Global Coordination of Atmospheric Electricity Measurements (GloCAEM)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Reading
Department Name: Meteorology


It is well established that Earth has a "Global atmospheric Electric Circuit" (GEC), through which charge separation in thunderstorms sustains large scale current flow around the planet. The GEC generates an atmospheric electric field which is present globally, and is typically 100V/m near the surface in fair weather conditions. Measurements of electric field have been shown to include information about global thunderstorm activity, local aerosol concentrations and cloud cover, as well as changes in the space weather environment. Recent work has also suggested that atmospheric electrical changes may be effective as earthquake precursors, as well as being sensitive to release of radioactivity, as evidenced by the Fukushima disaster in 2011. A current NERC Independent Research Fellowship entitled "Understanding energetic particle effects on atmospheric processes" also investigates a mechanism by which vertical current flow in the GEC can affect layer cloud microphysics, thereby providing a route by which space weather changes can alter tropospheric weather processes through atmospheric electricity.

The global nature of the GEC means that in order that truly global signals are considered in understanding the processes within the circuit, many validating measurements must be made at different locations around the world. To date, no genuinely global network of FW atmospheric electricity measurements has ever existed, therefore, given the growing number of groups now involved in atmospheric electricity monitoring, such a proposal is timely. This project will bring these experts together to make the first steps towards an effective global network for FW atmospheric electricity monitoring. A specific objective of the project will be to establish the first modern archive of international FW atmospheric electric field data in close to real time to allow global studies of atmospheric electricity to be straightforwardly and robustly performed.

Direct communication between network members will be facilitated by two workshops, hosted by the University of Reading towards the beginning and end of the project. The first of these will facilitate discussion of measurement practises and instrumentation, as well as establish recording and archiving procedures to archive electric field data in a standardised, easily accessible format. CEDA-BADC have agreed to support the creation of a data repository and a data manager, employed by the University of Reading, who will be responsible for liasing between CEDA-BADC and the project partners to upload data.
In terms of scientific objectives, the PI will lead an investigation of space weather influences on the electric field measurements stored in the data repository. Evidence for influence from events such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and heliospheric current sheet crossings during the past three solar cycles will be examined using statistical techniques including super epoch analysis. During the second workshop, an outline for a peer reviewed publication describing the details of the network and data repository, as well as initial scientific findings will also be produced. This will form the basis for a joint publication from all the project partners and will help to advertise the network to the wider scientific community.

Planned Impact

GloCAEM Impact Summary

The beneficiaries of the proposed research will be researchers interested in solar-terrestrial physics, high energy particle effects, atmospheric electricity, cloud microphysics and also the wider climate science community and the general public.

Beneficiaries from the scientific work:
There is a wide interest from the general public and policy makers in natural sources of climate variability. The effect of solar variability on climate has been identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in the Fourth Assessment report as an area having "low" levels of scientific understanding. Understanding how variability in the solar and space weather environment affects atmospheric processes relevant to climate (such as clouds) is a major challenge. This proposal aims to provide the necessary infrastructure, through the establishment of an atmospheric electricity network, to allow such challenges to be addressed. The scientific work that will result from the data deposited by this network will benefit the general public and policy makers by improving our understanding of space weather effects on global atmospheric electricity and clouds, eventually leading to a more complete understanding of natural sources of variability on climate.

Beneficiaries from the existence of an atmospheric electricity monitoring network:
The existence of a fair weather atmospheric electricity monitoring network will improve natural hazard monitoring in the case of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as monitoring of radioactive releases, be they accidental or deliberate. In 2011, electric field measurements in Japan showed an unprecedented sustained decrease immediately following the release of radioactivity from the Fukushima nuclear reactor, demonstrating the usefulness of electric field measurements as an indicator of increased ionisation in the atmosphere. A network of electric field monitors (such as the one suggested here) could therefore be used to track the spread of any radioactive release, providing valuable information for governments as well as the general public. The sensitivity of the electric field to volcanic ash also means that such a network would be useful for the detection of volcanic ash in the lower atmosphere, which is of major concern to the airline industries following large volcanic eruptions in busy flight corridors.


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Harrison R (2022) The electricity of extensive layer clouds in Weather

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Harrison R (2018) Fair weather criteria for atmospheric electricity measurements in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

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Harrison RG (2020) Extensive layer clouds in the global electric circuit: their effects on vertical charge distribution and storage. in Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

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Nicoll K (2019) A global atmospheric electricity monitoring network for climate and geophysical research in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Description This project has created the first global database for atmospheric electric field measurements. This provides easy and free access to atmospheric electricity data for the international research community for the first time to allow a number of scientific problems to be investigated. To date, several publications have used the data archived in the GloCAEM project to investigate (a) the influence of stratiform clouds on the global atmospheric electric circuit (GEC); (b) the suitability of high latitude sites for GEC monitoring; and (c) better classification of fair weather conditions for GEC studies.
Exploitation Route The data provided by the GloCAEM database can now be used by anyone to investigate a number of atmospheric phenomemon. This includes lightning processes, global thunderstorm activity, local aerosol concentrations and cloud cover, changes in the space weather environment, earthquake precursors, as well as changes in radioactivity.
Sectors Environment

Description International Exchanges 2017 Cost Share
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 10/2019
Title GLOCAEM PG database 
Description The GLOCAEM database contains the first real time accessible atmospheric electric field data from a number of sites world wide (20 so far). It is hosted by CEDA and contains 1 second and 1 minute average daily files of electric field and meteorological measurements. The data is freely accessible to other researchers. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The electric field data from the GloCAEM dataset has been used by researchers worldwide, and has led to at least 4 peer reviewed publications from researchers unaffiliated with the GloCAEM project. These include: Wu, J., Zou, Z., Li, Y., & Xie, F. (2024). The possibility of rainfall nowcasting using atmospheric electric field. Atmospheric Research, 298, 107118. Velazquez, Y. R., Nicora, M. G., Galligani, et al. (2022). The 2020 Patagonian solar eclipse from the point of view of the atmospheric electric field. Papers in physics, 14, 140008-140008. Velazquez, Y. R., Nicora, M. G., Galligani, V. S., Wolfram, E. A., Salio, P. V., & D'Elia, R. L. (2024). Exploring the global thunderstorm influence on the fair weather electric field in Buenos Aires. Atmospheric Research, 299, 107182. Li, L., Chen, T., Shen, C., Ti, S., Wang, S., Cai, C., ... & Luo, J. (2023). Near-surface atmospheric electric field changes through magnetic clouds via coronal mass ejections. Geoscience Letters, 10(1), 45. 
Description COST action on Atmospheric Electricity CA15211 
Organisation Democritus University of Thrace
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am one of the UK Management Committee representatives for this COST action network.
Collaborator Contribution This is an international network with over 40 countries involved.
Impact Savoska,S., P. Fernandez-Arroyabe, M. Cifra, K. Kourtidis, E. Rozanov, K.A. Nicoll, S. Dragovic, L.M. Mir. (2020) Ontology of atmospheric electricity coupling with biological systems, International Journal of Biometeorology, 65, 31-44,, 2021 Hunting E., J. Matthews, P. Fernández de Arróyabe Hernáez, S.J. England, K. Kourtidis, K. Koh, K.A. Nicoll et al., Challenges in coupling atmospheric electricity with biological systems, International Journal of Biometeorology,, 2020
Start Year 2016
Description Creation of public website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A public website was created to highlight the GloCAEM database to the general public, as well as to explain about the atmospheric electric field and how to measure it. I have since been contacted by several members of the public requesting advice about their own atmospheric electric field sensors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Press interview for EOS article "Studying Earth's double electrical heartbeat" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I provided an interview about the global electric circuit and my NERC project GloCAEM to a journalist who was writing an article for EOS, the science magazine of the American Geophysical Union. The article prompted enquires about the GloCAEM project and an offer of addtional datasets for the project. The article was also picked up by a variety of science websites including:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Public lecture RMetS south east centre 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Public lecture at the South East centre of the Royal Meteorological Society entitled "Atmospheric electricity research at Halley, Antarctica". I have since had several queries from interested members of the general public on atmospheric electricity and instrumentation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Public talk to Scottish Centre of the Royal Meteorological Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a public talk to Scottish Centre of the Royal Meteorological Society in Dec 2023 on the electrification of extensive layer clouds. This was very well received by the audience, many of whom asked for further information afterwards and I was invited to give an additional talk at a later date.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023