Quantifying the contribution of sympagic versus pelagic diatoms to Arctic food webs and biogeochemical fluxes (SYM-PEL)
Lead Research Organisation:
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Department Name: Plymouth Marine Lab
At the base of the Arctic food web, there are three major primary producers: small flagellates, diatoms living in open water (pelagic) and diatoms growing in sea ice (sympagic). The role of the sea ice diatoms is perceived differently across the research community. For ecologists they are central to the polar ecosystem, while those looking at global ocean scales consider them less important and have not incorporated them into their models projecting climate change feedbacks. This may reflect their minor (<10%) contribution to the total primary production in Arctic waters. However, two newly developed trophic marker approaches that can trace diatoms from sea ice and open water within the food web, consistently find a strong ice algae 'signal' in polar consumers. Even in whales, seals and polar bears, as much as 80% of their body fat reserves are from carbon originally fixed by ice algae. How is this possible? How will this change in a warming Arctic? Our project aims to answer this puzzle and to bridge the gap between the contrasting perceptions of ice algae.
We propose to quantify the relative importance of ice algae vs. open water diatoms for consumers living in the high Arctic - considering different species, regions and times of the year. We will also look at material that sinks to the seabed, and is collected in sediment traps. Our first hypothesis is that the input of ice algae to Arctic food webs and to export fluxes is disproportionately higher than their contribution to total primary production. Our second hypothesis examines the mechanisms behind these energy transfers, focussing on the more subtle concept of food benefit. It is not just the total annual amount of food that matters; it also has to arrive at the right time, be accessible and be nutritious.
To test these hypotheses, we have developed a method based on "Highly Branched Isoprenoids" (HBIs). These lipid molecules are specific to a series of diatom species specific either to sea ice or open water. Using the ratio of ice-versus water column-derived HBIs, we can now trace the relative roles of these energy inputs to the food web. The chemical stability of these molecules as they pass through the food web is a key advantage of this tracer method, as previously it has been very difficult to follow the fate of ice- or water column derived algae.
We propose to take part in an ice drift across the Central Arctic Ocean (MOSAiC) that will give the opportunity to sample the foodweb and material from sediment traps for subsequent HBI analysis in our lab in Plymouth. We will also determine the body condition of various consumers as an integrator of net benefit derived from each food type over the season. The cruise data set will be complemented with data from other Arctic expeditions and those estimated with a second, independent diet method by our Project partners. This will give a pan-Arctic overview of the importance of ice algae to the lipid stores of key consumers.
Then, simulation model outputs of future climate projection will allow scaling up to the whole Arctic Basin. First, we will work with Project partners modelling life cycles of key zooplankton species, to estimate their potential to colonise a future, more ice-free central Arctic Ocean. Second, we will use NEMO-MEDUSA - the oceanic component of the UK's Earth system model (UKESM1) - to determine whether projected increases in pelagic primary production could compensate for loss of ice algae as a food source for zooplankton. Our findings, and those of other participants in MOSAiC, will be used to initiate a "roadmap" for the incorporation of ice algae into NEMO-MEDUSA. By helping to bridge between the physical, biogeochemical and ecological functions of sea ice and requirements of large-scale modelling, we aim to improve our understanding of the changing Arctic and its provision of services to mankind.
We propose to quantify the relative importance of ice algae vs. open water diatoms for consumers living in the high Arctic - considering different species, regions and times of the year. We will also look at material that sinks to the seabed, and is collected in sediment traps. Our first hypothesis is that the input of ice algae to Arctic food webs and to export fluxes is disproportionately higher than their contribution to total primary production. Our second hypothesis examines the mechanisms behind these energy transfers, focussing on the more subtle concept of food benefit. It is not just the total annual amount of food that matters; it also has to arrive at the right time, be accessible and be nutritious.
To test these hypotheses, we have developed a method based on "Highly Branched Isoprenoids" (HBIs). These lipid molecules are specific to a series of diatom species specific either to sea ice or open water. Using the ratio of ice-versus water column-derived HBIs, we can now trace the relative roles of these energy inputs to the food web. The chemical stability of these molecules as they pass through the food web is a key advantage of this tracer method, as previously it has been very difficult to follow the fate of ice- or water column derived algae.
We propose to take part in an ice drift across the Central Arctic Ocean (MOSAiC) that will give the opportunity to sample the foodweb and material from sediment traps for subsequent HBI analysis in our lab in Plymouth. We will also determine the body condition of various consumers as an integrator of net benefit derived from each food type over the season. The cruise data set will be complemented with data from other Arctic expeditions and those estimated with a second, independent diet method by our Project partners. This will give a pan-Arctic overview of the importance of ice algae to the lipid stores of key consumers.
Then, simulation model outputs of future climate projection will allow scaling up to the whole Arctic Basin. First, we will work with Project partners modelling life cycles of key zooplankton species, to estimate their potential to colonise a future, more ice-free central Arctic Ocean. Second, we will use NEMO-MEDUSA - the oceanic component of the UK's Earth system model (UKESM1) - to determine whether projected increases in pelagic primary production could compensate for loss of ice algae as a food source for zooplankton. Our findings, and those of other participants in MOSAiC, will be used to initiate a "roadmap" for the incorporation of ice algae into NEMO-MEDUSA. By helping to bridge between the physical, biogeochemical and ecological functions of sea ice and requirements of large-scale modelling, we aim to improve our understanding of the changing Arctic and its provision of services to mankind.
Planned Impact
This section briefly summarises who are the main beneficiaries and how they may benefit. The Attachment "Pathways to Impact" expands on this summary with more detail on how we plan to achieve this.
Major non-academic beneficiaries include:
Those involved with industry, particularly developing fishery interests.
There is a range of established, developing and trial fisheries in the Arctic and sub-Arctic, and these will benefit from our research. Substantial stocks of pelagic fish exist in Arctic- and subarctic regions, some of which are becoming more accessible to fishing with changing sea ice or economic drivers. Recent work involving Project Partner Flores has shown that the lipids in polar cod comprise substantial proportions of ice-derived algae, posing questions, for example, over the trajectories of stocks as sea ice continues to decline. Likewise there is an exploratory Norwegian fishery targeting lipid rich Calanus spp. for omega-3 fatty acid food supplements. Our focus on lipids, food quality and the role of sea-ice derived food will be relevant to long-term investment and development planning for fisheries such as these.
Those involved in management and conservation in the Arctic
In the same way that our work is relevant to fishing industries as described above, it is relevant to bodies involved with management and conservation of polar food webs. This includes inter-govermental-, governmental and non-governmental organisations. As one example the World-Wildlife Fund is active in the Arctic with involvement in the Arctic Council, for stewardship and conservation in the Arctic. Our aim to understand food web reliance on ice algae helps to provide an evidence base for the ongoing responsible management and conservation of Arctic resources.
The general public, including the next generation
Our proposal is based around the role of sea ice and its biota in a rapidly changing Arctic. This subject is highly topical, well publicised and photogenic; melting ice is an iconic symbol of climate change. The visual appeal is especially strong for the next generation who are already witnessing the effects of rapid climate change. Our Pathways to Impact has a special focus on the use of visual education media to engage with this latter group. This engagement is through the general topic of climate change in the Arctic, as well as the specifics of our own results.
Major non-academic beneficiaries include:
Those involved with industry, particularly developing fishery interests.
There is a range of established, developing and trial fisheries in the Arctic and sub-Arctic, and these will benefit from our research. Substantial stocks of pelagic fish exist in Arctic- and subarctic regions, some of which are becoming more accessible to fishing with changing sea ice or economic drivers. Recent work involving Project Partner Flores has shown that the lipids in polar cod comprise substantial proportions of ice-derived algae, posing questions, for example, over the trajectories of stocks as sea ice continues to decline. Likewise there is an exploratory Norwegian fishery targeting lipid rich Calanus spp. for omega-3 fatty acid food supplements. Our focus on lipids, food quality and the role of sea-ice derived food will be relevant to long-term investment and development planning for fisheries such as these.
Those involved in management and conservation in the Arctic
In the same way that our work is relevant to fishing industries as described above, it is relevant to bodies involved with management and conservation of polar food webs. This includes inter-govermental-, governmental and non-governmental organisations. As one example the World-Wildlife Fund is active in the Arctic with involvement in the Arctic Council, for stewardship and conservation in the Arctic. Our aim to understand food web reliance on ice algae helps to provide an evidence base for the ongoing responsible management and conservation of Arctic resources.
The general public, including the next generation
Our proposal is based around the role of sea ice and its biota in a rapidly changing Arctic. This subject is highly topical, well publicised and photogenic; melting ice is an iconic symbol of climate change. The visual appeal is especially strong for the next generation who are already witnessing the effects of rapid climate change. Our Pathways to Impact has a special focus on the use of visual education media to engage with this latter group. This engagement is through the general topic of climate change in the Arctic, as well as the specifics of our own results.
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Lead Research Organisation)
- Norwegian Polar Institute (Collaboration)
- Alfred Wegener Institute (Helmholtz) (Project Partner)
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst (Project Partner)
- UiT Arctic University of Norway (Tromso) (Project Partner)
- Alfred Wegener Institute (Project Partner)

Atkinson A
Stepping stones towards Antarctica: Switch to southern spawning grounds explains an abrupt range shift in krill.
in Global change biology

Atkinson A
Steeper size spectra with decreasing phytoplankton biomass indicate strong trophic amplification and future fish declines
in Nature Communications

Flores H
Sea-ice decline could keep zooplankton deeper for longer
in Nature Climate Change

Flores H
Sea-ice decline makes zooplankton stay deeper for longer

Hill S
Observing change in pelagic animals as sampling methods shift: the case of Antarctic krill
in Frontiers in Marine Science

Kohlbach D
A multi-trophic marker approach reveals high feeding plasticity in Barents Sea under-ice fauna
in Progress in Oceanography

Kohlbach D
Winter Carnivory and Diapause Counteract the Reliance on Ice Algae by Barents Sea Zooplankton
in Frontiers in Marine Science

Kohlbach D
Multiple Trophic Markers Trace Dietary Carbon Sources in Barents Sea Zooplankton During Late Summer
in Frontiers in Marine Science

Ratnarajah L
Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate.
in Nature communications

Schaafsma F
Insights into the diet and feeding behavior of immature polar cod ( Boreogadus saida ) from the under-ice habitat of the central Arctic Ocean
in Journal of Fish Biology
Title | Production of an Arctic food web art infographic |
Description | Visited artist Glynn Gorick in Cambridge and worked with him to produce a modular art infographic that depicts low and high Arctic food webs |
Type Of Art | Artwork |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Impact | This is destined for a publication and scientific talks so no impact as yet |
Description | These outputs are based on the MOSAiC Arctic drift expedition and the contribution to it of our NERC SYM-PEL project which is using biomarkers in the food web component to understand the roles of sea ice biota and how this may change as the ice declines under warming. The labwork following the field work was completed and so far, the award has been exceptionally productive, contributing to 11 scientific papers, research data archived at the Polar Data Centre. It has also contributed to the production of four papers published in 2021 and 2022 in Frontiers in Marine Science, Polar Biology and Global Change Biology, as well as a series of seminar talks (Including one to the All-Party Parliamentary Committee in Nov 2021), plus a popular Science article in the Marine Biologist and other web-based media outreach. The main single scientific finding so far has been written in the Global Change Biology 2023 paper and it shows that light and nutrient supply, rather than temperature, is a major driver of the essential omega fatty acid content of high latitude phytoplankton. Both sea ice and water column biota in the ice-covered high Arctic are relatively depleted in these essential food web nutrients and we project that future ice loss will increase the food quality of the base of the food web |
Exploitation Route | Because the Arctic is losing sea ice so rapidly, we need to know the relative role of sea ice and pelagic algae in supporting pelagic and benthic food webs. Knowing how food quality will change and which species rely on sea ice or pelagic food sources will help us gauge which parts of the food web will be winners or losers in a new Arctic. In turn this will help us project which ecosystem services will be provided by the Arctic in the next decades, for example its role in carbon sequestration or supporting iconic species, tourism and fisheries. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Environment Leisure Activities including Sports Recreation and Tourism Other |
URL | https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17090 |
Title | Energy content measurements on Arctic zooplankton collected during MOSAiC (PS122): bomb-calorific measurements |
Description | This dataset contains energy content measurements performed on zooplankton collected in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition (PS122) from November 2019 untill September 2020. Energy content measurements were done on Apherusa glacialis, Themisto abyssorum, Chaetognatha, Thysanoessa longicaudata and Calanus hyperboreus. These species are all known prey of polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and their energy content was measured to be included in a bioenergetic model of the growth rate of this predator and to gain insight in the differences between prey species. The meaurements were performed on freeze-dried specimens using a 6725 semi-micro oxygen calorimeter (Parr, USA) connected to a 6772 calorimetric thermometer (Parr, USA). |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.954820 |
Title | Energy content measurements on Arctic zooplankton collected during MOSAiC (PS122): sample details |
Description | This dataset contains energy content measurements performed on zooplankton collected in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition (PS122) from November 2019 untill September 2020. Energy content measurements were done on Apherusa glacialis, Themisto abyssorum, Chaetognatha, Thysanoessa longicaudata and Calanus hyperboreus. These species are all known prey of polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and their energy content was measured to be included in a bioenergetic model of the growth rate of this predator and to gain insight in the differences between prey species. The meaurements were performed on freeze-dried specimens using a 6725 semi-micro oxygen calorimeter (Parr, USA) connected to a 6772 calorimetric thermometer (Parr, USA). |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.954772 |
Title | Fatty acid composition of 32 cold-water algal strains cultured under different conditions to support the interpretation of in situ algal FA data from the MOSAiC expedition 2019/2020 |
Description | A seasonal cycle of the FA composition of particulate organic matter from surface waters, Chlorophyll-a maximum layer and bottom sea ice, sampled during the MOSAiC expedition in the Central Arctic Ocean (2019-2020), suggests the importance of phylogenetic and environmental drivers. To improve our understanding of these different drivers, we conducted culture experiments with 32 cold-water algal strains where temperature, light intensity, and nutrient supply were manipulated individually or in combination. The culture experiments were carried out at the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP; Oban, Scotland), the Roscoff Culture Collection (RCC; Roscoff, France) and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute-Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI; Bremerhaven, Germany). The strains were part of the culture collections, had been isolated in the Arctic (25 strains), Southern Ocean (2 strains) or North Atlantic (5 strains), and included diatoms, chlorophytes, haptophytes, cryptophytes, chrysophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria. Some of the species are Arctic sea ice diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia frigida, Attheya spp.) or pelagic diatoms (e.g. Thalassiosira gravida), while others are non-diatom species that are becoming increasingly prominent in the Arctic, e.g. the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (synonym Gephyrocapsa huxleyi), the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, the chlorophyte Micromonas spp. and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus spp.. The experiments can be divided into three groups: First, those that tested a low light-low temperature setting, second, those that tested a low light-low temperature and a higher light-higher temperature setting and, third, those that tested the effect of nutrient (nitrate, phosphate and silicate) shortage in combination with low and high light intensity. The first set of experiments was conducted with all 32 strains, the second set with all strains grown at CCAP and AWI, and the third set focuses on the keystone under-ice diatom Melosira arctica. The experiments were run for 4-7 weeks to accumulate sufficient biomass for biomarker extractions (FA and sterols), C:N analysis and light-microscopy of cell size and cell concentration. At the end of the experiments, the algae were filtered onto GF/F filters and deep frozen until analysis. This dataset comprises the results from the FA analysis only (sterol and C:N analysis are separate). The separation of the lipid biomarkers was carried out at the University of Plymouth. After addition of internal standards for FA and sterols, the filters were saponified with KOH. Thereafter, non-saponifiable lipids (sterols) were extracted with hexane and purified by open column chromatography on silica gel. FA were obtained by adding concentrated HCl to the saponified solution and re-extracted with hexane. Further steps of the FA analysis were carried out at the AWI. Here samples were converted into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and analysed using an Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph with FID detector. The Clarity chromatography software system (DataApex, Czech Republic) was used for chromatogram data evaluation. FAME were quantified via the internal standard, Tricosanoic acid methyl ester (23:0) (Supelco, Germany) to provide the total amount of FA (TFA) per filter. These FA datasets of cultured algae are presented in a manuscript together with the FA pattern seen in sea ice- and water column POM in the CAO during the MOSAiC expedition and in previously published data from Arctic shelf regions. The manuscript focusses mainly on two important long-chain omega-3 FA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) that are considered essential for the nutrition of higher trophic levels, including humans, and their production to decline with global temperature rise. Contributions by KS were funded by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council MOSAiC Thematic project SYM-PEL: 'Quantifying the contribution of sympagic versus pelagic diatoms to Arctic food webs and biogeochemical fluxes: application of source-specific highly branched isoprenoid biomarkers'/ (NE/S002502/1). CRM was funded by the NERC National Capability Services and Facilities Programme (NE/R017050/1). |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://data.bas.ac.uk/full-record.php?id=GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01808 |
Title | Fatty acid composition of particulate organic matter (POM) collected from surface waters and bottom sea-ice of the Central Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition in 2019/2020 |
Description | During the MOSAiC expedition in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO, 2019-2020), POM was sampled weekly to fortnightly from surface waters and the Chlorophyll a maximum layer (Chl a max) via CTD casts and from bottom sea ice of the floe via ice coring (first- and second-year ice, two layers nearest to the water-ice interface). The POM was filtered onboard (GF/F filters) and deep frozen for the subsequent analysis of a suite of lipid biomarkers, including fatty acids (FA), FA-compound-specific stable isotopes (FA-CSIA), sterols, and highly-branched isoprenoids (HBI). These biomarkers can provide valuable information about the nutritional value, the taxonomic composition (e.g. diatoms vs flagellates), and the origin of the POM that represents the basis of the Central Arctic food web. This dataset comprises the results from the FA analysis only, those from other biomarkers will be submitted in due cause. The separation of the various lipid biomarkers was carried out at the University of Plymouth. After addition of internal standards for each of the 3 components, the filters were saponified with KOH. Thereafter, non-saponifiable lipids (HBI and sterols) were extracted with hexane and purified by open column chromatography (SiO2). Fatty acids were obtained by adding concentrated HCl to the saponified solution and re-extracted with hexane. Further steps of the FA analysis were carried out at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven. Here samples were converted into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and analysed using an Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph. The Clarity chromatography software system (DataApex, Czech Republic) was used for chromatogram data evaluation. FAME were quantified via the internal standard, Tricosanoic acid methyl ester (23:0) (Supelco, Germany) to provide the total amount of FA (TFA) per filter. These TFA quantities per filter can be normalised to the volume of filtered seawater or melted ice core water. Additionally, we provide the mass percentage composition of the TFA, considering 48 individual FA. The FA are presented in shorthand notation, i.e., A:B(n-x), where: A indicates the number of carbon atoms in the straight fatty acid chain, B represents the number of double bonds present, n represents the terminal methyl group and x denotes the position of the first double bond from the terminal end. The biochemical nomenclature of the fatty acids is provided. The dataset is linked to a manuscript that compares pattern seen in sea ice- and water column POM in the CAO with previously published data from Arctic shelf regions. This manuscript focusses mainly on two key long-chain omega-3 FA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) that are considered essential for the nutrition of higher trophic levels, including humans, and their production to decline with global temperature rise. Contributions by KS were funded by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council MOSAiC Thematic project SYM-PEL: "Quantifying the contribution of sympagic versus pelagic diatoms to Arctic food webs and biogeochemical fluxes: application of source-specific highly branched isoprenoid biomarkers" (NE/S002502/1). |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://data.bas.ac.uk/full-record.php?id=GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01751 |
Title | ICEFLUX allometric measurements of polar zooplankton and fish |
Description | This dataset summarizes allometric measurements on zooplankton and nekton species performed in the framework of the Dutch and German ICEFLUX projects. Measurements were performed on 639 individuals of 15 species from the Southern Ocean and 2374 individuals of 14 species from the Arctic Ocean, including euphausiids, fish, pelagic and ice-associated amphipods, cnidarians, salps, siphonophores, chaetognaths and a copepod. Animals were collected during three expeditions in the Southern Ocean (winter and summer) and three expeditions in the Arctic Ocean (spring and summer). In addition to measurements on length and mass, the sizes of body parts were measured, such as carapaces, eyes, heads, telsons, tails and otoliths. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.936039 |
Title | The Arctic sea ice proxy, IP25, in particulate organic matter (POM) from surface waters and bottom sea-ice of the Central Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition in 2019/2020 |
Description | During the MOSAiC expedition in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO, 2019-2020), POM was sampled weekly to fortnightly from surface waters and the Chlorophyll a maximum layer (Chl a max) via CTD casts and from bottom sea ice of the floe via ice coring (first- and second-year ice, two layers nearest to the water-ice interface). The POM was filtered onboard (GF/F filters) and deep frozen for the subsequent analysis of a suite of lipid biomarkers, including IP25 and other highly-branched isoprenoids (HBI), fatty acids (FA) and sterols. These biomarkers can provide valuable information about the nutritional value, the taxonomic composition (e.g. diatoms vs flagellates), and the origin of the POM that represents the basis of the Central Arctic food web. This dataset comprises the results from the HBI analysis only, while the FA dataset is already published and the sterol data will be submitted shortly. The separation of the various lipid biomarkers was carried out at the University of Plymouth. After addition of internal standards for each of the 3 components, the filters were saponified with KOH. Thereafter, non-saponifiable lipids (HBI and sterols) were extracted with hexane and purified by open column chromatography (SiO2). Fatty acids were obtained by adding concentrated HCl to the saponified solution and re-extracted with hexane. The analysis of IP25 was carried out using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph (GC), coupled to an Agilent 5975 mass selective detector (mass spectrometry, MS), fitted with an Agilent HP-5ms column with auto-splitless injection and helium carrier gas. Identification of IP25 and other HBIs was achieved by comparison of their individual GC retention indices and mass spectra with those obtained from purified standards. IP25 was quantified by, first, integrating individual ion responses in selected-ion monitoring mode (m/z 350.3), second, normalising these to the corresponding peak area of the internal standard and, third, applying an instrumental response factor obtained from a purified standard. These IP25 quantities per filter can be normalised to the volume of filtered seawater or melted ice core water. Contributions by KS were funded by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council MOSAiC Thematic project SYM-PEL: ''Quantifying the contribution of sympagic versus pelagic diatoms to Arctic food webs and biogeochemical fluxes: application of source-specific highly branched isoprenoid biomarkers''/ (NE/S002502/1) |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | https://data.bas.ac.uk/full-record.php?id=GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01783 |
Description | Collaboration with "Nansen Legacy" project funded by the Research Council of Norway |
Organisation | Norwegian Polar Institute |
Country | Norway |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Sharing and joint analysis of Barents Sea cruise samples as part of a collaboration to produce two scientific papers |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of samples, some of analysis and drafting of papers |
Impact | An open access paper has been published in 2021 in Frontiers in Marine Science (see link above) and another paper has been accepted |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/The_grand_finale_to_the_expedition_of_a_century |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/UK_scientists_to_join_Arctic_research_ship_driftin |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/Biggest_ever_Arctic_research_expedition_sets_sail |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/Research/Projects/MOSAiC_SYM_PEL |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/Biggest_ever_Arctic_research_expedition_sets_sail |
Description | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/UK_scientists_to_join_Arctic_research_ship_driftin |
Description | A series of posts and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A series of postings and tweets from the PML website relating to progress of the MOSAiC Expedition (departure, continuation despite COVID, reaching the North Pole, return, etc) |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
URL | https://pml.ac.uk/News_and_media/News/MOSAiC_reaches_the_North_Pole_of_Perseverance |
Description | Interview for a German glossy magazine "Forum" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A magazine, newsletter or online publication |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | This was an interview with SYM-PEL postdoc Katrin Schmidt about participating in the MOSAiC Arctic expedition. It was recorded and presented as part of an article in the German Magazine "Forum" |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.vgoed.de/forum/ausgaben/ausgabe-2022-1.html |
Description | London Challenger Conference, 6.-9. Sept 2022 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | Katrin Schmidt presented a talk at the Challenger Conference 2022. Talk Title: 'Do ice algae fuel the lipid pump in the Central Arctic Ocean?' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | PML seminar series talk on zoom entitled: "What have we done to our Arctic? A perspective from the MOSAiC Expedition" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | A presentation on zoom by Katrin Schmid on 24 Feb 2021, which was attended at the time by over 50 participants mainly from across the SW UK. It was recorded and distributed to others, including the UK Arctic office and WWF UK. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Postings on University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory websites describing our project and Arctic climate change |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Postings on University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory websites describing our project and Arctic climate change |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
URL | https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/schools/school-of-geography-earth-and-environmental-sciences/assessing-th... |
Description | Potsdam MOSAiC Conference |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Presentation of a poster at a Conference entitled 'Is Melosira arctica inedible, a supplementary or staple food for Arctic grazers?' |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Presentation at All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Polar Regions |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Policymakers/politicians |
Results and Impact | Presentation in Nov 2021 by researcher Katrin Schmidt via zoom of a talk entitled "The contributions to MOSAiC, Multidisciplinary drifting observatory for the study of Arctic Climate. One year in the Pack Ice, Part 3 - The changing Arctic food web" This was a talk to audience of politicians and resulted in increased awareness of the effects of rapid climate change on Arctic food webs. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Presentation at Early Career Conference |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Katrin Schmidt gave a presentation entitled "How will loss of Arctic Sea Ice affect the food web?" at the Polar Early Careeer Conference, May 2021 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Presentation at University of Plymouth |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Katrin Schmidt presented a talk entitled "How to stay fat - superfood stories from the Arctic" at the annual BGC Conference at University of Plymouth, Dec 2021 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Presentation of seminar to Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Study participants or study members |
Results and Impact | Katrin Schmidt gave a presentation entitled "Will Arctic zooplankton fare well in an ice-free ocean?" at the AWI se ice seminar meeting, June 2021 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |