent unique identifier MTBLS5561 https://www.ebi.ac.uk/metabolights/MTBLS5561 accessed on 1 October 2022. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Results showed severe reductions in the abundances of both metabolites and lipids, and the presence of contamination introduced by cleaning agents. Despite the preliminary nature of the study, we demonstrated that the biochemical profile of bone is heavily affected by the maceration procedures. Ideally, these treatments should be avoided, or replaced by minimally invasive procedures agreed across HFTFs. |
URL | https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12111020 |
Title | The 'ForensOMICS' approach for postmortem interval estimation from human bone by integrating metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics |
Description | etabolite and lipid characterization of the bone samples was performed on a Thermo Fisher Scientific (Hemel Hempstead, UK) Vanquish Liquid Chromatography (LC) Front end connected to IDX High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MS) system. Chromatographic approaches are HILIC in ESI+/- and RP in ESI+/-. The material employed is human cortical bone from the anterior portion of the mid tibaia. This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench, with Study ID ST002283. The data can be accessed via Project DOI https://doi.org/10.21228/M8MH6X. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | This represent the first study for PMI estimation based on multiomics approach, the main focus of the forensOmics project. |
URL | https://elifesciences.org/articles/83658 |
Title | Touch Microbiome: a pilot study |
Description | SRA experiment on NCBI BioProjects - Accession PRJNA685984 - Type: Raw sequence reads, Metagenome |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Peers may use this published dataset in the future to perform additional research on our data |
URL | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA685984/ |
Description | Collaboration with Dr Beatrix Dudzik (from Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, Tennessee |
Organisation | Lincoln Memorial University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My research team will provide my collaborators with additional omics data (proteomics data) that will generated from the same human samples collected from the FAC in Tennessee they have already analysed to look for lipidomics biomarkers for post-mortem interval (PMI) estimation - overall, this will lead to an exchange of data, and to the creation of a mathematical model, combining the two omics approaches, to estimate PMI in a new and accurate way. |
Collaborator Contribution | My collaborators there will share the results obtained quantifying lipid retention in bone for postmortem interval estimation. They have performed lipidomic analyses on skeletal samples curated at the William Bass Donated Skeletal Collection at the University of Tennessee in an effort to explore skeletal biomarkers of the postmortem interval. These results will be essential to create a multi-comic approach to develop a model to predict PMI using multiple omics approaches. Furthermore, due to the pandemic and our current impossibility to travel to the USA, my collaborator also offered herself to travel to Texas and to collect 43 additional bone samples from the Human Anthopological Facility of Texas State University. These samples are required in my FLF to reach a final number of 100 individuals sampled - she will conduct the bone marrow samplings for the extraction of lipids, and she will then deliver the samples to the UK for their further extraction and analysis. My collaborator also offered herself's and Dr Paul Wood's (co-PI on her grant) expertise to train myself and my team members for the extraction of lipids from bone marrow samples, so that the two batches of samples (generated from Tennessee and Texas) will be treated in the same way and will generate reproducible and comparable results. |
Impact | This collaboration so far generated the following output: Noemi Procopio, Natalie R. Langley, Beatrix Dudzik, Paul Wood (2020) ""Forens-OMICS": The Application of Omics Sciences to Forensic Investigations". American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 17-22, 2020. This collaboration is multidisciplinary, as the expertise of the collaborators is lipidomics (particularly, the extraction and analysis of lipids from bones), whereas the expertise of my team is proteomics and genomics/metagenomics. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Collaboration with Dr Edna Iwamura |
Organisation | Federal University of São Paulo |
Country | Brazil |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | In order to share my expertise on the innovative use of -omics methodologies in forensics, I have agreed in delivering invited seminars and lectures at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo as part of my collaboration with Dr Iwamura. In particular, I have delivered the following: - Invited speaker at the Universidade Federal De São Paulo (UNIFESP), at the workshop "Proteômica e genômica forense" - 25th October 2022 and 1st November 2022 - São Paulo, Brazil. - Invited seminar at the Seminar series in Graduate School at Universidade Federal De São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil, including 30 students (medical doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, biologists, biochemists) and staff members. Title was "The Application of Modern Biomolecular Approaches to Forensic Sciences" - 7th June 2021. - Series of Lectures on the module "Forensic Pathology with Emphasis on Human Identification" - Postgraduate course for the Departament of Escola Paulista de Medicina at UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP - Campus São Paulo, SP, Brazil) - Academic Year 2021-2022 - 3rd and 10th November 2021 - 20 students |
Collaborator Contribution | My collaborator Dr Iwamura has invited me to submit a Mission for the CAPES PRINT program at Universidade Federal de São Paulo 2022, aimed at formalising our collaboration by visiting Brazil with CAPES fundings with the final aim to stimulate international collaborations between middle income developing mixed economies and the UK. Despite the application at this time was not successful, I was still able to meet Dr Iwamura in a trip I made to Brazil before reaching Texas as part of my planned ForensOMICS trips, and I have managed to secure some additional biological samples that will be then used in my research in collaboration with UNIFESP. |
Impact | Knowledge exchange activities between University of São Paulo and University of Northumbria/University of Central Lancashire (e.g., seminars, lectures etc). |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Collaboration with Dr Hayley Mickleburgh on the Mass Grave Project |
Organisation | University of Amsterdam |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My team has been involved in planning, conducting, sampling strategy, data collection, analysis and academic presentations as part of the Mass Grave Project led by Dr Mickleburgh, a taphonomic project which examines human decomposition in mass graves. We brought in the collaboration of expertise on soil and human metabarcoding and on the analysis of bone biophysical and biomolecular properties. We will conduct part of the analyses at Northumbria University and we will deliver academic outputs accordingly together with the other research partners involved. |
Collaborator Contribution | The partners on this project allowed my team to get access to facilities (FACTS), to samples and material, and shared their expertise in forensic taphonomy and archaeology, to improve the interpretation of our findings. They collaborated towards the sample analyses and will be involved in any output originated from them, providing their support in manuscript writing and in their delivery to academic conference and to the public. |
Impact | - Peer-reviewed publication: "Application of the ForensOMICS approach to postmortem interval investigation in a controlled taphonomic experiment". eLife. 2022;11:e83658. "Microbial DNA in human nucleic acid extracts: Recoverability of the microbiome in DNA extracts stored frozen long-term and its potential and ethical implications for forensic investigation". Forensic Science International Genetics, 59, 102686. "The Human Bone Proteome Before and After Decomposition: Investigating the effects of Biological Variation and Taphonomic Alteration on Bone Protein Profiles and the Implications for Forensic Proteomics". Journal of Proteome Research. 20, 5, 2533-2546. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00992 -Oral presentations: - Last author at Chartered Society of Forensic Science Autumn Conference 2022: "Integration of metabolomics and proteomics for post-mortem interval estimation". Leeds, 4th November 2022. - Speaker at European Academy of Forensic Science 2022: "Potential of Simultaneous Extraction of Metabolites and Lipids from Bones for PMI estimation". Stockholm, 31st May 2022. - Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Forensic Microbiology of Human Cadavers in an Experimental Mass Grave". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. - Co-author at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Actualistic experimental replication of a small-sized mass grave. A taphonomic study aimed at developing virtual training tools and advancing methods of human identification, and detection and documentation of mass graves". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. - Poster presentations: - World of Microbiome Conference 2022 (Best Poster with Oral Presentation session): "An Investigation into The Effects of Freezing on The Microbiome Of Human Cadavers". Last Author. Vienna, 28th - 30th April 2022. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Collaboration with Dr Sarah Gino, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy |
Organisation | University of Eastern Piedmont |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | As part of a shared research project among my team and Sarah Gino's group, at Northumbria University we performed part of the laboratory tests and analyses needed to accomplish the planned tasks in order to achieve the expected outcomes. We also actively contributed to the planning of the experimental design and to the manuscripts writing. Following this collaboration, I managed to have Dr Gino appointed as "Visiting Fellow" at Northumbria University (see proper section on ResearchFish). After my appointment as "Visiting Professor" at University of Eastern Piedmont (see following box), I have been asked to deliver some lectures for the brand new module in "Forens-OMICS" that me and Dr Gino planned together, that will be delivered during the second semester of 2021 to MSc students in Biotechnology at the University of Eastern Piedmont. The module has been specifically thought and designed to allow me to deliver the knowledge generated by my FLF to students and future scientists abroad. |
Collaborator Contribution | My collaborators at The University of Eastern Piedmont (Sarah Gino's group) performed samplings and part of the laboratory tests and analyses required to achieve the planned aims. They paid for some of the analyses needed for this project (e.g. DNA sequencing costs). They also actively contributed to the planning of the experimental design and to the manuscripts writing. They also provided myself and part of my team access to their labs in Italy during the pandemics (October 2020 to April 2021) in order to continue the work planned in my WPs. Finally, thanks to their support, I have been appointed as "Visiting Professor" there (see proper section on ResearchFish). |
Impact | -Peer-reviewed manuscripts: "Oral Microbiome for the Geographical Origin: An Italian Study". Forensic Science International Genetics, 64, 102841. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2023.102841. "Microbial DNA in human nucleic acid extracts: Recoverability of the microbiome in DNA extracts stored frozen long-term and its potential and ethical implications for forensic investigation". Forensic Science International Genetics, 59, 102686. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2022.102686. ""Touch Microbiome" As A Potential Tool For Forensic Investigation: A Pilot Study". Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 82:102223. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2021.102223. Conference Proceedings: -"Biological identikit": development of a SNPs-Panel for the analysis of Forensic DNA Phenotyping and Ancestry". Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, Volume 8, 2022, 199-201. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigss.2022.10.034. - "Oral and skin microbiome as potential tools in forensic field for personal identification". Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, Volume 8, 2022, 65-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigss.2022.09.024. Oral presentations: - Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 75th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Discovering the Mysteries about Degradation of Extracted DNA from Trace Evidence when Stored in Different Conditions: State of the Art and Future Perspectives". Orlando, Florida, 13rd - 17th February 2023. - Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Forensic Microbiology of Human Cadavers in an Experimental Mass Grave". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. - Co-author at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Actualistic experimental replication of a small-sized mass grave. A taphonomic study aimed at developing virtual training tools and advancing methods of human identification, and detection and documentation of mass graves". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. - Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting: ""Touch Microbiome" vs "Touch DNA": Exploring Potentials and Limitations Towards Forensic Personal Identification". Virtual, 15th - 19th February 2021. - Invited Speaker at 4th Conference of the Italian Academy of Forensic Science (AcISF): "The Microbiome of The Living and Dead: A Preliminary Study for Forensic Applications". Virtual, 10-12th December 2020. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Collaboration with Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science (STAFS) Facility at Sam Houston State University |
Organisation | Sam Houston State University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Within the remit of this collaboration, me and my research team will provide STAFS with all data and results generated from the analyses conducted on the samples included in the FLF project. |
Collaborator Contribution | STAFS collaborators (Dr Sheree Hughes) agreed in allowing me and my team to conduct disruptive samplings on approx. 60 skeletal elements (tibiae from 60 donors) at their facility in Texas. These human samples are essential for the whole Fellowship project, and will allow us to obtain molecular information useful to predict important forensic parameters. They also conducted some experimental maceration tests on skeletal elements that generated the foundation for a paper (currently submitted) and for a NIJ grant proposal (where I am subcontractor, submitted) to advance the treatment of human remains to increase the chances to obtain useful information from them (not only at forensic level but also at archaeological and palaeontological one). |
Impact | - Peer-reviewed publications: "Preliminary investigation of the effect of maceration procedures on bone metabolome and lipidome". Metabolites. 12(11), 1020. - Oral presentations: Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 75th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Experimental Maceration on Human Bones - How Does It Impact the "Forens-OME"?". Orlando, Florida, 13rd - 17th February 2023. Last author at American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) - 76th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Developing a Multi-Omics Bone Biomolecular Signature by Integrating Metabolomics, Lipidomics, and Proteomics to Estimate Postmortem Interval". Denver, Colorado, 19th - 23rd February 2024. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Collaboration with another FLF - Dr Sarah Inskip |
Organisation | University of Leicester |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My research team has provided Sarah Inskip's team some insights on the protocols used in my laboratory on the extraction of metabolites from bones. We have also provided them with intellectual inputs on the analysis of some of their data. |
Collaborator Contribution | We have been provided with access to some equipment and facilities when developing our optimised protocol for the extraction of bone metabolites. Recently, we have also received some biological samples that will be used as part of a side project in my team, that will bring air two groups even more close and that should result in the publication of a shared publication and in a shared oral presentation at an international archaeology conference. We have also been invited by them to attend their annual project seminars where me and the team members have been invited to deliver presentations. |
Impact | Invited presentations at TobaccoHealthHistory research seminars in 2022 and 2023. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaboration with the Forensic Anthropology Center (FAC) at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville |
Organisation | University of Tennessee |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Within the remit of this collaboration, me and my research team will provide FAC with all data and results generated from the analyses conducted on the samples included in the FLF project. |
Collaborator Contribution | FAC collaborators (Dr Dawnie Steadman) agreed in allowing me and my team to conduct disruptive samplings on 57 skeletal elements (tibiae from 57 donors) at their facility in Tennessee. These human samples are absolutely essential for the whole Fellowship project, and will allow us to obtain molecular information useful to predict important forensic parameters. |
Impact | Samples have not been analysed yet. Expected outcomes include the generation of multi-omics datasets (e.g. proteomic, metabolomic/lipisdomic and epigenomic data) that will be then shared publicly on appropriate platforms, peer-reviewed publications, presentations at conferences, influence on policy makers and delivery of impact at a societal level. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Collaboration with the Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Texas State (FACTS) |
Organisation | Texas State University–San Marcos |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Within the remit of this collaboration, me and my research team will provide FACTS with all data and results generated from the analyses conducted on the samples included in the FLF project. |
Collaborator Contribution | FACTS collaborators (Dr Danny Wescott) agreed in allowing me and my team to conduct disruptive samplings on 29 skeletal elements (tibiae from 29 donors) at their facility in Texas. Additional 9 individuals were sampled as part pop the Mass Grave Project (where I am collaborating) and these samples will be included in this batch of samples for the ForensOMICS project. These human samples are absolutely essential for the whole Fellowship project, and will allow us to obtain molecular information useful to predict important forensic parameters. |
Impact | - Peer reviewed publications: "Application of the ForensOMICS approach to postmortem interval investigation in a controlled taphonomic experiment". eLife. 2022;11:e83658. "Preliminary investigation of the effect of maceration procedures on bone metabolome and lipidome". Metabolites. 12(11), 1020. "The Human Bone Proteome Before and After Decomposition: Investigating the effects of Biological Variation and Taphonomic Alteration on Bone Protein Profiles and the Implications for Forensic Proteomics". Journal of Proteome Research. 20, 5, 2533-2546. - Oral presentations: Speaker at European Academy of Forensic Science 2022: "Potential of Simultaneous Extraction of Metabolites and Lipids from Bones for PMI estimation". Stockholm, 31st May 2022. Speaker at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Forensic Microbiology of Human Cadavers in an Experimental Mass Grave". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. Co-author at American Academy of Forensic Sciences - 74th Annual Scientific Meeting: "Actualistic experimental replication of a small-sized mass grave. A taphonomic study aimed at developing virtual training tools and advancing methods of human identification, and detection and documentation of mass graves". Seattle, Washington, 21st - 25th February 2022. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Experience day at Northumbria University |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | I engaged with around 30 undergraduate and postgraduate students and family members that attended the Experience Days in Northumbria University, Newcastle, on multiple occasions since the beginning of my FLF. Aims for the events were the presentation of the forensic academic degrees (BSc and MSc) that we offer at our University, and the delivery of some demonstration activities in the forensic laboratory to engage with future undergraduate and postgraduate students in Forensic Science and in Criminology and Forensic Science. The presentation and the activities gained interest from the students and the family members, which in every occasion asked questions and demonstrated themselves to be highly engaged with the activities proposed. In particular, I received some specific questions on my research topic on forensic anthropology, and from the moment I obtained this FLF, we have had an increase in the number of students interested in working on anthropology-related projects and in studying these subjects that have been recently introduced in our degrees offers. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019,2020 |
URL | https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/study-at-northumbria/visit-northumbria/university-open-days/?gclid=Cjw... |
Description | Interview at BBC Radio - Newcastle |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | After the award of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, I have been invited for an interview at BBC Radio - Newcastle to speak about my project, my research interests and to explain the general public the aims and goals of my research. The interview was on air on the 25th of September 2019 and available online at https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07lwxmr. One month after this interview I have been contacted from BBC News to speak about a famous forensic case that happened in the UK, and I suspect that the fact that I have been interviewed by BBC Radio a month before contributed to make a name for myself in this specific area. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07lwxmr |
Description | Interview for ACS Central Science as part of the article "Proteomics Offers New Clues for Forensic Investigations" written by Carolyn Wilke for C&EN, ACS |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Media (as a channel to the public) |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Carolyn Wilke from ACS Central Science for the article "Proteomics Offers New Clues for Forensic Investigations: Analyzing proteins in bones, blood, and other biological samples can answer questions that DNA can't". Carolyn Wilke, ACS Central Science 2021 7 (10), 1595-1598. My research on proteomics has been featured on this article, together with the research conducted by other talented proteomic experts interested to the field of forensics proteomics. This interview allowed my research to be highlighted and shared with the general public, with academics, students and practitioners all around the world. Indeed, ACS is one of the world's largest scientific societies and the premier home of chemistry professionals, and their publications are well-received by peers, chemists, biochemists and biologists. The impact made was so substantial that I have been asked to be interviewed a second time for a follow-up publication specifically on my Forens-OMICS project and my experience at the Human Taphonomy Facilities in the USA. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/cen-10001-feature1 |
Description | Interview for Italian local news journal "TargatoCN" on my Future Leaders Fellowship |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I have been interviewed from the Italian local journal "Targato CN" to talk about my project on the 24th November 2019. The translated title for the article is: "From Sommariva Bosco to Manchester, "hunting" for forensic sciences: a talk with Noemi Procopio". The original title is: "Da Sommariva del Bosco a Manchester, "a caccia" delle scienze forensi: quattro chiacchiere con Noemi Procopio". Available at https://www.targatocn.it/2019/11/24/leggi-notizia/argomenti/inout/articolo/da-sommariva-del-bosco-a-manchester-a-caccia-delle-scienze-forensi-quattro-chiacchiere-con-noemi.html. This interview allowed me to become more known in my region of origin in Italy, and I have been approached by several people belonging to the general public to ask for information about my research, my project, and my work experience abroad. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | https://www.targatocn.it/2019/11/24/leggi-notizia/argomenti/inout/articolo/da-sommariva-del-bosco-a-... |
Description | Interview for Italian local news journal "TargatoCN" on the impact of Covid-19 in the UK and on my FLF |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I have been interviewed from the Italian local journal "Targato CN" to talk about the impact of Covid-19 on my project on the 18th March 2020. The translated title is: "Coronavirus, Noemi Procopio, from Sommariva Bosco, in the United Kindgom: "I encourage my parents, the situatuon in Italy is problematic, but here we have no containment measures". Original title: Coronavirus, la sommarivese in Inghilterra Noemi Procopio: "Rincuoro a distanza i miei genitori, la situazione in Italia è problematic |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | https://www.targatocn.it/2020/03/18/leggi-notizia/argomenti/attualita/articolo/noemi-manchester.html |
Description | Interview for National News - BBC News |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | As an expert in the field of forensic decomposition, I have been asked an expert opinion by BBC News on the 25th October 2019 regarding the case of the Essex Lorry Deaths - the interview and the article are available at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50179925. This generated interest in the community, and I have been asked from other people (including colleagues, peers and students) to discuss more about this specific case with them and to answer some curiosities they had. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50179925 |
Description | Interview for international news on "La Stampa", Italian national news journal |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I have been interviewed by a journalist from "La Stampa", one of the main Italian news journals, on the 09th November 2019 regarding the obtainment of my Future Leaders Fellowship, my research goals and my career ambitions. Translated title is "Noemi, 29 years old from Sommariva Bosco, is among the most promosing researchers of the United Kingdom". Original title: "Noemi, 29 anni da Sommariva Bosco, fra i ricercatori più promettenti del Regno Unito". Available at https://www.lastampa.it/cuneo/2019/11/09/news/noemi-29-anni-di-sommariva-bosco-e-fra-i-ricercatori-piu-promettenti-del-regno-unito-1.37880980. After this interview, I have been contacted by several Italian students who asked me suggestions and advices regarding they future careers and regarding the possibility to do a BSc, a MSc or a PhD in the United Kingdom. After this article, I have also been invited to attend the National Conference of the Italian Academy of Forensic Sciences as an invited speaker. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | https://www.lastampa.it/cuneo/2019/11/09/news/noemi-29-anni-di-sommariva-bosco-e-fra-i-ricercatori-p... |
Description | Interviewed by Carolyn Wilde from Chemical and Engineering News for the article "Boner proteins may carry clues about how a body was buried". |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Carolyn Wilke from Chemical and Engineering News for the article "Insights on the Differential Preservation of Bone Proteomes in Inhumated and Entombed Cadavers from Italian Forensic Caseworks'". The article has been titled "Bone proteins may carry clues about how a body was buried" it has been published on the 24th March 2022 and is available on the website cen.acs.org at https://cen.acs.org/analytical-chemistry/forensic-science/Bone-proteins-carry-clues-body/100/web/2022/03#. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://cen.acs.org/analytical-chemistry/forensic-science/Bone-proteins-carry-clues-body/100/web/202... |
Description | Interviewed by Carolyn Wilke from Science News on the ForensOMICS project. The article has been titled "One forensic scientist is scraping bones for clues to time of death" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Carolyn Wilke from Science News on the ForensOMICS project. The article has been titled "One forensic scientist is scraping bones for clues to time of death", it has been published on the 28th February 2022 and is available on the website Science News at https://www.sciencenews.org/article/forensic-scientist-scrape-bones-death-chemistry. The article immediately generated impact - in fact, I have been contacted by a reporter with Scripps National Media in the U.S (Chloe Nordquist) that after reading my story reached me out to see if a video story on this might be possible when I will be working in the U.S. again as part of the ForensOMICS project. She is part of a team of journalists who work on video stories that are syndicated to our over 50 local U.S.A. TV stations and other media entities, including Newsy. She said that they "will love to showcase the work you're doing". Besides that, the article has been shared on LinkedIn by forensic practitioners and institutes and generated several new requests of connections with forensic experts and practitioners that asked me more details regarding my research. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.sciencenews.org/article/forensic-scientist-scrape-bones-death-chemistry |
Description | Interviewed by Chloe Nordquist from Scripps National Media in the (U.S.) on the "ForensOMICS" project |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Chloe Nordquist from Scripps National Media in the (U.S.) on the "ForensOMICS" project to provide a video-story to be syndicated to over 50 U.S. TV stations and other media entities, including Newsy. The piece is available online on several websites of U.S. TV stations and medias, including: "The Denver Channel, ABC", where it was featured on the "National News" (Colorado state) on the 29th April at https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/national/new-research-could-help-determine-more-accurate-time-of-death-for-unidentified-remains. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/national/new-research-could-help-determine-more-accurate-time-... |
Description | Interviewed by Emily Henderson from AZoLifeSciences for the "World Creativity and Innovation Day (21st April)" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Emily Henderson from AZoLifeSciences for the "World Creativity and Innovation Day (21st April)" as a life sciences expert for a global interview piece on the topic "What does Creativity and Innovation Mean to You?". The piece is available online from the 21th April 2022 on the website https://vimeo.com/701188354/e7cca0ac17. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://vimeo.com/701188354/e7cca0ac17 |
Description | Interviewed by Emily Henderson from AZoLifeSciences for the series "Thought Leaders" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Emily Henderson from AZoLifeSciences for the series "Thought Leaders", a selection of articles written by national and international experts and trusted advisers in the life sciences industry. All the articles are written by experts who have been invited as recognised leaders in their fields to provide a "state of the art" contribution. She wrote an article on "Using proteomics to determine how long a corpse has been underwater", published on 11th January 2021. AZoLifeSciences is one of the world's leading medical and life science news hubs. The most significant outcome of this activity has been having been reached, after its publication, from a peer from Murdoch University (Australia). The name of this researcher is Dr Paola Magni, and she is one of the world-leading experts in studies on submerged cadavers. She was impressed with my work, and contacted me to explore options for future collaborations. We then started two collaborative projects (shared supervision of two MSc students at Murdoch University) and the research is in progress. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://www.azolifesciences.com/news/20210111/Using-proteomics-to-determine-how-long-a-corpse-has-be... |
Description | Interviewed by Fabio Sanvitale for ForensicNews.it on the 28th May 2022, as the winner of the Excellence Price in Forensic Genetics of 2022 at the event organised by ForensicNews.it. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Fabio Sanvitale for ForensicNews.it on the 28th May 2022, as the winner of the Excellence Price in Forensic Genetics of 2022 at the event organised by ForensicNews.it., to talk about the future directions of forensic genetics (in Italian). The title is "Dove va la genetica forense?" and is available at: https://www.forensicnews.it/dove-va-la-genetica-forense/. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.forensicnews.it/dove-va-la-genetica-forense/. |
Description | Interviewed by Jennifer Ouellette from Ars Technica for the special "Twelve Days of Christmas" series of posts. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Interviewed by Jennifer Ouellette from Ars Technica for the special "Twelve Days of Christmas" series of posts, highlighting one science story that fell through the cracks in 2020, each day from December 25 through January 5, published on 26th December 2020 and titled "Scientists ID potential biomarkers to peg time of death for submerged corpses". Ars Technica is a website covering news and opinions in technology, science, politics, and society, created by Ken Fisher and Jon Stokes in 1998. It publishes news, reviews, and guides on issues such as computer hardware and software, science, technology policy, and video games. The interview generated a lot of interest in the general public, and an example can be found in the SevenPONDS Blog (https://blog.sevenponds.com/science-of-us/scientists-uncover-new-ways-to-determine-time-of-death), that posted on the 04/01/2021 a piece titled "Scientists Uncover New Ways to Determine Time of Death" citing my work and my interview at Ars Technica together with the work of other esteemed colleagues working on the estimation of the time since death worldwide. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/12/scientists-id-potential-biomarkers-to-peg-time-of-death-for-... |
Description | Invited Speaker at the BAFM (British Association in Forensic Medicine) virtual Summer Meeting |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Invited to present my FLF project at the British Association in Forensic Medicine, after the Home Office informed BAFM about my project. The intended purpose was to reach a large number of UK pathologists and to network with regards to possible collaborations. After attending the event, I received several enthusiastic emails about my talk, including those from several Home Office Pathologists that said "Great research and your passion for the subject really came across - we've had lots of positive feedback" and "That was an excellent talk, delivered really well. I think it will have sparked a lot of interest in our community.", as well as a certificate from the president of the BAFM (Dr Phil Lumb) that thanked me for the excellent talk I gave to the BAFM Summer Meeting 2021. In the certificate, it was also mentioned that "It was a fascinating insight into the world of "Forens-OMICS" - indeed I still find it amazing that our DNA can tell us virtually anything, even including how old we are. On behalf of the society, I once again thank you for your excellent presentation." This meeting allowed me to meet many pathologists, and in particular, to get in contact with the Forensic Bone Pathologist of the Home Office, Prof Mangham. We are in contact and we are planning to develop some research collaborations in the future. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Invited seminar at the CSFS Wednesday Webinar Series 2022 on the "Forens-OMICS UKRI FLF project" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | This webinar was organised by the Chartered Society of Forensic Science and was aimed at informing practitioners in my sector and other academics and postgraduate students about the research I am conducting as part of the FLF project. The webinar was recorded and uploaded on the CSFS page - in particular, the CEO at CSFS, Dr Darrell Matthews tweeted after my webinar "Really interesting webinar on a fascinating project! Well done @SnowEmi - session will be available for free to @CharterForSci members soon -Recommended viewing!!". I believe that the outcome of this webinar has been very positive for me, particularly because this has been the first occasion for myself to showcase my work with the CSFS members, and this is important as, until now, my work was well known in the USA but less in the UK. This will potentially generate future collaborations. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://www.csofs.org/news-events/forens-omics-ukri-fellowship-project/ |
Description | Invited seminar at the Seminar series in Graduate School at Universidade Federal De São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Invited seminar at the Seminar series in Graduate School at Universidade Federal De São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil, including 30 students (medical doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, biologists, biochemists) and staff members. Title was "The Application of Modern Biomolecular Approaches to Forensic Sciences". The seminar has developed a significant interest in the audience as reflected by the number of questions received by the attendees. The event has been so well received that I have been invited subsequently to deliver three lectures as part of the Postgraduate Course in Forensic Pathology with Emphasis in Human Identification organised by UNIFESP from 3rd to 30th November 2021. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Invited seminar at the Seminar series organised by the School of Life Sciences, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK) entitled "From genomics to proteomics, the journey to solve a crime" - February 2021 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | More than 100 students attended the seminar organised at the School of Life Sciences, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK) entitled "From genomics to proteomics, the journey to solve a crime", virtually, on February 2021. The seminar really caught the attention of the students, that asked a high number of questions though-out the presentation and afterwards. The discussion generated after the delivery of the seminar among students and academic staff has been stimulating, and continued also at the end of the time scheduled for the seminar. I have been contacted personally by several students via email or on my personal Twitter account, and I received many compliments regarding the topics covered and my research. In particular, I want to report this one: "I just want to tell you that today's session was very fascinated and very helpful in term of educational matter and of course some research way as well . If you need me about helping you with something about your studies, feel free to ask. I have one question is about PMI why it is hard to estimate PMI bones in compare to soft bones is there any explanation? I was just curious . Please let me know. Now I am feeling like I am interested in bones. The seminar was very nice, and you presented it very well. Best of luck with your future research and aspirations." |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Invited seminar at the Seminar series organised by the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara (Italy) entitled "Past, Present and Future of the Forens-OMICS Journey - What Has Been Done, What Wil Be Done, What Will Be Achieved?" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | Invited seminar at the Seminar series for undergraduates, postgraduates and staff organised by the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara (Italy) entitled "Past, Present and Future of the Forens-OMICS Journey - What Has Been Done, What Wil Be Done, What Will Be Achieved?". This seminar allowed me to establish new connections with some students and staff at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Novara, where I am now a Visiting Professor and where I do some teaching activities on the topic "ForensOMICS", and some research activities (co-supervison of a PhD student, main supervisor is Dr Sarah Gino). |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Invited seminar at the University of Genova for the Seminar Series "Seminar Series CCS Biologia Orientamento e Formazione: Uno Spazio Per Crescere" on the topic "Fare Un Dottorato E Diventare Ricercatore All'Estero, Proteomica e Dintorni" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | This event was created for the undergraduate students at the University of Genova (Italy) and I was invited to give a talk on my experience as an Italian successful researcher abroad. The talk was on the topic "Doing a Doctorate and Becoming a Researcher Abroad, Proteomics and Others" and generated a lot of interest in the audience. I have been contacted by several students afterwards, and with some of them I am still in contact. They said that my talk has been inspiring for them, and some of them are now willing to follow a pathway similar to mine. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Invited to attend a focussed invitation-only workshop on forensic taphonomy at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Invited to attend, as a leading practitioner in my field with impact on taphonomic research, a focussed invitation-only workshop aimed at developing cross-disciplinary standards in forensic taphonomy at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), with the aim of developing experimental and analytical standards in our discipline. 6th - 7th May 2020, Preston (UK). This workshop will bring together Research Directors from human forensic taphonomic research facilities in the northern and southern hemispheres, as well as senior practitioners and researchers in the discipline with the aim of developing and codifying standards of experimentation, practice (including ethics and biosecurity) and analyses in the field. There will also be input from industry in the shape of demonstrations and hands-on testing of analytical equipment, particularly in analysis of VOC chemistry. The workshop will be followed by a one-day symposium open to external participants in order to begin dissemination of the results of the workshop, and generate forward discussion. The aim is a publication of standards documents in a single policy volume of one of the leading industry journals. Unfortunately, this event was cancelled due to the pandemic, and has been rescheduled for a date that still has to be agreed. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Press releases regarding my awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship on social medias and on online magazines/newsletters |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Several press releases have been published after the obtainment of my FLF, including the ones found on Thenorthernecho.co.uk, titled "Forensic scientist awarded £1.2m to deliver vital research at Northumbria University" (available at https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/17923649.forensic-scientist-awarded-1-2m-deliver-vital-research-northumbria-university/), on Businessleader.co.uk titled "Northumbria Academic receives £1.2M to Deliver World-Class Forensic Research" (available at https://www.businessleader.co.uk/northumbria-academic-receives-1-2m-to-deliver-world-class-forensic-research/73668/), and on Twitter from Forensic News (@forensicnews) titled "UK Lecturer Noemi Procopio @SnowEmi receives £1.2M to deliver world-class forensic research #forensics". I believe that these press releases helped myself in make a name for myself in the field of forensics in the UK. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/17923649.forensic-scientist-awarded-1-2m-deliver-vital-resear... |
Description | Seminar on "Forens-OMICS: The New Era for the Investigations on Human Remains" to high-school's students of the Liceo Scientifico L. Cocito - Alba (Italy) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | I have been invited to deliver a seminar on "Forens-OMICS: The New Era for the Investigations on Human Remains" to high-school's students of the Liceo Scientifico L. Cocito - Alba (Italy) - February 2020. 50 students attended this event, together with their teachers and the director of the school. The seminar generated a huge interest in the audience, with more than a hour of answers/questions delivered after the seminar. Students were highly engaged, someone also contacted me after the event to get further information regarding my academic education and to ask for my opinion in relation to different national and international degrees in STEM disciplines in which they were interested in, and that they were considering as potential options for their future educational progression. Teachers and the director were really impressed with my seminar, and expressed their willing to invite me for the next year to deliver a similar talk to students progressing to their final year of high school, in order to help them in better understanding which educational pathway will be the most interesting for them to follow, particularly for those interested in STEM area. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |