Cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Cambridge
Department Name: Vice-Chancellor's Office
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
People |
Anne Ferguson-Smith (Principal Investigator) |
Description | This award has supported ten discipline hopping activities across the University, reviewed and assessed under the oversight of a cross-disciplinary Steering Committee of senior academics. Applications were assessed based on the alignment with the aims of this grant, added value and potential for interdisciplinarity and impact, also considering the diversity of activities and career stages supported as well as equality, diversity and inclusion. Selected activities included workshops and meetings with external stakeholders, and specific opportunities such as shadowing and experiencing other research areas, involving an impressive diversity of disciplines and mobilising over 200 participants across a wide range of academic career stages, and around 20 industry, NGO and government partners, both in the UK and abroad. There is good evidence of capacity building, and also the appetite of researchers from diverse fields to work in creative ways, slowing breaking down the common institutional/ subject-area barriers. The areas of impact have been diverse, with different types of interdisciplinary working as well as the creation of new opportunities- whether that be on-going research collaborations, pledges to coordinate on grant applications, or even on-going projects funded directly by industry. |
Exploitation Route | Further funding to develop the activities seeded by this grant. |
Sectors | Chemicals Communities and Social Services/Policy Construction Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Energy Environment Financial Services and Management Consultancy Healthcare Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Transport |