A holistic model of the factors controlling reef-fish populations, including both pre- and post-settlement processes

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Biosciences


The first thing that anyone diving on a coral reef will notice is the multitude of fishes. More careful observation of fishes will also highlight that each species is more abundant in some places than others. What controls the number of fish of each species at different sites? Like any species, the number of fishes is dictated by rates of births, deaths, immigrations, and emigrations. However, the processes that control these rates are numerous, and difficult to study simultaneously. For example, death rates might be affected by the number of fishes being eaten by other fishes, the amount of fishing, and the number that die because of competition with other species or because there is not enough food. Furthermore, birth rates are difficult to estimate because most fish larvae are small, develop away from reefs, and are hard to count when they do arrive at a particular site. Despite these problems, if we could make a realistic model of the processes controlling the number of fishes on a reef, it would provide important insights into reef ecology, and aid conservation work. There have been lots of studies on one or a few factors affecting fish populations, and this means it is possible to link them together to construct an overall theoretical model. For example, we know that predation by carnivorous fishes significantly affects the number of juvenile fishes on a reef. We also know that habitats with more coral will support more fishes because there are more places for fishes to hide and avoid predators. I have developed a theoretical model that summarises all these interactions. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a powerful analytical technique that allows complex theoretical models to be tested with data collected during surveys. SEM provides results that show whether the model adequately explains the patterns seen in the data, which interactions in the model are most important, and what changes can be made to improve the model. Although the model could be used to test the factors controlling any fish species, I will focus on six species that have been selected because they have quite different life histories, are common, and are relatively well studied. A potential problem with SEM is that you need lots of data (surveys from at least 100 different sites) to test the theoretical model. This much data is rarely available to ecologists, but I will be able to get sufficient data by combining new surveys undertaken in The Bahamas during my fellowship with existing data from a project that already has data from 75 sites. My new surveys, from another approximately 75 sites from six islands in The Bahamas, will consist of fish counts and video surveys of the reef itself. Once the new and existing data have been combined, I will have data on the abundances of each target species at the 150 sites, along with details on a range of important variables such as the number of predators, the amount of fishing pressure, and the amount of coral. I will also work with a researcher at the University of Miami who has a state-of-the-art model for predicting the dispersal of larvae around The Bahamas. This model will provide an estimate of the number of larvae likely to arrive at each of my sites. These data will give an unprecedented opportunity to consider the importance of larval supply (effectively 'births') relative to a range of other factors. By combining theoretical models with all the data, I will gain a range of insights into the process controlling the number of fishes seen at any given reef site. In addition to a better ecological understanding of reefs, these findings will help conservation efforts. By knowing the relative importance of key factors that affect different fish populations, and the interactions among them, managers will be able to design more effective marine reserves. For example, is it better to place a marine reserve where lots of fish larvae arrive, or where there are large areas of nursery habitat?


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Description For reasons discussed elsewhere, a core paper proposed for my fellowship on modelling factors affecting fish abundances, and associated insights into marine reserve planning, has not yet been produced. A secondary objective was to provide a framework for new empirical work on individual ecological process, but I have already been able to make progress on these questions during my fellowship (documented below). I have also achieved the objectives of presenting research results at an international conference, generating a large database of fish and benthic communities across the Bahamas archipelago, and engaging the public.

Fish - habitat interactions

Habitat quality is a key influence on the abundance and demography of species, and a large literature has linked coral reef complexity (rugosity) to the abundance of tropical fishes. However, rugosity is often poorly defined. By surveying a series of 25m2 plots in Belize, I was able to show that coral-associated juvenile fish abundances are influenced by coral-scale metrics, but adult fish abundances are influenced by both coral-scale metrics and the density of corals within the plot (Harborne et al. 2011, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.). The abundance of fishes is also decreased in the presence of competitively dominant damselfishes, and the paper concludes with a novel conceptual model of how asymmetric competition interacts with decreasing habitat quality to differentially affect individual components of the fish community. I have further extended the understanding of the role of rugosity at the scale of 25m2 in an associated publication analysing which aspects of this 'meso-scale rugosity' are critical for different fish families (Harborne et al. 2012, Env. Biol. Fishes). A further paper considering fish - habitat interactions among under-studied cryptic fishes has also been producted (Harborne et al. 2012). I am also co-author of an agenda setting paper that reviews critical gaps in our current understanding of how climate change impacts on reef fishes (Wilson et al., 2010, J. Exp. Biol).

Predator-prey interactions

Density-dependent predation is a key process that affects the abundance of reef fishes. I demonstrated that the functional response of a piscivore can explain the inverse density dependent mortality of fishes seen in some field studies (Harborne, 2012, Coral Reefs). Therefore, this work provides mechanistic insights into predator-prey interactions in reef fishes. I also co-authored a study demonstrating that, if unexploited, large groupers can act as a natural biocontrol of invasive lionfish (Mumby et al., 2011, PLoS ONE). This paper has attracted attention because lionfish are increasing recognised as a major threat to Caribbean reefs. I have also co-authored a paper demonstrating that exploitation of large-bodied groupers leads to a meso-predator release and reduced abundances of small reef fishes (Mumby et al., In press, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.). A final paper in this field shows that increased abundances of urchin predators within a marine reserve can inhibit the recovery of the keystone herbivorous urchin Diadema antillarum (Harborne et al., 2009, Coral Reefs).

Marine reserves

Some of the predator-prey studies took advantage of increased densities of predators inside marine reserves, but in addition I co-authored a study that documented how reduced fishing of herbivores leads to increased grazing of macroalgae and an increased rate of recovery of coral populations (Mumby and Harborne, 2011, PLoS ONE). This paper generated significant media interest (e.g. NERC's Planet Earth and Faculty 1000). Combined with some of the predator-prey papers, this work on a Bahamian marine reserve has provided crucial additional data on the merits of establishing marine reserves. However, many questions about their design remain, one of which I discussed in an opinion piece (Harborne, 2009, Env. Cons.).

Fish carbonate production

Holding a uniquely large, multi-site, multi-habitat data set on Bahamian fishes led to a collaborative opportunity with researchers working on carbonate production by fishes. Empirical production rates were scaled using my data set to demonstrate a large and previously unknown contribution by fishes to the carbonate budget of reefs. This work led to a high-profile paper (Perry et al., 2011, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.).
Exploitation Route I aim to provide a generic overview of the links between life history traits and reef fish abundance that will aid coral reef management, and support the livelihoods that rely on reef fisheries.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy


Description Work conducted during my fellowship further established the importance of marine reserves, and this has helped to maintain the desire among many stakeholders to establish additional parks.
First Year Of Impact 2010
Sector Environment
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Mangroves and coral reefs as effective fish nurseries: the effects of fishing, climate change, and altering coasts
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Earthwatch Institute 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2011 
End 03/2015
Description Mangroves and coral reefs as effective fish nurseries: the effects of fishing, climate change, and altering coasts
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Earthwatch Institute 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2011 
End 06/2015
Description Collaboration with Dr Jim Grace 
Organisation US Geological Survey
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with Dr Jim Grace (USGS, USA) to undertake structural equation modelling of data
Start Year 2008
Description Dissemination of results of published work 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A 2010 paper in PLoS ONE authored by myself and Peter Mumby (equal authorship) demonstrated that marine reserves can assist the recovery of corals following disturbances. The paper has received 1485 views in 2 months. This important discovery has also generated a wide range of media interest, including in NERC's Planet Earth, other websites (eg sciencedaily.com) and local newspapers. The paper has also been evaluated for Faculty of 1000 Biology. We also hope that the paper will be used by policy makers as a clear justification for establishing marine reserves to ensure these ecologically and economically important ecosystems are more resilient to climate change.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010