Unravelling the invisible complexities of the genome

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Materials Science and Engineering


Rosalind Franklin's pioneering work to establish the atomic structure of DNA has underpinned much of our understanding of the 'molecule of life', however in the cell, DNA is tangled and twisted, adopts complex topologies and is frequently maintained under superhelical stress. The effect of coiling, twisting and knotting on complex genomic DNA affects its function and how it interacts with molecular machinery. However the complexity and flexibility of this molecule means that much about the structure and interactions of tangled and twisted DNA remains poorly defined. It is critical that we improve this understanding as complex DNA structures, which make up the majority of the genome, have a huge impact on our health: in aging, cancer and fighting infectious disease.

The defining feature of AFM, unique among other structural tools operating at sub-nanometre resolution, is its capacity for imaging single molecules in liquid at physiological temperatures, where biomolecules are active (and free to explore their native conformational space), albeit tethered to a surface. AFM uses a sharp probe to 'feel' the surface of molecules adsorbed on a flat substrate, with nanometre precision in liquid. My high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods are unique in their ability to provide quantitative information on DNA structure, function and kinetics without labelling or averaging, demonstrated by my work showing variation in the double-helical structure of DNA along a single molecule.

Despite its unique capabilities for observing individual molecules at high resolution in fluid, the widespread adoption of AFM has been limited by the complexity of the technique, and the limited analysis of the powerful data produced. Traditionally, the majority of AFM analysis has been carried out by hand, relying on a highly trained and experienced researcher. When coupled with data acquisition that is highly dependent on the expertise of the operator, this has meant that AFM has not been adopted as the tool that can solve problems currently inaccessible to other tools of structural biology, which operate at this length scale.

I will pioneer the use of high-resolution AFM and automated analysis to overcome these limitations and uncover the effect of DNA structure and conformation on DNA-protein interactions. To achieve this I will work in collaboration with industry to combine state-of-the-art atomic force microscopy developments, with new automated analysis tools that facilitate tracing and quantification of the topology, structure and conformation of DNA substrates, using multiple machine learning approaches. I will work with the AFM community to ensure that these tools are available to researchers at all levels, improving the reproducibility of their analysis, and lowering the activation energy for this method of imaging, currently a considerable barrier to entry.

Using these tools I will determine how the structural heterogeneity of DNA impacts its interactions with key antibiotic and anti-cancer targets: topoisomerases; the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9; and G-quadruplexes, alternative DNA structures with potential as new anti-cancer targets. This programme is focussed on systems with translational potential, to enable me to impact pharmaceutical development.

This ambitious programme is underpinned by my expertise in high-resolution AFM and supported by a diverse interdisciplinary team including an AFM manufacturer, and experts in complementary single-molecule biophysics techniques, machine learning, molecular dynamics simulations and biochemistry. Together we will uncover the hidden effect of topological stress in the genome on interactions across its entire conformational landscape. This knowledge can be harnessed to combat disease by aiding in the rational design of novel therapeutics.


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Description Beyond pure academic dissemination, I have engaged with artists and media experts to improve awareness of how AFM techniques developed in our lab will have a downstream impact on therapeutic discovery. My AFM images that were the first to show variations in DNA structure (Small, 2014) are now on display in the Deutches Museum in Hamburg. Most recently I have collaborated with Human Studios to develop computer-generated, real-time interactive installation exploring the world of materials science and revealing how new sustainable materials and processes are set to make a positive difference to our world (https://youtu.be/CCWTuVDVWNw).
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Cultural

Description Bruker collaboration 
Organisation Bruker Corporation
Department Bruker Nano-surfaces Division
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Bruker nano surfaces develop Atomic Force Microscopes and accessories for biological imaging, among other applications. I have worked in partnership with Bruker to develop novel probes for high resolution imaging, and to optimise their software and imaging modes to obtain the highest resolution imaging. We work together to bring these together in the form of protocols for high resolution imaging of biomolecules.
Collaborator Contribution Bruker provide me with pre-release probes for testing as part of their development process. In addition they provide me with unrestricted access to their state of the art facilities in Santa Barbara, allowing me to use optimised machines for my research.
Impact Bruker have developed new probes and protocols for high resolution imaging of DNA as part of this collaboration which is now commercially available
Start Year 2015
Description DNA minicircle collaboration 
Organisation University of Leeds
Department School of Physics and Astronomy
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Experimental/simulation partnership to determine the effect of supercoiling on DNA structure
Collaborator Contribution The John Innes centre made up DNA mini circle constructs and provided expertise in DNA supercoiling and recognition. They carried out SPR and other biochemical experiments and training for the PI in biochemical analysis. The University of York and Leeds carried out simulations to correlate to our experimental work, and developed analysis tools to allow us to compare our experiments explicitly to their simulations. The University of Liverpool provided expertise in DNA supercoiling
Impact Multidisciplinary Biophysics collaboration - the effect of DNA supercoiling on molecular recognition. Preprint Published paper - Nature Communications Seminars x4 Conference presentation x6 Software
Start Year 2017
Description DNA minicircle collaboration 
Organisation University of Liverpool
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Experimental/simulation partnership to determine the effect of supercoiling on DNA structure
Collaborator Contribution The John Innes centre made up DNA mini circle constructs and provided expertise in DNA supercoiling and recognition. They carried out SPR and other biochemical experiments and training for the PI in biochemical analysis. The University of York and Leeds carried out simulations to correlate to our experimental work, and developed analysis tools to allow us to compare our experiments explicitly to their simulations. The University of Liverpool provided expertise in DNA supercoiling
Impact Multidisciplinary Biophysics collaboration - the effect of DNA supercoiling on molecular recognition. Preprint Published paper - Nature Communications Seminars x4 Conference presentation x6 Software
Start Year 2017
Description DNA minicircle collaboration 
Organisation University of York
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Experimental/simulation partnership to determine the effect of supercoiling on DNA structure
Collaborator Contribution The John Innes centre made up DNA mini circle constructs and provided expertise in DNA supercoiling and recognition. They carried out SPR and other biochemical experiments and training for the PI in biochemical analysis. The University of York and Leeds carried out simulations to correlate to our experimental work, and developed analysis tools to allow us to compare our experiments explicitly to their simulations. The University of Liverpool provided expertise in DNA supercoiling
Impact Multidisciplinary Biophysics collaboration - the effect of DNA supercoiling on molecular recognition. Preprint Published paper - Nature Communications Seminars x4 Conference presentation x6 Software
Start Year 2017
Description John Innes Collaboration 
Organisation John Innes Centre
Department The Sainsbury Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution As part of this partnership, we perform high resolution imaging of DNA -protein interaction, which are of interest to the group of Prof Tony Maxwell at the JIC
Collaborator Contribution Prof Maxwell's group provide us with protein and access to their wet lab facilities to run standard biochemical assays to complement our novel AFM analysis techniques.
Impact Maanuscript in preparation
Start Year 2015