Market feasability: a CEH desk based integrated environmental assessment platform
Lead Research Organisation:
NERC CEH (Up to 30.11.2019)
Department Name: Business Development & Engagement
The market feasibility study is required to inform how national strategic infrastructure investment decisions can be informed by access to an integrated environmental assessment platform.
It is envisaged that such a platform will be underpinned by existing CEH models. The market feasibility study will identify relevant industry sectors eg., insurance and or civil engineering and identify how investment decisions are currently triaged and evaluated for risk.
It is envisaged that such a platform will be underpinned by existing CEH models. The market feasibility study will identify relevant industry sectors eg., insurance and or civil engineering and identify how investment decisions are currently triaged and evaluated for risk.
Planned Impact
The market feasibility study will inform the commercialisation of CEH models and services
People |
Nick Wells (Principal Investigator) |
Description | The market review and stakeholder engagement identified three sets of recommendations for consideration: the first relating to existing Geographic Information Systems and research markets; the second relating to the emerging Geo-Analytical Imaging market; the third relating to an overall strategic approach to enable CEH to achieve its objectives. These generic recommendations are highlighted without detail, given the commercial sensitivities regarding the specific conclusions. |
Exploitation Route | The opportunity evaluated related specifically to CEH's research commercialization through licensing and service development, and as such is treated as commercial in confidence. Nevertheless a clear limitation was identified, and opportunities identified, in regard to ensuring solutions focused on addressing specific questions rather than 'pushing pixels'. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Environment |