Maximising science-to-policy outcomes from NERC funded ocean acidification research

Lead Research Organisation: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Department Name: Plymouth Marine Lab


Ocean acidification (OA) is a relatively newly described process that refers to major changes to the ocean's chemistry, mainly caused by ocean uptake of human produced emissions of CO2 to the atmospheric. OA poses substantial risks to all marine ecosystems through the impacts on the physiology, behaviour, and population dynamics of individual species.

OA research has grown substantially over the last 5 years with investigations across many disciplines. The complexity of experiments and approaches has also grown as scientists have aimed at a better understanding of future impacts for ecosystems and society. Initially experiments were simple and short term and only addressed effects of OA. However, other ocean stressors act at the same time as OA, such as ocean warming and deoxygenation and sea level rise. Now investigations are more complex looking at effects from multiple stressors over longer time scales, some manipulate whole ecosystems, others look at adaptation potential, others investigate similar events in the geological record, others look at the potential socio economic consequences while global and regional modelling project what the ocean chemistry will be like in the future under different CO2 emissions scenarios.

The product of these wide ranging studies published in the scientific literature is an increasing awareness that there is a broad variety of sensitivities and often complex responses amongst organisms but that overall marine ecosystems are highly likely to change in the future. The degree of change will depend on society's actions to reduce CO2 emissions. Such actions are discussed and negotiated at the UNFCCC COPs. It is therefore important that that the effects of CO2 emissions on the ocean, its ecosystems and societies that depend on them are part of the discussion.

The synthesis of all this rapidly growing, often complex multidisciplinary, information can be difficult for non-scientists to assess. It is therefore essential to communicate the latest research in context of the full literature in an understandable form for policy makers and other stakeholders. This is the aim of this proposed fellowship. To do this well, to fill the science-policy gap, one must have the trust of both scientists and policy makers and an understanding of the science as well as the policy need. I am fortunate enough to have developed such trust and understanding over the last 10 years.

I will liaise, through emails and meetings, with scientists on forthcoming research publications and contribute to their analyses of how to gain enhanced impact of their NERC funded science. I will analyse, interpret and synthesise evidence on OA and other ocean stressors and brief UK Government Departments on the latest findings and set these within a global context. I will provide advice on the quality and relevance of evidence as well as give rapid, ad-hoc advice on specific issues when required. I will also brief and advise other non-governmental stakeholders of the latest scientific evidence.
I will also collaborate with other national research programmes and institutions to ensure the knowledge gained by all nations' programmes are effectively and jointly communicated to national and international policy makers. This will be achieved through attendance at their programme meetings and via email communication. I will work with international OA networks and centres (OA-ICC, OAiRUG, GOA-ON), to foster coordination and collaboration of new scientific research, and to enhance understanding and knowledge exchange with policy makers. In collaboration with the OAiRUG, I will organise a UK science-policy workshop, of key research scientists and stakeholders.

In collaboration with other scientists, from the UK and other nations, I will communicate the findings at least annually to UN bodies, including the UNFCCC, and to the delegates during the key annual climate change negotiations so that informed decision making can be made.



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publication icon
Lacoue-Labarthe T (2016) Impacts of ocean acidification in a warming Mediterranean Sea: An overview in Regional Studies in Marine Science

publication icon
Turley C (2017) Oceans of Impact

Description I have developed and implemented a KE strategy at the highest level in the UK (e.g. through working with Defra, BEIS and FCO), internationally (e.g. other programmes in US, Germany, Commonwealth, African countries) and at the intergovernmental level (WMO, IPCC, CBD, UNFCCC, UNGA). All aspects of the KE Fellowship were successfully completed.
Exploitation Route Currently, Defra and BEIS are taking some of these findings forward through funding activities at UNFCCC COPs and Defra has committed to fund the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network hub for the NE Atlantic at PML.

The Sustainable Development Goals have a goal for ocean acidification (SDG14.3) with numerous commitments from around the world (including PML).

Following the UNFCCC Paris Agreement (and the inclusion of the ocean for the first time) the IPCC was called upon and agreed to have a Special Report on the Ocean, Cryosphere and Climate (SROCC). I was a member of the Scoping Meeting for SROCC and am now a Review Editor for SROCC due to be published in late 2019.

The Commonwealth Blue Charter includes ocean acidification and a Commonwealth OA Action Group has been led by New Zealand which held its first meeting in February 2019. I led the OA exhibition at the Commonwealth Summit Ocean meeting (2018).
Sectors Education



Democracy and Justice

Description This NERC Open KE Fellowship is aimed at bringing the science findings of ocean acidification, warming, deoxygenation, including that funded by NERC (e.g. UKOA) to national and international policy makers. Nationally, this involved briefing Government Departments, giving written and verbal evidence to the MPs STC enquiry into ocean acidification and contributing to the authorship of a number of reports aimed at informing UK policy makers (e.g. MCCIP). The fact that there was an enquiry into ocean acidification means that MP's were aware of it and wanted to know more. Ocean issues are becoming more visible on the international (e.g. G7 Ocean initiative) and intergovernmental agenda. For example, the IPCC has began a Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere; an UNCLOS ICP meeting on Ocean Stressors will occur this May at the UN; the US State Department held a high level Our Ocean Conference; the Ocean and it ecosystems are in the UN Paris Agreement, there was the first UN Ocean Action Day at the UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakech (I participated in this, as mentioned in detail in the key finding and was co-author of the Strategic Action Roadmap on Oceans and Climate launched during the day), the UN Sustainable Developing Goal on the Ocean (#14) had its PrepCom meeting in February (I enabled and briefed another PML scientists to attend) and I will attend the implementation meeting in June at the UN in New York. I have been invited to become a member of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Informal Preparatory Working Group 3 (IPWG3) - "Climate change, ocean acidification and impact reduction on marine biodiversity and ecosystems" in recognition of the impact that I have had to the development of STG 14. I enabled a number of successful side events at the UNFCCC COP in Marrakech in 2016 through numerous collaborations with other scientific organisations, often taking the leadership but always guiding and enabling others in the process and helping other scientists value the benefits of knowledge exchange. This included a female scientist from Egypt who fought adversary to apply for and hold a side event on ocean change around African waters. Her national delegates attended the event and saw the elevation Egypt received from the side event and are now actively embracing the process. I also encouraged, mentored and facilitated the participation of students and mature scientists (from UK, Africa, France, Germany) to participate in side events and engage delegates at the exhibition stands. Their energy and enthusiasm was magnetic to the delegates and the feedback they got was very positive, several want to repeat the process and engage once more at this very high level. We have a new generation of scientists that understand the importance of KE! The rising profile of the Ocean can also be seen in the increased interest by major media channels (e.g. Reuters and BBC) in developing programmes or extensive news stories and I have been pleased to help them do so. This including signposting them to scientific experts (some previously funded by UKOA). My invitation, by the Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI), funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation to give a keynote on science -policy KE and have further in depth discussions and follow up advice is further evidence of broader impact success of UKs approach to KE on ocean stressors. I believe that I have played a role in continuing to raise the Ocean's profile. This impact continue in 2017-18 with major events organised at the Commonwealth Summit (2018) and the UNFCCC COPs in Bonn (2017) and in Poland (2018), including Ministerial attendance and participation in these key ocean events organised by PML. I have also contributed to the Author Team for the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere as it progresses towards completion later in 2019.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Agriculture, Food and Drink,Education,Environment,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Government, Democracy and Justice,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description Chair of the Ocean Acidification-International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC, IAEA) Advisory Board
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The Ocean Acidification-International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC, IAEA) Advisory Board, Monaco advices the OA-ICC on its strategy to improve environmental sustainability through encouraging and training monitoring of ocean acidification across the world and communicating the issue to the public and policy makers
Description Global Ocean Forum
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact I was an expert member of The Global Ocean Forum which organised Oceans Day at COP21. This was enormously successful with high level delegates (e.g. Presidents, Ambassadors, Princes and Heads of UN bodies) speaking. I coordinated a panel session which included myself, Sir David King (the UK Foreign Secretary's Special Representative for Climate Change); L-R Angus Friday (Ambassador of Grenada to the US); Yuriko Koike (Member, House of Representatives, Japan); Michel Jarraud, (Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization) and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, (Executive Secretary, CBD Secretariat). I also lead the authorship of the science section of the policy document produced by the GOF.
Description MP Caroline Lucus
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Impact I gave advice to the MP on impacts of climate change on the ocean. She asked a Parliamentary Question in the House of Commons just prior to the UNFCCC COP21 negotiations in Paris. This raised the issue in Government prior to this important negotiation.
Description Member of the German BIOACID Ocean Acidification Programme International Scientific Advisory Committee
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Member of the IOC and GEF TWAP-LME and open ocean working group for assessing ocean systems
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Member of the USA Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Ocean Acidification subcommittee (OCB-OA)
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The US OCB is a major player in determining direction of US marine research. I am the only non-US member and bring an international dimension to their understanding. This has led to joint publications of the state of marine systems and forward thinking documents on the need for trans-disciplinary research.
Description Multiple Ocean KE activities at UN climate change conference (UNFCCC COP23, Bonn, November 2017)
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The PML Team (C. Turley (CT), T. Keizer and A. Queir?s) participated in the UNFCCC COP23 meeting in Bonn, Germany where they led/contributed to 5 events incl. EU Oceans Day and the UN Oceans Action Day. PML had an exhibition stand, achieved various media outreach including a live broadcast on the WWF Climate Facebook site and PML led/contributed to strategic and informative publications. CT's NERC KE Fellowship was essential in facilitating these activities, including additional support through on-going collaborations with PML, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON and BNP Paribas, for example in staffing of the exhibition stand and the production of policy guides (see CT organised the EU Oceans Day side event, the science panel for UN Oceans Action Day and the UN side event held in the WWF pavilion and each had high level science and policy speakers. The side event she organised in the GB pavilion showcased UK marine science. She also facilitated and mentored young scientists from PML, POGO and BIOACID to engage the delegates at the exhibition stand and one (AQ) to have a speaking role in one side event. Many state and non-state actors announced initiatives for climate action, including the launch of the Ocean Pathway Initiative, to link healthy oceans with climate change action through the UN climate processes.
Description Multiple Ocean action by PML at UN climate change conference (UNFCCC COP22, Marrakech, 6-18 November 2016)
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact PML strongly supported international science-to-policy engagement, particularly through outreach activities at the annual Conference of the Parties (COPs) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). That involvement was maintained via the NERC KE Open Fellowship to Carol Turley for a wide range of 'ocean action' events at COP22, held at Marrakech, 6-18 November 2016. PML organised side events in the Britain is Great Pavilion, the EU pavilion, an official UN side event, an official UN press event and another side event with Egypt in the Civil Society area. PML staff contributed a total of 7talks at 6 side-events, chairing 3 sessions, relating ocean acidification to other stressors and discussing solutions. PML also presenting science evidence and KE information at two exhibition stands (led by PML, and jointly funded by the German BIOACID programme, the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre and the University of Brest). Ocean-related issues were given a relatively high profile at COP22, including a high level UN Ocean Action Event which was, for the first time included within the UN sessions. PML was invited to speak at one of the session during this UN Ocean Action Day on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) session on Blue Economies and Building Resilience to Climate Change, and was an author of the Strategic Action Roadmap on Oceans and Climate launched during the day:
Description Trainer at science communications workshop for BIOACID scientists in Germany
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Defra Marine: COP
Amount £55,000 (GBP)
Funding ID ECM_54339 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 04/2019
Description Maximising science to policy from NERC funded ocean acidification research (extension)
Amount £30,000 (GGP)
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 08/2018
Description AVOID2 FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow. 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change 2(AVOID2) NERC - DECC funded programme by: 1. contributing a section to their report 2. participating in the FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow.
Collaborator Contribution AVOID 2 led the report and DECC and FCO organised the workshop in Russia
Impact AVOID2 is multi-disciplinary consortium coordinated by the UK Met Office and funded by DECC, Defra and NERC. It aims to help provide Government analysts and climate negotiating teams in both the UK and internationally with the scientifically robust and policy relevant science needed to inform their decisions Outputs: 1.The report is available at 2. Presentation on ocean acidification at the Moscow workshop 3. briefing UK and Russian policy makers prior to COP21
Start Year 2015
Description AVOID2 FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow. 
Organisation Department of Energy and Climate Change
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change 2(AVOID2) NERC - DECC funded programme by: 1. contributing a section to their report 2. participating in the FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow.
Collaborator Contribution AVOID 2 led the report and DECC and FCO organised the workshop in Russia
Impact AVOID2 is multi-disciplinary consortium coordinated by the UK Met Office and funded by DECC, Defra and NERC. It aims to help provide Government analysts and climate negotiating teams in both the UK and internationally with the scientifically robust and policy relevant science needed to inform their decisions Outputs: 1.The report is available at 2. Presentation on ocean acidification at the Moscow workshop 3. briefing UK and Russian policy makers prior to COP21
Start Year 2015
Description AVOID2 FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow. 
Organisation Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change 2(AVOID2) NERC - DECC funded programme by: 1. contributing a section to their report 2. participating in the FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow.
Collaborator Contribution AVOID 2 led the report and DECC and FCO organised the workshop in Russia
Impact AVOID2 is multi-disciplinary consortium coordinated by the UK Met Office and funded by DECC, Defra and NERC. It aims to help provide Government analysts and climate negotiating teams in both the UK and internationally with the scientifically robust and policy relevant science needed to inform their decisions Outputs: 1.The report is available at 2. Presentation on ocean acidification at the Moscow workshop 3. briefing UK and Russian policy makers prior to COP21
Start Year 2015
Description AVOID2 FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow. 
Organisation Meteorological Office UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change 2(AVOID2) NERC - DECC funded programme by: 1. contributing a section to their report 2. participating in the FCO and Roshydromet workshop "Climate change: Risks to wellbeing and infrastructure" at the UK Embassy, Moscow.
Collaborator Contribution AVOID 2 led the report and DECC and FCO organised the workshop in Russia
Impact AVOID2 is multi-disciplinary consortium coordinated by the UK Met Office and funded by DECC, Defra and NERC. It aims to help provide Government analysts and climate negotiating teams in both the UK and internationally with the scientifically robust and policy relevant science needed to inform their decisions Outputs: 1.The report is available at 2. Presentation on ocean acidification at the Moscow workshop 3. briefing UK and Russian policy makers prior to COP21
Start Year 2015
Description BIOACIDIII 
Organisation Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Department Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. I sit on the BIOACID (German national ocean acidification programme coordinated by GEOMAR) Science Advisory Board and attend their meeting and advice on their science and review their proposals for funding from the German research funders BMFP 2. I lead the consortium of research programmes and institutes which bring the science of ocean change to UNFCCC COP delegates
Collaborator Contribution 1. part funding for exhibition stands and briefing documents 2. researchers from BIOACID participate in manning the stands
Impact exhibition stands and briefing documents funding for BIOACIDIII for a further 2 years to synthesis the outputs from the first two phases of the programme
Start Year 2009
Description GOA_ON 
Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency
Country Austria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is a bottom-up response by the science community to increase observations of ocean acidification. I helped initiate its development at the early stages through highlighting the need for global development in this area as far back as 2009, participated in workshops developing its strategy, representing the science need at international events (e.g. GEO meeting Geneva, UNFCCC COPs)
Collaborator Contribution The partners help run the GOA-ON website and data synthesis of observations, raise money for funding and raise interest from countries make measurements and to deposit their data and
Impact Increasing input of data, more collaborating nations for long term data collection on ocean acidification, development and agreement of protocols
Start Year 2009
Description GOA_ON 
Organisation National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is a bottom-up response by the science community to increase observations of ocean acidification. I helped initiate its development at the early stages through highlighting the need for global development in this area as far back as 2009, participated in workshops developing its strategy, representing the science need at international events (e.g. GEO meeting Geneva, UNFCCC COPs)
Collaborator Contribution The partners help run the GOA-ON website and data synthesis of observations, raise money for funding and raise interest from countries make measurements and to deposit their data and
Impact Increasing input of data, more collaborating nations for long term data collection on ocean acidification, development and agreement of protocols
Start Year 2009
Description GOA_ON 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council
Department United Kingdom Ocean Acidification
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is a bottom-up response by the science community to increase observations of ocean acidification. I helped initiate its development at the early stages through highlighting the need for global development in this area as far back as 2009, participated in workshops developing its strategy, representing the science need at international events (e.g. GEO meeting Geneva, UNFCCC COPs)
Collaborator Contribution The partners help run the GOA-ON website and data synthesis of observations, raise money for funding and raise interest from countries make measurements and to deposit their data and
Impact Increasing input of data, more collaborating nations for long term data collection on ocean acidification, development and agreement of protocols
Start Year 2009
Description GOA_ON 
Organisation United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Department Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Country Global 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) is a bottom-up response by the science community to increase observations of ocean acidification. I helped initiate its development at the early stages through highlighting the need for global development in this area as far back as 2009, participated in workshops developing its strategy, representing the science need at international events (e.g. GEO meeting Geneva, UNFCCC COPs)
Collaborator Contribution The partners help run the GOA-ON website and data synthesis of observations, raise money for funding and raise interest from countries make measurements and to deposit their data and
Impact Increasing input of data, more collaborating nations for long term data collection on ocean acidification, development and agreement of protocols
Start Year 2009
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation EU-T0
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation EU-T0
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Department Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency
Department Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre
Country Monaco 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council
Department United Kingdom Ocean Acidification
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Department Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description Hot, sour and breathless collaboration 
Organisation University of Santo Tomas
Country Philippines 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Ocean Under Stress Consortium: I have led an international collaboration of ocean researchers and stakeholders which has developed knowledge exchange at key UN events (e.g. UNFCCC COPs and SBSTA, CBD COP, UNCLOS ICP, Rio+20 since 2009). We have organised successful side-events, press events and exhibition stands at the UNFCCC COPs since 2009. These have enabled the scientists to engage delegates and participants for the last 5 years, significantly raising policy-makers' understanding of OA and other ocean stressors. The Ocean Stress Guide produced for policy makers has the support of many international and intergovernmental organisations (see last page of the document:
Collaborator Contribution Each partner contributes to the activities either in money or in kind. In kind activities will include providing scientists to work on the exhibition stands to engage the delegates. Consortium members will also apply for at least one side event at COPs giving a well-targeted outlet for KE material as well as further opportunity to engage delegates. Some consortium members will translate the guide for policy makers into the language of the country where the COP is help, others will help pay for production and printing for the guide and the exhibition stand, others will cover logistics, travel and subsistence costs. Thus the Hot Sour and Breathless: Ocean under stress (available at summary for policy makers is available in a number of languages.
Impact A better understanding of the climate related ocean stressors by UN delegates so much so that for the first time ocean ecosystems have been mentioned in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
Start Year 2011
Description IOC-UNESCO 
Organisation IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature
Country Switzerland 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I was tasked to write the OA ecosystems impacts on chapter and advised on the structure, content and authors of other chapters for an IOC-UNESCO led ocean assessment. We aim to publish the findings this year as a GEF publication and hold associated KE activities. I have also been accredited by IOC representing them and contributed to IOC-UNESCO led side events at UNFCCC COPs (e.g. UNOCEAN side events) and been a member of the science-policy panel at the IOC One Ocean conference in Barcelona. I have advised and collaborated with IUCN on side events they have led at UNFCCC COPs I have written a joint position paper with IOC and IUCN on increasing take up of ocean science by the UN.
Collaborator Contribution The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is leading the thematic assessment of the Open Ocean in a Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF TWAP), the first global-scale assessment of transboundary water systems shared by two or more nations and their associated environmental, political, economic and security interdependencies. Its aim is to improve knowledge for informed decision-making, raise awareness and foster cooperation among all stakeholders. IOC and IUCN have also organised a range of side events at UNFCCC COPs in which I have been invited to participate.
Impact Raised awareness of ocean stressors and their risks to ecosystems and society at UNFCCC through side events and evidence at SBSTAs. Joint policy paper (PML, IOC, IUCN): Herr DK, Isensee K, Harrould-Kolieb E & Turley C (2014). Ocean Acidification: International Policy and Governance Options. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland, 52pp.
Start Year 2009
Description IOC-UNESCO 
Organisation United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Department Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Country Global 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I was tasked to write the OA ecosystems impacts on chapter and advised on the structure, content and authors of other chapters for an IOC-UNESCO led ocean assessment. We aim to publish the findings this year as a GEF publication and hold associated KE activities. I have also been accredited by IOC representing them and contributed to IOC-UNESCO led side events at UNFCCC COPs (e.g. UNOCEAN side events) and been a member of the science-policy panel at the IOC One Ocean conference in Barcelona. I have advised and collaborated with IUCN on side events they have led at UNFCCC COPs I have written a joint position paper with IOC and IUCN on increasing take up of ocean science by the UN.
Collaborator Contribution The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is leading the thematic assessment of the Open Ocean in a Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF TWAP), the first global-scale assessment of transboundary water systems shared by two or more nations and their associated environmental, political, economic and security interdependencies. Its aim is to improve knowledge for informed decision-making, raise awareness and foster cooperation among all stakeholders. IOC and IUCN have also organised a range of side events at UNFCCC COPs in which I have been invited to participate.
Impact Raised awareness of ocean stressors and their risks to ecosystems and society at UNFCCC through side events and evidence at SBSTAs. Joint policy paper (PML, IOC, IUCN): Herr DK, Isensee K, Harrould-Kolieb E & Turley C (2014). Ocean Acidification: International Policy and Governance Options. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland, 52pp.
Start Year 2009
Description Mission BlueII 
Organisation National Geographic
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution I participated in the Silvia Earle led National Geographic Mission Blue II Expedition to the coral triangle and was invited to give a TED talk to the 100 VIPs (these included Heads of State, industry and NGOs) and scientists on board. The TED talk has been published on the TED web pages in 2018.
Collaborator Contribution They paid for my participation in the expedition, helped with presentation design, rehearsal and filming and post production of the TED Talk.
Impact TED Talk is in production 6 days on board ship meant I was able to discuss ocean issues with all the VIPs - a captive audience if ever there was one.
Start Year 2015
Description OA-ICC at the IAEA, Monaco 
Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency
Country Austria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I Chair the Advisory Board of the Ocean Acidification - International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC, IAEA, Monaco), other members including representatives of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Future Ocean, Prince Albert I and II of Monaco Foundations, the OAiRUG, as well as leading scientists and economists in the field. This is an important role for the UK, since my participation has been an in-kind UK contribution to the OA-ICC via the Peaceful Use Initiative of the IAEA. I help write the proposal for funding.
Collaborator Contribution The OA-ICC coordinates many international ocean acidification activities, including training and outreach. It provides me funds for 1. training students on policy outreach, 2. material for exhibition stand at UNFCCC COPs and travel to meetings
Impact Policy training for young researchers at the UNFCCC COP19 (Warsaw), COP20 (Lima) and COP21 (Paris) Exhibition stands and other KE products at COP 19, COP20 and COP21 Science-policy (multidisciplinary)
Start Year 2013
Description OAiRUG 
Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency
Country Austria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I attend the stakeholder workshop called the International Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group, I helped gain the funding from the collaborators and was a founding member of the OA-iRUG. I lead aspects of the meetings and provide input and feedback on the summaries for policy makers.
Collaborator Contribution The above collaborators fund the International Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group - of about 50 scientists and stakeholders to ensure the better knowledge exchange of the issue of ocean acidification. Funding supports 3 meeting of the members each year and the publication of summaries for policy makers
Impact Summaries for policy makers on different aspects of ocean acidification
Start Year 2013
Description OAiRUG 
Organisation Prince Albert II Monaco Foundation
Country Monaco 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I attend the stakeholder workshop called the International Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group, I helped gain the funding from the collaborators and was a founding member of the OA-iRUG. I lead aspects of the meetings and provide input and feedback on the summaries for policy makers.
Collaborator Contribution The above collaborators fund the International Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group - of about 50 scientists and stakeholders to ensure the better knowledge exchange of the issue of ocean acidification. Funding supports 3 meeting of the members each year and the publication of summaries for policy makers
Impact Summaries for policy makers on different aspects of ocean acidification
Start Year 2013
Description OCB OA subcommittee 
Organisation National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program Ocean Acidification Subcommittee. OCB is a US interagency body that coordinates major activities of the US Carbon Cycle Science Program and has a particular interest in OA I have been a member for the last 4 years, advising on international OA research, producing joint OCB-UKOA KE publications (OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts), and contributing to defining the formats and agendas of OCB OA meetings, including co-authoring a manuscript on transdisciplinary research in OA.
Collaborator Contribution NOAA and NSF organise the meetings, fund my travel. Members of OCB co-produced the OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts with me and we wrote a paper together.
Impact 1 & 2. Cooley, S., Mathis, J., Yates, K, and Turley, C. (2010 & 12) eds. Frequently Asked Questions about Ocean Acidification. U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program and the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme. Version 2. 24 September. . 3. Joint publication in Oceanography: Yates, K.K., C. Turley, B.M. Hopkinson, A.E. Todgham, J.N. Cross, H. Greening, P. Williamson, R. Van Hooidonk, D.D. Deheyn, and Z. Johnson (2015) Transdisciplinary science: A path to understanding the interactions among ocean acidification, ecosystems, and society. Oceanography 28(2):212-225,
Start Year 2010
Description OCB OA subcommittee 
Organisation National Science Foundation (NSF)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program Ocean Acidification Subcommittee. OCB is a US interagency body that coordinates major activities of the US Carbon Cycle Science Program and has a particular interest in OA I have been a member for the last 4 years, advising on international OA research, producing joint OCB-UKOA KE publications (OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts), and contributing to defining the formats and agendas of OCB OA meetings, including co-authoring a manuscript on transdisciplinary research in OA.
Collaborator Contribution NOAA and NSF organise the meetings, fund my travel. Members of OCB co-produced the OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts with me and we wrote a paper together.
Impact 1 & 2. Cooley, S., Mathis, J., Yates, K, and Turley, C. (2010 & 12) eds. Frequently Asked Questions about Ocean Acidification. U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program and the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme. Version 2. 24 September. . 3. Joint publication in Oceanography: Yates, K.K., C. Turley, B.M. Hopkinson, A.E. Todgham, J.N. Cross, H. Greening, P. Williamson, R. Van Hooidonk, D.D. Deheyn, and Z. Johnson (2015) Transdisciplinary science: A path to understanding the interactions among ocean acidification, ecosystems, and society. Oceanography 28(2):212-225,
Start Year 2010
Description OCB OA subcommittee 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program Ocean Acidification Subcommittee. OCB is a US interagency body that coordinates major activities of the US Carbon Cycle Science Program and has a particular interest in OA I have been a member for the last 4 years, advising on international OA research, producing joint OCB-UKOA KE publications (OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts), and contributing to defining the formats and agendas of OCB OA meetings, including co-authoring a manuscript on transdisciplinary research in OA.
Collaborator Contribution NOAA and NSF organise the meetings, fund my travel. Members of OCB co-produced the OA FAQ and 20 OA Facts with me and we wrote a paper together.
Impact 1 & 2. Cooley, S., Mathis, J., Yates, K, and Turley, C. (2010 & 12) eds. Frequently Asked Questions about Ocean Acidification. U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program and the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme. Version 2. 24 September. . 3. Joint publication in Oceanography: Yates, K.K., C. Turley, B.M. Hopkinson, A.E. Todgham, J.N. Cross, H. Greening, P. Williamson, R. Van Hooidonk, D.D. Deheyn, and Z. Johnson (2015) Transdisciplinary science: A path to understanding the interactions among ocean acidification, ecosystems, and society. Oceanography 28(2):212-225,
Start Year 2010
Description Royal Society - G7 Statement on the Ocean and Climate Updates publication 
Organisation The Royal Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I helped to 1. draft the Ocean statement by invitation of The Royal Society, 2. attend the G7 Academies' Drafting Meeting, Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle and the Federal Chancellery, Berlin in 2015, 3. proof read the final version and provide an update for its further development for wider distribution for 2016.
Collaborator Contribution The partner organised the drafting, the meeting and coordinated the project with other members of the G7 Academies.
Impact The national science academies of the G7 countries, including the Royal Society in the UK, handed three statements (one on the ocean) to their respective governments and to the Chancellor Angela Merkel (the G7 President at that time) for discussion during the G7 summit at Schloss Elmau in early June 2015. The G7 Academies statement: Future of the Ocean: Impact of Human Activities on Marine Systems Multidisciplinary ocean science, diversity, pollution, ocean stressors, climate change, policy .
Start Year 2015
Description The Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X-PRIZE 
Organisation The Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X-PRIZE
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for The Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X-PRIZE on Ocean Acidification. I advised on selection of judges, technical operations and outreach activities associated with this prize
Collaborator Contribution The $2M X-PRIZE was for the development of accurate and affordable OA sensors, the foundation organised the advertising, tank and sea testing of the entrants technology and assessment of the winners by a judging panel.
Impact The was a prize to encourage investment in the technology to measure ocean acidification. In all there were 22 entrants from around the world. Outputs were 4 winners for different specifications and deployment. An additional output was the force of the Wendy Schmidt foundation on outreach of this important topic.
Start Year 2013
Description UNDP Ocean Conference 
Organisation Convention on Biological Diversity
Country Canada 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution UNDP Ocean Conference (5-9 June 2017, at the UN, New York) based on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: PML's collaborated with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and UK Defra in the application and organisation of an official UN side event on Ocean Acidification. Gemma Harper, Deputy Director for Marine and Chief Social Scientist for Defra Group, UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Collaborator Contribution Collaborating panel members were Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity; Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director General of UNESCO; Co-Coordinator UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme; Executive Director, JAMSTEC; BIOACID, GEOMAR and the University of Kiel; Coordinator EU ATLAS project, University of Edinburgh; Co-Chair, Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network; Director of NOAA's OA programme; Director, Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre, IAEA, Monaco.
Impact Official UN side event on Ocean Acidification at the UNDP Ocean Conference (5-9 June 2017, New York).
Start Year 2017
Description UNDP Ocean Conference 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UNDP Ocean Conference (5-9 June 2017, at the UN, New York) based on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: PML's collaborated with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and UK Defra in the application and organisation of an official UN side event on Ocean Acidification. Gemma Harper, Deputy Director for Marine and Chief Social Scientist for Defra Group, UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Collaborator Contribution Collaborating panel members were Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity; Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Assistant Director General of UNESCO; Co-Coordinator UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme; Executive Director, JAMSTEC; BIOACID, GEOMAR and the University of Kiel; Coordinator EU ATLAS project, University of Edinburgh; Co-Chair, Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network; Director of NOAA's OA programme; Director, Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre, IAEA, Monaco.
Impact Official UN side event on Ocean Acidification at the UNDP Ocean Conference (5-9 June 2017, New York).
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP, Madrid, December 2019 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution PML was very active at this COP and has worked closely with numerous parties, including Government Departments, to organise science to policy events to bring the latest scientific understanding to the climate negotiators and other delegates. PML advised Defra on the UK government's ocean approach and worked with them as well as the FCO Science and Innovation Network (SIN) to arrange science events and coordinated the Ocean Wall display at the UK Pavilion; a very prominent feature.
Collaborator Contribution PML is a trusted partner, providing scientific expertise and advice to support Defra's engagement at the UNFCCC COP. PML's presence at COP25 alongside Defra helped to raise the profile of the ocean in climate change, and helped to ensure a greater acknowledgement of the importance of the ocean in the conference's outcome document. Regular meetings for COP25 commenced with Defra in April 2019.
Impact Funding from Defra enabled several PML scientists to attend UNFCCC COP and resulted in many joint activities including several side events.
Start Year 2019
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation BNP Paribas
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation European Union
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Global Ocean Acidification - Observing Network (GOA-ON)
Country Global 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Global Ocean Forum is the International Coastal and Ocean Organization
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Government of Seychelles
Country Seychelles 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Government of the UK
Department Government Office for Science
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation International Atomic Energy Agency
Country Austria 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Observational & Pragmatic Research Institute
Country Singapore 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation Ocean and Climate Platform
Country France 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation The Royal Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23 
Organisation World Wide Fund for Nature
Country Switzerland 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution At the UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn PML led the application and organised and participated in a number of side events and an exhibition stand.
Collaborator Contribution Collaborations were extended with IOC-UNESCO, IAEA GHG, BIOACID, POGO, GOA-ON, BNP Paribas Foundation, WWF, EU, UK FCO, UK Defra, UK GOS, The Royal Society, The Government of Seychelles, GOA-ON, OPRI, The Global Ocean Forum, The Ocean and Climate Platform.
Impact Side events and an exhibition stand at UNFCCC COP23.
Start Year 2017
Description US-UK OpEd 
Organisation Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Initiated and help draft a UK-USA OpEd between NOAA and Defra chief scientists published in the New York Times in autumn 2015.
Collaborator Contribution A joint drafting
Impact A greater awareness of ocean acidification issues amongst the public and other stakeholders, a greater closeness between UK and USA. This was science to policy
Start Year 2015
Description US-UK OpEd 
Organisation National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Initiated and help draft a UK-USA OpEd between NOAA and Defra chief scientists published in the New York Times in autumn 2015.
Collaborator Contribution A joint drafting
Impact A greater awareness of ocean acidification issues amongst the public and other stakeholders, a greater closeness between UK and USA. This was science to policy
Start Year 2015
Description Advancing the Oceans and Climate Agenda for the Next Five Years, IOC-UNESCO, Paris, . 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a working group to plan and advance activities to promote the ocean and climate agenda in United Nations activities and agencies over the next 5 yrs and to ensure that the latest scientific evidence were a driving force in these plans
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Advice to Georgina Ward Researcher for BBC OCEAN, part of the 'The Blue Planet' series 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact In 2017 I had a phone call and email exchanges about details of ocean acidification including checking facts and improving understanding. I gave the BBC researcher the names of other academic experts for further fact checking. In the last few month just prior and after the launch of Blue Planet II I have further advised on the BBC's final wording and response to questions from the public and climate deniers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Advice to Thompson Reuters and subsequent advice has resulted in a proposal to Reuters by their Environmental reporter to carry out a substantial international project on ocean change and human society. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Reuter's Environmental reporter wanted advice on impacts of ocean warming and acidification human society around the world to prepare an internal proposal to Reuters for a year long reporting project on the state of the world's ocean and societal imapcts. I contacted my international network, finding out where good visual stories were, summarised them for him to use in his proposal.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Briefing meeting with Defra re future UNFCCC COP 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was a key briefing for Defra's involvement at ocean events at the climate change negotiations resulting in UK Minister and high level Defra participation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Carbon removal and return - can CCS decarbonise industry in South America and help the oceans? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Carol Turley was a panel member on this event held at the UNFCCC COP25.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Castle Debates, Kings Cllege, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was an invited debate on the state of the ocean, the talks led to a good debate and interest
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Commonwealth Summit Ocean Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact I lead on the Ocean Acidification event (exhibition stand, brochure and summary leaflet), UK Minister and other stopped and ask question and further interest by UK Government in the topic
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Connection oceans, science, society & UNFCCC - raising ambition on climate mitigation & adaptation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact PML was the main lead in organising this side event at the UNFCCC COP25, with Carol Turley acting as one of the panel members. The event promoted the urgent need for international collaboration to promote mitigation of, and adaptation to climate-related ocean stressors in policy, regulations and funding streams.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Contribution to the International Ocean Acidification Reference User Group (iOA-RUG) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The OA-iRUG has received funding for a series of region RUG meetings to bring the issue of OA to key policy makers and stakeholders in vulnerable regions around the world. The first such meeting will be in Colombia with invitees from South and Central America and Carribean island nations. I have advised on the agenda, participants and helped author the regional Guide for Policy Makers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Defra-Sky High Level Ocean Event in the National History Museum, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A high-level event with key ocean influencers from UK Gov and industry as well as the UN Ocean Envoy and Commonwealth to launch Sky's Plastics programme. Michael Gove and David Attenbrough gave speaches as did CEO of Sky. Great opportunity to network and plan future activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Engagement with Prince Charles's Trust 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact The Prince of Wales established the International Sustainability Unit to facilitate consensus on how to resolve some of the key environmental challenges facing the world -including sustaining the marine environment and ways to maintain ecosystem resilience while achieving development goals. We had a meeting with members of ICT during UNFCCC COP22 in Marrackech and since then the ICT has visited PML on a fact finding visit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Evidence at the UN Sustainability Development Goal 14 - Life Below Water Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Invited panel speaker Ocean Acidification: Status, risks and options in the official UN Partnership Dialogue 3 (PD3) panel on SDG14.3 on ocean acidification and co-authored its report to the UN General Assembly. Moderated by Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization, it featured presentations by Cardinal Peter Turkson, Head of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, Holy See; Rahanna Juman, Deputy Director, Institute of Marine Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago; David Osborn, Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Environment Laboratories; and Carol Turley, Senior Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Agostinho Mondlane, Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Mozambique, co-chaired the meeting. PD3 was broadcast live.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Interview with BBC Radio Devon 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This interview was related to evidence given at the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee enquiry into ocean acidification
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Interview with The Guardian on ocean change 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This was a comment on a paper assessing the public understanding of ocean acidification (20% of the public have heard of it).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Invited Plenary speaker at the Lessons from Two High CO2 Worlds Conference, Azores 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Around 200 scientists attended, I bridged the gap between science and policy showing them how science can influence policy through science based evidence
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Japanese press interviews and video 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact I was an invited keynote speaker International Conference "Impacts Of Global Warming And Ocean Acidification On Marine Ecosystems And Necessary Policy Measures" Tokyo , Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI), Sasakawa Peace Foundation. Whilst I was they made a video for the SPF-OPRI website (not yet available) and I was also interview by Kyodo News.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Live (and web broadcast) evidence witness at the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into ocean acidification (also reported by BBC live reporting from Parliment 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact House of Commons Science and Technology Committee announced that it would carry out an inquiry into ocean acidification: "Now that the UK's five year Ocean Acidification Research Programme has ended, we are launching the first parliamentary inquiry on this concerning topic to examine what has been learned and make recommendations to Government." Of the 18 submissions of written evidence (now published on the HoC STC site:, 11 were from groups or individuals that had participated in UKOA. PML (represented by C Turley) was invited to give oral evidence at the session on 1 March 2017. No impact yet as the enquiry is on going.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Multiple media interviews 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In October 2017 I advised BBC (Roger Harrabin) of activities and opportunities for reporting ocean acidification (OA)and other ocean stressors at COP23 and on the BIOACID final report resulting. This resulted in 6 TV and radio interviews in 24 hours. These activities raise the issue of OA and other climate related ocean stressors to the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Northern Ireland Science Festival, Feb 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I was an invited panel member for an event organised by The Royal Society - Resilient oceans in a changing world - at the Northern Ireland Science Festival, Feb 2018, we also judged a schools art competition formed from plastic collected on the coast.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Press activities associated with Our Ocean Conference at the US State Department 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact 250 heads of State, leaders of industry and NGOs attended. It was broadcast live and there was major reporting world wide. Outcome was an invitation to the 2016 Our Oceans Day at the State Dept, Washington DC.

I was asked to do numerous press interviews and invited to return to Washington DC to advice US State Dept further:
• Article in Plymouth Herald, interviews with Plymouth Radio and Sophie Yeo - Responding to Climate Change (RTCC):
• Filming with Karen Barnes for documentary about ocean acidification in Washington DC
• Interview by Al Jazeera:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Provision of KE material (brochures, films etc) to Prof Jason Hall Spencer for his British Council trip to India 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Prof Hall - Spencer was a UKOA scientist and his visit was a great opportunity for outreach to India using materials produced within UKOA, these were provided (and available here
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Provision of Ocean KE material for the Gothenburg Science Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Sam DuPont, Hannah Wood, Leif Andersson organize an activity on the Ocean for the Gothenburg Science Festival and wished to include KE material on OA and other stressors. I provided them with link to pdfs of brochures, animations and films
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Royal Society, National Science Week event at the Natural History Museum, Belfast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A lovely engagement event, lots of questions following the talks from the 3 speakers and finally we got to judge the best sculpture made from plastics by school children which got some publicity in N Ireland
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description SBSTA-IPCC special event: Unpacking the new scientific knowledge and key findings in the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Carol Turley attended this event at the UNFCCC COP25 in her capacity as a Review Editor for the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description TED talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact In 2015 I was invited to do a TED talk on-board a National Geographic ship as part of the Mission Blue II expedition to the Pacific coral triangle. There were 100 policy makers, leaders of charitable foundations and leading communicators from all areas. The unedited TED talk was published in Dec 2017 and is now live on the TED Archive for access by anyone.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description The Royal Meteorological Society, Minimising Climate Risks Meeting, Imperial College, Jan 2018 (invited speaker). 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I was an invited speaker at this day long event at The Royal Meteorological Society. The audience filled in a questionairre and my presentation received an excellent (69%), the highest for all the talks with the exception of Claire Perry (BEIS) who received 72%! Since then I have been invited to write an article for Weather - the RMetS's journal.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The ocean, climate and biodiversity: the evidence is clear for raising ambition 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact PML led this event (in collaboration with WWF and BNP Paribas) at the UNFCCC COP25, with Carol Turley acting as moderator. The event brought together experts and policy makers on Earth Information Day to summarise the findings of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) and to make recommendations and summarise initiatives for sustaining this unique habitat and Earth's essential life support system.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description UN Climate change meeting I have given a number of interviews including to Reuters (aimed at the public), and the Climate Studio at the UNFCCC COP (aimed at policy makers). 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact At the UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakech I have given a number of interviews including to Reuters, and the Climate Studio (aimed at policy makers). A follow-up from Reuters and subsequent advice has resulted in a proposal to Reuters by their Environmental reporter to carry out a substantial international project on ocean change and human society.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UN Ocean Conference's SDG Media Zone (organized by United Nations Foundation) panel interviews. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was part of a live panel discussion on the importance of the ocean to sustainable development. It reached people all over the world through UN Web TV, a sister event SDG Live Bologna at the G7 and on social media. The former are available on YouTube.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description UNFCCC COP23, Bonn, 2017. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Organiser of 2 expert panel side-events (at the GB pavilion and WWF pavilion) and speaker in 5 side events, co-organiser of UN Ocean Action Day and the EU Oceans Day. PML was also the led in the exhibition - Oceans of Impact and related KE material. Each side event was 90 min long with an expert panel from UN organisation, leading scientists, NGOs and some early career scientists. Each side event had to be aplied for formally, negotiations has to be carried out with the UN, the EU and FCO for content and invitees, invitations issued, guidance given and the logistics of the day and its format organised.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description World Meteorological Organization, 44th session of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I was invited to give the latest update on ocean acidifcation to the World Meteorological Organization, 44th session of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), CO2 in the Atmosphere-Ocean System: Impacts and feedbacks, Geneva, Sept 2017. Since then GESAMP have invited me to be their nominee as a expert to the UN Regular Process's World Ocean Assessment.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017