Stellar Astrophysics at Keele

Lead Research Organisation: Keele University
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry & Physics


Our home is a planet orbiting a star. To understand our origins and place in the universe we need to understand how planets and stars form. Using a novel sky-survey instrument, which we are building in South Africa, we will search for planets around other stars. Using the latest and biggest telescopes and satellites we will study stellar nurseries where stars are born. We will investigate how they evolve, how they interact with each other, how they interact with their environment, and how they enrich interstellar space with the chemical ingredients from which a new generation of stars and planets will form, and from which, ultimately, we ourselves are made.


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{Skibba}, R.~A. And {Engelbracht}, C.~W. And {Aniano}, G. And {Babler}, B. And {Bernard}, J.-P. And {Bot}, C. And {Carlson}, L.~R. And {Galametz}, M. And {Galliano}, F. And {Gordon}, K. And {Hony}, S. And {Israel}, F. And {Lebouteiller}, V. And {Li}, A. And {Madden}, S. And {Meixner}, M. And {Misselt}, K. And {Montiel}, E. And {Okumura}, K. And {Panuzzo}, P. And {Paradis}, D. And {Roman-Duval}, J. And {Rubio}, M. And {Sauvage}, M. And {Seale}, J. And {Srinivasan}, S. And {van Loon}, J.~T. (2012) The Spatial Distribution of Dust and Stellar Emission of the Magellanic Clouds in \apj

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{Skillen}, I. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Hebb}, L. And {Simpson}, E. And {Bouchy}, F. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Gibson}, N.~P. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Joshi}, Y.~C. And {Loeillet}, B. And {Smalley}, B. And {Stempels}, H.~C. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R.~G. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Barros}, S.~C.~C. And {Enoch}, B. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Horne}, K. And {Irwin}, J. And {Keenan}, F.~P. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P. And { (2009) The 0.5M$_{J}$ transiting exoplanet WASP-13b in \aap

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{Sloan}, G.~C. And {Matsuura}, M. And {Zijlstra}, A.~A. And {Lagadec}, E. And {Groenewegen}, M.~A.~T. And {Wood}, P.~R. And {Szyszka}, C. And {Bernard-Salas}, J. And {van Loon}, J.~T. (2009) Dust Formation in a Galaxy with Primitive Abundances in Science

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{Smalley}, B. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D.~L. And {Segransan}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Southworth}, J. And {Udry}, S. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Wood}, P.~L. And {Bento}, J. (2010) WASP-26b: a 1-Jupiter-mass planet around an early-G-type star in \aap

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{Smalley}, B. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Lendl}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Gillon}, M. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Segransan}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Southworth}, J. And {Udry}, S. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Wood}, P.~L. And {Bento}, J. (2011) WASP-34b: a near-grazing transiting sub-Jupiter-mass exoplanet in a hierarchical triple system in \aap

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{Smalley}, B. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier-Cameron}, A. And {Doyle}, A.~P. And {Fumel}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C., And {Jehin}, E. And {Lendl}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Queloz}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Southworth}, J. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R.~G. (2012) WASP-78b and WASP-79b: two highly-bloated hot Jupiter-mass exoplanets orbiting F-type stars in Eridanus in \aap

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{Smalley}, B. And {Kurtz}, D.~W. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Fossati}, L. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Barros}, S.~C.~C. And {Butters}, O.~W. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Christian}, D.~J. And {Enoch}, B. And {Faedi}, F. And {Haswell}, C.~A. And {Hellier}, C. And {Holmes}, S. And {Horne}, K. And {Kane}, S.~R. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Norton}, A.~J. And {Parley}, N. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Simpson}, E.~K. And {Skillen}, I. And {Southworth}, J. And {Street}, R.~A. And {West} (2011) SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars in \aap

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{Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hellier}, C. And {Lendl}, M. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {West}, R.~G. And {Barros}, S.~C.~C. And {Jehin}, E. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Segransan}, D. And {Southworth}, J. And {Street}, R.~A. And {Udry}, S. (2012) WASP-36b: A New Transiting Planet around a Metal-poor G-dwarf, and an Investigation into Analyses Based on a Single Transit Light Curve in \aj

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{Smith}, R. And {Jeffries}, R.~D. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. (2011) Debris discs in the 27 Myr old open cluster IC 4665 in \mnras

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{Smolders}, K. And {Neyskens}, P. And {Blommaert}, J.~A.~D.~L. And {Hony}, S. And {van Winckel}, H. And {Decin}, L. And {van Eck}, S. And {Sloan}, G.~C. And {Cami}, J. And {Uttenthaler}, S. And {Degroote}, P. And {Barry}, D. And {Feast}, M. And {Groenewegen}, M.~A.~T. And {Matsuura}, M. And {Menzies}, J. And {Sahai}, R. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Zijlstra}, A.~A. And {Acke}, B. And {Bloemen}, S. And {Cox}, N. And {De Cat}, P. And {Desmet}, M. And {Exter}, K. And {Ladjal}, D. And {{\O}stensen}, (2012) The Spitzer spectroscopic survey of S-type stars in \aap

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{Southworth}, J. And {Hinse}, T.~C. And {Dominik}, M. And {Glitrup}, M. And {J{\o}rgensen}, U.~G. And {Liebig}, C. And {Mathiasen}, M. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Bozza}, V. And {Browne}, P. And {Burgdorf}, M. And {Calchi Novati}, S. And {Dreizler}, S. And {Finet}, F. And {Harps{\o}e}, K. And {Hessman}, F. And {Hundertmark}, M. And {Maier}, G. And {Mancini}, L. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Rahvar}, S. And {Ricci}, D. And {Scarpetta}, G. And {Skottfelt}, J. And {Snodgrass}, C. And {Surdej}, J. And (2009) Physical Properties of the 0.94-Day Period Transiting Planetary System WASP-18 in \apj

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{Southworth}, J. And {Mancini}, L. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Bruni}, I. And {Tregloan-Reed}, J. And {Barbieri}, M. And {Ruocco}, N. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. (2012) Physical properties and radius variations in the HAT-P-5 planetary system from simultaneous four-colour photometry in \mnras

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{Street}, R.~A. And {Simpson}, E. And {Barros}, S.~C.~C. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Joshi}, Y. And {Todd}, I. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Enoch}, B. And {Parley}, N. And {Stempels}, E. And {Hebb}, L. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Queloz}, D. And {Segransan}, D. And {Pepe}, F. And {Udry}, S. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Depagne}, {\'E}. And {West}, R.~G. And {Norton}, A.~J. And {Smalley}, B. And {Hellier}, C. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Skillen}, I. And {G (2010) WASP-24 b: A New Transiting Close-in Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Late F-star in \apj

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{Suda}, T. And {Hirschi}, R. And {Fujimoto}, M.~Y. (2011) Stellar Evolution Constraints on the Triple-{$\alpha$} Reaction Rate in \apj

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{Tatum}, M.~M. And {Turner}, T.~J. And {Miller}, L. And {Reeves}, J.~N. (2013) The Global Implications of the Hard X-Ray Excess in Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in \apj

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{Tatum}, M.~M. And {Turner}, T.~J. And {Sim}, S.~A. And {Miller}, L. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Patrick}, A.~R. And {Long}, K.~S. (2012) Modeling the Fe K Line Profiles in Type I Active Galactic Nuclei with a Compton-thick Disk Wind in \apj

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{Tillich}, A. And {Heber}, U. And {Geier}, S. And {Hirsch}, H. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {G{\"a}nsicke}, B.~T. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {Napiwotzki}, R. And {{\O}stensen}, R.~H. And {Scholz}, R.-D. (2011) The Hyper-MUCHFUSS project: probing the Galactic halo with sdB stars in \aap

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{Tombesi}, F. And {Cappi}, M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Braito}, V. (2012) Evidence for ultrafast outflows in radio-quiet AGNs - III. Location and energetics in \mnras

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{Tombesi}, F. And {Cappi}, M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Palumbo}, G.~G.~C. And {Braito}, V. And {Dadina}, M. (2011) Evidence for Ultra-fast Outflows in Radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Detailed Photoionization Modeling of Fe K-shell Absorption Lines in \apj

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{Tombesi}, F. And {Sambruna}, R.~M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Braito}, V. And {Ballo}, L. And {Gofford}, J. And {Cappi}, M. And {Mushotzky}, R.~F. (2010) Discovery of Ultra-fast Outflows in a Sample of Broad-line Radio Galaxies Observed with Suzaku in \apj

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{Tombesi}, F. And {Sambruna}, R.~M. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Reynolds}, C.~S. And {Braito}, V. (2011) X-ray evidence for the accretion disc-outflow connection in 3C 111 in \mnras

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{Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Queloz}, D. And {Hellier}, C. And {Gillon}, M. And {Smalley}, B. And {Hebb}, L. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Anderson}, D. And {Boisse}, I. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Jehin}, E. And {Lister}, T. And {Lovis}, C. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {S{\'e}gransan}, D. And {Simpson}, E. And {Udry}, S. And {West}, R. (2011) WASP-23b: a transiting hot Jupiter around a K dwarf and its Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in \aap

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{Turner}, T.~J. And {Miller}, L. And {Kraemer}, S.~B. And {Reeves}, J.~N. (2011) X-Ray Characteristics of NGC 3516: A View through the Complex Absorber in \apj

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{Turner}, T.~J. And {Miller}, L. And {Reeves}, J.~N. And {Lobban}, A. And {Braito}, V. And {Kraemer}, S.~B. And {Crenshaw}, D.~M. (2010) Significant X-ray Line Emission in the 5-6 keV Band of NGC 4051 in \apj

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{Unda-Sanzana}, E. And {Marsh}, T.~R. And {G{\"a}nsicke}, B.~T. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Morales-Rueda}, L. And {Dhillon}, V.~S. And {Thoroughgood}, T.~D. And {Tremou}, E. And {Watson}, C.~A. And {Hinojosa-Go{\~n}i}, R. (2008) GD 552: a cataclysmic variable with a brown dwarf companion? in \mnras

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{Walborn}, N.~R. And {Howarth}, I.~D. And {Evans}, C.~J. And {Crowther}, P.~A. And {Moffat}, A.~F.~J. And {St-Louis}, N. And {Fari{\~n}a}, C. And {Bosch}, G.~L. And {Morrell}, N.~I. And {Barb{\'a}}, R.~H. And {van Loon}, J.~T. (2010) The Onfp Class in the Magellanic Clouds in \aj

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{West}, R.~G. And {Anderson}, D.~R. And {Gillon}, M. And {Hebb}, L. And {Hellier}, C. And {Maxted}, P.~F.~L. And {Queloz}, D. And {Smalley}, B. And {Triaud}, A.~H.~M.~J. And {Wilson}, D.~M. And {Bentley}, S.~J. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Enoch}, B. And {Horne}, K. And {Irwin}, J. And {Lister}, T.~A. And {Mayor}, M. And {Parley}, N. And {Pepe}, F. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Segransan}, D. And {Spano}, M. And {Udry}, S. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. (2009) The Low Density Transiting Exoplanet WASP-15b in \aj

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{West}, R.~G. And {Collier Cameron}, A. And {Hebb}, L. And {Joshi}, Y.~C. And {Pollacco}, D. And {Simpson}, E. And {Skillen}, I. And {Stempels}, H.~C. And {Wheatley}, P.~J. And {Wilson}, D. And {Anderson}, D. And {Bentley}, S. And {Bouchy}, F. And {Christian}, D. And {Enoch}, B. And {Gibson}, N. And {H{\'e}brard}, G. And {Hellier}, C. And {Loeillet}, B. And {Mayor}, M. And {Maxted}, P. And {McDonald}, I. And {Moutou}, C. And {Pont}, F. And {Queloz}, D. And {Smith}, A.~M.~S. And {Smalley}, B. An (2009) The sub-Jupiter mass transiting exoplanet WASP-11b in \aap

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{Woods}, P.~M. And {Oliveira}, J.~M. And {Kemper}, F. And {van Loon}, J.~T. And {Sargent}, B.~A. And {Matsuura}, M. And {Szczerba}, R. And {Volk}, K. And {Zijlstra}, A.~A. And {Sloan}, G.~C. And {Lagadec}, E. And {McDonald}, I. And {Jones}, O. And {Gorjian}, V. And {Kraemer}, K.~E. And {Gielen}, C. And {Meixner}, M. And {Blum}, R.~D. And {Sewi{\l}o}, M. And {Riebel}, D. And {Shiao}, B. And {Chen}, C.-H.~R. And {Boyer}, M.~L. And {Indebetouw}, R. And {Antoniou}, V. And {Bernard}, J.-P. And {Cohe (2011) The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy programme: the life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Point source classification I in \mnras

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Çakirli Ö (2008) Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of NSV 24512: an early-type eclipsing binary embedded in a dust cloud ? in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Description Lots and lots of them 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We have particpated in dozens and dozens of such activites.

Lots. We have about dozens and dozens of such feedbacks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014