A Programme of Research in Astronomical Instrumentation and Cosmology

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy


The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the earliest electromagnetic signal we can receive from the Universe, and investigation of its properties allows us to test theories of how the Universe began and how structure was formed that has eventually led to the galaxies and clusters that we see around us today. We propose to determine the polarization properties of the CMB in order to test theories of the very early period known as inflation by looking for the characteristic signal caused by gravitational waves created at that time, and also to conduct surveys of the galaxy to check on foregrounds and test theories of the structure of regions where stars form. In order to maintain a UK lead in this strategically high priority area of science we also propose a programme of underpinning research and development into specialised optical components at wavelengths from a few microns to a few millimetres using the principles of what are known as meta-materials, and also a programme to develop very large numbers of extremely sensitive superconducting detectors in order to improve measurements of the incredibly weak signals from the CMB and galaxies at these wavelengths. We also propose to investigate the method of interferometry to improve angular resolution at far infrared wavelengths for future space missions. We will engage in an active programme of outreach to educate the public and especially school children in the exciting science that we do and hopefully encourage more to take up careers in science as a result. We will also conduct a knowledge exchange programme looking to apply the technology developed for astronomy to other purposes with wider impact, such as medical imaging for example.


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Audley M. D. (2010) Performance of a Microstrip-coupled TES Imaging Module for CMB Polarimetry in Twenty-First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology

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Bernard Jean-Philippe (2010) PILOT: measuring the FIR astrophysical dust emission in 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly

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Brien T (2016) Optical Response of Strained- and Unstrained-Silicon Cold-Electron Bolometers in Journal of Low Temperature Physics

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Chiang Cynthia (2009) Measurement of CMB Polarization Power Spectra from Two Years of BICEP Data in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #214

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Collaboration T (2010) The new generation CMB B-mode polarization experiment: POLARBEAR in arXiv e-prints

Description results from the Herschel satellite programmes have been published particualrly the large deep atlaS survey has found several hundreds of thousands of high-z galaxies inclusing hundreds of lenses objects.

The HELGA study of Andromeda our nearest neighbour large galaxy has shown its molecular cloud properties to be similar to the milky way.

A new class of nearby dusrty and yet blue galaxies has been discovered

State-of-the-art THz optical components were developed, utilising metamaterials with properties not found in natural materials.

State of the art superconducting detector technologies were developed.
Exploitation Route The THz optical components and supercondcting detectors continue to be in demand for use in astronomical experiments all over the world. They both also have otehr applications including laboratory spectroscopy, fusion plasma diagnostocs and security imaging. a new spiin out company has been formed to develop the superconducting technology for security imaging.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Security and Diplomacy

Description The THz optical components are utilised extensively in commercial applications via the embedded spin out company QMCI. A new spintout company developing commercial security scanning applications is also close to incorporation. This is of interest to UK Border agency for scannign lorries for illegal migrants.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services