Diatom Autecological Responses with Changes To Ice Cover (Diatom-ARCTIC)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Geographical Sciences


Following the polar amplification of global warming in recent decades, we have witnessed unprecedented changes in the coverage and seasonality of Arctic sea ice, enhanced freshwater storage within the Arctic seas, and greater nutrient demand from pelagic primary producers as the annual duration of open-ocean increases. These processes have the potential to change the phenology, species composition, productivity, and nutritional value of Arctic sea ice algal blooms, with far-reaching implications for trophic functioning and carbon cycling in the marine system. As the environmental conditions of the Arctic continue to change, the habitat for ice algae will become increasingly disrupted. Ice algal blooms, which are predominantly species of diatom, provide a concentrated food source for aquatic grazers while phytoplankton growth in the water column is limited, and can contribute up to half of annual Arctic marine primary production. Conventionally ice algae have been studied as a single community, without discriminating between individual species. However, the composition of species can vary widely between regions, and over the course of the spring, as a function of local environmental forcing. Consequently, current approaches for estimating Arctic-wide marine productivity and predicting the impact of climate warming on ice algal communities are likely inaccurate because they overlook the autecological (species-specific) responses of sea ice algae to changing ice habitat conditions.
Diatom-ARCTIC will mark a new chapter in the study of sea ice algae and their production in the Arctic. Our project goes beyond others by integrating the results derived from field observations of community composition, and innovative laboratory experiments targeted at single-species of ice algae, directly into a predictive biogeochemical model. The use of a Remotely-Operated Vehicle during in situ field sampling gives us a unique opportunity to examine the spatio-temporal environmental controls on algal speciation in natural sea ice. Diatom-ARCTIC field observations will steer laboratory experiments to identify photophysiological responses of individual diatom species over a range of key growth conditions: light, salinity and nutrient availability. Additional experiments will characterise algal lipid composition as a function of growth conditions - quantifying food resource quality as a function of species composition. Furthermore, novel analytical tools, such as gas chromatography mass spectrometry and compound specific isotope analysis will be combined to better catalogue the types of lipid present in ice algae. Field and laboratory results will then be incorporated into the state-of-the-art BFM-SI biogeochemical model for ice algae, to enable accurate simulations of gross and net production in sea ice based on directly observed autecological responses. The model will be used to characterise algal productivity in different sea ice growth habitats present in the contemporary Arctic. By applying future climate scenarios to the model, we will also forecast ice algal productivity over the coming decades as sea ice habitats transform in an evolving Arctic.
Our project targets a major research gap in Phase I of the CAO programme: the specific contribution of sea ice habitats to ecosystem structure and biogeochemical functioning within the Arctic Ocean. In doing so, Diatom-ARCTIC brings together and links the activities of ARCTIC-Prize and DIAPOD, while further building new collaborations between UK and German partners leading up to the 2019/20 MOSAiC campaign.

Planned Impact

Diatom-ARCTIC aims to make a major impact on the state of the science for the prediction of biodiversity and productivity of the Arctic Ocean. We are committed to contributing our experiences during the course of our project to a broad range of international interests via IASC (International Arctic Science Committee). We will be disseminating our research results to the academic community via publication in the top rated peer reviewed literature and by presentations at international and local conferences. We will establish a project web site to help engage both the public, media and research communities with our work. We will contribute to blogs and question and answer sessions when we are in the field via web and phone links. We will use the Cabot Institute at the University of Bristol to prepare briefing notes for interested government bodies, such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and DEFRA (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which has a specific interest in fisheries), and the House of Lords Select Committee on the Arctic. Hence, we aim to outreach to a broad spectrum of scientists and the general public.


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Description We have collected sea ice from a number of different locations and we are busy working out which micro-organisms live where and why.
Exploitation Route The results will be important because as the climate warms, the ice will become thinner and last for shorter periods, and we will need to know which organisms thrive best in these conditions.
Sectors Environment

Title Ridge snow oxygen and hydrogen isotope data MOSAiC Leg 4 (PS122/4) 
Description Oxygen (dO18) and hydrogen (dH) isotope ratio data from snow samples taken during MOSAiC leg 4 (PS122.4). Snow samples were taken from several locations around the central observatory (main ice floe. They were collected using a metal density cutter, placed in plastic cups with lids and melted at room temperature. Once completely melted, ~20 ml sub-samples were poured into 20 ml glass or plastic vials with lids and sealed with parafilm tape for isotope analyses. These samples were stored at +4°C. After the sub-samples were taken, bulk salinity was measured on the remaining water sample using a calibrated YSI 30 conductivity meter (practical salinity scale, unitless).The stable oxygen isotopic compositions of the melted snow samples (d18O) were determined in the central laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape, Birmensdorf, Switzerland with an Isotopic Water Analyzer IWA-45-ER (ABB - Los Gatos Research Inc., US). Measurement uncertainty for d18O is ±1‰, the precision ± 0.5‰. All samples were measured in duplicate and averaged. 169 The quality control was conducted with three standards for d18O at 0.00‰, -12.34‰ and -55.50‰ and are presented as per mil difference relative to VSMOW (‰, Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.943744
Title Sea ice biology and biogeochemistry data of Lincoln Sea 2018 
Description Data were collected as part of the DiatomARCTIC project during the Multidisciplinary Arctic Program - Last Ice sampling campaign (82.576 N 62.471 W), 7-23 May, 2018. The bottom 10 cm of ice samples were collected during this time from neighbouring first-year and multi-year sea ice floes, from which the following parameters were determined: chlorophyll a, exopolymeric substances, ice algal taxonomic composition, oxygen-based net community production and bulk-ice nitrate, nitrite and phosphate concentrations. All samples were melted without dilution and were processed by K Campbell. This work is a contribution to the Diatom ARCTIC project (NE/R012849/1; 03F0810A), part of the Changing Arctic Ocean program, jointly funded by the UKRI Natural Environment Research Council and the German Federal Ministry of Education (BMBF) and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science and the Marine Productivity Laboratory Program. The Multidisciplinary Arctic Program (MAP) - Last Ice is funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science in support of Tuvaijuittuq Marine Protected Area (MPA). Additional support was provided by Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP, Project 10718) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Funds to CM and CHSR. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://data.bas.ac.uk/full-record.php?id=GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01581