Dynamics of the Earth System In REcovery ('DESIRE')

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Geographical Sciences


As we are doing now, at times in the distant geological past, there were massive releases of greenhouse gases such as CO2 to the atmosphere. In the rock record we find evidence for a warming of climate and change in rainfall patterns. How does the Earth recover from being put into this 'greenhouse' state? The obvious way of cooling climate is to remove the CO2 that has been added and to bury it in a form that will not quickly leak back to the atmosphere. By some complicated geochemical and biological trickery, the Earth can turn rocks such as granite into chalks and limestones, which contains carbon atoms bound tightly to calcium, locking up carbon for millions and millions of years (the carbon in the white cliffs of Dover has been safely stored there for over 65 millions years!). Another way to bury carbon is as organic matter and the Earth system has a really fascinating mechanism for preserving this carbon involving the gas given off by rotten eggs - hydrogen sulphide. This can react with organic matter to form new molecules that are more resistant to being broken down by bacteria. The process is a bit like making car tires (which appear highly resistant to decay judging by how many seem to lie strewn across our cities and countryside). So what conditions in the ocean lead to the most preservation and hence burial of organic matter, and what impact on atmospheric CO2 and climate does preserving organic matter with rotten eggs really have? Computer models are great tools and can help answer this. How we understand and represent the Earth's climate system in computer models, while still far from perfect, is progressively improving. Mostly the climate system involves physics, and despite what most students may conclude from school: physics is easy. More difficult to understand is chemistry and biology, particularly when it occurs in smelly (sulphidic) mud sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Yet this is important to understand, because if bacteria were to use up all the oxygen at the ocean floor, they would suddenly find it much harder to break down all the dead 'bodies' of the microscopic plants (phytoplankton) that live and grow in the sunlight at the ocean surface and sink down to depth when they die. I will therefore develop a computer model of chemical reactions to represent how hydrogen sulphide can turn the organic matter from phytoplankton into a much more resistant form in the sediments. Using this model I can firstly better understand the conditions that might produce the perfect rocks for producing oil (and gas). Together with a global carbon cycle and climate model, I will also utilize the geological record to help understand what is possible and how important the different modes of recovery are, and will investigate and compare the burial of these dead bodies in sulphidic mud during two past global warming events: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ('PETM') ~55 million years ago (Ma) and the Ocean Anoxic Events ('OAEs') of the early Jurassic (ca. 183 Ma - the Toarcian OAE). From all this, I expect to be able to understand better how increases in the amount of carbon being buried helps the Earth system recover from greenhouse climates and test whether the Earth system might have a special emergency mechanism - if climate gets too warm and oxygen starts to run out in the ocean - the production of hydrogen sulphide as oxygen starts to run out in the ocean and increased burial or organic matter.


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Description The funded research has led to the following discoveries/developments:
1) Development of a range of benthic modules for system scale biogeochemical/Earth System models:
Most existing global biogeochemical models do not include an explicit description of biogeochemical processes in marine sediments, which represent not only the largest carbon reservoir and the only longterm carbon sink within the Earth system, but also constitute our most important climate archive. Therefore, the current lack of such benthic modules seriously limits our ability to understand and predict the past, present and future response of the Earth system to climate change. The research conducted in the framework of this grant has led to the development of two, mechanistic, yet numerically efficient benthic modules that are currently being coupled to the Earth System Model GENIE and the coupled estuarine model C-GEM. In addition, these modules are generating a wide interest in the wider reserach community and have opend new research partnerships such as my recent contribution to a succesful EU ITN proposal. The moduls will be made available to the entire community through a website that is currently being developed.
2) Identifying the factors that control organic matter degradation in marine sediments
The funded research indicates that organic matter sources and transport pathways (age) play a key role in controlling the reactivity of organic matter in marine sediments. I am currently exploring this newly discovered qunatitative link a more detail through comprehensive biomarker analysis and reaction-transport modeling. For this purpose, I established a number of new collaborations with the AWI (Germany), the IOW (Germany), The University of Cardiff (UK) and Newcastle (UK) to obtain sediment material and porewater data from a number of different oceanic regions. Ultimately I hope to establish the first quantitative framework that would allow to constrain organic matter reactivity in data-poor areas (e.g. the geological past, the future).
3) Quantifying hydrocarbon reservoirs
The funded research allowed to estimate the potential size of the methane reservoir below Antarctica through a combination of reaction-transport modeling and publish laboratory measurements. The work opened up a new research line focusing on the quantification of subglacial biogeochemical processes and their impacts on global biogeochemical cycles.
4) Quantifying the role of organic matter sulfurization as a climate cooling mechanism
This work is still in progress, due to technical challenges. However, preliminary results indicate that the decrease of organic matter reactivity by the formation of sulfur double bonds in a sulfidic ocean increases carbon burial and exerts an important effect on the biogeochemical cycling and global climate. Results show that this process can act as a trigger for climate cooling in the recovery phase of extreme events, but the jury is still out on the question if it the feedback alone is powerful enough to drive the climate out of an extreme event.
Exploitation Route Biogeochemical Modelers will use the newly developed and openly available modeling tools (C-GEM, benthic modules)
Earth System Modelers will use the newly developed benthic modelling tools and approaches. The (petroleum) industry will benefit from the improved understanding of the controls on organic matter preservation and burial in marine sediments and hence on petroleum source rock formation.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Description The developed benthic modeling tools are currently being implemented into two system-scale biogeochemcial models. In addition, a newly funded ITN ESR position will make use of the developed approach and result in a wide dissemination. The newly developed C-GEM model is currently being used to quantify carbon budgets along the NE coast of the US and the European Coast. How much should scientists be held to account, and how much responsibility do we all have to act on the information they provide us with? Researchers working on everything from theoretical chemistry, to geology, to psychology, discuss what it means to be a scientist in the 21st century, and what it takes to survive the emotional rollercoaster that sees them tackle frustration and failure before critical acclaim. A summary of my research and career, as well as a series of short films about working in science
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Education,Energy,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Biogeochemical Modelling
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Introduction to Earth System Modelling
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title ANN benthic module 
Description Numerically efficient benthic module that can be coupled to global-scale models 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact na 
Title Analytical benthic model 
Description Numerically efficient benthic biogeochemical model that can be coupled to global biogeochemical model/ Earth system model 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact -presentations -publication in prep -website -new collaborations, including succesful ITN proposal 
Title C-GEM 
Description Generic coupled estuarine hydrodynamic- biogeochemical model for the use on the global scale 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact na 
Title Global data set organic matter reactivities 
Description Global collection of model-derived organic matter reactivities and related environmental factors 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact - invited talk to Gordon Research conference - PhD studentship -new collaborations 
Description EU ITN: Carbon Cascades from land to ocean C-CASCADES 
Organisation ETH Zurich
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution - proposal preparation - proposed work builds on models developed in the project
Collaborator Contribution - proposal preparation - secondment
Impact Funded ITN grant (1.5 ECR positions)
Start Year 2014
Description EU ITN: Carbon Cascades from land to ocean C-CASCADES 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Meterology
Country Germany 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution - proposal preparation - proposed work builds on models developed in the project
Collaborator Contribution - proposal preparation - secondment
Impact Funded ITN grant (1.5 ECR positions)
Start Year 2014
Description EU ITN: Carbon Cascades from land to ocean C-CASCADES 
Organisation University Libre Bruxelles (Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB)
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution - proposal preparation - proposed work builds on models developed in the project
Collaborator Contribution - proposal preparation - secondment
Impact Funded ITN grant (1.5 ECR positions)
Start Year 2014
Description Future of Science 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact video sparked discussions and information requests

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012
Description Research&Future Impact Case studies 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact sparked discussion

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012