Mitigation potential of horizontal Ground Coupled Heat Pumps for current and future climatic conditions: UK environmental modelling studies

Lead Research Organisation: British Geological Survey
Department Name: Groundwater


the key priorities for policymakers in order to decrease combustion of fossil carbon, thereby slowing the increase of CO2 concentration in the Earth's atmosphere. A considerable amount of UK effort has gone into investigating renewable energy sources such as wind, marine and solar power, as well as into bio-energy. However, relatively little work has been undertaken on the topic of ground coupled heat pump systems (GCHP), a relatively underused technology in the UK, in contrast to other countries such as USA, Switzerland and Sweden. To put it simply, GCHPs use temperature differences (between soil and air) to provide space heating An increased uptake of alternative low- or non-CO2 emitting energy sources is one of in the winter and cooling in the summer. This is achieved by placing plastic pipes (filled with fluid containing anti-freeze) in the ground so that they can exchange heat with the soil, so called heat exchangers. This heat is 'upgraded' by a heat pump to heat homes or other buildings, thereby providing a sustainable, renewable and reliable source of energy. The performance of these GCHPs depends on the design and configuration of the heat exchangers (e.g. length of pipes, depth of installation, spacing between pipes). However, the performance of horizontally installed systems, as opposed to the more expensive vertical borehole ones, is also affected, in a rather complex way, by the environment. With this we mean soil, vegetation and atmospheric conditions, which will significantly differ over the UK and over time (diurnal, seasonal and inter-annual variation). The research described in this proposal aims to investigate how the long-term (~50 years, the average lifespan of GCHP systems) performance of these systems varies throughout the UK. Our findings would form the basis of recommendations to local governments (and users) on the location-dependent economic viability of these systems and their potential to reduce carbon emissions, while explicitly taking into account that our climate is changing at a significant rate. Also, depending on the balance between how much heat is taken away from and returned to the ground, the soil temperature in the neighbourhood of the heat exchangers may fall or rise; related to this is the movement of soil moisture away from or towards the heat exchanger. These processes will also affect the performance of the system during its life span. These intricate interactions between soil and GCHP can be mimicked by computer model simulations and various packages are available for use by GCHP designers and installers. However, these types of software have been developed to work on a site-by-site basis and moreover they simplify the effect of the environment. Also, they address short time spans only (~1-3 years). In this proposal we will use a detailed land surface model, such as the one used by the UK Meteorological Office to predict the weather. First we will improve it to ensure that all important interactions between the below-ground heat exchangers and the soil (heat and moisture flow, including groundwater) are taken into account. We will then test it and subsequently drive the model with long-term data, generated to represent the climate, soil type, and vegetation (and related properties) throughout the UK. Only then can we obtain reliable estimates about the UK-wide long-term performance of GCHP systems and their effectiveness in reducing CO2 emissions. This allows us to recommend increased uptake in specific UK areas as well as indicate how specific changes to the design and configuration of GCHP systems (e.g. type of tube and installation depth) can improve performance and hence increase its potential for reduction in CO2 emission.
Description Developed a UK-wide recharge model which has had a number of different uses.
Exploitation Route The work has been used by Defra to help undertsand the interaction between land use, climate change and water availability:
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Originally developed on the NERC funded GROMIT project (ref NE/F018568/1), the UK wide recharge model calculates soil drainage at 5 km intervals. Using a combination of daily rainfall provided by CEH, potential evaporation from the Met Office and land use data from CEH, the BGS recharge model ZOODRM calculates daily recharge. These values are combined to produce long-term average recharge over the whole of the UK land mass. This is a unique data set which has been used on a number of projects. The first is the AON funded electrical earthing, which examined soil moisture under conditions of climate change in Eastern England. The contract, worth over GBP500,000 over six years to BGS, has allowed the prediction of earthing potential to be examined. Whilst economic value is difficult to place on the improvements, the results of the study have been used in daily decision-making related to earthing improvements and to longer-term planning related to climate change. The recharge model has also be used to feed into the abstraction reform process led by Defra, which is designed to change the way abstractions from surface water and groundwater sources are licenced. The modelling work based on the recharge model provided an initial quantification of how land use, land management and land cover change could interact with projected climate change to change recharge to aquifer across England and Wales. The potential impact of the work is twofold: one to directly assist Defra in their decision-making and evidence base for the abstraction reform process and two to feed into national water resource assessment by the Environment Agency. It has now been used to assist the Environment Agency in understanding the impact of climate change on groundwater resources.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Title Climate change recharge model results 
Description The data are the gridded recharge values obtained from the BGS distributed recharge model (ZOODRM) driven by 11 Ensembles of the HaDCM3 Regional Climate Model (RCM) taken from the Future Flow and Groundwater Level data set ( The model covers the mainland areas of England, Scotland and Wales. The 11 ensembles are run from January 1950 to December 2099. The dataset themselves are the gridded (2 km by 2 km) outputs from the recharge model averaged over four time horizons: historical, 20s, 50s, and 80s, for each of the 11 ensembles. The results can be used to assess the impact of climate change on potential recharge (soil drainage) for catchments in mainland England, Scotland and Wales. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Used by the Environment Agency for informing their understanding of the impact /of climate change on groundwater resources 
Description Electrical earthing 
Organisation UK Power Networks
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution BGS have been funded by Western Power Distribution and UK Power Networks to help them understand what ground conditions influence electrical earthing design and installation. Soils, geology and water content all control the resistivity of the ground. This in turn determines how an earthing system for power distribution is designed. Not only do current conditions have to be assessed, but what may happen under predicted climate change has to be considered. By providing predictions of soil moisture both for the recent past and under conditions of climate change, this can be fed into an assessment of the requirement for electrical earthing equipment.
Collaborator Contribution They provided the problem to be addresses
Impact Confidential report to the client
Start Year 2014
Description Electrical earthing 
Organisation Western Power Distribution
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution BGS have been funded by Western Power Distribution and UK Power Networks to help them understand what ground conditions influence electrical earthing design and installation. Soils, geology and water content all control the resistivity of the ground. This in turn determines how an earthing system for power distribution is designed. Not only do current conditions have to be assessed, but what may happen under predicted climate change has to be considered. By providing predictions of soil moisture both for the recent past and under conditions of climate change, this can be fed into an assessment of the requirement for electrical earthing equipment.
Collaborator Contribution They provided the problem to be addresses
Impact Confidential report to the client
Start Year 2014
Description Landuse climate change and water availability 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Defra co-funded "Land use, climate change and water availability" project which ran from March 2013 to May 2014. The aim of this project was to determine whether there was any interaction between climate change and land use and how these interactions affected water availability. The GROMIT recharge model was used to assess both climate change (rainfall and temperature) on its own as well as in conjunction with land use change.
Collaborator Contribution They provided the questions needed to be answered.
Impact See above
Start Year 2013
Description National Recharge modelling 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution BGS have re-run the recharge model developed as part of the original funding for climate change runs based on the Future Flow and Groundwater Level project ( Output from 11 RCMs provided rainfall and PE grids which were run through the model. The outputs from the recharge model have been tailored for the Environment agency to enable them to see the impact of CC on recharge for groundwater bodies and for major river basins in the UK.
Collaborator Contribution The Environment Agency bring their knowledge of the regulatory environment to the project as well as funding the work. The project and its outcomes were focussed based on discussion with the Environment Agency.
Impact There will be model grids as output placed on and a series of reports produced to describe the outcomes. The Environment Agency will use the results of the modelling to feed into their assessment of climate change on River Basin Management planning process.
Start Year 2016