Coseismic deformation associated with the 11th November 2012 Shwebo earthquake, Myanmar

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Holloway University of London
Department Name: Earth Sciences


Earthquakes occur when blocks of the Earth's crust slide past east other along fractures called tectonic faults. Motion between crustal blocks is a result of tectonic processes such as formation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges, sinking of old crust into the interior of the Earth at subduction zones and collision between continental plates.

Friction and normal stresses across faults cause them to be inactive, or 'locked' most of the time. Motion between crustal fragments is accommodated by elastic bending of rocks either side of the locked fault. When the stress parallel to the fault becomes sufficient to overcome friction and normal stresses, the fault slips rapidly. Seismic waves are a result of this sudden release of elastic energy. They radiate through the crust and spread around the Earth in a matter of minutes. The magnitude of an earthquake is related to the length of the fault rupture, and the amount of elastic bending since the previous earthquake.

Today the Indian plate is moving north relative to Eurasia, accompanied by widespread seismicity. The Himalayan mountains are an expression of the convergence between these two continental plates since 50 million years ago. Along its eastern margin the Indian plate is sliding sideways past Indochina. More than half the annual motion across this sideways, or 'transform', plate boundary is focussed on the 1500 km-long Sagaing Fault in Myanmar.

Since 1918 there have been 6 major earthquakes (magnitude 7.0 to 7.9) along the Sagaing Fault. They were unequally distributed along the length of the fault, and a 260 km-long section remains un-ruptured. It is likely that this section is locked and may fail in a single large earthquake in the near future. The capital city of Myanmar, Nay Pyi Taw, straddles the Sagaing Fault in the centre of the un-ruptured section.

On 11/11/12, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake ruptured the Sagaing Fault at Shwebo, near Mandalay. The earthquake focus was at a shallow depth of about 10 km. Sixteen people were killed and fifty-two injured by the earthquake. Hundreds of houses, schools and religious buildings were damaged along a 150 km section of the Sagaing Fault. Aftershocks still continue.

The ultimate aim of this project is to mathematically model the state of stress along the Sagaing Fault. Stress modelling highlights where the fault is relaxed, and where stress is elevated. Earthquakes nucleate in areas of elevated stress. Data about previous earthquake ruptures is required to model the stress pattern along the fault. The 11th November Shwebo earthquake is the first large earthquake since Myanmar became accessible to foreign researchers, and offers an unprecedented opportunity to collect such data directly from the field.

During an earthquake like the Shwebo event, the sides of the fault will slide about 0.2-1 m past each other. This displacement will cause a surface rupture, with sideways and vertical displacements. Systematic mapping of the surface rupture quantifies the amount and direction of slip along the fault, and shows whether the fault at depth is a single fracture or more segmented. Mapping the terminations of the fault rupture gives important information about how rupture is arrested. For example, ruptures often terminate across large gaps in the main fault where there is subsidence.

This research will use surface rupture data collected within 3 months of the Shwebo earthquake to understand how rupture propagates along the Sagaing Fault, and to find where future earthquakes are likely, with particular attention to the fault immediately south of Mandalay, where a long section has conspicuously little historical seismicity. The research will be a collaboration between experts in structural geology, seismology and seismic hazard assessment in Europe and Myanmar. The results will be widely communicated so they may be used to inform development policy in Myanmar and other seismically active areas.

Planned Impact

The main beneficiary is considered to be the planning and development departments of the Myanmar government. S.T.T. is on the Myanmar Earthquake Committee, tasked with assessing seismic hazards in Myanmar. They are able to disseminate the results of the research to policy makers and civil engineers. This information would be of benefit immediately, as central Myanmar is developing rapidly around Nay Pyi Taw. These beneficiaries would use the results of initial coseismic deformation investigation and later Coulomb stress modelling to determine which areas along the fault are at highest risk, and where structures, for example dams and bridges, need to be most carefully designed and placed.

The research will be of benefit to people living on or close to the Sagaing Fault, and the wider public in Myanmar, who are at a high risk from seismic hazards. The research will be communicated via an accessible website, and directly to schools in the region, with the aim of raising awareness of the fault. Simple precautions will be emphasised that will increase the chances of surviving an earthquake. If the results of the project indicate that the central locked segment of the Sagaing Fault is likely to produce a great earthquake, it will enable residents to take appropriate precautions, reducing the human and economic cost of an earthquake. If it is not, then economic development will not be needlessly hindered. This is one of the most important benefits of the research, and one that will produce an immediate improvement in the long-term health and quality of life of those living close to the fault.

Commercial beneficiaries include companies producing or exploring for hydrocarbons in Myanmar and SE Asia. These include BP, INPEX, Repsol and Nikko. A number of such companies are already members of the SE Asia Research Group, with which I.W. is closely affiliated, making dissemination of the work to them in the form of reports and presentations effective. The companies would benefit from the proposed research in the same way as they benefit from research done directly by the SEARG, as a means to understand basin-scale processes in a regional tectonic framework, and to incorporate field data that is impossible to acquire by a large oil company.

Other oil companies such Marathon and ENI are members of the Fault Dynamics Research Group, with which I.W. is also affiliated. They are interested in the 3-D architecture and structural evolution of faults. Field examples showing how major faults propagate and terminate are essential to their understanding of basin-scale systems imaged using only geophysical data. This work would benefit them in particular as the field example will be used to calibrate analogue models produced by the FDRG, on which oil companies base their understanding of fault evolution. Potential benefits of this impact will be risk-reduction in new exploration, and ultimately wealth generation for UK and foreign oil companies.

The research could be disseminated quickly and effectively to companies involved in the SEARG and FDRG. There is great interest in exploring for hydrocarbons in Myanmar since trade embargoes were dropped and bureaucracy simplified last year, so it is likely that the impact of the research would be on a timescale of <5 years.

Researchers in industrial mineral exploration, e.g. Wendy Richards at BP and Khin Zaw at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, will learn how the Sagaing Fault is evolving, and how deformation along the central section at Mandalay relates to the offshore hydrocarbon-bearing section. The research will also provide information about 3-D geometry and development of strike-slip faults that will be of benefit to those studying fault-hosted mineral reserves. I.W. is in regular contact with both BP and ARC-CODES, and will be able to disseminate this information effectively. They will also be able to access the full results database via the project website.


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Description The Sagaing Fault is a major tectonic structure that cuts through the centre of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), broadly dividing the country into a western half moving north with the Indian plate, and an eastern half attached to the Eurasian plate. The highly active tectonic plate boundary passing through Myanmar means that earthquakes are a significant hazard. In November 2012 the latest large (magnitude 6.8) earthquake caused by the Sagaing Fault struck the Thabeikkyin area 100 km north of Mandalay. An earthquake occurs when stress across a tectonic fault becomes greater than the friction locking the two sides together. The fault fails and the two sides slide past each other, causing seismic waves and damage at the surface. Seismic wave-triggered ground shaking affected much of central Myanmar after the Thabeikkyin earthquake, and a 45 km long tear, or surface rupture, formed along the trace of the Sagaing Fault.

The Thabeikkyin surface rupture is not a continuous trace - it is segmented into many separate parts on a variety of scales. The gaps between segments are zones of complex deformation, involving brittle fractures, pseudo-ductile processes and vertical motions. There are two main orders of segmentation. The first is small-scale segmentation that is a reflection of how the rupture propagates upwards to the surface through undeformed surficial sediments from a master fault segment at depth. The second is a reflection of large-scale segmentation of the master fault at depth. Large-scale segmentation is characterised by separation between segments of more than a few tens of metres, and by features associated with repeated slip events in the same position, such as linear mountains and areas of significant subsidence. Fault segmentation can arrest the propagation of earthquake ruptures, in the same way that drilling a hole in a crack in metal can terminate its propagation. The Thabeikkyin earthquake terminated at a 1.5 km wide gap between fault segments near its southern end.

Two key findings of this research are that:

1) Only one large gap (1.5 km) exists along the failed fault section. Although that gap was large enough to arrest the magnitude 6.8 earthquake, previous observations show that earthquakes larger than magnitude 7 are usually terminated only by gaps of 5 km or greater.

2) The displacement during the earthquake was at least 1.02 m, representing the release of approximately 50 years of accumulated elastic strain.

We conclude that insufficient slip occurred during the 2012 earthquake to fully relax the central part of the Sagaing Fault, leading to the possibility of another large earthquake at any time in the near future. Furthermore, there is no evidence that there are gaps between Sagaing Fault segments large enough to arrest a magnitude 7 or greater earthquake. Long, straight faults without large gaps tend to produce much larger earthquakes corresponding to longer failed fault sections than well-segmented faults. The major cities of Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw lie on the Sagaing Fault south of the Thabeikkyin event, and a future large earthquake could easily propagate through those cities, causing devastation on the scale of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Exploitation Route This research can be used to help understand and highlight the seismic hazard posed by the Sagaing Fault to all the major cities in Myanmar. The findings are being widely disseminated amongst scientists and policy makers in Myanmar to ensure that appropriate seismic zone maps and corresponding building codes are developed. This research can be used to help understand and highlight the seismic hazard posed by the Sagaing Fault to all the major cities in Myanmar. The findings are being widely disseminated amongst scientists and policy makers in Myanmar to ensure that appropriate seismic zone maps and corresponding building codes are developed.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy





Security and Diplomacy



Description Research Strategy Fund
Amount £4,480 (GBP)
Organisation Royal Holloway, University of London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2014 
End 10/2014
Title Thabeikkyin surface rupture 
Description Detailed map of the Thabeikkyin earthquake surface rupture 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact New model produced for the development of surface ruptures, and recognition of a 1.6 km wide step-over along the Sagaing Fault - impacting the fault's ability to sustain supershear rupture. 
Description Myanmar Earthquake Commitee 
Organisation Myanmar Earthquake Committee
Country Myanmar 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Working with MEC researchers on the Sagaing Fault and Kyaukkyan Fault in Myanmar, in-field training and discussion with PhD students and subsequent paper-writing.
Collaborator Contribution Organisation of research permits, student research counterparts, access to closed areas, in-field discussion and subsequent paper-writing.
Impact Manuscripts on the 2012 Thabeikkyin surface rupture and review chapter of the Sagaing Fault.
Start Year 2013
Description PTTEP 
Organisation PTT Exploration and Production
Country Thailand 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Short project to assess an onshore exploration block in central Myanmar adjacent to the Sagaing Fault, working at PTTEP offices in Yangon. Advising PTTEP staff in the region's structural evolution.
Collaborator Contribution Provision of 3-D seismic reflection data of the study area, provision of workstation and general discussion of the structural evolution of the area.
Impact Internal confidential PTTEP report. Funds from the work contributed to a PhD project on the active tectonics of the Shan Plateau.
Start Year 2013
Description Purdue University 
Organisation Purdue University
Department College of Engineering
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Assembling a team of 10 engineering student researchers in Myanmar to undertake a seismic vulnerability survey in Mandalay.
Collaborator Contribution Advice on developing the project, advice on survey methods, videolink training of the Myanmar students.
Impact Project completed in October 2014, outcomes still pending.
Start Year 2014
Description Seismometers in schools 
Organisation Sir William Borlase School, Marlow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Proposed installation of seismometer in Sir William Borlase School, Marlow; and closer cooperation between the school and the Department of Earth Sciences at RHUL, including talks on earthquake hazards.
Start Year 2014
Description Royal Holloway Science Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Set of interactive activities and poster display communicating the principals of earthquake mechanics, including fault types, concepts of stick-slip motion and seismic hazard. Experiments include a sandbox model, a liquefaction experiment and elastic-brittle deformation. Examples from the 2012 Shwebo/Thabeikkyin earthquake provided.

Activity sparked a number of comments from parents who were unaware of the behaviour of seismically active faults. Particular interest was raised by the stick-slip model.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Virtual fieldwork using Google Earth: exploring global tectonics from your armchair. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact General audience talk at the Geologists' Association, London. Focussed on utilising Google Earth for structural studies, and assessment of post-earthquake rupture and damage.

Several additional talks arose from this one, as it is the national meeting bringing together leaders of several regional geology groups. Talks given and scheduled at Reading geol soc (Nov 2015), Brighton and Hove Geo Soc (Oct 2014) and the British Festival of Science in Birmingham (Sept 2014).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014