Evaluation, Quantification and Identification of Pathways and Targets for the assessment of Shale Gas RISK (EQUIPT4RISK)

Lead Research Organisation: British Geological Survey
Department Name: Groundwater


The project will identify, characterise and parameterise the multiple direct and indirect pathways within the shallow subsurface and the atmosphere (and across interfaces), which link sources of contamination and hazards associated with shale gas (SG) operations to human and sensitive environmental receptors, and surface infrastructure.
For each component of the domain (Water, Air, Solid Earth), Source-Pathway-Receptor combinations will be examined and then integrated in a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) framework for quantification of the risks to humans, infrastructure and the environment. A key aspect of the study will be to understand how the risk profile evolves over the life cycle of shale gas operations - from single site to multiple operations across an area.
The focus will be on investigating the processes that affect and influence the near-surface (i.e. <400 m bgl) Source-Pathway-Receptor combinations (and their interactions). Processes that will be investigated include; hydro-geochemical controls on contaminant behaviour and transport, climatological and chemical controls on air quality, and attenuation of ground motion e.g. from seismic events. The on-going environmental monitoring at the shale gas sites in North Yorkshire and Lancashire, along with their detailed conceptual and geological models will provide rich and continuous quality-assured high precision datasets and information. The sites represent different types of shale gas operation in different geo-environmental settings. Information from these sites, along with other non-UK sites where project partners have worked, will be a starting point, with additional data from UKGEO supplementing the evidence base. Analysis of these data will then support the design of experiments at UKGEO and other sites to improve confidence in process understanding and test different aspects of the risk model under controlled conditions, quantifying properties and better characterising/quantifying uncertainty through evaluation of the sensitivity of environmental and human receptors. The experiments will also consider non-shale gas-related activities such as analogues and crowd-sourcing of information on ground movement. Attention will be given to identifying the key indicator parameters and techniques required to detect environmental changes arising from shale gas activity in both the short-term, providing early warning, and the long-term. This will include new technology tested as part of the experiments and case studies that will allow differentiation of stimulated reservoir source fluids and other contaminants from extraneous natural and anthropogenic sources in measured groundwater, soil gas or atmospheric samples. Improved measurement, monitoring and quantification will be critical to effectively evaluating and managing the risks arising from shale gas development and supporting the integrated risk model developed as an outcome of this project.

The project will address the following scientific questions:
1) What properties, parameters, and processes (biogeochemical and physical) of the shallow subsurface and atmosphere are most important for characterizing the key Source-Pathway-Receptor linkages and combinations?
2) What are the contaminant fluxes and physical hazard characteristics of a UK shale gas play and how do these evolve over time? What are main sources of uncertainty in such quantification?
3) What proxies/indicators/measures of environmental change/impact are most sensitive to the stresses induced by shale gas operations in the shallow subsurface and in the atmosphere?
4) How can the risks quantified for a single site be scaled up to assess the overall risks for a fully developed wellfield comprising multiple wells and the full lifecycle of operations?

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research?
This project will bring together experts in air quality, groundwater and seismicity along with risk modelling and model integration to define the different Source-Pathway-Receptors (SPRs) for a Shale Gas play. The outputs from the proposed research are relevant to POLICY-MAKERS, REGULATORS, INDUSTRY, members of the PUBLIC and the ACADEMIC community. We have ensured that the project partners represent these differing groups and have representatives from POLICY-MAKERS (BEIS, Defra), REGULATORS (OGA, Environment Agency), INDUSTRY (UKOOG, RSKW, Golders) and the ACADEMIC community both in the UK and Internationally as project partners.
The project outcomes will enable POLICY-MAKERS at BEIS and Defra to appreciate better the likelihood and nature of impacts from Shale Gas operations by increasing the UK-relevant evidence base. The improved understanding of the risks to receptors, particularly humans, infrastructure, the water environment and the atmosphere will also assist the REGULATORS, the Environment Agency and OGA, in management of the environmental risks arising from Shale Gas exploitation, delivery of effective industry regulation and environment protection. Accessible information presented in a straightforward way will also inform INDUSTRY and the PUBLIC.
The scientific outputs of the proposal will benefit the international ACADEMIC community by furthering scientific understanding of SG in the areas of air pollution, groundwater quality and modelling, seismic risk and risk assessment based on integrated modelling. This integrated project will be the first of its kind.
How will they benefit?
This proposal will assist the nascent Shale Gas INDUSTRY by providing them with a clear risk framework (based on ISO31000) that will enable them to both understand the risks associated with their activities and to communicate the risks to the REGULATOR and the PUBLIC. The development of a risk framework will help PUBLIC understanding of risk by allowing the relative magnitude of risks to be determined and effectively communicated. Further, the science proposed will enable an assessment of the impact of a SG play to be derived that is independent of those funded by the operator and regulators. This will feed into the PUBLIC debate and allow a more reasoned discussion on risks and impacts, and what needs to be done to a achieve "safe and responsible" shale gas development.
The scientific advances envisaged in this proposal will be both domain specific but also related to their application to a SG play. The project will interface with the other Challenges within the NERC Unconventional Hydrocarbon Research Programme. We will work closely with colleagues in the Challenge 1 project to ensure our knowledge and experience is communicated effectively to the wider research group. Further, we will use the results of Challenge 2 and 3 to provide supporting inputs to our SPR approach. Where applicable we will liaise with colleagues in Challenge 5, examining the Socio-Economic impacts, to set our SPR approach in context and to maximise stakeholder impacts. Publishing within an academic environment will build trust in the impartiality of the results for the DECISION-MAKER, REGULATOR, ACADEMIC community as well as the PUBLIC.
The proposed outputs will be made available using NERC's metadata portals for data and for models as well as giving the datasets "doi" labels to enable them to be properly referenced. The data will be made available in real-time by extending BGS current web-based output for the Vale of Pickering and for Lancashire baseline monitoring.


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Clancy SA (2018) The potential for spills and leaks of contaminated liquids from shale gas developments. in The Science of the total environment

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Holmgren J (2023) Nonsystematic Rupture Directivity of Geothermal Energy Induced Microseismicity in Helsinki, Finland in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

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Kettlety T (2020) Stress Transfer From Opening Hydraulic Fractures Controls the Distribution of Induced Seismicity in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Description - Limited hydraulic fracturing briefly conducted by the operator at Preston New Road site in Lancashire produced atmospheric methane emissions associated with nitrogen lift operations
- Seismic modelling has provided improved predictive models for seismic forecasting in hydraulic fracturing and related operations
- Methodologies for environmental monitoring (air, water) in the context of subsurface geoenergy development have been developed further
- Groundwater studies in the Vale of Pickering, Yorkshire reveal high baseline concentrations of dissolved methane which is overwhelmingly of biogenic origin
- Work is ongoing to develop an integrated model and risk framework for future subsurface geoenergy activities
Exploitation Route Use in the context of other developments in geoenergy (e.g. CCUS, geothermal and hydrogen storage)
Sectors Environment


Democracy and Justice

Description Findings have contributed to government policy and the introduction of a moratorium on shale gas in England
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Energy,Environment
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Monitoring guidance
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Research outcomes have directly influenced the research outcomes of work commissioned by the Environment Agency to develop best practice guidance on sampling of groundwater for dissolved gas (methane) and its analysis including the measurement of stable isotopes of methane. The outcomes are being used to develop improved methods internally and specifications for industry and operators.
Description Update to government on uncertainty in seismic response to hydraulic fracturing
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Provided background data and insight to help in production of a separate report on the uncertainties in forecasting seismic responses to hydraulic fracturing and its implications of development of a shale-gas industry in England (and ramifications for devolved nations). The challenges highlighted potentially influenced the thinking on reinstatement of the moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in England (Sep 2022) though this was not a specific recommendation.
URL https://www.bgs.ac.uk/news/update-on-scientific-shale-gas-report/
Title Stratigraphic and structural interpretation of the released commercial "Bowland-12" 3D Seismic reflection survey data acquired in 2012, Lancashire UK 
Description Interpretation data pack from the 3D seismic reflection survey for the commercial "Bowland-12" 3D seismic reflection survey. This survey covers the Fylde region of Lancashire west of Blackpool and Lytham St Annes. The interpretation data file contains interpreted lithostratigraphic surfaces, fault plane locations and orientations for the Permo-Triassic and Carboniferous successions. The data also includes well surface locations and well path orientation data. The interpretation data is provided as a PETREL (TM of SMB) project in PETREL format (which is widely used in industry and academia for subsurface data and should therefore be ingestible by most other 3D seismic interpretation software packages. This data pack does not however contain the raw seismic or well day necessary to visualise and understand this data. Note on Data Access: The original "Bowland-12" commercial 3D seismic survey acquired in 2012 has been released (i.e. made openly available) by the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) and made available through UKOGL website. All access to the seismic data is through UKOGL according to the charging policies agreed by these two organisations. Neither NGDC nor BGS are able to provide access to these data. The data pack incorporates well top interpretation data, surface well locations and well path orientation data from Grange Hill 1Z, Preese Hall 1 and Preston New Road 1 and 2 wells and sidetracks. Raw geophysical log data is available from NSTA via BGS Geoindex on the BGS Website. Please read the terms and conditions/licensing for these data upon download. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://www2.bgs.ac.uk/nationalgeosciencedatacentre/citedData/catalogue/27c06acf-cf4f-4a1e-aafc-274f...
Description Baseline groundwater quality studies 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Initiation of programme of assessment of groundwater quality in areas of potential hydrocarbon development to establish baseline conditions and develop a methodology for application in other areas. The contribution has involved the application of hydrogeological and geochemical expertise in project design, implementation of fieldwork by specialist monitoring staff and analysis of samples by BGS and NIGL laboratories.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise on policy implications and regulatory needs for research and outcomes
Impact None yet
Start Year 2019
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation Public Health England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation Royal Holloway, University of London
Department Department of Earth Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Department School of Chemical Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Centre for Advanced Discovery and Experimental Therapeutics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project 
Organisation University of York
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Integrated environmental monitoring programme/project in areas where there is proposed shale gas development (fracking). Financial contribution from BGS (£250K), programme leadership and co-ordination of outreach and communication activities, intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Collaborator Contribution Intellectual input and loan of equipment/facilities to support programme of work.
Impact Multi-disciplinary internationally leading collaborative activity delivering a range of outputs for improved monitoring relating to shale gas development in the UK. Disciplines involved include: geology, hydrogeology, microbiology, geochemistry, radiochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, seismology, remote (satellite) sensing, analytical chemistry.
Start Year 2015
Description Further research into development of good-practice methods for quantifying methane in groundwater 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Evaluating methods for representative sampling and analysis of dissolved methane
Collaborator Contribution Stakeholder engagement
Impact Bowes, Rivett and Bell, 2022. Field-scale evaluation of collection methods for dissolved methane samples in groundwaters. BGS Open Report OR22/035. British Geological Survey
Start Year 2021
Description Annual Science Meeting 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact NERC/ESRC UH Programme annual meeting with international stakeholder advisory board
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Contribution to Erasmus+ CPD series 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Richard Davies, Mike Bradshaw and Rob Ward contributed to the delivery of a Continuing Professional Development series funded by Erasmus+. The first event focused on regulation and policy of shale gas extraction in the UK and the second on environmental and health impacts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description NERC UH Programme Integration Event 3 - UKUH Research: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Workshop event involving the NERC/ESRC Unconventional Hydrocarbon programme researchers and stakeholders to review the evolving energy landscape in the UK and direction of travel towards Net Zero following the introduction of a moratorium on shale gas. It was also an opportunity to announce the results of the programme's Open Calla nd align the new researchers with the existing project. Two new projects led by ECR's are aligned with this project - Equipt4Risk - and close ties will be established.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL http://www.ukuh.org/events/integrationevent3-january2021/
Description Presentation at UKEOF Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A presentation given at the UKEOF national conference on environmental monitoring: meeting evidence needs. The presentation covered the initiation of environmental monitoring associated with shale gas development, the importance of baseline monitoring, the environmental risks and the identification of different impacts arsing from the industrial operations. The talk highlighted the importance of effective monitoring and how this has informed national policy, regulation and industry best practice.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL http://www.ukeof.org.uk/news/ukeof-2020-conference
Description Science Media Centre Press Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Press briefing organised by the Science Media Centre (SMC) to brief national media outlets on the environmental risks associated with shale gas operations (including fracking) and the impacts observed as a result of operations in Lancashire and North Yorkshire. Rob Ward (PI) and Brian Baptie (Co-I) both gave briefings and outlined the objectives of the NERC/ESRC funded project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019