Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study: SASSI UK

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Environmental Sciences


The oceans contain salt that makes the water denser. Fresh water does not contain salt, and usually lies on top of the denser salty water.We now know that the amount of fresh water on the margins of Antarctica affects global climate, at least in the latest climate models. These climate models are still very crude, because we have to simplify them to make them run on our fastest computers in a reasonable time. Nevertheless we think that the large-scale behaviour of the models is probably similar to that in the real world. When we add additional fresh water around Antarctica in the model, the climate of Europe changes over a time scale as short as 5 years. This means that even places we think of as remote are in fact just as important to study as those close to us. We also believe that Antarctica is an important place to study because it is one of the places where the dense cold water sinks to the sea bed and flows towards the equator in what oceanographers call the thermohaline circulation. If this thermohaline circulation slows down then global climate is affected, as was dramatised in the film 'The Day After Tomorrow'. Because Antarctica is remote, and difficult and expensive to get to, we have very little information about the oceanographic characteristics, such as temperature or current velocity, and the amount of salt in the water, which we term salinity. It is especially difficult to obtain measurements close to Antarctica in winter, because most of the ocean is covered in a thick layer of frozen sea water, called sea ice. Observations suggest that changes in global climate are affecting the amounts of fresh water on the continental shelf of Antarctica. It seems that the ice sheets (on the Antarctic continent) and ice shelves (the floating parts of the ice sheet, where it meets the sea) may be melting more quickly than before, at least in some locations. Under normal climate conditions, water evaporates from the ocean, falls as snow onto Antarctica and is compacted into ice. This ice then flows slowly towards the sea, where it calves into icebergs, which then melt back into the ocean. This circle of water through the ocean, atmosphere and ice is called the hydrological cycle. What may be happening now as climate changes is that some parts of this cycle are going faster than they used to, knocking the cycle out of its normal equilibrium. This project will study what is happening to the fresh water on the Antarctic continental shelf and slope. We will deploy for one year some moored instruments on the shelf and slope, measuring ocean temperature, salinity, current speed and direction, and sea level. Two of these instruments are very novel - one of them collects a sample of water every week and stores it in a bag ready for collection when we return a year later. The other will sit on the sea bed, and every day sends a little pod up to the surface on a length of wire and down again, measuring temperature and salinity as it goes. Because it sits in the deep water, it shouldn't get mown down by icebergs as they go by! These instruments are going to sit just upstream of the largest Antarctic Ice Shelf. We're going to test the idea that the ocean water upstream influences the amount of very cold, dense water that descends to the deep ocean there. Although studying the conditions around Antarctica is an ambitious thing to do, we are not doing it alone. Countries around the world are coming together for the International Polar Year in 2007-2009. We have agreed to all make measurements of the current velocity at the same time in different places around Antarctica. This will be the first time that this has been done and ought to tell us much more about what is happening to the oceans, ice and atmosphere around Antarctica, and why. This in turn should help us to make better climate models to predict the future of our planet.
Description We discovered for the first time the existence of an eastward flowing undercurrent flowing eastwards around Antarctica.

We also documented for the first time the seasonality in water masses at the Antarctic slope.

The CTD and mooring data sets have been given to BODC.

The objectives of the research have been met. An array of five moorings was successfully deployed from February 2009 to February 2010 across the Antarctic shelf and slope in the southeastern Weddell Sea (~18°W). The moored array formed the UK contribution to the international SASSI project, a project for the international polar year (IPY) coordinated by PI Heywood for the international Antarctic Zone (iAnZone) programme. (Heywood, K. J., R. Muench, and G. Williams (2012) An Overview of the Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions (SASSI) project for the International Polar Year, Ocean Sci., 8, 1111-1116.)

The moored observations demonstrate the key processes responsible for variability in water masses and transport in the region. Rapid fluctuations in temperature and salinity throughout the year are linked with variability in wind stress curl over the array. This causes the deepening or shoaling of the pycnocline, past the depth of the moorings. In the upper 500 m, the seasonal cycle in salinity shows freshening in autumn, with the strongest freshening at the shallowest mooring (~250 m), furthest on-shelf. The sea ice concentration over the array exceeds 90% during this period, and contributes a positive salt flux into the ocean during autumn. The freshening begins during strong along-shore winds in late April 2009. This demonstrates that variations in Ekman transport and wind-driven mixing play a key role in determining the salinity of shelf waters around Antarctica. Transport of the Antarctic Slope Current also shows a seasonal cycle with a maximum during late April. Model simulations show the importance of along-shore advection, as the arrival of a fresh anomaly from upstream determines the timing of the salinity minimum at the array. These processes are likely to be important for other regions around the Antarctic continent. (Graham, J.A., K.J. Heywood, C.P. Chavanne and P.R. Holland, Seasonal variability of water masses and transport on the Antarctic continental shelf and slope in the southeastern Weddell Sea, revised for Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, January 2013).

The Antarctic Slope Front presents a dynamical barrier between the cold Antarctic shelf waters in contact with ice shelves and the warmer subsurface waters offshore. Two hydrographic sections with full_depth current measurements were undertaken in January and February 2009 across the slope and shelf in the southeastern Weddell Sea. Southwestward surface_ intensified currents of _30 cm s_1, and northeastward undercurrents of 6-9 cm s-1, were in thermal_ wind balance with the sloping isopycnals across the front, which migrated offshore by 30 km in the time interval between the two sections. A mid_ depth undercurrent on February 23 was associated with a 130_ m uplift of the main pycnocline, bringing Warm Deep Water closer to the shelf break. This vertical displacement, comparable to that caused by seasonal variations in wind speed, implies that undercurrents may affect the exchanges between coastal and deep waters near the Antarctic continental margins. (Chavanne, C.P., K.J. Heywood, K.W. Nicholls, and I. Fer (2010), Observations of the Antarctic Slope Undercurrent in the southeastern Weddell Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, doi:10.1029/2010GL043603.)

Leadership of SASSI was beneficial in bringing a SCOR-POGO funded PhD student, Rodrigo Kerr, to the UK to work on international SASSI science, in particular assessing the behaviour of ocean models on the shelf and slope of Antarctica. (Kerr, R, K. J. Heywood, M. M. Mata, and C. A. E. Garcia (2012) On the outflow of dense water from the Weddell and Ross Seas in OCCAM model, Ocean Science, 8, 369-388.)

Knowledge gained during UK SASSI informed subsequent scientific research conducted in the Antarctic in 2012 (GENTOO project using Seagliders to survey the Antarctic continental shelf and slope in the Weddell Sea) and to be conducted in 2014 (Ocean2ice project to survey the continental shelf and slope in the Amundsen Sea).
Exploitation Route Useful for climate modellers trying to simulate the exchange of heat across the Antarctic continental slope, that affects ice melt (and thus sea level rise).
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


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Amount € 3,500,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 09/2017 
End 09/2022
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Amount £679,266 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/S006419/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
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Amount £938,580 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/P021395/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2017 
End 07/2027