Outreach and educational applications for LHC science
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Physics
With this project we will provide educational and outreach mobile-device applications suitable for the
general public, with a particular focus on school-aged potential physicists in the age range 11-18. We will
release a second version of our prototype smart-phone application (currently only suitable for Android OS
phones and Android tablets) and extend it to a wider range of user-friendly educational and outreach
application resources available across a range of platforms, including iPhone and iPad.
general public, with a particular focus on school-aged potential physicists in the age range 11-18. We will
release a second version of our prototype smart-phone application (currently only suitable for Android OS
phones and Android tablets) and extend it to a wider range of user-friendly educational and outreach
application resources available across a range of platforms, including iPhone and iPad.
People |
Alan Barr (Principal Investigator) |