Protecting airspace infrastructure: A tool for calculating along-flight volcanic ash dosage

Lead Research Organisation: University of Reading
Department Name: Meteorology


The main objective of this project is to collaborate with aviation stakeholders (airspace regulators, airline operators, air traffic controllers and engine manufacturers) to enable the UK airspace infrastructure sector to use existing environmental science to minimize the risk of volcanic ash to aircraft. The specific project partners for this project are the Civil Aviation Authority (the UK's airspace infrastructure regulator), and British Airways (one of the UK's largest airline operators). The challenge facing the CAA is that new aircraft engine susceptibility guidelines from the engine manufacturers describe engine tolerance limits in terms of a dosage (i.e accumulated concentration over time) rather than a peak concentration. However, there are no fit-for-purpose tools for the aviation industry to estimate along-flight volcanic ash dosage. The CAA thus need new tools to support any decision to change volcanic ash regulations from current peak ash concentration limits to along-flight ash dosage limits. The challenge facing BA is, given such a change in regulation, how to plan safe flight-routes and evaluate post-flight exposure to volcanic ash.

In this project we will address these challenges by combining volcanic ash concentration charts and optimal flight-routing software to create a proof-of-concept tool which will allow along-flight ash dosages and the associated uncertainty to be calculated for the first time. We will use this tool to determine the sensitivity of along-flight ash dosage estimations to the spatial and temporal resolution of the volcanic ash information. This will be achieved by combining volcanic ash data, generated during the NERC funded PURE programme, with time optimum routing software, developed as part of the NERC funded EXTRA project.

The new knowledge developed in the project will be used by the CAA to support strategic decision making and will enable new regulations to be developed that are based on the latest understanding of volcanic ash hazard to aircraft engines. These new regulations will result in a more resilient UK airspace infrastructure. The proof-of-concept tools developed in the project will demonstrate how airline operators, such as British Airways, could implement these changes in operational flight planning procedures. This tool will also encourage the use of uncertainty information in operational decision making procedures.

In summary, the project will take existing research and translate it into information that is relevant to the aviation industry leading to clear benefits for the whole aviation sector. The project will last 12 months and cost £111k at 80% FEC

Planned Impact

More than 6000 flights and over 650,000 passengers pass through UK airspace each day, thus any disruption to UK airspace due to volcanic eruptions can result in large economic losses to the aviation industry. For example, during the 2010 Eyjafjallajokoll volcanic eruption, much of Europe's airspace was empty of commercial flights for 8 days. The International Air Traffic Association estimated that it cost the airline industry £1.1 billion. The interval between individual volcanic eruptions is far from predictable, but with a volcano erupting in Iceland on average every 5 years, the possibility of eruptions elsewhere affecting UK airspace or UK operators, and air travel continuing to increase, situations similar to the 2010 event are likely to occur in the near future. This project will enable the UK airspace infrastructure to be more resilient to volcanic ash events in the future. The expected benefits and outcomes of the project for aviation industry stakeholders include;
- new industry-relevant knowledge that can be used directly by the UK airspace regulator, CAA, to inform strategic decisions
- a proof-of-concept tool demonstrating how operational flight planning and decision making could be performed by airline operators under new ash dosage regulations
- uncertainty information on ash dosage calculations to be used in decision making
- new collaboration between the aviation industry and academic researchers


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Description We have developed a proof-of-concept tool that combines uncertainty estimation and volcanic ash hazard forecasting into a simple warning system for aviation. This approach has been developed in collaboration with operators, regulators and engine manufacturers. It demonstrates how an assessment of ash dosage and concentration risk can be used to make fast and robust flight-planning decisions even when the model uncertainty spans several orders of magnitude. The results highlight the benefit of using an ensemble over a deterministic forecast and a new method for visualising dosage risk along flight paths.
Exploitation Route The risk matrix approach is applicable to other aviation hazards such as SO2 dosages, desert dust, aircraft icing and clear-air turbulence and is expected to aid flight-planning decisions by improving the communication of ensemble-based forecasts to aviation.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Description We were invited to present our findings to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Group (VAAG). The VAAG includes organisations such as NATS, the Met Office and airlines. We were also invited to present our findings to the World Meteorological Organisation Volcanic Ash Scientific Advisory Group (VASAG). The VASAG provide scientific advice to support informed decisions by ICAO and other aviation stakeholders concerned with the volcanic ash hazard to aviation. Rolls Royce and the Civil Aviation Authority have used the research outputs internally to communicate the uncertainty associated with volcanic ash forecasting.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Transport
Title Volcanic Dosage And Risk Tool (VDART) 
Description This tool allow users to understand how uncertainty in the volcanic ash dispersion model parameters can lead to differences in ash concentration forecasts. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The tool was sent to members of the aviation community. All of the respondents said that both the along-flight visualisation and risk approach was useful for decision making and 82% of the respondents would like to see the methodology developed into an operational product. 
Title Ash dosage and concentration risk dataset 
Description This dataset was generated at the University of Reading (UK) and was funded by NERC under the Environmental Risks to Infrastructure Innovation Programme. The dataset provides data sufficient to plot Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 presented in Prata et al. (2018). The dataset includes NAME dispersion model output for a control run of a hypothetical Katla eruption, processed data that represent model agreement and risk maps, waypoints produced using flightCode for an air-route from New York (JFK) to London (LHR) return and processed data that represent ash dosage, concentration, model agreement and risk calculated along an air-route from New York (JFK) to London (LHR) return. Reference: Prata A. T., H. F. Dacre, E. A. Irvine, E. Mathieu, K. P. Shine and R. J. Clarkson (2018), Calculating and communicating ensemble-based volcanic ash dosage and concentration risk for aviation, Under Review, Meteorol. Apps. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Ash dosage and concentration risk dataset 
Description This dataset was generated at the University of Reading (UK) and was funded by NERC under the Environmental Risks to Infrastructure Innovation Programme. The dataset provides data sufficient to plot Figures 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 presented in Prata et al. (2018). The dataset includes NAME dispersion model output for a control run of a hypothetical Katla eruption, processed data that represent model agreement and risk maps, waypoints produced using flightCode for an air-route from New York (JFK) to London (LHR) return and processed data that represent ash dosage, concentration, model agreement and risk calculated along an air-route from New York (JFK) to London (LHR) return. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Rolls Royce 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have met with Rolls Royce several times during the project to discuss the volcanic ash dosage tool.
Collaborator Contribution We have met with Rolls Royce several times during the project. They have provided feedback on the development stages of the tool.
Impact We have a jointly authored publication in preparation. Our Rolls Royce collaborators have given several presentations referring to our tool and are putting together an information sheet for operators that describes the tool.
Start Year 2017