Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation(PASI)

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Physics


Proton accelerators have served for more than 60 years at the forefront of scientific investigation across an immense range of disciplines. The world-leading ISIS neutron-spallation source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) serves an international community of more than 1000 scientists in studies that include investigations of condensed matter, the properties of materials, the investigation of biological systems, and the investigation of the electron structure of atoms. At the energy frontier, machines such as the LHC at CERN have long been used to push back the boundaries of nuclear and particle physics. Proton accelerators have also been harnessed to serve industry and medicine, for example through the production of radioisotopes and the treatment of cancer. The next generation of proton accelerator facilities has the potential to: revolutionize scientific enquiry through the provision of beams of very high power across a broad range of energy; to make particle-beam therapy widely available through the development of compact accelerators; and to contribute substantially to the provision of low-carbon energy through accelerator-driven sub-critical nuclear reactors. In addition, new techniques allow facilities capable of delivering intense, high-energy beams of muons and neutrinos to be conceived. Such facilities have the potential to revolutionize the study of particle physics at the Neutrino Factory and the Muon Collider and have been proposed to serve the security agenda as the basis of cargo-scanning systems. To realize this potential requires that an energetic and farsighted R&D programme be established.
STFC and Fermilab management have noted that the interests of their communities in support of the Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation (PASI)programme are very closely aligned and have therefore agreed to work to establish a mutually beneficial strategic partnership in which each side is able to leverage both intellectual and other resources. As a first step, we propose to establish a joint post-doc, or fellowship, programme.
This project aims to contribute significantly to the MICE experiment, which looks for the first demonstration of the ionization cooling of muons, which is essential in the development of future accelerator facilities needed for the elementary particle physics research. It also wishes to contribute in developing the nuSTORM project, potentially the first future neutrino oscillation experiment using stored muons.

Planned Impact

This proposal and the post-doc position will contribute to the Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation network and therefore may have a large impact on the society well being. In particular the next generation of proton accelerator facilities has the potential to: revolutionize scientific enquiry through the provision of beams of very high power across a broad range of energy which will directly impact the quality of the fundamental and applied science with benefits for the industrial applications of applied science especially in material and biological research; to make particle-beam therapy widely available through the development of compact accelerators, which will directly strengthen our forces in the battle with cancer; and to contribute substantially to the provision of low-carbon energy through accelerator-driven sub-critical nuclear reactors. In addition, new techniques allow facilities capable of delivering intense, high-energy beams of muons and neutrinos to be conceived. Such facilities have the potential to revolutionize the study of particle physics at the Neutrino Factory and the Muon Collider and have been proposed to serve the security agenda as the basis of cargo-scanning systems, which will impact the society by increasing the security level.


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Description The novel solutions for creating neutrino beams from pion and muon decay based on an advanced racetrack Fixed Field Alternating gradient (FFA) ring and on FFA transport line.
The FFA racetrack ring was designed to serve future precision neutrino interaction program as it may create beams of neutrinos and antineutrinos of both electron and muon flavour.
It may also be used for other neutrino experimentation like search for a sterile neutrino. The FFA transfer line was proposed as a novel way to improve conventional neutrino beams as it can down select the sign of pions transported maintaining intensity of the flux thanks to a very large momentum acceptance.
The nuSTORM was proposed as a potential new experimental facility at CERN within the Europen Particle Physics Strategy review and a side specific solution was worked out within the Physics beyond Colliders framework. A novel hybrid ring merging the FFA lattices with FODO neutrino production straight with zero dispersion was designed and the feasibility study was published as CERN Yellow Report and further publications are under preparation.

During the award period the design for the potential upgrade path for MICE experiment to demonstrate ionization cooling with RF re-acceleration was developed and optimized, showing a very good performance.

Since the last submission further work was performed on the injection beam line from the pion production target to the nuSTORM ring and beam dynamics calculations were performed to inform the neutrino flux normalisation ppt. The current status of the experimental programme, which can be accomplished by the nuSTORM facility was described in the White Papaer submitted to the Snowmass 2021 process in the US.
Exploitation Route Novel solutions to create neutrino beams may be used as an input for next generation neutrino experiments. Muon accelerators were supported by the European Particle Physics Strategy together with a program to address experimentally neutrino interactions, which places nuSTORM as a very attractive facility for a potential implementation at CERN. nuSTORM can serve as the key experiment for neutrino interaction measurements and for the search of the sterile neutrino, and can contribute to the R&D for a Muon Collider.
Sectors Healthcare


Description Collaboration with FNAL on novel neutrino beams and MICE within PASI award 
Organisation Fermilab - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Department FNAL - Other
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The collaboration with FNAL (Dr Alan Bross and his collaborators) was focused on developing new methods in generating neutrino beams, firstly in developing an alternative solution for the storage ring for nuSTORM (neutrinos from STORed Muons) - the racetrack FFAG ring and secondly in working on NuPIL (neutrinos from PIon beam Line) - FFAG-based transfer line for the conventional neutrino beam, mainly in the context of DUNE. Imperial group developed lattice solutions and performed tracking studies for both concepts.The work continues to finish publications.
Collaborator Contribution FNAL was leading the nuSTORM developments focusing on the standard FODO lattice and was working on all aspects of this design, while Imperial group contributed an alternative design based on FFAG racetrack ring, for which FNAL group evaluated an approximate performance comparison suggesting potentials for the FFAG to outperform the standard solution. FNAL group was working mainly in performing the NuPIL neutrino flux calculations and contributing to particle tracking in nuPIL beamline parts consisting of the conventional magnets (straight beamline part). FNAL group also evaluated physics reach of a potential long baseline experiment using NuPIL beam. The work continues to finish publications.
Impact Collaboration is focused on generation of novel neutrino beams for neutrino experiments. The nuPIL was considered as an alternative solution by the DUNE collaboration, but was not successful.
Start Year 2013
Description Collaboration with Manchester University on FFAG accelerators 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department School of Physics and Astronomy Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The collaboration with Dr Robert Appleby and his collaborators helped in developing novel FFAG designs for novel neutrino beams with potential applications in other areas like (medical or industrial accelerators). Our group provided input on design, which was also beneficial for Dr Appleby's work on medical accelerators. There are several publications in preparations at the moment. The work continues on the implementation of nuSTORM facility at CERN in the framework of Physics Beyond Collider framework.
Collaborator Contribution The collaboration with Dr Robert Appleby helped in developing novel FFAG designs for novel neutrino beams with potential applications in other areas like (medical or industrial accelerators). Dr Appleby's group helped us in cross-checking the tracking results and helped in finding matching solutions. There are several publications in preparations at the moment. The work continues on the implementation of nuSTORM facility at CERN in the framework of Physics Beyond Collider framework.
Impact 1. Development of nuSTORM FFAG solution. 2. Development of nuPIL FFAG solution for LBNF.
Start Year 2014
Description Collaboration within Physics Beyond Colliders framework 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We designed a novel hybrid FFA decay ring as a high performance solution for nuSTORM at CERN. Imperial also coordinated a submission of a nuSTORM proposal to the European Strategy in Particle Physics evaluation process.
Collaborator Contribution my collaborator from RAL Dr J-B. Lagrange has significantly contributed to the design of the hybrid FFA, which was supported by the Manchester group by performing tracking studies and presenting the work at external meetings. CERN group performed a study of feasibility of realizing nuSTORM at CERN with SPS as an injector including civil engineering and radio-protection, and performin a novel transfer line design.
Impact Paper submitted to the European Strategy for Particle Physics evaluation process.
Start Year 2018
Description Collaboration within Physics Beyond Colliders framework 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We designed a novel hybrid FFA decay ring as a high performance solution for nuSTORM at CERN. Imperial also coordinated a submission of a nuSTORM proposal to the European Strategy in Particle Physics evaluation process.
Collaborator Contribution my collaborator from RAL Dr J-B. Lagrange has significantly contributed to the design of the hybrid FFA, which was supported by the Manchester group by performing tracking studies and presenting the work at external meetings. CERN group performed a study of feasibility of realizing nuSTORM at CERN with SPS as an injector including civil engineering and radio-protection, and performin a novel transfer line design.
Impact Paper submitted to the European Strategy for Particle Physics evaluation process.
Start Year 2018
Description Collaboration within Physics Beyond Colliders framework 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Department ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We designed a novel hybrid FFA decay ring as a high performance solution for nuSTORM at CERN. Imperial also coordinated a submission of a nuSTORM proposal to the European Strategy in Particle Physics evaluation process.
Collaborator Contribution my collaborator from RAL Dr J-B. Lagrange has significantly contributed to the design of the hybrid FFA, which was supported by the Manchester group by performing tracking studies and presenting the work at external meetings. CERN group performed a study of feasibility of realizing nuSTORM at CERN with SPS as an injector including civil engineering and radio-protection, and performin a novel transfer line design.
Impact Paper submitted to the European Strategy for Particle Physics evaluation process.
Start Year 2018
Description Collaboration within Physics Beyond Colliders framework 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department School of Physics and Astronomy Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We designed a novel hybrid FFA decay ring as a high performance solution for nuSTORM at CERN. Imperial also coordinated a submission of a nuSTORM proposal to the European Strategy in Particle Physics evaluation process.
Collaborator Contribution my collaborator from RAL Dr J-B. Lagrange has significantly contributed to the design of the hybrid FFA, which was supported by the Manchester group by performing tracking studies and presenting the work at external meetings. CERN group performed a study of feasibility of realizing nuSTORM at CERN with SPS as an injector including civil engineering and radio-protection, and performin a novel transfer line design.
Impact Paper submitted to the European Strategy for Particle Physics evaluation process.
Start Year 2018