MRC Transition Support CDA Amandine MARECHAL

Lead Research Organisation: Birkbeck, University of London
Department Name: Biological Sciences


To live we need a permanent supply of energy. This is provided to our cells by a cascade of reactions that breaks down the food we eat into a universal fuel: ATP. This process mainly occurs in organelles called mitochondria and is known as cellular respiration. The main machinery that mitochondria use to produce ATP is the respiratory chain. It is composed of five complexes, embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane, that work together to build up an electrochemical gradient called the proton motive force and which drives ATP synthesis. Most of this gradient is in the form of protons which are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the respiratory chain complexes.

An increasing number of human pathologies are associated with defects in components of the respiratory chain. In many instances, this is because the malfunction has a direct impact on their primary role in energy production via the proton gradient that they form, or because it leads to an increased production of damaging free radicals. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is the terminal enzyme of our respiratory chain. It transforms the oxygen we breathe into water and greatly contributes to the generation of the proton gradient. Alterations (or mutations) in its structure have been linked with diverse pathologies such as myopathy, therapy-resistant epilepsy, neurological diseases and prostate cancer.

Although the overall chemistry of mitochondrial CcO is fairly well understood, it has proven much more difficult to determine how this produces the essential proton gradient. Various hypotheses have been formulated based on the available structures of the enzyme but were challenged by mutagenesis work performed on smaller bacterial homologues. Today it appears that the major drawback in understanding the mechanism of mitochondrial CcO, and the effects of human disease-related mutations in particular, is the lack of a system to generate large amounts of purified protein containing defined point mutations.

Remarkably, the CcO that is present in Baker's yeast mitochondria is almost identical to that in human mitochondria. The nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs which encode CcO are both amenable to mutagenesis so alterations can be made in any part of the CcO structure to investigate its function. We have thus engineered a yeast system to allow large-scale production of mutants and will use it to address fundamental questions relative to human mitochondrial CcOs.

We have made significant progress over the past four years. We have identified the route taken by the protons to cross the protein structure and have found an ideally uncoupled mutation with which to study the important pumping mechanism. We have also determined the 3D structure of the yeast CcO at the highest resolution which has confirmed its similarity to human and revealed important details of its interaction with other respiratory proteins. The latter might be responsible for changes in CcO activity in the context of health and disease and we have developed the tools to investigate this further. These achievements will guide our efforts to progressively incorporate the human genes in our yeast system to create an even better model for the study of human diseases and the development and testing of new therapies.

Given more time and funding continuity, we will complete our research programme and make several significant contributions to the field of mitochondria and metabolism. This will allow me to build a solid track record, establish an international reputation and reach my full potential in support of future applications for a senior fellowship or programme grant to grow my laboratory within the competitive scientific environment. I have given my best to reach this stage but have also suffered significant delays while going through some very difficult times and I still have to make the most of my CDA. The Transition support would enable me to achieve exactly this.

Technical Summary

The aim of this project is to elucidate the pumping mechanism of CcO and to investigate the effect of allosteric factors and isoforms on catalysis, using a yeast system that allows production and large scale purification of mitochondrial mutant forms of the enzyme. We will also progress the construction of a chimeric yeast/human CcO as a platform to investigate human diseases.

Having identified the internal hydrophilic pathway responsible for proton pumping, we will now address the coupling mechanism using time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy to detect concerted movements of key amino acids and water molecules on chosen reaction steps with purified CcOs. This will be done on photolysis of the fully reduced CO-bound enzyme, comparing the signals recorded for the wild-type and mutant forms and, subsequently, be extended to redox reactions.

We will investigate how long range factors can regulate catalysis. For instance, we will follow by FTIR spectroscopy the structural changes induced by the binding of ADP or ATP to allosteric sites on yeast supernumerary subunits from preparation of CcO-containing respiratory supercomplexes, purified from strains in which CcO isoform expression is tightly controlled.
We will complete our structural biology investigations on the two CcO isoforms to reveal the molecular details responsible for the change in catalytic activity observed when the yeast is grown in normoxic and hypoxic conditions.

Finally, we will look at the effect of human disease-related mutations in a chimeric yeast/human enzyme CcO. We will use our range of now established biochemical methods to determine level of expression/stability, turnover number, affinity for substrate and efficiency to pump protons. If required, more advanced biophysical techniques including FTIR spectroscopy, fast kinetics and cryo-electron microscopy will be used.

Planned Impact

The impact summary detailed in my original CDA will apply to the Transition fellowship.
Title Deposition of 1 electron microscopy map into the Electron Microscopy Data Base EMD-14436 
Description Cryo-EM map has been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank under accession no. EMD-14436 for a monomeric respiratory complex IV isolated from S. cerevisiae with maltosides 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The coordinates of the atomic model of the monomeric CIV built from this EM map have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under PDB ID code 1Z10 
Title Deposition of 1 entry to the Protein Data Bank ID 1Z10 
Description This entry to the Protein Data Bank provides atomic details of the structure of a monomeric yeast mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase isolated from S. cerevisiae with maltosides 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This work provides insight on the role of protein:protein interaction (and in particular Cox5) for the association of respiratory complex IV with complex III to form the yeast supercomplex 
Description Effect of mutations in cytochrome c oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
Organisation Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We study and analyse usign a combination of biochemistry and biophysics methods the effect of point mutations on the catalytic activity of cytochrome c oxidase.
Collaborator Contribution They provide us with strains of yeast S. cerevisae containing mutation in their cytochrome c oxidase (both nuclear and mitochondrial-DNA encoded subunits) to test/verify hypothesis.
Impact Several publications since 2012. Disciplines involved: genetics, biochemistry, biophysics.
Start Year 2012
Description Mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes, structure and function with the group of Alexey Amunts 
Organisation Stockholm University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution we provided expertise in respiratory complexes and supercomplexes including functional characterisation
Collaborator Contribution they isolated and solved atomic structures of new respiratory supercomplexes
Impact Publication in Nature in 2023 (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05817-y)
Start Year 2022
Description Origin of Life 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We provide expertise in redox processes and protein biochemistry/chemistry as well as access and support to advanced spectroscopy techniques (including infrared and UV vis) and cryoEM. We train postdoc and PhD students on specialist instruments in our lab.
Collaborator Contribution They provide expertise in the field of origin of life, postdoc and PhD students to carry out the work.
Impact Publications: Promotion of protocell self-assembly from mixed amphiphiles at the origin of life. Jordan SF, Rammu H, Zheludev IN, Hartley AM, Maréchal A, Lane N. Nat Ecol Evol. 2019 Dec;3(12):1705-1714. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1015-y. Epub 2019 Nov 4. PMID: 31686020 Spontaneous assembly of redox-active iron-sulfur clusters at low concentrations of cysteine. Jordan SF, Ioannou I, Rammu H, Halpern A, Bogart LK, Ahn M, Vasiliadou R, Christodoulou J, Maréchal A, Lane N. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 11;12(1):5925. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26158-2. PMID: 34635654 Funding: BBSRC sLoLa grant Co-Investigator (7%, went to final interview with PI N. Lane and co-I A. Pomiankowski). Origins of Biology: How energy flow structures metabolism and heredity at the origin of life. Value: £2,965,963.43 (60 months)
Start Year 2018