Com-Part: Combustion Particles in the Atmosphere: Properties, Transformations, Fate & Impacts
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Earth Atmospheric and Env Sciences
Combustion particles have major impacts on air quality and climate. As well as primary particles emitted directly, secondary particles are formed through the atmospheric oxidation of vapour phase organic compounds that are also present in the exhaust. Traditionally, primary and secondary particles have been quantified in terms of the total mass of particulate, however the human health and climate impacts are increasingly recognised to be highly dependent on the exact size and mixing state of particles. Engine exhaust emissions, the dominant particle source in urban environments, are complicated by the fact that primary particles comprise a mixture of pure organic and mixed organic and elemental carbon particles, with the organic fraction near equilibrium with the vapour phase. The exact mixture is dependent on the engine speed, load and temperature. The complexity of the exhaust emission dependence on combustion conditions heavily influences the composition and properties of the primary particles and determines the magnitude and manner of secondary particle production.
Com-Part will use new developments in aerosol instrumentation to comprehensively characterise the complex exhaust emitted from a diesel engine under various operating conditions, representative of real-world usage, and subsequently subjected to dilution and photochemical processing using an aerosol reaction chamber. Particular attention will be paid to the mixing state of the refractory black carbon with respect to the primary and secondary organic matter and the fractional contributions of these to the particle mass. In addition to the diesel exhaust, emissions from small appliance engines (including 2-stroke) will be investigated, as these are currently under-characterised from a secondary organic aerosols perspective.
In addition to the composition measurements, the wavelength-dependent optical absorption, optical extinction and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) will be studied, as these are the parameters key to determining the climate impacts of the aerosol. Various model treatments can be used to predict the optical properties based on knowledge of the particulate composition and various assumptions concerning particle morphology. The performance of these models relevant to engine emissions will be critically evaluated and parameterisations will be derived that are suitable for inclusion in radiative transfer models. Similarly, parameterisations of the CCN behaviour of the particles (using simplified single parameter effective "kappa" approaches or similar) will also be derived.
To place the measurements in an ambient context, the profiles obtained over a range of operating conditions will be scaled according to typical urban driving conditions, using the standard EURO emissions testing cycles as a basis. This will then be used to generate a typical urban emission and associated SOA formation profile, which can be in turn compared with ambient measurements. These ambient measurements will be made using the same instrumentation as used in the laboratory studies and can also be compared to archived data from intensive measurement campaigns such as ClearfLo and CalNex. Timescales for transformation of the primary particles and of the secondary material that is formed will be derived, based on the "photochemical age" through the chamber experiments. This will be derived by direct measurement of the decay rate of volatile organic compounds of known reactivity towards the major atmospheric oxidant, the OH radical.
Com-Part will use new developments in aerosol instrumentation to comprehensively characterise the complex exhaust emitted from a diesel engine under various operating conditions, representative of real-world usage, and subsequently subjected to dilution and photochemical processing using an aerosol reaction chamber. Particular attention will be paid to the mixing state of the refractory black carbon with respect to the primary and secondary organic matter and the fractional contributions of these to the particle mass. In addition to the diesel exhaust, emissions from small appliance engines (including 2-stroke) will be investigated, as these are currently under-characterised from a secondary organic aerosols perspective.
In addition to the composition measurements, the wavelength-dependent optical absorption, optical extinction and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) will be studied, as these are the parameters key to determining the climate impacts of the aerosol. Various model treatments can be used to predict the optical properties based on knowledge of the particulate composition and various assumptions concerning particle morphology. The performance of these models relevant to engine emissions will be critically evaluated and parameterisations will be derived that are suitable for inclusion in radiative transfer models. Similarly, parameterisations of the CCN behaviour of the particles (using simplified single parameter effective "kappa" approaches or similar) will also be derived.
To place the measurements in an ambient context, the profiles obtained over a range of operating conditions will be scaled according to typical urban driving conditions, using the standard EURO emissions testing cycles as a basis. This will then be used to generate a typical urban emission and associated SOA formation profile, which can be in turn compared with ambient measurements. These ambient measurements will be made using the same instrumentation as used in the laboratory studies and can also be compared to archived data from intensive measurement campaigns such as ClearfLo and CalNex. Timescales for transformation of the primary particles and of the secondary material that is formed will be derived, based on the "photochemical age" through the chamber experiments. This will be derived by direct measurement of the decay rate of volatile organic compounds of known reactivity towards the major atmospheric oxidant, the OH radical.
Planned Impact
i) Who may benefit from or make use of the research?
The objectives of this project are concerned with understanding and quantifying the contributions of combustion exhaust emissions to airborne concentrations of primary and secondary aerosol as they evolve from the urban to background regional atmosphere. The directly observed quantified transformation behaviour and derived relationships between particle composition, physical properties and optical properties with emission, oxidative degradation and dilution, will inform policymakers as to links between combustion emissions and airborne particulate concentrations. Such relationships can be used in economic models to calculate the costs of abatement through the control of different combustion emission categories. Subsequent controls will require legislation, and consequently those with the greatest need for this information are in government.
Responsibility for air pollution control in the UK operates at a number of levels. The overall framework is set by the European Commission, which sets the over-arching regulations such as the National Emissions Ceilings Directive and the air quality limit values with which member states must comply. At the next level, it is the responsibility of national governments to make national regulations designed to bring air quality into compliance with EU Directives and limit values. The application of such regulations is in the case of heavy industry, the responsibility of the environment agencies. Consequently, the key players in relation to combustion-derived particulate, which for the UK has both national and trans-boundary origins, are the European Commission and national governments as represented by DEFRA in the UK. Other agencies/ organisations such as the Health Protection Agency (which advises UK government on the health effects of air pollutant exposures) and the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (which is funded by DEFRA to quantify emissions from different source categories and locations) also have a significant interest in this topic. Scientists working on this and related topics will also have a strong interest in the outcomes of the work.
Climate science is also high on the political agenda, and knowledge of aerosol properties is a key input to global and regional climate models. In the UK, this is an area of responsibility of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), with the Met. Office Hadley Centre being the primary practitioner in climate modelling.
ii) How might they benefit or make use of the research?
Once robust relationships have been developed to describe combustion particle transformations, they can be used in abatement model scenarios in which primary and secondary particulate emissions from categories of combustion are either transformed on timescales dependent on the predicted oxidant distribution or the particle properties linked to the predicted secondary organic aerosol mass, dependent on the suitability of the host model. Model outputs would then be able to subject the results to an economic analysis in which the lowest cost pathways to particulate matter abatement could be elucidated. Ultimately this would lead to tightened regulations on those emissions that could be abated with the greatest cost-benefit effectiveness.
In the case of climate impacts, abatement of secondary organic aerosol may have a net surface warming effect due to reduced albedo, whilst primary BC and secondary modified BC abatement may have net cooling impacts. Both are highly uncertain and important to quantify.
It must be acknowledged that both air quality and climate models that are structurally capable of representing the detail of the processes quantified within Com-Part are very much at the cutting edge of research. This drives the proposed attempts to package the relationships in two forms most adequate for simplified treatments at the appropriate scale.
The objectives of this project are concerned with understanding and quantifying the contributions of combustion exhaust emissions to airborne concentrations of primary and secondary aerosol as they evolve from the urban to background regional atmosphere. The directly observed quantified transformation behaviour and derived relationships between particle composition, physical properties and optical properties with emission, oxidative degradation and dilution, will inform policymakers as to links between combustion emissions and airborne particulate concentrations. Such relationships can be used in economic models to calculate the costs of abatement through the control of different combustion emission categories. Subsequent controls will require legislation, and consequently those with the greatest need for this information are in government.
Responsibility for air pollution control in the UK operates at a number of levels. The overall framework is set by the European Commission, which sets the over-arching regulations such as the National Emissions Ceilings Directive and the air quality limit values with which member states must comply. At the next level, it is the responsibility of national governments to make national regulations designed to bring air quality into compliance with EU Directives and limit values. The application of such regulations is in the case of heavy industry, the responsibility of the environment agencies. Consequently, the key players in relation to combustion-derived particulate, which for the UK has both national and trans-boundary origins, are the European Commission and national governments as represented by DEFRA in the UK. Other agencies/ organisations such as the Health Protection Agency (which advises UK government on the health effects of air pollutant exposures) and the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (which is funded by DEFRA to quantify emissions from different source categories and locations) also have a significant interest in this topic. Scientists working on this and related topics will also have a strong interest in the outcomes of the work.
Climate science is also high on the political agenda, and knowledge of aerosol properties is a key input to global and regional climate models. In the UK, this is an area of responsibility of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), with the Met. Office Hadley Centre being the primary practitioner in climate modelling.
ii) How might they benefit or make use of the research?
Once robust relationships have been developed to describe combustion particle transformations, they can be used in abatement model scenarios in which primary and secondary particulate emissions from categories of combustion are either transformed on timescales dependent on the predicted oxidant distribution or the particle properties linked to the predicted secondary organic aerosol mass, dependent on the suitability of the host model. Model outputs would then be able to subject the results to an economic analysis in which the lowest cost pathways to particulate matter abatement could be elucidated. Ultimately this would lead to tightened regulations on those emissions that could be abated with the greatest cost-benefit effectiveness.
In the case of climate impacts, abatement of secondary organic aerosol may have a net surface warming effect due to reduced albedo, whilst primary BC and secondary modified BC abatement may have net cooling impacts. Both are highly uncertain and important to quantify.
It must be acknowledged that both air quality and climate models that are structurally capable of representing the detail of the processes quantified within Com-Part are very much at the cutting edge of research. This drives the proposed attempts to package the relationships in two forms most adequate for simplified treatments at the appropriate scale.

Jolleys M
Organic aerosol emission ratios from the laboratory combustion of biomass fuels
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Liu D
Black-carbon absorption enhancement in the atmosphere determined by particle mixing state
in Nature Geoscience

Mitchell E
Pollutant Emissions from Improved Cookstoves of the Type Used in Sub-Saharan Africa
in Combustion Science and Technology

Pereira K
Technical note: Use of an atmospheric simulation chamber to investigate the effect of different engine conditions on unregulated VOC-IVOC diesel exhaust emissions
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Reyes-Villegas E
Simultaneous aerosol mass spectrometry and chemical ionisation mass spectrometry measurements during a biomass burning event in the UK: insights into nitrate chemistry
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Ting Y
Mixing State of Carbonaceous Aerosols of Primary Emissions from "Improved" African Cookstoves.
in Environmental science & technology

Wu Y
Light Absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon Aerosol Constrained by Particle Morphology.
in Environmental science & technology

Yao H
Direct radiative effect of carbonaceous aerosols from crop residue burning during the summer harvest season in East China
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Description | The 4 experimental campaigns that we have conducted looking at the emissions from internal combustion engines in the Manchester chamber have yielded an incredibly rich and dense dataset of new results. We have mapped the particulate and gas emissions in the exhaust from a light-duty VW diesel engine across a full range of load and speed conditions. Amongst other findings, this has allowed us to contrast exhaust under cold-start and warm running conditions in terms of the composition and amount of each emission. It is evident that the cold start contributions are significantly greater than those under normal conditions. We have similarly characterised light-duty 2- and 4-stroke petrol engines. In each case, we have also been able to follow the transformations of the gas and particle components as they are processed in the simulated atmosphere in our photochemical chamber. These studies have required new applications of existing state-of-the-science online and offline analytical techniques. The data are completely processed and will continue to form the basis of a number of further publications and presentations. We have mapped the wide variety of emissions across different engine conditions. A paper mapping the engine emissions and the use of the chamber as a snapshot sample holding vessel for instruments requiring long averaging times was published (pereira et al., 2018). We have shown that thickly coated soot particles emitted under cold engine conditions act as better seeds for cloud droplets than those emitted when hot. A paper reporting these differences in cloud nucleation potential of particles emitted under different conditions has been submitted for publication. We have also shown that the differences in the thicknesses of coatings of soot particles under different engine conditions leads to differences in how they interact with light. A paper reporting this absorption enhancement of BC-containing particles emitted from diesels has just been published in Nature Geosciences and has proven to be high profile. |
Exploitation Route | They will continue to be turned into publications before being fully exploited by follow-up work. The work was delivered to Defra as the main policymakers in this area at a meeting at their HQ on 4th May 2016. |
Sectors | Environment Transport |
Description | There have been a number of media appearances following the VW engine emissions problems (including those by the NCAS Co-I at Manchester, Rami Alfarra on the BBC news relating to the experimental work. This has led to meetings with Defra to help with advice on engine emissions that should help with policy and regulation in the area. There have been a number of follow-up pieces of contractual work with SME engine after-treatment, fuel modification and fuel additive manufacturers aiming to mitigate against engine emissions of NOx and particulate. This may eventually help with validation of technological emission control measures. |
First Year Of Impact | 2015 |
Sector | Environment,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport |
Impact Types | Policy & public services |
Description | National collaboration to explore the transformations, fate and impacts of exhaust emissions from combustion sources |
Organisation | University of Birmingham |
Department | School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Joint idea, proposal writing, planning and execution of experiments, analysis, synthesis and integration of results, preparation for publication |
Collaborator Contribution | Joint idea, proposal writing, planning and execution of experiments, analysis, synthesis and integration of results, preparation for publication |
Impact | The entire project is the culmination of the ongoing collaboration. Results have now been completely collected and are in the preparation for publication stage. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary atmospheric science. Birmingham and York are both bringing analytical chemistry skills to the collaboration, we are providing the large chamber facility, online instrumentation expertise and physical determination of the system parameters. |
Start Year | 2011 |
Description | National collaboration to explore the transformations, fate and impacts of exhaust emissions from combustion sources |
Organisation | University of York |
Department | Department of Chemistry |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Joint idea, proposal writing, planning and execution of experiments, analysis, synthesis and integration of results, preparation for publication |
Collaborator Contribution | Joint idea, proposal writing, planning and execution of experiments, analysis, synthesis and integration of results, preparation for publication |
Impact | The entire project is the culmination of the ongoing collaboration. Results have now been completely collected and are in the preparation for publication stage. The collaboration is multi-disciplinary atmospheric science. Birmingham and York are both bringing analytical chemistry skills to the collaboration, we are providing the large chamber facility, online instrumentation expertise and physical determination of the system parameters. |
Start Year | 2011 |