Experimental coevolution in microbial communities

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Biosciences


Coevolution is believed to be ubiquitous and have profound impacts on evolutionary and ecological processes. However, our understanding of coevolution is primarily derived from highly specialised pairwise interactions, such as hosts and parasites and plants and pollinators. Yet it is clear that species exist in complex communities, where they interact with multiple competing species. We currently have little idea as to how coevolution proceeds in these complex communities, or the resultant consequences of coevolution. We have developed a stable multi-species microbial system which we will use to experimentally determine how community diversity affects coevolution and its consequences, using a combination of phenotypic and 'omic techniques. We will test specific hypotheses generated from novel theory developed in parallel with the experimental work.


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Title Annotated R Code for Figure 3 from The three Ts of virulence evolution during zoonotic emergence 
Description There is increasing interest in the role that evolution may play in current and future pandemics, but there is often also considerable confusion about the actual evolutionary predictions. This may be, in part, due to a historical separation of evolutionary and medical fields, but there is a large, somewhat nuanced body of evidence-supported theory on the evolution of infectious disease. In this review, we synthesize this evolutionary theory in order to provide framework for clearer understanding of the key principles. Specifically, we discuss the selection acting on zoonotic pathogens' transmission rates and virulence at spillover and during emergence. We explain how the direction and strength of selection during epidemics of emerging zoonotic disease can be understood by a three Ts framework: trade-offs, transmission and time scales. Virulence and transmission rate may trade-off, but transmission rate is likely to be favoured by selection early in emergence, particularly if maladapted zoonotic pathogens have 'no-cost' transmission rate improving mutations available to them. Additionally, the optimal virulence and transmission rates can shift with the time scale of the epidemic. Predicting pathogen evolution, therefore, depends on understanding both the trade-offs of transmission-improving mutations and the time scales of selection. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Annotated_R_Code_for_Figure_3_from_The_three_Ts_of_virulenc...
Title Annotated R Code for Figure 3 from The three Ts of virulence evolution during zoonotic emergence 
Description There is increasing interest in the role that evolution may play in current and future pandemics, but there is often also considerable confusion about the actual evolutionary predictions. This may be, in part, due to a historical separation of evolutionary and medical fields, but there is a large, somewhat nuanced body of evidence-supported theory on the evolution of infectious disease. In this review, we synthesize this evolutionary theory in order to provide framework for clearer understanding of the key principles. Specifically, we discuss the selection acting on zoonotic pathogens' transmission rates and virulence at spillover and during emergence. We explain how the direction and strength of selection during epidemics of emerging zoonotic disease can be understood by a three Ts framework: trade-offs, transmission and time scales. Virulence and transmission rate may trade-off, but transmission rate is likely to be favoured by selection early in emergence, particularly if maladapted zoonotic pathogens have 'no-cost' transmission rate improving mutations available to them. Additionally, the optimal virulence and transmission rates can shift with the time scale of the epidemic. Predicting pathogen evolution, therefore, depends on understanding both the trade-offs of transmission-improving mutations and the time scales of selection. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Annotated_R_Code_for_Figure_3_from_The_three_Ts_of_virulenc...
Title Data and Models (version 1) 
Description This archive contains the following: a) Phage Susceptibility - a folder containing the scripts and data for MCMCglmms investigating the role of host phylogeny in the susceptibility of Staphylococcus to a bacteriophage, ISP. b) Leave One Out Cross Validation - a folder containing the scripts and data for MCMCglmm leave-one-out cross-validation where the ability of the model to predict the susceptibility of an unknown host based on the susceptibility of its neighbours and their phylogenetic relatedness is tested. The complete phylogeny for the 64 Staphylococcus strains can be found in either folder and is called: Staph_Phylogeny.nwk 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Data_and_Models_version_1_/21642209