Novel insights into the Northeast Winter Monsoon

Lead Research Organisation: Northumbria University
Department Name: Fac of Engineering and Environment


Some of the most productive agricultural regions in the world are in Southern and Eastern Asia. This high organic productivity is sustained by the seasonal reversal of the winds in the tropics: the summer and winter monsoons. Because monsoon winds bring much of the yearly rainfall, they are critical to the survival of billions of people. For example, more than 85% of the world's rice is grown in the Asian Monsoon region, which also hosts more than 50% of the world's population. Monsoonal circulation is also one of the main ways heat is transported across the globe, and therefore affects all parts of the climate system. Numerous studies have focused on the Asian Summer Monsoon, but our knowledge of the Asian Winter Monsoon has significant gaps which we aim to address here.

Studying the monsoon requires data that document how parameters such as rainfall and temperature change in space and time. However, instrumental data are only available in most cases for the last 100 years or so. This is not sufficient to record the full range of possible patterns and changes. To go beyond the instrumental record, we need to find natural recorders of climate change. The past and present variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon has been well characterized using numerous observational, palaeoclimatological and modelling studies. However, we know much less about the Asian Winter Monsoon which is poorly represented in the climate models used by the IPCC, and its past variability is only loosely constrained by palaeoclimate proxies. Therefore, there is a significant knowledge gap in our understanding of the winter monsoon which limits our ability to evaluate future trajectories of rainfall variability in places which are highly dependent on the winter monsoon rain, such as Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India or the Philippines.

Stalagmite-based reconstructions of past rainfall variability in the tropics have transformed our understanding of summer monsoon dynamics and its links to global climate. We propose to use the strengths of cave stalagmites as climate archives in Central Vietnam where ~75% of annual precipitation is controlled by the Asian Winter Monsoon. Our preliminary work has identified speleothems in this region which grew over the last 40,000 years. This will allow us to determine the drivers and magnitude of changes winter monsoon under conditions similar to modern and under a background climate state very different to today's.

We will use 2 independent methods to reconstruct changes in rainfall and temperature.
1. Carbon isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios which we demonstrated that they are directly related to the amount of water infiltrating into the cave from the surface.
2. A new biomarker proxy pioneered by co-I Bendle and his collaborators which can be used to deconvolve temperature and hydrology from individual stalagmites.

Using these methods, we will:
1. Provide the missing data needed to close the knowledge gap identified we identified here, and transforms our ability to test the winter monsoon representation in models used by IPCC to forecast future climate changes. This is one of the most robust ways to improve confidence in model forecasts of winter monsoon response to human-induced climate forcing.
2. Provide added value to decision and policy makers, who are responsible for navigating future changes in agricultural production and geohazards in the region. Our experienced local partners in Vietnam will make the link between our findings and central and regional authorities in Vietnam, permitting our next proposal to be co-produced with them and closely suited to their needs.
3. Enhancing the UK research footprint in a country that will to be one of the top 20 global economies by 2050. Our engagement with local scientists and authorities sets the foundations for long-term collaborative research which will benefit both the UK and Vietnam.


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publication icon
Patterson EW (2023) Glacial changes in sea level modulated millennial-scale variability of Southeast Asian autumn monsoon rainfall. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Description The goal of this project was to obtain the preliminary data needed to provide robust records of climate variability in Vietnam during the geological past. We found that during the last ice age changes in regional sea level drove significant shifts in rainfall and we identified a susceptibility of the SE Asian monsoon to abrupt climate change. Furthermore, we have deconvolved the evolution of the summer and winter monsoons in Asia and separated regional and local climate variability.This is important as palaeoclimate data can be used together with climate models to provide an improved understanding of climate changes in Vietnam, and Southeast Asia more broadly. We have also obtained uranium-series dates for 19 new cave speleothems on a north-south transect across Vietnam. These speleothems have growth periods from modern to more than 200,000 years ago, and cover critical periods in the climatic evolution of the planet such as the transitions from glacial to interglacial periods, full glacial conditions, and the last 10,000 years. These time intervals are crucial for understanding how regional climate dynamics respond to and influence global climate signals under conditions similar to or very different to modern climate. Our future efforts will focus on speleothems which have the smallest age uncertainties and show promise for the organic biomarker extraction to yield clear insights into past environmental changes. We will supplement this high-resolution work with evidence from cave sedimentary deposits obtained as part of this grant. Caves act as traps for sediments deposits which will complement the stalagmite approaches.These proxies, when combined with high-resolution geochemical data, will enable us to provide further reconstructions of past monsoon intensity and to better anticipate future hydrological variations.
Exploitation Route Our research outcomes present a multitude of forward paths for both academic and non-academic users. Within academia, climatologists and geoscientists can leverage our robust speleothem records and uranium-series dating to refine regional climate models for the historical context of Southeast Asia's monsoon patterns. This can influence ongoing climate research, encouraging interdisciplinary studies in palaeoclimatology and supporting research in archaeology and anthropology by providing insights into human-environment interactions over millennia.

Non-academic applications may include government and development agencies harnessing this data to craft informed policies for water resource management, agriculture, and disaster prevention, particularly in light of predicted climate shifts. Enhanced monsoon models may be used by environmental NGOs to advocate for sustainable practices and educate communities potentially affected by changes in precipitation patterns.

Furthermore, the natural progression could involve collaboration with technology companies specialising in data analysis and climate simulations, aiming to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical technological solutions. As we continue refining our findings, communicating through open-access platforms and engaging with educational outreach, we will invite others to contribute to and evolve the project, including educators, policy makers, activists, and citizen scientists alike.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice

Description JSPS Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term)
Amount ¥996,000 (JPY)
Funding ID S24048 
Organisation Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 
Sector Public
Country Japan
Start 03/2024 
End 05/2024
Description National Training Centre, VINATOM 
Organisation Vietnam Atomic Energy Instiute
Country Viet Nam 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Training into sampling waters and speleothems and isotopic analyses of these materials.
Collaborator Contribution Provided advice about cave locations, provided samples already collected, provided fieldwork support and logistics.
Impact DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-41373-9
Start Year 2023
Description University of Southampton Geochemistry Group 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provided speleothem samples from Vietnam which will be used to reconstruct climate changes in SE Asia.
Collaborator Contribution Provided discounted access to state-of-the-art geochemical analysis instrumentation, as well as developed methods and standards for measuring the geochemical variability of speleothems from Vietnam in high resolution.
Impact We are still at the initial stages of this partnership and new data are still generated.
Start Year 2023
Description Photography Outreach 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We initiated a collaboration with Dr Mark Kasumovic, an award-winning Canadian artist and academic based in the UK (De Monfort University). He investigates the relationships between technology and knowledge production within the context of scientific research and accompanied our team in Vietnam in 2023. In addition to recording materials for his own art project, Mark took a series of fieldwork photos which can be seen via this link:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023