Seeding life on habitable planets

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Two of the great quests of humankind are the hunt for habitable planets and the search for the signatures of life beyond planet Earth. To date, we have discovered more than 4000 planets orbiting other stars, the so-called exoplanets. Of these exoplanets, 21 have a similar size to Earth and also orbit their host star in the habitable zone, a temperate region where liquid water may be able to survive on the planet surface. However, a planet's presence within this temperate zone is only one of several criteria that determines whether or not a planet is truly habitable. So far, we know of only one place in the universe where life has begun and thrived, planet Earth. It is still not well understood why the Earth is seemingly the only planet in the Solar System where life has flourished, especially because our neighbour, Venus, also orbits within the temperate region around the Sun, yet has an atmosphere and surface that is not friendly for life. Rocky planets like the Earth and Venus are formed from cataclysmic collisions of moon-sized bodies, the energy from which would have created a molten, hot surface from which volatiles, such as water, would have boiled away to space.

So what happened to make the Earth life friendly? One theory that has stood against scrutiny is that impacts from comets, icy leftovers from the formation of the Solar System, delivered a substantial volume of water and life-friendly (carbon-rich) ingredients to the surface of the young Earth when the crust cooled and solidified. This replenished the planet with the ingredients needed for life to begin. However, this then raises questions on the role of comets in seeding *all* potentially habitable planets with life-friendly ingredients. Are cometary impacts a vital process in the formation of a habitable planet? If so, are comets formed around other stars also carriers of carbon-rich and life-friendly material?

This research will scrutinise the criteria needed for habitability by investigating the role of comets in seeding life on *all* potentially habitable planets, using state-of-the-art computational chemical and climate models, in conjunction with state-of-the-art observations of comets and exo-comet forming regions around other stars. My team and I will determine i) whether or not the comet-building material in exoplanet-forming systems are universal carriers of organic-rich material needed to seed life, and ii) whether or not cometary impacts on the atmospheres of rocky exoplanets are an observable phenomenon. The outputs from this research will provide strong constraints on the commonality of habitable planets, and provide a suite of diagnostics to search for evidence of cometary impacts using next generation telescopes that will target potentially habitable exoplanets. This research will revise the definition of "habitability" and will provide atmospheric diagnostics of habitability beyond the already proposed biosignatures.

Planned Impact

Throughout history humanity has possessed a natural propensity for exploration. Humans have indulged this curiosity to the extent that we now populate vast areas of the land mass on Earth, and have escaped the Earth's gravity to visit other worlds in our Solar System. Through the development of increasingly sophisticated telescopes and data analysis techniques, we have now detected > 4000 worlds outside of our Solar System, the so-called exoplanets. However, to date we have not yet discovered another Earth-like world, and nor have we detected signs of life outside of Earth. This is anticipated to change in the coming decades as the new generation of state-of-the-art telescopes begin operations.

Our search for Earth-like worlds is driven by our definition of habitability which understandably is based on known limits for life and theories on the emergence of life on our planet. This research aims to refine or indeed revise the definition of habitability. This work will address big questions on the probability for organic life to develop on planetary surfaces. Are the same ingredients for life formed everywhere in space? And, are these ingredients delivered to all terrestrial planets that are potentially habitable? This research will have impact in the fields of astrochemistry (formation of organic molecules in space), astrobiology (delivery of organic molecules to planetary surfaces), and in the characterisation of habitable exoplanetary atmospheres (observable diagnostics and biomarkers). Outputs from this research will be vital in the interpretation of upcoming observations from the next generation of telescopes, in which the UK is heavily invested, and will motivate the specifications and design of future observational facilities. Outputs will also be used to inspire young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to study science at GCSE and beyond, with the aim of the development and retention of skills vital to meet the demands of the modern workplace.


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Aikawa Y (2021) Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). XIII. HCO + and Disk Ionization Structure in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

Title Varied oxygen simulations with WACCM6 (Proterozoic to pre-industrial atmosphere) 
Description The history of molecular oxygen (O2) in Earth's atmosphere is still debated; however, geological evidence supports at least two major episodes where O2 increased by an order of magnitude or more: the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) and the Neoproterozoic Oxidation Event. O2 concentrations have likely fluctuated (between 10-3 and 1.5 times the present atmospheric level) since the GOE ~ 2.4 Gyr ago, resulting in a time-varying ozone (O3) layer. Using a three-dimensional (3D) chemistry climate model, we simulate changes in O3 in Earth's atmosphere since the GOE and consider the implications for surface habitability, and glaciation during the Mesoproterozoic. We find lower O3 columns (reduced by up to 4.68 times for a given O2 level) compared to previous work; hence, higher fluxes of biologically harmful UV radiation would have reached the surface. Reduced O3 leads to enhanced tropospheric production of the hydroxyl radical (OH) which then substantially reduces the lifetime of methane (CH4). We show that a CH4 supported greenhouse effect during the Mesoproterozoic is highly unlikely. The reduced O3 columns we simulate have important implications for astrobiological and terrestrial habitability, demonstrating the relevance of 3D chemistry-climate simulations when assessing paleoclimates and the habitability of faraway worlds. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too early to report as data only made public in 2022 
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department Purple Mountain Observatory
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Harvard University
Department Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Leiden University
Department Leiden Observatory
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Penn State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Country Chile 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Chicago
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Chile
Country Chile 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Florida
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Grenoble
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Michigan
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Tokyo
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Virginia (UVa)
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) 
Organisation University of Wisconsin-Madison
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Walsh is the European Co-PI of this large international project team. The team spans four continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Asia) and is made up of > 40 researchers spanning all career stages from MSc level to established group leaders. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, led the submission of the original proposal, and set up the initial collaboration. The Co-PI team, including Walsh, also set the scientific focus and schedule for producing the outputs of the large program. Walsh also led the imaging team of the collaboration which was responsible for generating the pipeline for imaging the data and producing the data products used by the science teams. Walsh and a Leeds-based PDRA, Ilee, also led the science team reporting the results for the large complex organic molecules detected in the sources targeted in the large program.
Collaborator Contribution Other partners in the collaboration led the other 19 outputs of the large program. In addition to the general role of the Co-PI team, one Co-PI, Oberg (CfA, USA), oversaw the management of the collaboration, and another Co-PI, Guzman (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), led the calibration of the raw data. A key CoI, Loomis (NRAO, USA) arranged the computing infrastructure needed to host and image the data.
Impact MAPS I. Program Overview and Highlights, Öberg et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 1: MAPS II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks, Czekala et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 2: MAPS III. Characteristics of Radial Chemical Substructures, Law et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 3: MAPS IV. Emission Surfaces and Vertical Distribution of Molecules, Law et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 4: MAPS V. CO Gas Distributions, Zhang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 5: MAPS VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO, Guzmán et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 6: MAPS VII. Substellar O/H and C/H and Superstellar C/O in Planet-feeding Gas, Bosman et al. (2021a), ApJS, 257, 7: MAPS VIII. CO Gap in AS 209-Gas Depletion or Chemical Processing?, Alarcón et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 8: MAPS IX. Distribution and Properties of the Large Organic Molecules HC3N, CH3CN, and c-C3H2, Ilee et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 9: MAPS X. Studying Deuteration at High Angular Resolution toward Protoplanetary Disks, Cataldi et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 10: MAPS XI. CN and HCN as Tracers of Photochemistry in Disks, Bergner et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 11: MAPS XII. Inferring the C/O and S/H Ratios in Protoplanetary Disks with Sulfur Molecules, Le Gal et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 12: MAPS XIII. HCO+ and Disk Ionization Structure, Aikawa et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 13: MAPS XIV. Revealing Disk Substructures in Multiwavelength Continuum Emission, Sierra et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 14: MAPS XV. Tracing Protoplanetary Disk Structure within 20 au, Bosman et al. (2021b), ApJS, 257, 15: MAPS XVI. Characterizing the Impact of the Molecular Wind on the Evolution of the HD 163296 System, Booth et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 16: MAPS XVII. Determining the 2D Thermal Structure of the HD 163296 Disk, Calahan et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 17: MAPS XVIII. Kinematic Substructures in the Disks of HD 163296 and MWC 480, Teague et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 18: MAPS XIX. Spiral Arms, a Tail, and Diffuse Structures Traced by CO around the GM Aur Disk, Huang et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 19: MAPS XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae, Schwarz et al. (2021), ApJS, 257, 20:
Start Year 2018
Description 12 Last Songs 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I delivered a 30 min speech on my "work" in astronomy during a 12-hour long artistic event at Leeds Playhouse.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Be Curious 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I developed and delivered an activity stall on "Adventures in Astronomy" at the annual university public festival. Activities were aimed at school-age children and involved planet masks, galaxy windmills, and lollipop comets.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Be Curious 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In collaboration with two artists/performers, we curated a day-long series of performances and talks at the interface between art and astronomy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Be Curious LATES 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I coordinated and delivered a live-streamed session on "How to Build a Habitable World" aimed at teenage/adult audiences as part of the University of Leeds annual festival.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description British Science Week celebration at North Halifax Grammar School 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A delivered a 30-min talk for a special assembly to year 8 and 9 students (ages 12 - 14) at a local school on the theme of "time" as part of the school's celebration of British Science Week.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Cultures of Place 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I delivered a talk on chemistry during star birth and star death as part of "Stellatrix", a performance of music and spoken word that is directly influenced by astronomical data.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Ilkley Literature Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I recorded a podcast for Ilkley Literature Festival Settee Seminars called "How to build a habitable world", this is available on the festival's wabpage for free to everyone to listen.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Interplanetary podcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I delivered a podcast on astrochemistry that is available on Soundcloud to the followers of the Interplanetary podcast.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Press release by ALMA/NRAO 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We prepared a press released related to a special issue of Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series reporting the first results from an ALMA Large Program (MAPS).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Press release by ALMA/Nova 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Press release on a published paper "An inherited complex organic molecule reservoir in a warm planet-hosting disk" prepared in collaboration with the Leeds press office and the Nova organisation in the Netherlands.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description RSC Historical Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I delivered an online talk on the history of astrochemistry to a specialist interest group of the RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry), the Historical Group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Realising Aspirations 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I delivered a sample lecture and teaching session to A-level STEM students interested in applying for a place to study at university.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Realising Aspirations 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I delivered a sample teaching session on astronomy to A level students interested in applying for a place at university.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Realising Aspirations 2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I delivered a sample lecture to sixth-form students studying science as a taster of what to expect at university.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description School Talk (Wellington College) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Keynote talk at a virtual interdisciplinary symposium organised by a pupil at Wellington College, Berkshire, UK on the theme of "Exploration". I delivered a keynote talk on astrophysics following talks from pupils from schools in the local area on a diverse range of topics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Talk at Headingley Cafe Scientifique 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I delivered a talk on my research to a local community group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021