Cirrus Coupled Cloud-Radiation Experiment: CIRCCREX

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Earth Atmospheric and Env Sciences


Climate and weather prediction models demand understanding of how cirrus clouds, high in the troposphere (6-14km in altitude) affect our climate. Cirrus covers up to 30% of the globe and its effects should be accurately included in global climate models. Clouds have two main effects; they are the main atmospheric component in the hydrological cycle, but they also trap radiation, both reflecting sunlight back to space (cooling the Earth's surface) and trapping the thermal energy emitted from the surface (as they are cold, emitting less energy to space than an equivalent cloudless sky). The balance between the shortwave (sunlight) and longwave (thermal radiation) effect depends on factors such as altitude and thickness of the cloud, and the size and shape of the ice crystals that make up the cloud. The crystals can take on myriad shapes, and the shapes existing in particular clouds depend on conditions and on the evolutionary sequence that the particles experience; growing, aggregating and/or dissipating over time, dependant on the changes in temperature, humidity and meteorological environment they experience. Different crystal sizes and shapes reflect and scatter light in different ways. Some crystal shapes are efficient at reflecting sunlight, but not thermal radiation and some the other way round. The net effect of a cloud on the radiation budget depends on the microscopic shapes of the crystals inside it. By measuring both the heat emitted by the cloud and its internal crystal properties ('microphysics') we can determine the link between the two, and hence the overall effect the cloud is having on the climate.
Cirrus models have been derived that calculate expected response of different crystal types across the spectrum, and these are usually combined with predicted particle size and shapes (Particle Size Distributions, PSD) found from in-situ flight campaign measurements using cloud probes. These are parameterised (simplified) and used in climate models and general circulation models (GCMs), eg. in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate change, but these cirrus models have not been tested across the full spectrum. Some studies have been made of specific radiative properties of some crystal types in the shortwave, and of other crystal types in parts of the longwave, but there has not been a successful measurement covering the full spectrum simultaneously measuring the precise make up of the crystal sizes and types in a cloud.
We plan a novel flight campaign combining full spectrum radiative measurements (125-0.3 microns) from longwave to shortwave, with state-of-the-art measurements of crystal PSDs, the ice water content and temperature etc. We will test scattering models and PSD parameterisations used to describe cirrus cloud in atmospheric models, such as the UK MetOffice (MO) Unified model Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) with model improvements implemented by our MO project partners. Our project is possible because of NERC funded research that led to: state-of-the-art cloud probe instruments and software tools that addressed problems of ice crystal shattering at the inlet apertures and the great uncertainty in ice crystal size distributions of the past; and the development of the unique far-IR instrument TAFTS at Imperial College (IC). The ability to measure the entire spectrum from an aircraft, and so simultaneously measure the cirrus crystal types, sizes, temperature and IWC, roughness etc., is a unique facility only available on the UK FAAM aircraft. We combine radiometry in the far-IR of IC, in mid-IR to solar of MO, cloud microphysics instrumentation and expertise of Manchester and Hertfordshire Universities, and UKMO/FAAM with complementary cloud and atmospheric state measurements. This will give a leap forward to cirrus modelling, our datasets allowing testing and development of models and parameterizations used to predict the effect of cirrus in climate models and NWP.

Planned Impact

1)Specific users this work might be of interest to and how they will benefit:

Immediate beneficiaries are given in "Academic Beneficiaries".

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has identified understanding of the effects of cloud as one of the key uncertainties in climate change predictions. The most direct users of our cirrus project are atmospheric scientists, climate and numerical weather prediction (NWP) modellers, who will use the anticipated improved and validated cirrus parameterizations to improve GCM ability to capture cirrus impact and evolution. The new cirrus parameterizations will be available through our project partner,the Met Office, for incorporation into global climate models. We will demonstrate the accuracy improvement possible for NWP models by tests with the new cirrus models. The expected result will be improved ability to capture correctly cirrus effects on weather forecasts and climate predictions. We will work directly with modellers to facilitate this, with:

(i)The Met Office (MO) who run the Unified Model (UM), used internationally,, for weather prediction and climate models. The MO will use evidence from our CIRCCREX collaborative project to inform on including paradigm shift cloud-radiation coupled cirrus parameterizations in the UM.

(ii) USA cirrus modellers (Baum, Yang and ice cloud research team who will provide us with their cirrus models for testing with our observational data (see support letter). This allows them to improve their models using unique datasets. These cirrus models are used in climate models and satellite retrievals, ensuring wide impact internationally.

Other impacts follow indirectly,eg from studies of cirrus, contrails,aerosols, chemical transport, to studies using energy transport, radiative transfer, and climate change. Indirect users include those reliant on climate and atmospheric models, or satellite retrieval data for clouds.

Results will be published in international journals with press releases to raise profile of our research.The greatest impact will be incorporation of the new cirrus cloud-radiation parameterizations into climate and NWP model codes used worldwide.

2)Wider user benefits:
Most relevant is the impact for Government policy makers responsible for action on climate change, who benefit from more reliable climate models (eg MO UM), strengthening the international community's case for taking action to avert climate change -the IPCC highlighted clouds as a key uncertainty. Improved MO weather forecasting accuracy has societal and economic benefits to the wider public.

Wider user benefit is achieved by:
A project website suitable for scientists and the general public including school children, with "news releases" ,press articles on CIRCCREX research and its impacts, for example on climate models.
Public Outreach: IC staff are involved in engaging with the next generation, for example giving outreach lectures 'The Science of Climate Change' to schools.
our strong links to our project partners at the UK MetOffice, who advise the Government regarding climate change.

3)Other impacts: UK competitiveness.The NERC funded TAFTS instrument is the only high resolution far-IR spectrometer for in-situ measurements of up- and down-welling radiances in the troposphere. The far-IR region has great uncertainties in radiative transfer and climate models.To realise the impact of TAFTS in terms of new science, and to maintain our position at the forefront of this field internationally we continue to seek support for science with TAFTS. Far-IR expertise of TAFTS scientists is forming a strong base for future world class instrumentation projects: eg. our involvement in recent bids for new IR satellite instrumentation and membership of the Science Definition Team of NASA's proposed far IR satellite instrument CLARREO.
Description The main outcome of this project from the insitu cloud measurement side is, a new data set of cirrus cloud data from within cirrus clouds in various stages of evolution (as reported in O'Shea et al., 2016). The analysed data sets were taken from a number of successful flights from around and north of the UK (as far north as Iceland) in autumn-winter and winter-spring periods between 2013 and 2016. During this time frame, there were significant improvements in our insitu measurement capability, as new probes gradually became available and functional to the aircraft facility. 2D shadow imaging probes were used, providing cloud particle size and shape information over the size range 15-960µm (15um resolution), or at 10um and higher time resolution from the 2D-stereo probe (2D-S) over the size range 10-1280µm, and CCD particle images of cloud ice crystals (256 greyscale) at 2.3µm resolution from a Cloud Particle Imager (CPI). However, a new, faster, 3-view CPI (incorporating a 2D-S) became available in 2015 providing significantly more higher resolution images of ice crystals, and in addition a holographic probe was flown (at no cost to the project, made available through collaboration with the University of Mainz). The 2-D probes often showed high concentrations of small cloud particles present, the images of which were often too small (and potentially out of focus) to identify the ice crystal habit, although, if present suggested ice production occurring throughout many parts of the cirrus clouds studied. The holography data (which shows the whole contents of a small 3D volume of cloud in one go) did not see as many small ice particles (excluding shattered ice crystal pieces which appear too close together to be real) so suggests some of the unidentifiable small particles observed by 2D probes may be artefacts. This would change how we might understand the ice processes occurring within the cirrus, and how we relate the presence or not of small ice to the radiative properties of these clouds - as measured by the remote sensing instrumentation of collaborating institutes. It also suggests that going forward, to properly measure the ice crystal size distribution and to identify the crystal shapes present it will be important to develop probes capable of measuring to smaller size resolution (making it possible to discern the shape or habit of small ice crystals*) and further the use of a holographic probe at the same time is highly recommended for validating the observations from traditional shadow probes. Hence this is another major outcome of the project; a better understanding of the limitations of older instrumentation and the inferences that can be drawn scientifically from these measurements, and a good understanding of how to improve this situation going forward.
(* often identifying the habits (or shapes) of small ice crystal requires a certain threshold number of pixels from 2D type probes in order to do this, so if the pixels are smaller (higher resolution) for the same threshold number, smaller crystal shapes can then be identified)
A more recent reanalysis of 2D-Stereo probe data from CIRCCREX (and more recent projects), involving use of both channels of the stereo 2D probe data to limit particles to only those seem by both channels simultaneously (hence confining them to a restricted sample volume where they are more likely to be in-focus and properly identified and counted (O'Shea et al., 2020)) has removed significant number of small particles (artefacts of miss-identifying and counting parts of larger out of focus images) bringing the concentrations of particles less the 200 microns in size to be more in line with the holographic measurements. This work suggests that the observational evidence for a ubiquitous mode of small ice particles in ice clouds is likely due to a systematic instrument bias. This is an important result.
Exploitation Route The insitu measurement results from CIRCCREX suggest that to better identify the microphysical properties of cirrus clouds (in order to inform, and compare with, remote sensing measurements of the same clouds) higher resolution instrumentation together with holographic techniques (or similar) for validating these measurements would be highly beneficial. In this way, identifiable artefacts in the data set could be more easily removed, the uncertainties in identifying the shape of small ice particles be reduced, and knowledge of the science occurring within these cloud systems be significantly improved.
Sectors Education



Description The measurements we have made on aircraft flights in 2013, 2014 and 2015 have been quality assured and analysed and provided upon request to our collaborators (Imperial College) and the Met Office. Other than academically, these have been used to better plan future science flights (matching project aims).
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Education,Environment
Impact Types Policy & public services

Title OASIS software analysis tool 
Description Analysis software for analysing cloud probe data collected using 2D-shadow probes on aircraft. The software is being developed by examining data from a number of funded projects including this one in a collective approach to improve the tool 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact too early for notable impact yet, but impacts will be to researchers analysing cloud data, which will then be used to understand cloud life cycles from formation via droplet activation and ice crystal formation, to precipitation development and ending at dissipation and/or regeneration. Impacts will be to a better understanding of clouds, leading to improved representation in weather forecast and climate models. 
Title CIRCCREX cloud data - final 
Description Final data base of cloud microphysical measurements from following cloud probes: 1) 2D-S high resolution shadow probe data - cloud particle size distributions and particle shapes, cloud particle images 2) CAPS (Cloud, Aerosol and Precipitation spectrometer) - giving cloud particle size distributions and particle shapes/images - whetre available 3) 3V-CPI (3 view Cloud Particle Imager) - 256 greyscale CCD camera data - cloud particle images, size distributions and habit ....from 8 cloud flights during collaborative (with Met Office) COSMICS/CIRCCREX-2015 aircraft campaign (in March 2015, Prestwick Scotland) - 4 labelled as CIRCCREX, 2 other cirrus cloud flights and 2 other MET Office cloud flights (analysed data provided to Met Office upon request) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact An understanding of how to plan and execute flight profiles to be able to measure the same section of atmosphere/cloud both in-situ and remotely in future measurement flights has been gained, as well as how to optimise insitu cirrus cloud microphysical measurements Data from 2 CIRCCREX flights in cirrus clouds of different evolutionary state have been analysed and written up into a paper that has now been published. This analysis highlights significant differences in the properties of ice particles present in clouds of different age and which will affect the clouds continued evolution and subsequent radiative properties. 
Title CIRCCREX cloud data year 1 
Description A data base of cloud microphysical measurements from following cloud probes: 1) 2D-S high resolution shadow probe data - cloud particle size distributions and particle shapes, cloud particle images 2) CPI-1.5 Cloud Particle Imager - 256 greyscale CCD camera data - cloud particle images, size distributions and habit ....from 8 flights during collaborative (with Met Office) PIKNMIX-2013 aircraft campaign (in Nov-Dec 2013, Prestwick Scotland) - 2 labeled as CIRCCREX, 2 other cirrus cloud flights and 4 other MET Office flights (analysed data provided to Met Office upon request) . 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact At this stage the main impact has been to gain a better understanding of how to better plan and execute flight profiles so as to be able to measure the same section of atmosphere/cloud both in-situ and remotely in future measurement flights. Some coincident in-cloud data was generated and is being analysed in line with project objectives. Other data from collaborative flights with Met Office have been analysed and provided to partner 
Title CIRCCREX cloud data year 2+ 
Description A data base of cloud microphysical measurements from following cloud probes: 1) 2D-S high resolution shadow probe data - cloud particle size distributions and particle shapes, cloud particle images 2) CAPS (Cloud, Aerosol and Precipitation spectrometer) - giving cloud particle size distributions and particle shapes/images 3) 3V-CPI (3 view Cloud Particle Imager) - 256 greyscale CCD camera data - cloud particle images, size distributions and habit ....from 8 cloud flights during collaborative (with Met Office) COSMICS/CIRCCREX-2015 aircraft campaign (in March 2015, Prestwick Scotland) - 4 labelled as CIRCCREX, 2 other cirrus cloud flights and 2 other MET Office cloud flights (analysed data provided to Met Office upon request) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact A further understanding of how to better plan and execute flight profiles so as to be able to measure the same section of atmosphere/cloud both in-situ and remotely in future measurement flights has been gained. Data from 2 CIRCCREX flights in cirrus clouds of different evolutionary state have been analysed and written up into a paper shortly to be sent for publication. This analysis highlights significant differences in the properties of ice particles present in clouds of different age and which will affect the clouds continued evolution and subsequent radiative properties. 
Description CIRCCREX-Met Office field campaigns 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution planning of aircraft flights and deployment of cloud microphysics instrumentation for collection of measurements/data required by CIRCCREX and for collaborators projects. Supply and exchange of analysed data products
Collaborator Contribution joint planning of aircraft flights and deployment/operation of instrumentation required by the CIRCCREX project and for collaborators owns flights. Supply of forecast products for planning activities
Impact Final data set from CIRCCREX and additional and new data from further complimentary aircraft flights on FAAM aircraft in conjunction with Met Office. Deployment of improved holographic instrumentation which aids separation of real ice data from artifacts previously present in older data sets - particularly useful for identifying the presence or absence of crucial small ice particles. New experiment flights to be carried out in March 2019 from Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.
Start Year 2013