Evolution of cooperation without iterations and without relatedness: strategic behaviour in public goods games and 2-person games

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Biological Sciences


Many interactions in nature are antagonistic because Darwinian natural selection leads to the survival of the fittest, and one's advantage is usually someone else's disadvantage. Yet, many cases of altruism and cooperation exist: from sterile soldiers in ants that do not reproduce and only work for the colony, to sentinels in meerkats that give the alarm in case of predators approaching. Altruists pay a cost for helping other individuals, a cost that selfish individuals do not pay. Because altruist and selfish individuals ultimately compete for reproduction, the selfish individuals should have an advantage. How can we explain the existence of cooperation then? One solution is that altruists are usually family members: ants and other social insects for example help their sisters by helping the nest. In this way they favour the spread of their own genes, because the targets of their altruism bear the same genes with high probability. Another solution in that altruism can be directed towards individuals that are in a position to reciprocate in successive encounters. Being altruist, therefore, may pay back because altruists receive a benefit from those whom they have helped. These two explanations, however, are not fully satisfactory, because there are many cases of symbiosis and cooperation in which individuals are not related and will never meet again, and yet cooperation exists in these cases. My work aims at understanding how these cases are possible. I do this by developing models of game theory, the branch of mathematics developed from the work of John Nash (the 'Beautiful Mind' of the famous movie). A game, in mathematics, is the description of a situation in which two players are in conflict and each tries to get the maximum payoff. Mathematics is necessary because the results are not always intuitive. Consider for example the case of a group of people witnessing a crime. If one of them called the police the criminal could be arrested. Arresting the criminal is a public good. Calling the police, however, has a small cost for an individual, and when there are many witnesses everybody prefers that it is someone else that calls the police. Everybody is better off if the criminal is arrested, but everybody prefers that it is somebody else that takes the risk and pays the cost. One would think that, when more people are available to volunteer, the probability that someone calls the police increases; in fact when too many people witness a crime, usually nobody volunteers to help. This is the effect of strategic behaviour - everybody relies on someone else with a certain probability, and as the number of possible volunteers increases, this probability increases, and it increases more when the number of witnesses is larger. In fact when one is the only (or one of few) possible volunteer, he is usually more likely to help. This is not intuitive, but many example have been documented, and it can be demonstrated by game theory. Mathematics is useful also because it can suggest precise and practical predictions. In the case of cooperation these predictions can help us devise strategies to increase cooperation among selfish individuals. For example, how is it possible to induce people to call the police more often? One solution is to reduce (not to increase!) the ability of a part of the witnesses to call the police, for example by impairing their ability to make a phone call, and to make this evident to everybody. When only a few witnesses can actually help, these ones will be more willing to volunteer. In my work I analyse similar, more complicated cases in which individual actions, that can be selfish, can provide a collective good, and I suggest strategic solutions to increase cooperation in these situations.
Description Cooperation is widespread in nature, in spite of the tendency of natural selection to promote individual self-interest. In particular we do not understand how it is possible that public goods are maintained by selfish individuals. A public good is any resource or benefit that an individual can exploit even without contributing to it - for example diffusible molecules that can be used by neighbouring cells, or the effects of a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: everybody enjoys the benefit produced by the voluntary contributions of the cooperators in the population; selfish individuals, however, have an incentive to free-ride on the contributions of the cooperators without paying the cost of contributing themselves. This gives them an advantage in terms of natural selection or profit, and these free-riders would therefore increase in frequency in the population over time, leading to what is commonly known as "the tragedy of the commons" - the overexploitation of shared resources, or the inefficient maintenance of common goods, observed in many cases in ecology and in environmental biology. The goal of this project was to use game theory (the branch of mathematics that studies social interactions) to analyse strategic interactions leading to cooperation in nature, in particular to apply certain ideas developed in microeconomics to the study of social behaviour in biology. The results of the project have shown that cooperation can be maintained, in spite of its cost, when its effect of cooperating is not additive, that is when the benefit of cooperation is a nonlinear function of the number of cooperators. This is in contrast with the prevailing view in evolutionary theory that cooperation is only possible when individuals are genetically related or interacting in a stable spatial network. It is important because it has implications not only for the study of social behaviour in animal groups, but also because it affects strategies to improve the provision of public goods and the rational exploitation of natural resources.
Exploitation Route The project is relevant for cases in which the production of public goods leads to a "tragedy of the commons" - the inefficient production of public goods or the overexploitation of common resources by self-interested individuals. It can have applications in many fields, from microbiology (interactions between cells) and behavioural ecology (interactions in social vertebrates), to conservation biology (the exploitation of limited resources) and environmental sciences (contributions to measures against pollution).
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Democracy and Justice