Towards modelling wave height probability distributions of "averaged" and "transient" sea states from first principles

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Faculty of Natural Sciences


Wind waves in seas are inherently random. Despite the progress of engineering, unpredicted extreme waves in the ocean remain a serious danger for ships and offshore structures. In recent years there was a number of accidents with large ships resulting in loss of life and pollution of large sea and coastal areas. The UK, as an island trading nation, increasingly depends on ever expanding shipping and offshore activities. The loss of life, disruption (even temporary) of supply lines or of offshore energy production have become totally (morally and economically) unacceptable. To address these challenges thorough understanding of random sea waves is needed, first of all, knowledge of the dependence of their probability distribution on wave interaction with atmosphere. In the situation of changing weather patterns the required knowledge of, say, a "100-year wave" for a particular place cannot be obtained from past experimental records, and a comprehensive theoretical model deduced from first principles is needed. Now a radical improvement compared to the present state of affairs has become possible. This is the aim of the proposed project.

At present all wave forecasting and modelling, which is a part of routine meteorological forecasting, is based on the numerical integration of the kinetic (Hasselmann) equation. The equation derived from first principles takes into account wind input, dissipation and interaction between waves of different scales and directions and describes the slow evolution of wind wave energy spectra in time and space. There has been accumulated a good understanding of spectra evolution obtained from modelling and observations. The weakest link is in translating the acquired knowledge of energy spectra into predicting probability distributions of wave heights. The major shortcomings of the prevailing approach are: (i) it relies on the very restrictive assumption of narrow spectra, while most of the observed spectra are broad from the viewpoint of nonlinear interactions, (ii) it does not properly take into account wave nonlinear interactions, (iii) it assumes stationarity of the process. Very recently PI and RCoI found a way to evaluate numerically the higher moments of probability distribution (skewness and kurtosis) within the established framework of wave turbulence without these restrictions. Since the procedure is numerically expensive, we propose to parametrize all combinations of wave spectra and thus to obtain simple parametrizations of probability distributions. This will allow us to deduce from first principles a parametrization of probability distributions easy-to-use in operational forecasting for all the variety of sea states.

The sea states predicted by the existing models or obtained as a result of direct measurements describe somehow averaged ("normal") sea states. There also exist short-lived transient states caused by sharp changes of wind, which are filtered out by such averaging. We argue that these ephemeral sea states might be responsible for disproportionate share of anomalously high waves. Such transient sea states have never been studied in this context. The time resolution of wind forecasts was far too low, there were no conceptual and numerical tools. Crucially for this project the situation has improved radically: the time resolution of wind forecasts is improving dramatically, while the PI and RCoI derived a generalized kinetic equation able to describe the fast evolution of the spectra, developed and tested the numerical code able to tackle this equation. Combining this with the authors' specially designed direct numerical simulation algorithm, we propose a clear path for examining probability distributions of wave heights of transient events linked to rapid changes of atmospheric forcing.

On this basis this project aims to revolutionise modelling of random wind waves and freak wave forecasting.

Planned Impact

The most immediate non-academic beneficiary is ECMWF: the results of the project are to be implemented in the ECMWF routines for wave forecasting. For wave modellers there will be a new game changing set of tools for forecasting wave height probabilities:
(a) the results of heavy simulations will be parametrized in the form which will be easy to use and will be made easily available via publications;
(b) more heavy tools (original algorithms) will be also made easily available; (c) novel equation for the evolution of pdf in the wavevector space will provide, for the first time, a possibility to model and predict freak waves coming from unusual directions.

Most of the centres where model developments and wave forecasting take place are working with or within the corresponding national Meteorological Offices. ECMWF distributes/shares its know-how with all EU Meteorological Offices via well established channels, hence all these centres are also direct beneficiaries of the project.

The know-how and the gains in quality of wave modelling and forecasting percolate further into a dense network of small private companies providing tailored forecasts and modelling services for different groups of end users. These companies as well as their users are also the beneficiaries.

Overall, the improved ability to assess wave related risks will, first of all, help in saving lives: sea faring and off-shore activities remain dangerous, and even the largest ships and high-raised platforms are not immune to rogue waves.

The expected better forecasting of waves will contribute in numerous ways to wellbeing of people in the UK and to the UK economy. Even a minuscule reduction of risks leads to a reduction of insurance premium and thus decreases the costs of all UK import and export, which, given the scale of the UK maritime trade, becomes a significant figure. Thus it will help marine renewable developers, oil/gas offshore companies, marine services and consultancies, passenger and freight shipping companies, coastguards, fisheries, port and harbour managers. It also might give an edge to the UK maritime insurance companies, which operate globally and are one of the most competitive segments of the UK economy. The outcome of the project will also benefit numerous UK engineering companies, which design and operate all kinds of sea related projects. More sophisticated engineering companies (like Wallingford) will also benefit from using the new tools generated by the project rather than the existing ECMWF products. An earlier implementation of the results might give such companies a competitive advantage and decrease risks for everyone concerned.

The realisation of the project and accumulation of theoretical expertise accompanied by publications in the top journals will enhance the UK leading position in the global race for investment into high end marine system engineering and other kinds of maritime activities.

NERC also merits a special mentioning in the list of beneficiaries: even a small decrease in the number and cost of instruments lost due to rough sea would be helpful, a better informed planning of field experiments would reduce time wasted waiting for a favourable weather window.

Now it is close to impossible to quantify the expected gains. Once implemented into operational routines our results will certainly improve the wave forecasting, but will not be able to eliminate the risks entirely. The timescale for these benefits to be realised is a few years: the results of the project have to be integrated into the operational routines by the ECMWF and then disseminated in the form of products to other centres and end users.

The RCoI will benefit from working in vibrant research atmosphere. Keele has a number of prominent scientists working on other aspects of wave dynamics. EPSAM currently has 7 Marie Curie fellows.
Description (i) We have shown that the evolution of water waves differs substantially from the predictions based upon the kinetic (Hasselmann) equation, which underpins all existing wave modelling and forecasting techniques. By studying a model situation of wave field evolution in the absence of wind we have found what aspects of wave evolution are well captured by the existing models and what aspects they fail to describe. These results imply that a change of paradigm is needed. These profound implications are not confined to water waves context but are relevant for many other types of waves in the ocean and atmosphere. (ii) We have put forward a new conceptual and numerical framework for modelling and forecasting of the higher moments of wave ?elds of arbitrary spectral width and, hence, of probability of elevation extremes. The framework includes four novel research/forecasting tools: a numerical tank for direct numerical simulation (DNS) of random wave fields, including modelling of higher statistical moments; a numerical tank based on the generalised kinetic equation, which allows to study the evolution of wave spectra and higher moments under rapid changes of forcing; and two algorithms for the computation of different higher statistical moments based on the known spectral evolution. Both numerical tanks allow simulations of long-term random wave ?elds evolution; for DNS tanks this has been achieved for the first time.
(iii) Within this framework, we were the first to explore dependence of probability of freak waves on characteristics of rapidly changing winds. We revealed the mechanisms resulting in the increase or decrease of probability of freak waves. We have identified situations where wind could significantly affect the probability of freak waves. In particular, we have shown that the narrowband models, widely used in current forecasting practice, have a very narrow domain of applicability, outside of which the probability of freak waves is significantly different. We have found a considerable dependence of this probability on the directional distribution of a wave field. (iv) We were the first to examine probabilities of freak waves in the common situations of co-existence of wind waves and swell; we have found that the interaction between the wind waves and swell can substantially affect the probability of freak wave occurrence.
Exploitation Route The finding that the long term evolution of nonlinear wind waves differs substantially from the predictions based upon the established way of their modelling, requires a radical revision of wave modelling theory and practice. Wave models are used for ship routing, for ship design, for design and exploitation of off-shore structures. The acquired better understanding of freak waves and the codes and models we developed can be used to improve safety of ships and off-shore structures, reliability of sea transport, help in saving lives of fishermen and sailors. Since waves are an important element of air-sea interaction, their long term evolution also plays a role in climate models. Our codes could be used for improvement of paremeterisations employed in weather forecating and climate models.
Sectors Environment



Title Bound harmonics kurtosis and skewness algorithm 
Description An efficient parallel algorithm has been created for the computation of the skewness and the bound harmonics component of the kurtosis of a wind wave field, given the wave spectrum 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Together with the dynamical component of the kurtosis, the bound harmonics kurtosis and the skewness allow one to obtain the probability density function of a wave field and to quantify the probability of freak waves. This is the first algorithm able to tackle this problem. Results have been obtained for a number of widely used parameterisations of wave spectra. 
Title DNS numerical tank 
Description Model and algorithm for studying the evolution of wave spectra and higher statistical moments by direct numerical simulation (DNS), based on the integrodifferential Zakharov equation. The model is not based on any statistical assumptions and includes an efficient algorithm, parallelised and adapted for the use in a modern supercomputing environment. At present, this is the only DNS algorithm that allows long-term simulations of random wave ?elds evolution. Along with the spectra, the algorithm allows to trace the evolution of higher statistical moments of a wave field, quantifying the changes in the likelihood of freak waves. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2016 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The DNS model based on the Zakharov equation allows, for the first time, to study long-term evolution of random wave fields without relying on the statistical closure and/or absence of coherent patterns in a wave field. Evolution of higher statistical moments is also simulated directly, which allows to identify transient sea states with increased probability of freak waves. 
Title Dynamical kurtosis algorithm 
Description An efficient parallelised algorithm has been created for the computation of the dynamical component of the kurtosis of a wave field from the spectrum, the evolution of which is known. If the spectral evolution is not known, the kurtosis can still be calculated approximately in the large time limit. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Knowledge of the value of the dynamical component of the kurtosis is essential for quantifying the probability of extreme wave events (freak waves). This is the first algoritm able to tackle this problem. 
Title gKE numerical tank 
Description A new approach to water waves modelling has been created, based on the generalised kinetic equation. The efficient algorithm, parallelised and adapted for the use in a modern supercomputing environment, allows for the first time to model transient wave states, arising from rapid changes of wind forcing. The algorithm allows to trace, along with the spectra, the evolution of higher statistical moments of a wave field, quantifying the changes in the likelihood of freak waves. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Numerical simulations performed with the model allowed to identified transient sea states with increased probability of freak waves. 
Description EPSRC funded Network "Maths Foresees" 
Organisation University of Leeds
Department Maths Foresees
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution "Maths Foresees", a Network funded by EPSRC (PI : Prof. Onno Bohove, Leeds University) is aimed at bringing together mathematicians and people from various UK industries to address UK challnges in the areas broadly described as environmental fluid dynamics (floods, climate dynamics, ship safety). I participated in the activities of the network (the last meetings in September 2017 and January 2018) to share the results obtained as a result of the Nerc grants ( NE/R012202/1, NE/M016269/1) and look for new collaborations and partnerships. The Network served as a forum for echanging ideas, results (including preliminary ones) and informal discussions with academics and industry.
Collaborator Contribution The Network funded my participation in the meetings. I had very valuable interactions which are are impossible to characterise in monetary terms. It also provided funding for a feaibility study carried out in Hull.
Start Year 2015
Description TAU 
Organisation Tel Aviv University
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We had intense discussions on how to interpret observations of short wind waves under sharply increased wind carried out in the Prof. Shemer wind wave tank. Our simulations could be used for qualitative understanding only, since we did not model the capillary effects important for the TA tank.
Collaborator Contribution Several visits of the PI were supported via Sackler Scholar Fellowship and TAU. Prof. Shemer carried experiments with instantly increasing wind which were helpful for our understanding and progress of the project. There is also a collaboration with Dr Toledo and his group on the issues concerned with the fundamentals of nonlinear wave interactions and infra-gravity waves. Dr Toledo visited Keele several times. VS visited TAU in January 2020.
Impact No immediate tangible outcomes have resulted from the collaboration with the Shemer group. Both sides have better understood limitations of the models and what is possible to observe in a relatively small facility. Collaboration with Dr Toledo resulted in a joint paper (Ocean Modelling 2017 and advance in our understanding of dynamics of infra-gravity waves in coastal waters.
Start Year 2016
Description Maths Foresees general assembly 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Maths Foresees is a EPSRC network forging collaborations between mathematicians and industry to rethink the modelling of extreme weather events and promote public awareness. Presentation of the results obtained within the project for a group of researchers and industry professionals promoted interaction with environmental scientists and end-users of environmental research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Maths foresees 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Maths Foresees is a EPSRC network forging collaborations between mathematicians and industry to rethink the modelling of extreme weather events and promote public awareness. Presentation of the results obtained within the project for a group of researchers and industry professionals promoted interaction with environmental scientists and end-users of environmental research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015