Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA)

Lead Research Organisation: British Antarctic Survey
Department Name: Science Programmes


Southern ocean processes are intimately linked to some of the most pressing challenges faced by society today: climate change, ocean acidification and the sustainable management of marine resources. To address these challenges we need to improve our understanding of the natural causes and consequences of Southern Ocean change. Sustained observations, which can only be large enough and maintained through international collaboration, will enable us to measure the baseline and future trends in the distribution and function of the ecosystem. The Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) represents a group of scientific institutes and industrial partners who have united to measure an under-sampled component of the ecosystem - the mid-trophic level - , to agree common standards and protocols for data collection and processing and with a view to provide that data on an open access basis.

The Southern Ocean comprises more than 10% of the world's oceans and plays a critical role in the Earth's climate system. Changes in the Southern Ocean have global ramifications. The Southern Ocean has warmed, freshened, become more acidic and ocean circulation patterns have changed. Climate models suggest that it will continue to warm and freshen with less sea ice and changes in ocean currents. Changes in marine ecosystems in the Southern Ocean have been linked to these changes. The structure and function of Southern Ocean ecosystems are dictated by the unique habitat that exists in the Southern Ocean defined by seasonal light, low temperatures, water chemistry, depth, currents and sea ice. Potential impacts of climate change on the structure and function of the marine ecosystem will depend upon the sensitivity of the organisms to change in the physical environment. Detecting that change will depend on our ability to monitor the environment.

Mid-trophic level organisms range in size from small plankton (<2 cm), which drift with currents, to larger nekton (>10cm), which have the ability to swim freely. They are a diverse group that include squid, salps, krill and fish and play a critical role in Southern Ocean ecosystems. They regulate primary production involved in biogeochemical cycles and are prey for top predators (e.g. penguins, seals and whales). In the Southern Ocean alone they have a biomass equal to the human population, and globally they represent the largest unharvested biomass on the planet. Despite their pivotal role they remain one of the least known components of the ecosystem.

Making scientific measurements in the Antarctic oceans is not a simple task and bio-acoustic methods (using sound to measure organisms in the water column) present a cost-effective, widely used (frequently found on research and fishing vessels), large scale method for collecting information on the mid-trophic level organisms. However, in order for data to be comparable between vessels, standards and protocols are required in addition to bounding measurements with validation procedures. SONA will set these standards.

SONA will use bio-acoustics to monitor mid-trophic organisms at large spatial scales annually along transits to Antarctic research bases and fisheries sites. It will unite multi-national calibrated acoustic data from both research and fisheries vessels into a common accessible database. This data will inform on ecosystem based fisheries management, marine planning and monitoring impacts of climate change. Ultimately the project will input data and knowledge to international bodies such as the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and international programmes such as Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics (ICED) through the SENTINEL programme and the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) and provide a road map for a global acoustic database of the mid-trophic level.

Planned Impact

SONA will engage with a wide range of users:
(i) Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). CCAMLR is keen to promote initiatives that are capable of resolving the impacts of human resource exploitation and climate change on ecosystem function. They have a strong focus on the South Atlantic, due to being the key area of the Antarctic krill fishery and would welcome the integrated overview produced by SONA.

(ii) The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) and Southern Ocean Sentinel (SOS) are international programmes representing the SCAR and (ICED) IMBER communities charged with designing multi-disciplinary ocean observing systems. Implementation of SONA and production of an open-access circumpolar data portal will influence these programmes.

(iii) The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI), who manage the fisheries in the territorial waters of South Georgia are interested in the potential for monitoring the marine environment using fishing vessels and ships of opportunity. We will discuss the protocols used and whether the SONA databases can deliver fisheries advice to this British Antarctic Territory.

(iiii) The fishing industry are interested in ecosystem based fisheries management and how they can contribute to the assessment procedure. SONA will demonstrate the use of acoustic data collected during transits in ecosystem monitoring and management, demonstrating methods in which the Antarctic fisheries community can contribute.

Techniques for engagement will include
(a) presentations at user's institutions, conferences, panels and committee meetings including SOS working meetings, CCAMLR Sub-Group on Acoustic Surveys and Analysis Methods, and CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management.

(b) participation in SONA workshops (on Ecosystem status in the Southern Ocean) by members of the SOS, SOOS and ICED community.

(c) presentations and discussions at the SGSSI government science and stakeholder meetings and other international fishery stakeholder meetings (through project partners).

We will work with schools, children and the public through developing an outreach site to the SONA data portal. This would include dissemination material such as information on the researchers and the food-web of Antarctica including interactive maps of mid-trophic level (krill and fish) distribution. We will also take examples of SONA engagement with the fishing industry, maps and examples of food-web organisms into the local school room and BAS exhibitions.
Title Krill ball - Data is art #08 
Description A poster of an Antarctic krill swarm generated by the Data as art project (, used to display NERC funded science at the poles. The artwork has accompanying text to put the work into scientific context ( The image is used by the SONA project and was seen by a Data as art project participant, inspiring the artwork. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact This artwork was displayed on the RRS Discovery during the NERC 50th Anniversary celebrations. During this time visitors from science, industry, public and government visited the ship. 
Description The Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) represents a number of scientific and industry partners that have united to implement a self-sustaining, long-term acoustic observing strategy of an under-sampled component of the ecosystem - the mid-trophic level. Initially the idea was to standardise all methods of data collection and processing, however during the project it became clear that different regions and experiments require different methods. In addition this would also prevent exploitation of historical datasets. As well as influencing data collection protocols, the project now has moved forward to undertake an assessment of different processing methods, establish methods of data quality and to quantify variability between methods so that datasets can be united.
A workshop held in April 2016 on data processing methods highlighted how different processing programs, experts and geographic regions in which the data were collected could result in differing outputs from the same acoustic data. The workshop identified that "reference datasets" from exemplar regions, made freely available and with appropriate metadata would enable users to determine impacts of filters and compare methods. This could eventually be used to standardise methodology to enable wider comparisons of acoustic data.
Adoption of international metadata standards have been applied to SONA partner datasets and routines developed to build a database of raw and processed acoustic data files. A subset of this is now discoverable through a meta data portal (in Beta version. SONA is currently discussing the application of digital object identifiers (a method for uniquely identifying objects) to document the exploitation of acoustic data.
Exploitation Route Standardisation of techniques for the acoustic assessment of the oceans, will allow monitoring of the mid-trophic level (plankton and fish) across the oceans. This output is relevant to scientists interested in Global Ocean Observing Systems (and Southern Ocean Observing System). For example a synopsis of the SONA project was presented at a meeting to describe essential Ecosystem Observing Variables, as part of the Southern Ocean Observing System. The aggregation of standardised data in an exploitable online system will be used by ecosystem modellers to parameterise global system models (e.g. ICED), as well as used by international ecosystem managing bodies such as CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) to manage Southern Ocean fisheries and fishery vessel collected acoustic data.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The SONA project contributes to a better understanding of micronekton, a key component of the biological pump, which acts as a buffer for human-induced climate change within the global carbon cycle. The role of SONA has been to unify and/or standardise acoustic methods for resolving mesopelagic organisms. Many nations undertaking Antarctic surveys collect acoustic data according to their own protocols. SONA partners (Australia, USA, Norway, New Zealand and France) have discussed data protocols and shared and adopted common techniques where possible to enable their data to be comparable. Inclusion of historical datasets has also been examined, and where relevant included, and new data sharing agreements have enabled exploitation through a data portal ( SONA is endorsed as a key Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) data contributor, part of an international initiative to enhance, coordinate and expand strategic observations of the Southern Ocean. SONA has key objectives for the delivery of quality controlled accessible data in line with SOOS objectives. The SONA processing and methods workshop (April, 2016) has highlighted requirements for standardising acoustic processing techniques. These findings have been received with interest by the Antarctic ecosystem management body: Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). They are examining the processing methods and data portal of SONA as a vehicle to facilitate coordinated analysis of fisheries acoustic data. Enthusiasm and involvement of SONA partners in data sharing and common acoustic protocols led to involvement in a new EU Horizon 2020 project MESOPP Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators that aimed to look towards an overall objective of a coupled acoustic-based observation-modelling system to quantify ecosystem processes and dynamics for ecosystem assessment. Acoustic data have now been published, and are open-access through these shared principles. Data protocols learnt through the SONA project have been applied to an Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund project, which has provided open-access code to process acoustic data on fishing vessels ( The SONA project has been presented to international audiences at the SCAR Open Science conference, ICES fisheries acoustics meeting and the Polar data forum. This has fostered input and collaboration beyond academic partners.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Societal

Description Citation in Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources SG-ASAM
Geographic Reach Australia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Citation in Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources WG-EMM
Geographic Reach Australia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Participation in SOOS Scientific Steering Committee meeting to determine essential ocean variables
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Reported to CCAMLR ASAM (Commison for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Acoustics Survey and Analysis Methods) on methods for acoustic data metadata, access and exploitation in SONA
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description SOOS data management sub-committee
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund
Amount $100,000 (USD)
Organisation Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Norway
Start 04/2018 
End 12/2019
Description H2020-INT_INCO-2015
Amount € 123,838 (EUR)
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 03/2016 
End 04/2019
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2006-10-24 to 2006-12-03 during cruise JR161 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2006-10-24 to 2006-12-03) during cruise JR161. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the South Atlantic. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2008-01-01 to 2008-02-17 during cruise JR177 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2008-01-01 to 2008-02-17) during cruise JR177. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2008-02-26 to 2008-04-10 during cruise JR179 in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas (from 2008-02-26 to 2008-04-10) during cruise JR179. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2008-04-16 to 2008-04-17 during cruise JR186 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2008-04-16 to 2008-04-17) during cruise JR186. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2009-03-12 to 2009-04-18 during cruise JR200 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2009-03-12 to 2009-04-18) during cruise JR200. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2009-12-12 to 2009-12-19 during cruise JR230 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2009-12-12 to 2009-12-19) during cruise JR230. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2009-12-23 to 2009-12-30 during cruise JR228 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2009-12-23 to 2009-12-30) during cruise JR228. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2010-12-22 to 2011-01-18 during cruise JR245 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2010-12-22 to 2011-01-18) during cruise JR245. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2011-12-30 to 2012-01-16 during cruise JR260 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2011-12-30 to 2012-01-16) during cruise JR260. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2012-11-15 to 2012-12-11 during cruise JR280 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2012-11-15 to 2012-12-11) during cruise JR280. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2013-11-15 to 2013-12-18 during cruise JR291 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2013-11-15 to 2013-12-18) during cruise JR291. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2014-09-27 to 2014-11-02 during cruise JR303 in the Atlantic Ocean 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Atlantic Ocean (from 2014-09-27 to 2014-11-02) during cruise JR303. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the South Atlantic. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2014-11-17 to 2014-12-17 during cruise JR304 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2014-11-17 to 2014-12-17) during cruise JR304. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2015-09-17 to 2015-11-03 during cruise JR15001 in the Atlantic Ocean 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Atlantic Ocean (from 2015-09-17 to 2015-11-03) during cruise JR15001. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Atlantic Ocean. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2015-11-13 to 2015-12-14 during cruise JR15002 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2015-11-13 to 2015-12-14) during cruise JR15002. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2016-01-21 to 2016-02-21 during cruise JR15004 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2016-01-21 to 2016-02-21) during cruise JR15004. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2016-09-26 to 2016-11-03 during cruise JR16001 in the Atlantic Ocean 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Atlantic Ocean (from 2016-09-26 to 2016-11-03) during cruise JR16001. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Atlantic Ocean. 
Title Water column acoustic data collected from 2016-12-09 to 2017-01-15 during cruise JR16003 in the Scotia Sea 
Description Water column acoustic data collected in the Scotia Sea (from 2016-12-09 to 2017-01-15) during cruise JR16003. Multi-frequency (38,120 and 200 kHz) acoustic data were collected using a Simrad EK60 echo sounder. The dataset comprises of calibrated and processed 38 kHz volume backscattering strength (Sv, dB re 1m-1). Data processing was undertaken using Echoview and Matlab. Processed netCDF data files are made available as part of the NERC Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA) and the EU MESOPP project. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Dataset is available to modelling community to model micronekton in the Scotia Sea. 
Description Cambridge Science festival families day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact ~900 visitors participating in hands on activities learning about the Southern Ocean food web. This event introduced Southern Ocean ecosystems to the regional community, and sparked questions about the importance of ecosystem management and the role of biology in climate cycles
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description MESOPP Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Contribution to MESOPP workshop on Towards Standards of Acoustic data for micronekton modelling". Presenting an overview of SONA, and the challenges of common data processing methods, presenting the results of the SONA 2016 workshop in Vigo on "Acoustic data processing and methods". Discussions centred around how to improve common practises inspired partly by the SONA outcomes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Participation in workshop to examine use of acoustics for ocean observation (MESOPP Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators meeting) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Contribution to workshop to look at using acoustic observations as a global ocean observing technique for secondary consumers (prey).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Southern Ocean Network of Acoustics (SONA): Acoustic Processing and Methods Workshop, Vigo, 24-25th April 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact SONA hosted a 2-day workshop in Vigo, Spain to address standards for acoustic processing and methods. Seven members of SONA, representing four of the partners, and four invited participants discussed topics including acoustic data/data coverage and availability; data processing techniques and comparison; metrics of data quality and DOIs (digital object identifiers); summary statistics and a way forward for regional comparison; and future collaboration.
A key part of the workshop addressed comparability of data processing techniques, with participants processing each other's data in order to highlight differences (and similarities) between methods. This revealed the requirement for reference datasets that could be used to test new processing algorithms, and for further discussions on how they would influence processed data output. These datasets would need to represent different geographic areas (and therefore different biological conditions and hydrographic forces), different vessels and different types of noise (weather driven, vessel driven, etc). The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) offered to host these datasets.
A report of this workshop was also submitted to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) working group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) where the implication of standard processing methods on fishery vessel collected acoustic data is being considered.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016