Co-creating and applying a theory of change for biodiversity credits - towards a nature-positive future

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Our main aim is to deliver integration between the financial sector and biodiversity by adapting and implementing the innovations we are developing with current UKRI-funded projects on the 'economics of biodiversity'. These innovations started with developing a method to quantify biodiversity that is appropriate for use in biodiversity valuation and trading, and thus in biodiversity credit standards. We now propose to take the next step in developing tools and best-practice guidelines for (a) landowners and stewards to use when developing biodiversity projects for which biodiversity credits are sought, (b) assessors of biodiversity change (private knowledge providers, consultancies or universities) to consider when measuring biodiversity on behalf of either the landowners or the finance industry, (c) the finance industry to use when assessing applications for biodiversity credits, (d) investors to use when looking to invest in biodiversity.

This work has been co-designed from the start. Indeed, it is led by stakeholder needs, with strong encouragement from the finance sector. In developing biodiversity measurements for biodiversity credits, we are working closely with Plan Vivo (a UK charity and the longest-standing carbon credit issuer; see Beneficiaries) and Gold Standard (2300 carbon credit projects in 98+ countries). We have a wide non-academic network involved beyond that, from all relevant sectors (a) to (d) above. With the current proposal, we aim to extend the network further and take the next crucial steps to position this UK-led innovation as key in the global standard of biodiversity credits. This is timely given the explosion of interest in private investment in biodiversity (triggered by new regulatory and reporting requirements for biodiversity net gain and a nature positive future) combined with a lack of appropriate biodiversity finance tools. Whilst our main focus is on the UK, we will ensure that the investment NERC and ESRC have made in our biodiversity credits work in the UK is aligned with the key global developments in that area. This aim is aided by the appointment in August 2022 of the project's PI to the World Economic Forum's Biodiversity Credit Working Group and its 'Pilot' sub-committee.

We will adopt a 'theory of change'-based approach, meaning that we will explicitly develop and agree intended outcomes and assumptions, connect the outcomes to steps required to achieve them, determine appropriate indicators of change, and identify interventions needed that are not already planned - all co-created with stakeholders. To achieve as optimal a framework as possible, removing unnecessary complexity and thereby reducing risk of failure, we will employ state-of-the-art project management tools. The key funded activities will involve working groups (primarily online, to maximise participation), co-developing our theory of change with representatives of all relevant stakeholder groups. In addition, early on we will have a full-day in-person workshop with key partners to develop the tools and approaches for these online workshops, including developing a framework for the theory of change, plus an in-person wrap-up meeting. Further, we aim to have an interactive website with a set of webinars, and a social media presence, to improve understanding of the principles of, and need for, biodiversity credits for non-experts. Thus, we will ensure the innovations that NERC and ESRC are funding are functional and taken up by relevant stakeholders.

Ultimately, we aim to deliver a framework for tradable biodiversity credits, developed by UK science in partnership with industry, to allow the release of private finance for biodiversity conservation nationally and globally. This is necessary if we are to have any hope of closing the $600-800 billion a year funding shortfall identified by the Global Biodiversity Framework, relative to what is needed to meet the targets for slowing extinction rates.


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Description The most significant event within this award was a Theory of Change workshop, which we held in Zurich in January 2024, jointly between our project and the Biodiversity Credit Alliance (see As noted in our original proposal, our project had been co-designed from the start, with a set of stakeholder organisations. For much of the first part of the project, the principal investigator of the project (Prof. Field) attended a lot of online forums, meetings with key stakeholders, etc. He (representing the University of Nottingham) is a founder member of the Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA), which in itself stems in part from this award. The BCA also includes Plan Vivo and some of the other key stakeholders with whom we originally designed the project. More recently, co-investigator Dr Schrodt has joined the BCA Task Force, and we have been working on the Theory of Change together. In the January workshop, we significantly advanced the Theory of Change, jointly with the BCA.
(The workshop was held in Zurich because most members of the BCA Task Force, including Prof. Field, were going to be in Davos anyway for the World Economic Forum, so we organised the workshop in the cheaper setting of Zurich, just 2 hours by train from Davos, for the two days before the main biodiversity credits event in Davos, which was 17th January.)

A key development associated with our work with the BCA concerns the Communities Advisory Panel, which has been set up to ensure that Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities are fundamentally involved with the design and development of the biodiversity credits markets. This panel currently comprises around 30 Indigenous Peoples' representatives from all around the world. The project funded its Chair and one of its other members to attend the Zurich workshop, and the Chair to then visit Nottingham to talk to our project team, and to attend the Programme conference that we organised in Nottingham at the end of January. We maintain close links with her, and with the International Institute for Environment and Development, who set up the Panel.

At the end of 2023, Field and Schrodt were invited to be technical leads of the 'Measurement' working group of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB), partly as a result of this award (also resulting from NE/X00208X/1 and NE/X00158X/1). The IAPB is the result of high-level liaison between the UK and French governments. We had our first IAPB meetings in early 2024, and have the first in-person meeting on 14th March 2024. This involves further work on our Theory of Change for a high-integrity biodiversity credit market. These ongoing initiatives are very important legacies of the project (see section on going forward, below).

Finally, during the project, Field and Schrodt also joined the Co-ordination Function for the NERC Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Programme (i.e. the programme under which this project was funded). This led to the Programme conference being in Nottingham (also because Field is part of the Co-ordination Function for the NERC/ESRC Economics of Biodiversity programme). As part of the Co-ordination Function, we worked with NERC to co-design Phase II of the programme and to develop the Phase II project that has now been funded (NE/Z503368/1). This will continue and broaden the work we have started in the Phase I project - another important legacy - particularly in the Flagship on biodiversity finance (led by Field), and also in the Theme on data, tools and metrics (led by Schrodt).
Exploitation Route As noted in the explanation for non-specialists, above, our Theory of Change is still evolving, and is now forming the basis of ongoing work in Phase II of the NERC programme (which has a remit for biodiversity finance more generally than biodiversity credits) and the work of both the Biodiversity Credit Alliance and the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits. Prof. Field is also in the World Economic Forum's Biodiversity Credits Working Group, which also liaises with the BCA and the IAPB. These are (currently, at least) the main agenda-setting working groups for the nascent biodiversity credit markets. Thus our theory of change is set to help fundamentally define the emerging market, but it is currently too early to know just how influential it will be. Further, the link that we have formed with the Chair of the Communities Advisory Panel has led to further funding applications, which focus in particular on governance in the biodiversity finance space.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Financial Services

and Management Consultancy


Democracy and Justice

Description We have been heavily involved in international working groups on biodiversity credits and biodiversity finance more widely. The main groups involved are the Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA), the World Economic Forum Biodiversity Credits Working Group (WEF), and the UK and French government initiated International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB). We co-designed and co-ran a workshop in Zurich in January 2024 with the Task Force of the BCA. In October 2023, Prof. Field presented the opening plenary talk of the Joint WEF-BCA workstream on biodiversity measurement. In late 2023, Prof. Field and Dr Schrodt were invited to be technical leads of the IAPB's workstream on biodiversity measurement, starting in this role in 2024. These roles - and this usage of our research - continue into the new funding that is Phase II of this NERC programme.
Sector Environment,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy
Impact Types Economic

Description International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Integrating Finance and Biodiversity for a Nature Positive Future
Amount £3,021,258 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/Z503368/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2024 
End 03/2026
Company Name Biodiversity Futures Initiative Ltd 
Year Established 2023 
Impact The company is only recently established and has received its first few proposals and claims to review. These are being done by the directors, to establish processes and principles. We have around 60 biodiversity experts from around the world who are signed up and ready to receive claims to review, if and when more come in.
Description International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This is a high-level working group that has emerged from a UK-France governmental liaison. It operates as an independent and global initiative, bringing together expertise from all sectors, governments and IPLCs, and building upon existing initiatives to help significantly increase investment through high integrity nature markets. Prof. Field (PI) and Dr Schrodt (Co-I) are joint technical lead for the 'Measurement' workstream, which focuses on measuring biodiversity for this purpose - directly informed by our current NERC projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description Invited presentation to the joint WEF/BCA Joint Workshop on Metrics and Measurement 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact PI Prof. Richard Field was invited to give the opening presentation for this, the first in a series of joint World Economic Forum-Biodiversity Credit Alliance workshops on biodiversity metrics and measurement, on 26th October 2023. The intention was to outline the current state of the art and steer discussion towards what was needed for the future. It was very well received, and attended by well over a hundred stakeholder organisations. It led to Prof. Field being contacted by a lot of interested parties, including an Indigenous People leader from South Africa, who has now applied to do a PhD at Nottingham on governance within biodiversity finance markets, as well as increasing links with the International Institute for Environment and Development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Joint NERC/ESRC programme conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact We organised and ran a conference for two UKRI programmes: NERC Integrating Finance and Biodiversity for a Nature Positive Future (29-30 January 2024) and NERC/ESRC Economics of Biodiversity (30-31 January 2024). This was part of the 'Co-ordination Function' aspects of our projects in both programmes. The conference was attended by PIs, Co-Is and post-docs from the projects funded by the two programmes, as well as representatives from NERC and ESRC, an Indigenous People leader from South Africa, representatives from National Trust, International Institute for Environment and Development and other third sector organisations, and some PhD students. The first and last days brought projects within each programme together, while the middle day brought the two programmes together. In addition, the side conversations have already led to new collaboration and visibility for the funded research. In addition to the URL given below (which is most relevant to the NERC/ESRC Economics of Biodiversity programme), the one most relevant URL to the NERC Integrating Finance and Biodiversity programme is
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Joint workshop with the Biodiversity Credit Alliance 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact We organised and ran, jointly with the Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA), an in-person Theory of Change Workshop in Zurich. This brought together our project and the BCA Task Force, focusing on achieving a high-integrity biodiversity credit market. The outcomes have been communicated to the BCA Forum, which includes more than 300 stakeholder organisations, and on LinkedIn ( - a page with more than 2500 followers. The workshop has directly informed plans for the Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Phase II project (, as well as the BCA itself and the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description World Economic Forum, Davos meeting 2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact On 17 January 2024, PI Prof. Richard Field attended the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. He first participated in the invitation-only Biodiversity Credits event in the Earth room of the SDG Tent (~300 participants) and then chaired a session "Navigating the high-quality carbon ecosystem restoration market" at a side event in Davos (~50 participants). Both events were stimulating and provide pointers for developing biodiversity finance markets.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024