Using ferroelectric domain walls for active control of heat flow at the nanoscale

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Mathematics and Physics


In order to satisfy societal demand for continual improvements in microelectronic device performance, there is an ongoing drive for transistor miniaturisation so that spatial packing densities can be maximised. However, the associated increases in operational power density leads to increased heat generation and rises in on-chip temperature that can prevent reliable device performance. This represents a tremendous technological challenge and there is a clear need to identify and characterise materials with novel thermal properties that will enable superior thermal energy management at the nanoscale. In particular, the ability to actively control heat flow with an external stimulus (e.g. voltage) could have dramatic implications for the thermal management demands and lifetimes of next generation microelectronics. In this regard, oxide ferroelectric materials present an exciting opportunity.

In ferroelectric materials, there exist atomically sharp structural interfaces called 'domain walls' (DWs) that are known to impede heat-flow by disrupting thermal vibrations. What is unique about DWs is their remarkable ability to be created, erased or repositioned inside the material in a fully reversible way by using applied voltages or pressure. This property provides an unprecedented means to actively control heat flow by being able to alter the number of DWs present in the material at a given time and the way in which they are arranged. However, to realise heat flow control using DWs, definitive estimates for the thermal interfacial resistance presented by DWs in different materials must first be determined. Therefore, one of the main goals of this project is to quantify DW thermal resistances through direct thermal conductivity measurements. Ferroelectric material systems having DWs that effectively inhibit heat flow will then be identified. Following this, prototype thermal devices will be fabricated where the relative ease of heat flow through the material will be changed by using applied voltages to reversibly alter the DW pattern. This will also provide the foundation for a longer-term research vision to create a more exotic nanostructured 'thermal mirror' device. In this case, it is envisaged that DWs can be engineered to behave as periodic reflectors of thermal waves in order to maximise the rejection of thermal energy, much like how light is reflected with high efficiency by the multiple layers in a dielectric mirror.

Over the last decade, it has become clear that DWs can be considered as a new type of sheet-like functional material with properties that can be remarkably different than bulk. For example, electrical conduction within DWs can be metallic, or even superconducting, when the bulk is comparatively insulating. Prototype active devices have been fabricated where functionality is derived entirely from deployment of electrically conducting DWs. However, the complementary idea that the narrow DW region may have thermal properties entirely of its own is completely new and unexplored. Within conducting DWs, it is likely that heat flow will be enhanced, due to the availability of extra heat carriers (e.g. mobile electrons), and thermal conductivity measurements will be carried out to confirm this. Conducting DWs will also be explored for conversion of waste heat into electricity since recent predictions indicate that the thermoelectric power can be enhanced by up to 100% within DWs, compared to bulk.

Overall, ferroelectric DWs are exciting candidates for use as the active elements in thermal devices since the DWs may behave functionally to either enhance or restrict heat-flow. However, neither case is currently well characterised nor understood. The innate reconfigurability of these DWs means there is real potential to design and build new types of active thermal devices based on ferroelectric materials that has yet to be capitalised upon.

Planned Impact

Knowledge Impact: This is a cutting-edge research programme investigating how reconfigurable structural elements, called domain walls (DWs), can be leveraged to manipulate the flow of heat in nanostructured ferroelectric materials. In recent years, computational modelling capabilities have come of age and started to reveal the potential for DWs to influence nanoscale thermal transport. However, definitive experimental testing of these predictions is lacking and will be directly addressed by the planned research. This will be of high interest to the ferroelectrics community, where there is already substantial activity surrounding the functional properties of DWs in recognition of their potential for use in fundamentally new types of active device. Benchmarking the fundamental thermal properties of DWs will be a short-term impact and demonstration of working prototype devices, where the effective thermal response is tuned according to DW type, orientation, and density, will deliver impact in the medium-term. In the longer-term, attempts to create an artificial phonon band gap using a fundamentally new approach involving DWs is expected to be of tremendous impact to the broader phononics community. Throughout the fellowship, new and existing methods for investigating nanoscale thermal properties will also be developed (e.g. Scanning Thermal Microscopy) and this is expected to be of substantial value to both the functional materials academic community and industry for applications well beyond those described in this proposal.

Economy Impact: The EPSRC strategy document "Materially better: Ensuring the UK is at the forefront of material science" states that there is an "urgent need to deliver a portfolio of research that will underpin and accelerate the development of new, advanced materials" in order to help secure the UK's economic growth and prosperity. While the proposed research is largely fundamental in nature, the potential for new disruptive technologies will be assessed through fabrication of prototype active thermal devices. There is also potential for economic impact though development of new nanoscale thermal characterisation techniques; the PI is supported by an EPSRC grant to develop scanning probe microscopy instrumentation in conjunction with Asylum Research and these close ties could potentially be explored for routes to commercialisation, if necessary. In general, every effort will made to identify and protect any research findings with commercial potential and we will also work closely with QUB's dedicated support team, which specialises in IP protection and mechanisms for commercialisation.

People Impact: The PDRAs and PhD students associated with this activity will benefit from a rigorous programme of training in nanoscale functional materials that includes advanced fabrication methods, scanning probe microscopy techniques and use of low-temperature systems. This will be enabled through access to the combined knowledge base and facilities of the Centre for Nanostructured Media and the industry focused ANSIN advanced materials hub. Following this training, the PDRAs/PhDs will be well positioned to take up research posts in internationally competitive materials laboratories. They will also be attractive candidates to regional high-tech employers such as Seagate, Andor and Intel Ireland.

Society Impact: The scientific insights generated from this programme could lead to fundamentally new ways to actively manipulate heat-flow in device applications and could therefore improve quality of life for end-users and also benefit the environment. This is particularly relevant for the microelectronics industry, where innovative ideas for thermal design of components at the nanoscale have become highly important. There is also the possibility of applications for active temperature regulation at a more blue-skies level e.g., in smart-buildings and in human survival suits.


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Description We have been developing novel scanning probe microscopy techniques that allow for the visualisation of temperature maps at the nanoscale in materials that are promising for thermal management and solid state refrigeration applications. Specifically, we have been looking to see if heat flow is enhanced in ferroelectric materials that exhibit reconfigurable interfaces, known as 'domain walls'. Some types of domain wall are already known to show superior electrical properties compared to the surrounding bulk material, suggesting that enhanced thermal transport is also a possibility. In our experiments so far, it seems that any such enhancement in thermal transport along the walls is small and that they are more likely to be more effective as phonon scatterers (i.e. inhibit heat flow).
We have also developed a method for mapping the electrocaloric effect with high spatial resolution using Scanning Thermal Microscopy, which allows for the magnitude of cooling to be correlated with the microstructure. In these materials, little is known about the effect of grain boundaries and polar microstructure (such as domain walls) on the cooling performance and few techniques are able to map temperature variations on microscopic length scales. Our thermal mapping method has been demonstrated on commercial multi-layer capacitors and published in 2023 in IoP Journal of Physics: Energy and we are currently studying other interesting electrocaloric materials provided to us by international collaborators.
Exploitation Route The development of Scanning Thermal Microscopy based methods enables imaging of temperature distributions and thermal properties with truly nanoscale resolution. It is hoped that the technique can be used for probing the influence of microstructure on thermal response with the goal of helping improve the performance of prototype thermal switches and cooling devices based on ferroelectric materials.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description Independent review of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Title Development of High-Voltage Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy 
Description In commercially available Kelvin Probe Microscopy systems (KPFM), voltages can typically only be sensed in the range of up to a maximum 10V which restricts the applicability of the technique for investigating circuits or samples involving applied voltages larger than 10V. In conjunction with Oxford Instruments, we have developed a measurement protocol for measuring surface potential with magnitudes larger than 10V using their high-voltage KPFM holder that enables KPFM measurements up to several hundred volts. Discussions with Oxford Instruments are ongoing regarding opportunities for patent/commercialisation if needed. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Impacts are envisioned to be forthcoming once the technique is disseminated via a peer reviewed research article 
Title Mapping spatial variation in thermal properties using Scanning Thermal Microscopy 
Description Scanning Thermal Microscopy is a promising technique for mapping the thermal properties of a sample with nanoscale spatial resolution by using a very sharp tip as a temperature sensor. However, in order to measure key thermal transport properties of interest, such as thermal conductivity, a microscopic heat source is also required in addition to the temperature probe. In our approach, the heater comprises of a thin gold bar deposited on the surface of the sample of interest which is periodically Joule heated. The temperature distribution across the surface of the gold bar is mapped locally using the scanning probe to detect temperature oscillations resulting from the periodic Joule heating. Spatial heterogeneity in thermal properties is inferred through variations in the amplitude of the temperature oscillations and assessed through finite element modelling of the system under study. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The technique has not yet been reported to the wider community. The technique will be reported in a peer-reviewed journal once the exploratory investigations are complete and it is anticipated that it can be implemented by any user who has access to an Atomic Force Microscope (a relatively common instrument in materials science laboratories). 
Title Nanoscale mapping of the electrocaloric effect in oxide ferroelectrics 
Description The electrocaloric effect involves changes in temperature (heating or cooling) of a solid body under adiabatic application of an electric field. The physical mechanism underpinning the effect is deemed to be entropy changes arising from changes in the relative alignment of microscopic dipoles. However, there is little direct evidence of the correlation between heating/cooling and the associated microstructural changes that are responsible. Hence, we have been developing a technique that allows us to measure electrocaloric temperature changes with sub-micron resolution using an Atomic Force Microscopy technique known as Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM). SThM enables local mapping of temperature distributions by using a very sharp temperature probe which enables sub-micron spatial resolution and order of 10mK temperature resolution. The tip monitors induced temperature changes at a given point on the surface while an electric field is cycled on and off. Once the measurement is complete, the tip moves to a neighbouring location and the field cycling and temperature recording process is repeated. Iterating this process across the surface allows 2D maps of electrocaloric heating and cooling to be extracted with sub-micron spatial resolution. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The technique has not yet been reported to the wider community. The technique will be reported in a peer-reviewed journal once the exploratory investigations are complete and it is anticipated that it can be implemented by any user who has access to an Atomic Force Microscope (a relatively common instrument in materials science laboratories). Update (14/03/24): The method has been published as part of O. E. Baxter et al. J. Phys.: Energy 5, 045009 (2023). Two other groups have shown an interest in supplying samples to be investigated by the technique, with investigations underway. 
Title Dataset for "Ferroelectric Domain Wall p-n Junctions" 
Description These files are the raw data used to generate the plots shown in the Figures in Maguire, Jesi; McCluskey, Conor; Holsgrove, Kristina; Suna, Ahmet; Kumar, Amit; McQuaid, Raymond; Gregg, J. Nano Lett 2023. Abstract We have used high-voltage Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy to map the spatial distribution of electrical potential, dropped along curved current-carrying conducting domain walls, in x-cut single crystal ferroelectric lithium niobate thin films. We find that in-operando potential profiles and extracted electric fields, associated with p-n junctions contained within the walls, can be fully rationalised through expected variations in wall resistivity alone. There is no need to invoke additional physics (carrier depletion zones, space-charge fields) normally associated with extrinsically doped semiconductor p-n junctions. Indeed, we argue that this should not even be expected, as inherent Fermi level differences between p- and n- regions, at the core of conventional p-n junction behaviour, cannot occur in domain walls that are surrounded by a common matrix. This is important for domain wall nanoelectronics, as such in-wall junctions will neither act as diodes nor facilitate transistors in the same way as extrinsic semiconducting systems do. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact No known impacts yet. 
Title Dataset for "High Resolution Spatial Mapping of the Electrocaloric Effect in a Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor using Scanning Thermal Microscopy" 
Description These files are the raw data used to generate the data shown in Figure 2 and Figure 4 in O.E. Baxter, A. Kumar, J. M. Gregg & R. G. P. McQuaid J. Phys: Energy 2023. The Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5 or .h5) files contain all data recorded by the Oxford Instruments MFP 3D Asylum Atomic force microscope during the measurement scans. These .h5 files can be opened with Python, which is open source. Five data channels are recorded in each file: (1) Raw, (2) Deflection, (3) Temperature, (4) Applied Bias, (5) Z Sensor. Files are named with a convention such that "Fig2_80micronx20micon_100V_rawdata.h5" refers to the 80 micron by 20 micron area investigated in Figure 2 of our paper with 100 V applied to the sample. Similarly, the file "Fig4_2micronx2micron_100V_rawdata.h5" refers to the 2 micron by 2 micron area studied in Figure 4 with 100 V applied to the sample. A MATLAB script was used to access the raw temperature information, which was then calibrated into real temperature changes through a calibration correction factor. The total time for the scans was recorded, which meant individual measurement times could be assigned to each data point. Peak temperatures associated with electrocaloric heating/cooling (compared to the baseline average temperature) were extracted from each temperature vs time trace. This information was then used to create a colormap of electrocaloric temperature changes. In the case of Fig 4, this approach was expanded to look at temperature changes at different points in time, rather than just the maximum temperature changes. Article Abstract Scanning Thermal Microscopy is emerging as a powerful Atomic Force Microscope based platform for mapping dynamic temperature distributions on the nanoscale. To date, however, spatial imaging of temperature changes in electrocaloric materials using this technique has been very limited. We build on the prior works of Kar-Narayan et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 032903, 2013) and Shan et al. (Nano Energy, 67, 104203, 2020) to show that Scanning Thermal Microscopy can be used to spatially map electrocaloric temperature changes on microscopic length scales, here demonstrated in a commercially obtained multilayer ceramic capacitor. In our approach, the electrocaloric response is measured at discrete locations with point-to-point separation as small as 125 nm, allowing for reconstruction of spatial maps of heating and cooling, as well as their temporal evolution. This technique offers a means to investigate electrocaloric responses at sub-micron length scales, which cannot easily be accessed by the more commonly used infrared thermal imaging approaches. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact No known impacts yet 
Description "Physics on your doorstep" training day for secondary school teachers of physics 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Approximately 10 secondary school teachers from around NI visited to hear presentations about the research that goes in the physics department at Queen's. The purpose was to demonstrate that cutting-edge research does not only take place at famous institutions, such as CERN or NASA, but also is happening at their own local university physics department. It was then hoped that this information would be disseminated from the teachers to secondary students in classroom teaching to help broaden the students impression about physics research and its importance regionally. The teacher's were keen to explore ways in which this sort of initiative could be rolled out and in particular if the speakers could visit schools. The teachers enjoyed the opportunity to visit but noted that they struggle to find time for this sort of training day activity (away from their schools).

Some of the feedback from the teachers:
- They'd like to stay informed of any outreach activities we are doing that they can bring pupils to.
- It would be great to have information online pitched at a low level about the research we are doing that pupils can go and look up easily.
- They would welcome people going to schools to talk about physics, even PhD students which I think is something we are looking at already although focused on female pupils.
- Important for any school/outreach talks to be at the right level so as not to put off pupils. One comment was that it is not possible to pitch it too low!
- A couple asked whether we still ran the level 0 entry year as a way to enrol people that maybe want to do physics but might not have the required A-levels. One noted that they knew of school that didn't even offer physics at GCSE.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Department visit by students of Carndonagh Community School 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Approximately 20 students visited the physics department to hear about a range of research activities from academics in the school. I spoke about my own research on nanoscale heat flow and its context in the modern digital world. This led to questions about the broader context about the e.g. future of electronics, the role of geopolitics in semiconductor engineering, quantum computing. Some of the students remarked that they would be interested in studying physics after hearing about these research topics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Hosting roundtable discussion between researchers at online workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This was a roundhouse discussion between presenting academics at the online QUOROM conference (recurs quarterly) where I was one of the hosts for the discussion. The audience was mainly postgraduate research students and was a chance for the students to engage directly with the speakers in an informal way during the pandemic, when opportunities for free flow interaction have been limited.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Institute of Physics and Belong Network Community Dialogue Belfast Training Programme 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Working in partnership with Belong, the Institute of Physics (IoP) launched a pilot community dialogue project in 2023 in which they engaged with local communities in Rochdale, Cardiff, Coventry and Belfast. For the past two years this project has been bringing specific community groups and local physicists together in the UK to share experiences, build trust and foster further opportunities for collaborative engagement in physics. The Belfast iteration involved interactive workshops, over a three week period, in which participants experienced barrier-busting exercises designed to help open conversations and remove hierarchies in the room. The participants were young people in Belfast not in education, employment or training who were enrolled in a training programme with a community organisation (Springboard). The the project was facilitated by charity Belong (specialists in cohesion and dialogue) and the project funder and owner, IoP.

The activity was presented in the format of an interactive workshop and discussion table topic at the Association of Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC) Conference 2023 in Belfast by IoP Public engagement manager Brendan Owens.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Invited presentation on use of Atomic Force Microscopy for functional measurements to electron microscopists 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a talk to practicing electron microscopists (academics and industry) at the joint conference of the Microscopy Society of Ireland and Scottish Microscopy Society (IMS-SMS 2022) introducing them to ways in which functional variants of Atomic Force Microscopy could be used in their research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Open day talk for Ewald Microscopy Facility at QUB 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I delivered a presentation about some aspects of our electron and ion beam microscopy capabilities to an audience of potential academic and industry users, as part of an open day event for our microscopy facility. The event led to a doubling of the facility income from users compared to the previous financial year, with work undertaken by companies such as IceMos, Seagate, Stryker and Andor.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Presentation to A-level students on my pathway to a career as university lecturer 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact This was a presentation on my career path to lecturer at QUB delivered to A-level students that are prospective physics degree applicants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Press release "Queen's researchers develop method to investigate advancement of sustainable cooling tech" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was a press release to accompany our 2023 publication in Journal of Physics: Energy and was featured online on the news section of the Engineers Ireland website ( and also on the webpage of Sync NI which is the leading media outlet for Northern Ireland's Technology and Business Industries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Short social media interview on physics career (~700,000 views) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was a short video interview carried out by @modelstrangers Instagram channel (also tiktok) where I offered some reflections on my career as a physics lecturer. The video has over 500,000 views on Instagram and over 1000 comments. the same video has over 200,000 views on the owner's tiktok channel. The video was featured in an Irish News web article alongside other interviews from the same social media channel (
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Training session on how to deliver a research talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact I delivered a 1.5hr training session on how to deliver effective research talks to a non-expert audience, using my own research as the example for how to do this.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description UKRI senior team delegation visit to NI 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was an opportunity to meet the senior UKRI delegation (CEO Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, Chair Sir Andrew MacKenzie and teams) on their visit to NI. The visit saw UKRI chair a meeting of the Science and Innovation Strategy Forum, bringing together senior Research, Development and Innovation representatives from UKRI, BEIS and DA Governments and Funding Bodies. I had an opportunity to meet members or the delegation during evening dinner to discuss my experience so far with the Future Leaders Fellows scheme as well as help showcase the strength of Queen's research community and to discuss alignment of the university's 2030 goals to UKRI strategy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022