Calcium Perovskite: the forgotten mantle phase
Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Earth Sciences
The lower mantle, extending from approximately 660 to 2900 km depth, is a vast and inaccessible layer of the Earth. There are no direct samples from the lower mantle, so everything we know about this region is inferred from the speed that seismic sound waves transit this region. By constraining the acoustic properties of candidate mineral assemblages using experiments, Earth Scientists can infer the chemistry of the lower mantle. Additionally, seismic data can be used in an analogous way to medical ultrasound, to image lateral variations, which reveal that the lower mantle is full of heterogeneity. Two massive regions (> 1000 km in diameter) of slow acoustic velocity sit on top of the core beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean. Much smaller fragments of anomalously slow material are observed pervasively throughout the remainder of the lower mantle.
It is believed that much of this anomalous material is recycled oceanic crust, which has been subducted and mixed back into the Earth's lower mantle. The distribution of this heterogeneity, if it is indeed recycled crust, combined with knowledge of mechanical properties will tell us about the vigour and style of mantle convection. However, both whether or not the seismic heterogeneities are recycled crust and what they tell us about Earth processes currently remains uncertain. This is because the acoustic and rheological properties of calcium perovskite, which makes up almost a third of oceanic crust at lower mantle conditions, are not known. Indeed, even the most basic property of calcium perovskite, its crystallographic structure, is not known because it cannot be recovered to room conditions without decomposing during pressure release. This property of calcium perovskite makes it extremely challenging to study, and requires that we measure its properties whilst the sample remains at high pressure and temperature conditions. If I can determine the structure, acoustic and rheological properties of calcium perovskite, I will be able to unlock many secrets about the way the deep mantle works. My research aims to do exactly this by using experiments performed in two different apparatuses, the multi anvil and the diamond anvil cell.
A multi-anvil is a large hydraulic press that can apply a force of up to 1000 tonnes, the equivalent of ~ 170 African elephants, to a millimetre sized sample. It allows simulation of conditions up to ~ 700 km depth in the Earth (30 million bar), which is the very top of the lower mantle. Using this equipment, in combination with additional "microphone-like" sensors, it is possible to measure the speed that sounds waves traverse through a calcium perovskite sample whilst it is at lower mantle conditions. It is also possible to deform a sample of calcium perovskite, by shortening it in one direction once it is at lower mantle pressure. This allows determination of the strength, or rheology of the sample. The diamond anvil cell, consisting of two opposing gem-quality diamonds with flat tips compressed together, can generate much higher pressures, more than 200 million bar. But the samples are tiny, with a diameter thinner than a human hair (approximately 100 microns) and a thickness of 5 microns. However, strangely, such a tiny sample has some big advantages because it is transparent to optical light. This allows, using spectroscopy (called Brillouin) and x-rays, for the structure and acoustic velocities of calcium perovskite to be measured simultaneously at lower mantle conditions.
Together, knowledge of the acoustic velocity and rheology of calcium perovskite will allow identification of whether heterogeneity in the lower mantle is made from recycled ocean floor, and to predict how it would be stirred back into the mantle. It is currently unknown whether slabs remain intact because they are rigid, or whether they get rapidly stirred into the mantle because are soft and malleable. Ultimately these behaviours control the habitability of our planet.
It is believed that much of this anomalous material is recycled oceanic crust, which has been subducted and mixed back into the Earth's lower mantle. The distribution of this heterogeneity, if it is indeed recycled crust, combined with knowledge of mechanical properties will tell us about the vigour and style of mantle convection. However, both whether or not the seismic heterogeneities are recycled crust and what they tell us about Earth processes currently remains uncertain. This is because the acoustic and rheological properties of calcium perovskite, which makes up almost a third of oceanic crust at lower mantle conditions, are not known. Indeed, even the most basic property of calcium perovskite, its crystallographic structure, is not known because it cannot be recovered to room conditions without decomposing during pressure release. This property of calcium perovskite makes it extremely challenging to study, and requires that we measure its properties whilst the sample remains at high pressure and temperature conditions. If I can determine the structure, acoustic and rheological properties of calcium perovskite, I will be able to unlock many secrets about the way the deep mantle works. My research aims to do exactly this by using experiments performed in two different apparatuses, the multi anvil and the diamond anvil cell.
A multi-anvil is a large hydraulic press that can apply a force of up to 1000 tonnes, the equivalent of ~ 170 African elephants, to a millimetre sized sample. It allows simulation of conditions up to ~ 700 km depth in the Earth (30 million bar), which is the very top of the lower mantle. Using this equipment, in combination with additional "microphone-like" sensors, it is possible to measure the speed that sounds waves traverse through a calcium perovskite sample whilst it is at lower mantle conditions. It is also possible to deform a sample of calcium perovskite, by shortening it in one direction once it is at lower mantle pressure. This allows determination of the strength, or rheology of the sample. The diamond anvil cell, consisting of two opposing gem-quality diamonds with flat tips compressed together, can generate much higher pressures, more than 200 million bar. But the samples are tiny, with a diameter thinner than a human hair (approximately 100 microns) and a thickness of 5 microns. However, strangely, such a tiny sample has some big advantages because it is transparent to optical light. This allows, using spectroscopy (called Brillouin) and x-rays, for the structure and acoustic velocities of calcium perovskite to be measured simultaneously at lower mantle conditions.
Together, knowledge of the acoustic velocity and rheology of calcium perovskite will allow identification of whether heterogeneity in the lower mantle is made from recycled ocean floor, and to predict how it would be stirred back into the mantle. It is currently unknown whether slabs remain intact because they are rigid, or whether they get rapidly stirred into the mantle because are soft and malleable. Ultimately these behaviours control the habitability of our planet.
Planned Impact
The proposed research has potential benefits for those outside the immediate scientific field of the geosciences. The techniques and equipment supported by research such as that proposed here are often of utility to other scientific groups, especially materials scientists and crystallographers. Resistive internal heating in the diamond anvil cell will be of great interest to both groups, who are interested in studying the mineralogical and physical properties of industrial materials and various crystallographic groups at extreme conditions. The ability to heat a sample to > 1000 K without lasers will hugely simplify many potential measurements at high PT conditions, e.g. pair-distribution-functions, synchrotron x-ray absorption fine structure, single crystal diffraction and x-ray scattering techniques.
In addition to promoting multidisciplinary research, the proposed project also has the potential to engage members of the general public, especially school pupils. The nature of this research, exploring a seemingly remote and unimaginable place using a high-tech experimental approach at 'extreme conditions' can be awe inspiring to those with curious minds. The potential for interest from the popular scientific press and the wider media in the results generated during this project is significant and is something I will pursue alongside the usual pathways of publication in peer-reviewed journals. More specifically, this kind of research is ideally suited for use as a method of encouraging pupils in school to take an active interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and ultimately to study them. This is especially true of GCSE and A-level students who are actively deciding on the next step in their future educational path. As part of my pathways to impact I have request funds to buy an educational SEED cell. This is a lever-operated sapphire anvil cell. Using this device, it is possible for pupils to perform a scientific experiment and observe water freezing to form ice VI at room temperature and pressures of up to 3 GPa. Pressure is increased or decreased simply by turning a dial, allowing students to grow and melt water crystals, observed by an integrated camera. I intend that this equipment be incorporated into the GeoBus outreach project based at UCL, which runs educational workshops at local schools. This will educate students about not just the nature of the Earth and the findings of the proposed project but also to try and actively encourage students to study science, especially the geosciences at A-level and university (see the Pathways to Impact plan).
In addition to promoting multidisciplinary research, the proposed project also has the potential to engage members of the general public, especially school pupils. The nature of this research, exploring a seemingly remote and unimaginable place using a high-tech experimental approach at 'extreme conditions' can be awe inspiring to those with curious minds. The potential for interest from the popular scientific press and the wider media in the results generated during this project is significant and is something I will pursue alongside the usual pathways of publication in peer-reviewed journals. More specifically, this kind of research is ideally suited for use as a method of encouraging pupils in school to take an active interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and ultimately to study them. This is especially true of GCSE and A-level students who are actively deciding on the next step in their future educational path. As part of my pathways to impact I have request funds to buy an educational SEED cell. This is a lever-operated sapphire anvil cell. Using this device, it is possible for pupils to perform a scientific experiment and observe water freezing to form ice VI at room temperature and pressures of up to 3 GPa. Pressure is increased or decreased simply by turning a dial, allowing students to grow and melt water crystals, observed by an integrated camera. I intend that this equipment be incorporated into the GeoBus outreach project based at UCL, which runs educational workshops at local schools. This will educate students about not just the nature of the Earth and the findings of the proposed project but also to try and actively encourage students to study science, especially the geosciences at A-level and university (see the Pathways to Impact plan).
Dobson D
Peritectic Melting of Mica in Fault-Related Pseudotachylite Melts and Potassium Mass Balance as an Indicator of Fluid-Absent Source Conditions.
in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Marquardt H
Experimental elasticity of Earth's deep mantle
in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
McCammon C
Deep Earth carbon reactions through time and space
in American Mineralogist
Muir J
The miscibility of calcium silicate perovskite and bridgmanite: A single perovskite solid solution in hot, iron-rich regions
in Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Ni H
The speciation, distribution, transport, and impact of volatile elements in the Earth's interior
in Chemical Geology
Shirey S
Deep Carbon - Past to Present
Thomson A
Incorporation of tetrahedral ferric iron into hydrous ringwoodite
in American Mineralogist
Thomson A
Diamonds from the lower mantle?
in American Mineralogist
Thomson A
Seismic velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite can explain LLSVPs in Earth's lower mantle
in Nature
Thomson A
Evaluating the Formation Pressure of Diamond-Hosted Majoritic Garnets: A Machine Learning Majorite Barometer
in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Description | Of the original aims, I have so far determined the crystallographic evolution of calcium perovskite at upper mantle conditions, and determined its acoustic velocities in three structures. This has revealed that previous estimates of its velocity were all too fast, leading to a re-evaluation of mantle velocity anomalies. It is now very likely that various geophysically observed anomalies in the lower mantle can be easily explained by moderate enrichment with calcium perovksite. |
Exploitation Route | Final results still in publication pipeline - but this work has spawned new research and grant proposals further developing the new techniques implemented throughout this project |
Sectors | Education Other |
Description | Capital Award in Support of Early Career Researchers at UCL |
Amount | £425,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/S01800X/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2018 |
End | 03/2020 |
Description | Ultrasonic Measurement Of The Transition Zone's Seismic Velocities |
Amount | £508,688 (GBP) |
Funding ID | NE/T007737/1 |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2021 |
End | 06/2025 |
Title | Pulse echo ultrasonics at the ESRF |
Description | In collaboration with Dr Wilson Crichton (ESRF) this feloowship has lead to creation of a permanent and world leading facility on beamline ID06-LVP, giving the ability to perform MHz frequency pulse echo ultrasonic experiments in the large volume press. From concept to application, including taking UCL equipment to/from France and performing many developments off-line, this ability is now proven (Thomson et al, 2019) and permits measurement of the ultrasonic compressional and shear wave velocities of materials at conditions of up to ~ 30 GPa and 1600C (max conditions we have achieved to date). The ability is now available to all in the ESRF user community. I remain affiliated with the beamline, and in the current cycle ~25% of the beamtime awarded on ID06-LVP is to use this ultrasonic setup. I am a Co-I on all of these experiments (3 experiments with 3 separate research groups including one industrial team). |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Ability to measure Vp and Vs (and by derivation bulk and shear modulus) of materials at high pressure and temperature conditions. This permits measurement of seismic velocities and/or materials' strength (i.e. novel engineering materials) under extreme conditions. |
Title | Machine Learning Majorite barometer |
Description | A machine learning barometer (using Random Forest Regression) to calculate equilibration pressure for majoritic garnets10/12/20:******The scripts below need to be run in a suitable Python3 environment (with pandas, numpy, matplotlib, sklearn and pickle packages + dependencies). For inexperienced users we recommend installing the latest anaconda python distribution (found here and running in Spyder (a GUI scripting environment provided with Anaconda. Note - if running python 3.7 (or earlier) then you will need to install pickle5 package to use the provided barometer files and comment / uncomment the appropriate lines in the "" (lines 16/17) and "" (lines 26/27) scripts.The user may additionally need to download and install the packages required if they are not provided with the anaconda distribution (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn and pickle). This will be obvious as, when run, the script will return an error similar to "No module name XXXX". Packages can either be installed using the anaconda package manager or in the command line / terminal via commands such as: conda install -c conda-forge pickle5Appropriate command line installation commands can be obtained via searching the anaconda cloud at for each required package.******data files included in this repository are: • "Majorite_database_03072020.xlsm" (Excel sheet of literature majoritic garnet compositions - inclusions and experiments - up to date as of 03/07/2020. This data includes all compositions that are close to majoritic, but some are borderline. Filtering as described in paper accompanying this barometer is performed in the python script prior to any data analysis or fitting) • "lit_maj_nat_030720.txt" (python script input file of experimental literature majoritic garnet compositions - taken from dataset above) • "di_incs_030720.txt" (python script input file of literature compilation of majoritic garnet inclusions observed in natural diamonds - taken from the dataset above)A python script is provided to calculate pressures for any majoritic garnet using barometer calibrated in Thomson et al. (2021) • script takes an input file of any majoritic garnet compositions (example input file is provided "example_test_data.txt" - which are inclusion compositions reported by Zedgenizov et al., 2014, Chemical Geology, 363, pp 114-124). • employs published RFR model and scaler - both provided as pickle files (pickle_model_20201210.pkl, scaler_20201210.pkl)User can simply edit the input file name in the provided .py script - and then runs the script in a suitable python3 environment (requires pandas, numpy, sklearn and pickle packages). Script initially filters data for majoritic compositions (according to criteria used for barometer calibration) and predicts pressures for these compositions. Writes out pressures and 2 x std_dev in pressure estimates alongside input data into "out_pressures_test.txt".*** if this script produces any errors or warnings it is likely because the serialised pickle files provided are not compatible with the python build being used (this is a common issue with serialised ML models). Please first try installing the pickle5 package and commenting/uncommenting lines 16/17. If this is unsuccessful then run the full barometer calibration script below (using the same input files as in Thomson et al. (2021) which are provided) to produce pickle files compatible with the python build on the local machine (action 5 of script below). Subsequently edit the filenames called in the "" script (lines 22 & 27) to match the new barometer calibration files and re-run the calculate pressure script. The output (predicted pressures) for the test dataset provided (and using the published calibration) given in the output file should be similar to the following results:P (GPa) error (GPa)17.0 0.416.6 0.319.5 1.321.8 1.312.8 0.314.3 0.414.7 0.414.4 0.612.1 0.614.6 0.517.0 1.014.6 0.611.9 0.714.0 0.516.8 0.8Full RFR barometer calibration script - The RFR barometer calibration script used and described in Thomson et al. (2021). This script performs the following actions. 1) filters input data - outputs this filtered data as a .txt file (which is the input expected for RFR validation script using R package Caret) 2) fits 1000 RFR models each using a randomly selected training dataset (70% of the input data) 3) performs leave-one-out validation 4) plots figure 5 from Thomson et al. (2021) 5) fits one single RFR barometer using all input data (saves this and the scaler as .pkl files with a datestamp for use in the " script) 6) calculates the pressure for all literature inclusion compositions over 100 iterations with randomly distributed compositional uncertainties added - provides the mean pressure and 2 std deviations, written alongside input inclusion compositons, as a .txt output file "diout.txt" 7) plots the global distribution of majoritic inclusion pressuresThe RFR barometer can be easily updated to include (or exclude) additional experimental compositions by modification of the literature data input files providedRFR validation using Caret in R (script titled "RFR_validation_03072020.R")Additional validation tests of RFR barometer completed using the Caret package in R. Requires the filtered experimental dataset file "data_filteredforvalidation.txt" (which is generated by the script if required for a new dataset) performs bootstrap, K-fold and leave-one out validation. outputs validation stats for 5, 7 and 9 input variables (elements)Please email Andrew Thomson ( if you have any questions or queries. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | None yet |
URL | |
Title | Machine Learning barometer |
Description | A novel application of machine learning has been used to calibrate a geobarometer which is applicable to diamond-hosted inclusions. This allows accurate estimates of their formation depths to be made. |
Type Of Material | Computer model/algorithm |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | None yet |
URL | |
Description | Collaboration in ultrasonic meausrements of slab related phases |
Organisation | Carnegie Institution for Science (CIS) |
Country | United States |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | In collaboration with Dr Anne Pommier at Carnegie Institue for Science, we are working together to perform lab-based and beamtime experiments to measure the acoustic velocities of hydrous slab phases. |
Collaborator Contribution | We have shared results, experimental design and data. We have attended each-others beamtime sessions at APS and are actively working on extending the scope of this project. |
Impact | data collection and analysis. So far this is still in progress. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Anirudh Prabhu |
Organisation | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We took, from concept to reality, the idea of a machine learning barometer for application to diamond-hosted majoritic garnet inclusions. This project was driven by my inability to access university labs during the COVID lockdown in 2020. |
Collaborator Contribution | Working collaboratively Anirudh provided his expert input on a data science machine learning project that I had undertaken driven by lockdown. He provided the expertise to add fully reliable and comparable sector benchmarking an validation. |
Impact | Publication in JGR Solid Earth E-poster at AGU 2020 Invited talk (given by team member) at GSA 2020 |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaboration with Prof Simon Clark (Macquarie University) |
Organisation | Macquarie University |
Country | Australia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are collaborating to study the incorporation of protons in the crystallographic structure of olivine polymorphs using diffraction techniques |
Collaborator Contribution | Provided samples, data and expertise |
Impact | NA so far |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaboration with Prof Yu Nishihara (Ehime University) |
Organisation | Ehime University |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | So far I have submitted research applications for experimental lab experiments and associated costs with Yu Nishihara in Ehime, and been successfully awarded synchrotron beamtime with him and his team at KEK, due to occur in June 2019. |
Collaborator Contribution | Facilitated access to Japanese research facilities, provided expert advice and collaboration |
Impact | None yet |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | ESRF Colaboration Contract No. CL 0285 |
Organisation | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Country | France |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | I have developed experimental cells for use in synchrotron high-pressure experiments, tested these at UCL and developed new manufacturing capabilities to ensure high-repeatability via CNC production techniques. Additionally, I have designed and written code to allow acquisition and fitting of ultrasonic/diffraction data collected during in-situ experiments which has been implemented on the beamline. |
Collaborator Contribution | Dr Wilson Crichton and myself are collaborating to develop both ultrasonic interferometry and high-pressure deformation sample environments on beamline ID06-LVP at the ESRF. In-kind donation of beamline facilities, auxiliary laboratories and in-house beamtime have been complemented by developments I have tested at UCL offline. |
Impact | Paper (under review after revisions by Nature as of March 4th 2019) Seminars/talks at several international meetings in 2018/2019 New capabilities of beamline ID06-LVP |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Earthquakes and Volcanoes Schools days |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | 3 x year 3 classes visited UCL over two days to participate in an "Earthquakes and Volcanoes" workshop. During this, myself and two colleagues, ran demonstrations and interactive experiments teaching the pupils about how plate tectonics, volcanoes and Earthquakes work. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Festival of Geology |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | UCL hosts the annual Festival of Geology, which is attended by 500+ members of the public. For the last two years I have run experimental demonstrations in the department, allowing parents and children to perform their very own high-pressure experiments. This was noted in official feedback by many as the highlight (or favourite) part of their day. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017,2018 |
Description | Filming in short web documentary for BBC |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Was filmed by the BBC as part of a short online-only documentary relating to volcanic materials. Unknown publciation date |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |