Using inter-glacials to assess future sea-level scenarios (iGlass)
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Science and Technology
The vulnerability of extensive near-coastal habitation, infrastructure, and trade makes global sea-level rise a major global concern for society. The UK coastline, for example, has ~£150 billion of assets at risk from coastal flooding, of which with £75 billion in London alone. Consequently, most nations have developed/ implemented protection plans, which commonly use ranges of sea-level rise estimates from global warming scenarios such as those published by IPCC, supplemented by worst-case values from limited geological studies. UKCP09 provides the most up-to-date guidance on UK sea-level rise scenarios and includes a low probability, high impact range for maximum UK sea level rise for use in contingency planning and in considerations regarding the limits to potential adaptation (the H++ scenario). UKCP09 emphasises that the H++ scenario is unlikely for the next century, but it does introduce significant concerns when planning for longer-term future sea-level rise. Currently, the range for H++ is set to 0.9-1.9 m of rise by the end of the 21st century. This range of uncertainty is large (with vast planning and financial implications), and - more critically - it has no robust statistical basis. It is important, therefore, to better understand the processes controlling the maximum sea-level rise estimate for the future on these time-scales. This forms the overarching motivation for the consortium project proposed here. iGlass is a broad-ranging interdisciplinary project that will integrate field data and modelling, in order to study the response of ice volume/sea level to different climate states during the last five interglacials, which include times with significantly higher sea level than the present. This will identify the likelihood of reduced ice cover over Greenland and West Antarctica, an important constraint on future sea-level projections. A key outcome will be to place sound limits on the likely ice-volume contribution to maximum sea-level rise estimates for the future. Our project is guided by three key questions: Q1. What do palaeo-sea level positions reveal about the global ice-volume/sea-level changes during a range of different interglacial climate states? Q2. What were the rates of sea-level rise in past interglacials, and to what extent are these relevant for future change, given the different climate forcing? Q3. Under a range of given (IPCC) climate projection scenarios, what are the projected limits to maximum sea-level rise over the next few centuries when accounting for ice-sheet contributions? The research will directly inform decision-making processes regarding flood risk management in the UK and abroad. In this respect, the project benefits from the close co-operation with scientists and practitioners in the UK Environment Agency, UKCIP, the UK insurance industry, as well as the wider global academic and user communities.

Düsterhus A
Automated Quality Evaluation for a More Effective Data Peer Review
in Data Science Journal

Düsterhus A
Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives
in Climate of the Past

Düsterhus A
Estimating the sea level highstand during the last interglacial: a probabilistic massive ensemble approach
in Geophysical Journal International

Grant KM
Sea-level variability over five glacial cycles.
in Nature communications

Hibbert F
Coral indicators of past sea-level change: A global repository of U-series dated benchmarks
in Quaternary Science Reviews

Jevrejeva S
Sea level projections to AD2500 with a new generation of climate change scenarios
in Global and Planetary Change

Jevrejeva S
Upper limit for sea level projections by 2100
in Environmental Research Letters

Jevrejeva S
Trends and acceleration in global and regional sea levels since 1807
in Global and Planetary Change

Rohling EJ
Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years.
in Nature
Description | Examining the change in sea levels during previous periods of near present-day values (interglacials) can tell us about the response of the ice sheets and sea level to different global conditions. While data (sea level indicators or SLI) may tell us about sea level at a particular location, we must also consider how the changing ice sheets and ocean levels cause the Earth and its gravity field to deform, which causes sea levels at specific locations to be different than the global mean. We have developed a statistical framework to evaluate and modify predictions of sea level given the SLI and their uncertainties. This allows us to estimate the most probable values, such as maximum sea level during the interglacial, and most importantly their uncertainties. Our analysis suggests that a dataset used in past analyses may not tightly constrain the last interglacial maximum value of sea level above the present-day (Düsterhus et al., GJI, 2016). With our consortium partners, we are exploring the constraints allowed from the new database of SLI (Hibbert et al., 2016). In collaboration with a large group, we also examined the best practices for creating databases of SLI used to study past ice sheets and sea level change (Düsterhus et al., Climate of the Past, 2016). In addition, we created a new reconstruction from tide gauge data extending back to 1807 (Jevrejeva et al., Global Planet. Change, 2014), and examined future projections (Jevrejeva et al., Global Planet. Change, 2012; Jevrejeva et al., Environ. Res. Lett., 2014). The later paper examines the low-probability, high-impact upper limits of global mean sea level at 2100. |
Exploitation Route | The statistical framework developed by the project should provide a better mechanism for comparing modelling results to data in a variety of glacial isostatic adjustment studies. Information on the sea levels in past interglacials and those estimated in future projections will likely be incorporated into possible future assessment studies for governments, such as the past IPCC reports and the UKCP09 report. |
Sectors | Communities and Social Services/Policy Environment |
Description | Coastal planning requires estimates not only of the likely future sea level rise, but also the low-probability, high-impact upper limit. Studying past interglacials provides information of the response of Antarctica and Greenland to different climate conditions in the past. Our papers on future projections discuss long-term impact of different climate scenarios and the low-probability upper limit. Results of both will likely be incorporated into possible future assessment studies for governments, similar to the past IPCC reports and the UKCP09 report. |
Sector | Cultural |