BETTII - the Balloon Experimental Twin Telescope for Far Infrared Interferometry

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy


More than half of the energy generated in the Universe since the big bang now exists in the form of electromagnetic radiation in the far infrared part of the spectrum - wavelengths a few hundred times longer than those of visible light. Much of the energy emitted by developing stars and young stars is absorbed by the clouds of gas and dust in which they form, and re-radiated in the far infrared. So if we want to understand the birth processes of stars in our own galaxy today, or to investigate how galaxies grow and develop (through star-formation), we need to make observations in the far infrared. In recent years, huge advances have been made by telescopes in space and operating on high altitude balloons in our endeavours to gain knowledge of the details of star and planetary system formation and the history of galaxies like our own Milky Way. But astronomy at far infrared wavelengths has a long way to go before we will be able to take pictures with similar quality to that obtained by optical telescopes at shorter wavelengths and by arrays of radio telescopes at longer wavelengths.
Observations have to be made from space or from high altitude because the atmosphere is strongly absorbing in this part of the spectrum. That makes it difficult to use large ground-based telescopes. In addition, the technique of "interferometry", used in the radio region of combining the beams from number of smaller telescopes to make an image as good as that from a much larger one, has not yet been perfected in the far infrared. So at present, the image quality of observations in the far infrared is not nearly as good as astronomers need to get a better view of stars and galaxies and their origins.

In this project we will make a big advance by building the first scientific interferometer working in the far infrared, flying it on a high altitude balloon, and making observations of both of star forming regions in our galaxy and also of active galaxies harbouring massive black holes at their centres, to learn more about how stars form in clusters and how black holes interact with the galaxies they inhabit. These pioneering measurements will be the highest quality far infrared observations ever, in terms of our ability to discern fine details in the image. Besides giving us new scientific insights, they will allow us to perfect and demonstrate the technology needed to build a more ambitions and powerful instrument in the future, perhaps a space-borne system, to provide even better observations. The scientific importance of such an observatory has been recognised by both NASA and by the European Space Agency, who are considering space missions of this type. However, the necessary technology and expertise is not available yet, and this work will make a big contribution to establishing our capability to fly such a mission.

Planned Impact

In addition to the astronomical community through new and pioneering observations, the beneficiaries of our impact activities associated with this project will include:

The European space science programme: through the development of components and techniques relevant to future space astronomy missions. This project, besides carrying out new astronomical observations, will be a technical pathfinder relevant to a possible future ESA Science Programme mission.

The image of the UK as an international partner in front-rank scientific projects, capable of providing unique technical and scientific capabilities: The status of the UK as a country at the forefront of science and R&D relies upon the establishment of international programmes and partnerships involving the best researchers and institutes in other countries. Here we will collaborate with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, using our unique technical capabilities to enable new research.

The local and national economy: through
(i) the operation of a high-tech SME based at Cardiff (QMC Instruments Ltd.) which employs five people,
(ii) the training of young people (PhD students and postdocs) who develop high-level skills (in research techniques, IT, materials science and processes, etc.) and most of whom go on to get jobs in the industrial, commercial or educational sectors; and
(iii) the inspiration of young people to pursue educational opportunities and careers in STEM through our outreach programmes. In addition, there may be future major benefits for the UK space industry in the longer term, through the fostering of UK leadership within Europe in instrumentation technology important for future space missions. This may lever significant high-tech industrial involvement on the part of UK industry in the context of a future mission and its industrial programme.

The experimental scientific community (in numerous fields: through the availability of advanced components and systems in the THz regime, enabling new scientific research, under either collaborative or commercial arrangements. QMC Instruments Ltd. commercialises technology developed by the Cardiff AIG, and serves a largely export market which encompasses provision of a wide variety of infrared and THz components and systems to the worldwide academic research community (astronomy, chemistry, plasma physics, THz lab spectroscopy) and endeavours addressing the grand challenge of energy research (plasma fusion diagnostics). In addition, ten Cardiff group has a long-standing record of applying technology developed for FIR astronomy in the field of Earth Observing, enabling investigations into both stratospheric chemistry and the influence of clouds on the Earth's radiation budget.

The general public: through the culturally and intellectually valuable contemplation and understanding of the physical world and our place in it. We regard this as an important motivation for all our research, and pursue an active programme in this area (as described in the Pathways to Impact Statement).


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Description Under this grant Cardiff provided important contributions to the BETTII balloon-borne far infrared interferometer experiment. This included the development and delivery of quasi-optical components, provision of software for the pointing system, and trials of interferometric configurations using a lab test-bed. All elements were successfully carried out.
Exploitation Route The first flight of BETTII was scheduled for 2016 but had to be delayed due to poor weather. It will now fly in Sept. 2017. The flight will demonstrate key technologies for a future spaceborne far infrared interferometer.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Description Framework Programme 7
Amount € 2,000,000 (EUR)
Funding ID FISICA (312818) 
Organisation European Union 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2012 
End 12/2015