Forecasting Risk of Environmental Exacerbation of Dissolved Organic Matter - Building Climate Change Resilience (FREEDOM-BCCR)

Lead Research Organisation: UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY
Department Name: Water Resources (Lancaster)


The water industry faces intensifying risks to its water treatment systems through rising dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations, especially in upland raw water supplies which provide 70% of the UK's drinking water. Rain and meltwater percolating through soils transports DOM to reservoirs. The water industry has to restrict DOM concentrations to minimise taste and odour problems, reduce the potential for algal growth, and prevent the generation of potentially harmful levels of disinfection bi-products, formed from reactions between DOM and chemical disinfectants. DOM concentrations are increasing primarily as a result of an increase in soil organic matter solubility in response to regional reductions in atmospheric pollutants to soils. However, DOM levels in upland waters are also sensitive to variation, and long-term change, in soil temperatures, amounts and intensity of precipitation, the ionic strength of soil waters, the residence time of reservoirs, and seasalt deposition events during winter storms. The influence of these climate-related effects is increasing as organic matter continues to become more soluble. Currently, the primary industry approach to reduce DOM concentrations is the application of coagulant to precipitate the organic matter from the water, but additional filtration may also be required to remove DOM compounds that are less sensitive to this chemical effect. Both processes have a significant carbon footprint and are estimated to have already cost the industry hundreds of millions of pounds through the installation of new equipment where existing infrastructure was no longer able to deal with rising DOM concentrations. There is a pressing need, therefore, to foster a Climate Change Resilience Community that will combine the extensive expertise of the research and industry communities in the UK in order to address this challenge. FREEDOM-BCCR will develop an entirely new approach to understanding, managing, and planning responses to DOM increases in response to climate change. The community will provide the basis of support for decision making and will deliver adaptive (e.g. infrastructure investment) and mitigative (e.g. land-use interventions) approaches with which to build resilience in the upland water supply. We will augment the capability of a prototype Decision Support tool (DSt), developed by the current NERC FREEDOM Project with support from for Scottish Water, by incorporating catchment-specific climate change projections, predictive models and industry knowledge. This development of the FREEDOM DSt will fill critical knowledge gaps in model functionality including climate change impacts on soil and in-reservoir processing of DOM. We will define operational thresholds for DOM quantity and quality across the treatment chain and combine these to produce forecasts, at a UK scale, of DOM risk to drinking water supply.
Proposed activities and respective Work Packages include: generation of UKCP18-based climate change projections using Hydro-JULES downscaled to specific catchments (WP1); Coupling of downscaled climate predictions with catchment and lake/reservoir models to explore the potential impact of climate change in influencing seasonal variation in DOM quantity, quality and vertical distribution in priority intensively monitored drinking water reservoirs and their catchments (WP2); validation of predictions of DOM quantity and quality produced by the FREEDOM DSt, beyond the parameterisation data set from Scottish Water, using hind-casting informed by wider UK industry data (WP3); upscaling application of the FREEDOM-UK DSt to provide predictions of the effects of climate change, land-use change and air pollution scenarios on DOM quantity and quality in other regions of the UK (WP4); and, foster the FREEDOM Climate Change Resilience Community focussing on co-development, application, and show-casing the FREEDOM-UK DSt through a programme of knowledge exchange activities (WP5).

Planned Impact

The overall outcome of the project will be a complete overhaul of the UK water industry's approach to managing the risk of rising DOM, from one currently based on short-term, localised, reactive strategies to a much longer-term, scientifically-informed and business-led approach.
The benefits of the project to industry will be immediate and direct, through access to a co-designed Decision Support tool (DSt), and more gradual through consolidation of newly forged close working relationships through the Climate Change Resilience Community, including NERC research centres, universities and other industry partners. This project will build the foundation of this community, focussing it on addressing the DOM problem. However, we will identify other shared priorities in terms of climate change impacts on water quality including increased nutrient loading leading to heightened risk of cyanobacteria as a result of increased precipitation and temperature, and increased likelihood of metal release from bed sediments as a result of changes in vertical stratification leading to hypoxia. These shared risks will ensure that the outcomes of this project will extend considerably beyond its life and we will work with industry to establish continuation of knowledge sharing and transfer mechanisms, joint studentships, and ongoing research.
The primary scientific output from the project will be the development of a co-designed DSt, underpinned by NERC science and informatics expertise. This will, for the first time, provide UK Water Industry with the capability to respond to: future DOM trajectories and extremes at current/potential future plant locations; changing chemical properties of DOM that affect treatability; the need to plan strategically for catchments at most and least risk of worsening water quality; and the need to implement mitigation measures in catchments where the risk is deemed to be unacceptable and where alternative locations for treatment works are economically unviable, over the coming decades. Industry will be better equipped to conduct strategic planning, for example, identifying when future investments relating to water quality issues may be required. This information will be combined to develop plans and strategies at industry and UK scale to deliver a more climate change resilient UK Water Industry. By informing decisions on where and when to introduce catchment based solutions or new treatment assets, the project could result in savings to the industry, and consequently to water customers, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds.
All UK water utilities that source water from upland catchments (e.g. United Utilities, Yorkshire Water, Welsh Water, Southwest Water, Northumbrian Water, Northern Ireland Water), as well as Irish Water, face the same threat of rising DOM levels. While the NERC FREEDOM project co-developed the FREEDOM DSt to inform Scottish Water's decision making specifically, this project will scale up co-development to meet wider industry needs to produce a DSt with UK application. Representatives from all interested companies will be invited to the project dissemination meeting, where they will be given the opportunity to become involved in further testing and development of the DSt in ways that may best meet their individual DOM treatment priorities. Promotion by web-based conferencing of the outcomes of the project by the Water Research Foundation will bring the outcomes of the project to an international audience and could go on to influence approaches to managing DOM increases in other parts of the world.
Description The project has provided a platform for environmental scientists and water industry practitioners to meet and exchange knowledge, experience and ideas in the area of environmental processes that influence water quality, and options for mitigation and cost-benefit evaluation. Water industry involvement in the project, including attendance at workshops and webinars, and provision of data, has been consistently strong, and there is a desire from both sides to continue to meet on an occasional basis now the project has officially terminated. The project has demonstrated the level of potential vulnerability of certain types of upland drinking water sources to anticipated future changes in climate, with specific reference to changes in the concentrations and composition/treatability of dissolved organic matter, and options open to the industry to respond to potentially deleterious future changes. A number of areas of current uncertainty in understanding have been identified and these will form the foci for future collaborative research and knowledge exchange proposals.
Exploitation Route It is hoped that the FREEDOM-BCCR briefing notes will be widely read within the water industry and used to help guide future decision making.
Modelling outputs, once published, will be available to allow others to make assessments of vulnerability of upland drinking water quality assets to anticipated future changes in climate.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description The findings are being used by our water industry partners to help them to better understand the potential vulnerability of existing water treatments works to changes in water quality in upland drinking water sources to future changes in climate.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description [Predicting the future influence of recovery from acidification and climate change on the dissolved organic matter concentration and treatability of drinking water sources in the southern Brecon Beacons.
Amount £49,488 (GBP)
Funding ID DCWW1353 
Organisation Welsh Water 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2021 
End 12/2021
Title FREEDOM-BCCR modelling of dissolved organic matter sensitivity to climate variability 
Description A statistical analysis of water quality time series from circa 30 Scottish Water sites was conducted in order to determine the climatic factors that most influence short term variability on dissolved organic matter concentrations (DOM). Outputs were then related to site characteristics and seasonal DOM behaviour in order to develop a simple predictive model that is potentially transferable to other catchments where data are more scarce. The final climate-driven model is still being finalised and tested, but will then be applied to UKCP18 climate change forecasts of change in temperature and precipitation, in order to assess the climate change vulnerability of upland drinking water sources to climate change. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact none thus far 
Title FREEDOM-BCCR modelling of dissolved organic matter sensitivity to climate variability 
Description A statistical analysis of water quality time series from circa 30 Scottish Water sites was conducted in order to determine the climatic factors that most influence short term variability on dissolved organic matter concentrations (DOM). Outputs were then related to site characteristics and seasonal DOM behaviour in order to develop a simple predictive model that is potentially transferable to other catchments where data are more scarce. The final climate-driven model is still being finalised and tested, but will then be applied to UKCP18 climate change forecasts of change in temperature and precipitation, in order to assess the climate change vulnerability of upland drinking water sources to climate change. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact none thus far 
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation Scottish Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation United Utilities Group PLC
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation Welsh Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description UKCEH - University - Water Industry Collaboration on the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Organisation Yorkshire Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution UKCEH led four out of five FREEDOM-BCCR Work Packages. These were concerned with climate forecasting, climate impact modelling, lake modelling, and valuation of treatment-related financial consequences of DOM increases in upland drinking water supplies. The Work Packages provided the structure for a series of project workshops over the course of the project, held on an approximately quarterly basis. Colleagues from the University of Leeds and Glasgow leading the final Work Package focused on building the climate change community partnership community .
Collaborator Contribution The FREEDOM-BCCR project comprised a partnership shaped by and involving all the organisations named above. All industry partners provided representatives at FREEDOM-BCCR project workshops that have been held at an approximately quarterly frequency. Industry partners have also provided data that is allowing CEH to develop a climate change component for the Decision Support Tool developed under the NERC ERIIP FREEDOM project, and are participating in a current valuation exercise that is focused on specific water drinking water sources managed by Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Welsh Water. A representative from Scottish Water represented the project at the IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water, in Japan in October 2019 and was planning to also present the project at the 2020 Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in the USA before this was cancelled due to the Covid lockdown.
Impact UKRI Climate Resilience Webinar presentation given in November 2020: see: 1) 2) A series of 3 separate stakeholder workshops, held during July 2020, focused on evaluating intervention options available to the water industry with respect to risks posed by climate change-forced changes in DOM: 3) The outcome of the of the three workshops is a series of briefing notes, summarising the potential intervention options. These are currently being finalised with advice being provided by industry partners.
Start Year 2019
Description FREEDOM-BCCR Evidence Review Webinar Series_1,Catchment Management 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was the first of a series of seminars conducted with water industry partners in July 2020, aimed at reviewing options available to mitigate, and/or adapt to, the impacts on DOM in drinking water sources of forecast future changes. This first seminar focused on evidence for catchment management having significant impacts on upland water quality. Project staff from UKCEH presented the latest scientific findings to water industry representatives, and this was followed by a discussion during which further lines of potential evidence was raised, current uncertainties and challenges for effective impact monitoring of upland catchments were explored. Approaches to evaluating effect size, uncertainty, and cost-benefits of interventions were also assessed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description FREEDOM-BCCR Evidence Review Webinar Series_2 Reservoir Management 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was the second of a series of seminars conducted with water industry partners in July 2020, aimed at reviewing options available to mitigate, and/or adapt to, the impacts on DOM in drinking water sources of forecast future changes. UKCEH project staff presented the latest scientific understanding of the physical, biological and biogeochemical processing of DOM within reservoirs and opportunities to exploit reservoir characteristics to reduce DOM loads on water treatment works. This was followed by discussions with water industry representatives regarding what reservoir management strategies are currently deployed to influence raw water quality, how effective these are considered to be, and where in the system might be most susceptible to intervention measures.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description FREEDOM-BCCR Evidence Review Webinar Series_3 DOM treatability modelling and management options 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was the third of a series of seminars conducted with water industry partners in July 2020, aimed at reviewing options available to mitigate, and/or adapt to, the impacts on DOM in drinking water sources of forecast future changes. UKCEH project staff presented the latest scientific understanding of DOM treatability issues; current techniques for identifying treatability issues in raw water (DOM characterisation); new evidence/methods for characterising DOM with respect to treatability; and, the efficacy of current and emerging methods for DOM treatment. The aim was to develop a clearer understanding of in-reservoir and catchment interventions for control of DOM concentrations and treatability in raw water, and provide evidence around climate change mitigation options for multiple interventions. This was followed by a wide ranging discussion with water industry representatives regarding current practice, current knowledge gaps, and suggestions for novel approaches to monitoring DOM treatability.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description FREEDOM-BCCR and 3C (Catchments Carbon and Climate) workshop and involving project scientists and water industry representatives: 16-06-2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Virtual workshop to update water industry partners on findings and conclusions from the FREEDOM-BBCR project and introduce the Catchment Carbon and Climate theme.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FREEDOM-BCCR climate impact valuation workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The valuation workshop was held on the CEH Lancaster premises on December 4th 2019. It involved the CEH project team and representatives from Scottish Water, United Utilities, Welsh Water and Yorkshire Water, and focused on the development of a common approach to the economic valuation of the industry response required to address per unit increases in Dissolved Organic Matter. It was agreed that the water industry representatives would each provide CEH with water quality data for selected water sources. These would form the basis for subsequent modelling by CEH. The industry representatives would then map out the treatment steps and associated costs required to ensure water quality compliance.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description FREEDOM-BCCR presentation to the 74th meeting of the UK Water Network "Developing outcomes from the FREEDOM BCCR project" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation was given by Don Monteith and Amy Pickard of UKCEH. The intended purpose was to bring the Water Network up to date with the main outcomes of the FREEDOM-BCCR project and the development in thinking and further work that has followed since the project officially terminated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description FREEDOM-BCCR project workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A FREEDOM-BCCR project workshop was held at the National Museum of Scotland on the 10th October involving the project team, representatives from Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, Welsh Water, United Utilities and Irish Water, and international experts on Dissolved Organic Matter (Heleen de Wit, NIVA, Norway and Filip Oulehle, Czech Geological Surve, Prague. The team provided updates on all work packages, and engaged with the industry representative and international experts in discussing next steps. The afternoon session focused on developing a valuation approach to assess the economic implications of climate-driven changes in dissolved organic matter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description FREEDOM-BCCR webinar series: Catchment management: Reviewing the state of evidence 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Recording of presentation by Dr Amy Pickard (UKCEH) to the FREEDOM-BCCR stakeholder community. Talk made available via Youtube.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FREEDOM-BCCR webinar series: Dissolved organic matter characterisation and treatability 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Recording of presentation by Chris Barry (UKCEH) to the FREEDOM-BCCR stakeholder community. Talk made available via Youtube
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FREEDOM-BCCR webinar series: Reservoir management 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Recording on Youtube of presentation by Dr Alex Elliott (UKCEH) to the FREEDOM-BCCR stakeholder community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FREEDOM-BCCR workshop involving project scientists and water industry representatives: 8-4-2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Virtual workshop to update water industry partners on findings and conclusions from the FREEDOM-BBCR project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description First virtual workshop of the 3C group (Catchment, Carbon and Climate): 18-11-2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact First virtual workshop of the 3C group (Catchment, Carbon and Climate) to update water industry partners on findings and conclusions from the FREEDOM-BBCR project and consider continuing challenges and opportunities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presentation at 12th Conference of the UK Network on Potable Water Treatment & Supply (2019): Cranfield University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This conference was the twelfth in an annual series focusing on drinking water production from source to tap. Attendees of the conference have the opportunity to talk to decision makers from water companies and leading researchers, with speakers drawn from both academia and industry. Don Monteith gave a presentation summarising the FREEDOM and FREEDOM-BCCR projects with specific reference to climate change impacts on Dissolved Organic Matter. The talk was originally to be given by Professor Pippa Chapman who is a member of the FREEDOM Advisory group and a partner under FREEDOM-BCCR. Monteith and Chapman distributed a questionnaire at the workshop to determine the audience's perception of various climate change risks to drinking water sources. Approximately 40 participants responded, and the outcome has been used to inform later project workshops.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation to the UK Water Network meeting: "Developing resilience in the upland drinking water supply to the impacts of climate change on dissolved organic matter: the FREEDOM BCCR project" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Water Network Meeting #71. Organised by Cranfield University. Special session on "Resilience against Climate Change". Don Monteith (UKCEH) gave a 20 minute presentation summarising the main outcomes of the FREEDOM-BCCR project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Second virtual workshop of the 3C group (Catchment, Carbon and Climate): 04-03-2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Second virtual workshop of the 3C group (Catchment, Carbon and Climate) to update water industry partners on findings and conclusions from the FREEDOM-BBCR project and consider continuing challenges and opportunities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description UK Climate Resilience Webinar - summarising the FREEDOM-BCCR project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The PI presented a summary of the project in a webinar hosted by the UKRI Climate Resilience team on 4 November 2020. In addition to the main presentation, a representative from Scottish Water provided a water industry perspective on the project. Approximately 60 people attended and a number of questions were either posted or asked in person, leading to various discussions around water industry options to combat the threat posed by DOM increases.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020