Assigning economic value to biodiversity: the promise and perils of biodiversity credits

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Current and recent legislation in the UK, EU and elsewhere in the world is introducing greater requirements for organisations of many types to report about the effects of their activities on both carbon and nature. There is also rapidly increasing interest in the private sector in nature conservation as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR), positive publicity and generally 'doing the right thing'. These trends, along with various natural capital impact assessment schemes being developed, are almost certain to create a large demand for biodiversity credits within the next two years. Biodiversity credits, as with carbon credits, assign investable and tradeable economic value to biodiversity, for example allowing a landowner to raise finance (based on forecast biodiversity improvement) to fund nature conservation on her land. The 2021 Conservation Finance report of the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation shows a very rapid growth in private sector funding: from US$2 billion in 2016 to $18 billion in 2020. Remarkably, this report concludes that the rate of growth could be considerably higher, but is being held back by the lack of appropriate methods for quantifying biodiversity. This crucial, rapidly developing topic that is fundamental to the economics of biodiversity has, to our knowledge, not yet been the subject of an attempt at synthesis. Our overarching aim is therefore to provide a synthesis of existing methods to quantify biodiversity for potential use in biodiversity valuation and trading.

We have co-designed the proposed research with a group of stakeholders (led by the project's Consultant) that is currently developing a biodiversity credit standard. Our stakeholder group has met in a series of online workshops, with another scheduled later in 2021. They have identified an urgent need for a comprehensive and rigorous review of methods to quantify biodiversity for potential use in biodiversity valuation and trading; this currently does not exist. Our main aim is to fill this gap, in a timely manner, via a thorough synthesis of the literature, and other materials to communicate the key findings to relevant audiences (beyond journal readership). The review will include how impacts of human activities on biodiversity are currently being quantified, and the role of tradeable biodiversity credits in achieving biodiversity net gain around the world. Thus, we propose to produce rigorous academic underpinning to enable a sound methodology for quantifying biodiversity gain or loss, for use by people who are not biodiversity scientists but are working with, and certifying, biodiversity credits (e.g. investors, regulators, economists).

On the flip side, we have found strong reticence among biodiversity experts to engage with the concept of biodiversity credits. Yet, as outlined above, such credit schemes are already being developed. We argue that there is an urgent need for more biodiversity scientists to engage with economists to develop biodiversity credit schemes, to ensure they are fit for purpose. To stimulate this, we will provide an assessment of the merits and potential dangers of biodiversity credit schemes, targeting a readership of biodiversity scientists. This will be in the form of a short, punchy opinion or perspective-style piece in a high-profile journal.

To achieve these aims, we will employ a research assistant for 3 months, to do systematic, repeatable searches of academic and 'grey' literature, to compile our evidence base and help with our synthesis. The project team will meet online (no cost) with key players in our stakeholder group at the start of the project, to introduce the research assistant to them, share details on the latest developments and finalise the details of the literature searching process. The project will conclude with a virtual workshop to feed the results back to the stakeholder group.


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Description As specified in the funding call ('Economics of Biodiversity'), this small, 3-month project was about synthesising literature on a topic related to the economics of biodiversity. Ours focused on evaluating methods to quantify biodiversity for potential use in biodiversity valuation and trading. This was no easy task because new proposed methods were - and still are - appearing all the time (count as of March 2024 is 37). We employed two research assistants, one for each of two papers:
1. Technological solutions for biodiversity measurement
2. Biodiversity measurement methods for biodiversity credits

For paper 1, we searched the literature for methods to measure biodiversity metrics that centre on technological solutions. We critically assess the most pertinent of these methods with respect to the following criteria - the extent to which they:
• Satisfy 'GRADES' criteria - be Granular (achieve high spatial and taxonomic resolution), Repeatable (allow frequent updated measurements), Auditable, Direct (based on species detections not proxies), Efficient and Simple-to-understand.
• Minimise biases
• Go beyond the capabilities of more traditional monitoring techniques. This 'additionality' can be in the form of collecting data of increased taxonomic resolution, increased spatial extent and temporal cover, or through measures of ecosystem health that are unattainable from more traditional methods.

Our paper concluded that technological solutions for biodiversity assessments are generally preferred due to their additionality, ability to be audited, efficiency, repeatability and being on the whole less invasive than traditional techniques. Importantly, they are also scalable to meet the future demands of private sector-funded biodiversity assessments. These techniques do come with costs and so their suitability may depend on the aims of the projects. For example, satellite remote sensing may be favoured for scalability and efficiency over traditional techniques when direct data on species abundance are not a priority for the project - they can give quickly attained information on the health of the ecosystem over large extents. Technological sampling methods are often found to be complementary to more traditional techniques, so combined approaches may be optimal while these technologies and their practices are further developed. These technology-based techniques and the automation of workflows will undoubtedly improve drastically over coming decades, and their use in data collection now could be invaluable to provide the best available data long-term.

We submitted the paper to a leading journal, and have now been encouraged to resubmit it after major revisions. The review process determined that there is a strong need for this paper, but the reviewers want us to be more comprehensive (despite the limited word allowance). We are revising it now. Another issue concerns the 'GRADES' criteria that we used for evaluating biodiversity monitoring methods, which had recently been published in a pre-print paper by another group. The final version of that paper, published in Nature Communications, no longer used the acronym GRADES, and modified the criteria somewhat. So we are now considering how to adapt and improve the criteria, making them fit for purpose for the current landscape. We hope the resulting scheme will be useful for the wider community, and may be widely adopted. Certainly there is a lot of demand for the synthesis that we provide with this work. We expect to resubmit the paper in late spring 2024.

Paper 2 suffered a setback in that the research assistant, having nearly finished a first draft, suddenly quite to take up a position in Antarctica (and out of contact) for a number of years. The work done for this manuscript has, however, been very useful in work done in follow-on projects for which we have received NERC and NERC/ESRC funding, including for leading international working groups on biodiversity credits. We are updating the research and pursuing it further via the other awards that have followed from this one (NE/X00208X/1 and NE/X00158X/1). Thus we will report the final outcome via one or both of those awards.
Exploitation Route Both pieces of synthesis research are underlying and informing our continuing activities in this area, which are very intensive and involve further UKRI-funded projects (NE/X00208X/1, NE/X00158X/1, NE/X016315/1 and NE/Z503368/1) as well as key international working groups. We hope that our paper on technological solutions will be widely used to inform policy and practice, especially for monitoring biodiversity for financing biodiversity conservation and restoration. We also hope, as noted in the explanation for non-specialists, that our modification of the 'GRADES' criteria may become influential and well cited.
Sectors Environment

Financial Services

and Management Consultancy

Description The findings, even only in summary form (before publication as papers in journals) have been influencing discussions in working groups and workshops on biodiversity credits and biodiversity finance.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Environment,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy
Impact Types Economic

Description Developing a new co-designed decision support tool for biodiversity credits and investment
Amount £1,018,759 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/X00208X/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2022 
End 08/2026
Description Knowledge Exchange Fellowship to bring biodiversity science expertise to developing the first biodiversity credit standard
Amount £152,631 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/X00158X/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 08/2025
Description Plan Vivo working groups 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This project led directly to my (the PI's) participation in working groups on biodiversity credits and associated methodology development that were led by Plan Vivo, a Scottish charity and standard setter that has been active in the carbon credits market for 25 years. This activity is ongoing because I am now part of Plan Vivo's Technical Advisory Group on project applications for biodiversity credits (or 'nature certificates').
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023