GridPP4 Tranche-II LondonGrid-QMUL Staff Grant

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: Physics


This proposal, submitted in response to the 2009 invitation from STFC, aims to provide and operate a computing Grid for the exploitation of LHC data in the UK. The success of the current GridPP Collaboration will be built upon, and the UK's response to production of LHC data in the period April 2011 to March 2015 will be to ensure that there is a sustainable infrastructure providing "Computing in the LHC era"
We propose to operate a Grid as the main mechanism for delivering very large-scale computational resources to the UK particle physics community. This foundation will underpin the success and increase the discovery potential of UK physicists. We will operate a production-quality Grid, delivering robustness, scale and functionality. The proposal is fully integrated with international projects and we must exploit the opportunity to capitalise on the UK leadership already established in several areas. The Particle Physics Grid will form a central part of the UK National Grid Infrastructure (NGI) that will be integrated with the European Grid Initiative (EGI) and which will inter-operate with Grids in the United States and elsewhere. The project will be managed across various domains and will deliver the UK's commitment to the worldwide LHC Computing Grid (wLCG) and ensure that worldwide activities directly benefit the UK.
By 2015, the UK Grid infrastructure will have expanded in size to 40,000 cores, with more than 60 PetaBytes of storage. This will enable the UK to exploit, in an internationally competitive way, the unique physics potential of the LHC.
A total request is made for £27.8m for a four year GridPP4 project starting in April 2011.

Planned Impact

GridPP's knowledge exchange activities fall into two main areas: firstly, those aimed at other academic disciplines, and secondly, business and industry. GridPP has a strong outreach programme to a public and academic audience, and intends to continue this in GridPP4. The Dissemination Officer will organise GridPP's presence at conferences and events. This includes booking and manning booths, arranging backdrops, material, posters, screens, and rotas where appropriate. Examples of events that we have attended include The British Science Festival, The Royal Society Summer Exhibition, the British Science Association Science Communication Conference and Meet The Scientist at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.
In the last 8 years GridPP has developed an extensive website that is central to project communications and won 'Best e-Science project website' at the 2004 All Hands Meeting. The Dissemination Officer will be responsible for producing news items for the website and drafting GridPP press releases. We have had broad coverage from these in the past, including many national newspapers and online publications.
Additional activities will include producing GridPP material, such as leaflets, posters, t-shirts, bags and magic cubes. We have found these very valuable in raising GridPP's and LHC's profile at minimal cost. The Dissemination Officer will also promote outreach training for members of the collaboration, will identify GridPP staff who have specific expertise in this area and will arrange occasional GridPP events, such as the QMUL opening and the Tier-1 open day.
On KE, our initial work has proved that GridPP's technology can be of use across a range of disciplines and sectors, and we plan to continue this work during GridPP4. The objectives of this program will be to improve awareness of the technologies developed by GridPP and its partners in academia and industry, and hence facilitate the increase in use of these technologies within new areas.


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publication icon
Aad G (2014) Search for top quark decays t ? qH with H ? ?? using the ATLAS detector in Journal of High Energy Physics

Description We have built a Grid to analyse data from the LHC at CERN and elsewhere. This enabled the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the fundamental scalar boson that is predicted to give mass to all other particles.
Exploitation Route Other disciplines can use our facilities or work with us to develop their own.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Description GridPP resources continue to be used by a number of diverse projects and GridPP supports around 50 virtual organisations from non-HEP communities. The top non-HEP users over the last year were Life Sciences, European Earth Sciences, NMR and Structural Biology, Nuclear Fusion and Veterinary Surveillance. Results from work on the Tomato Genome and the similarities between Bats and Dolphins run on GridPP resources were published in Nature. GridPP has been working with Alex Efimov, Director of Sensors and Instrumentation at the Electronics, Sensors, Photonics KTN. Alex has obtained funding to help GridPP's impact agenda and has written a 'GridPP Capability Guide' for potential industrial contacts. As a result, we are currently prototyping a project with 'Locked Space Technologies' involving scaling tests of a novel method of splitting files across disks and sites. We are starting a pilot study at Imperial, which if successful will be extended to QMUL and then to other GridPP sites. Other projects, including working with a financial institution in the City of London, are being discussed. GridPP, via ScotGrid, has engaged with TechCube, an Edinburgh-based start-up incubator for technology companies, to develop a facility for SMEs to explore Big Data. A satellite Grid site, linked to the GridPP resources, will be set up with a £0.5m grant from Edinburgh City Council to enable pre-competitive work to be scale-tested. GridPP has close ties with hardware and software manufacturers and suppliers. Recently, the Tier-1 for example, has been working with Data Direct Networks (DDN) to test and evaluate two new products: one hardware (SFA7700) and the other software (WOS). The Tier-1 is also working closely at present with one of the main hard disk manufacturers in order to observe a new disk product in an operational environment. The Tier-1 has also recently been working with Morgan Stanley to deploy Aquilon at the Tier-1 as a first step to making it generally available and usable.
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Financial Services, and Management Consultancy
Impact Types Societal
