PARADISE:Purification-assisted radioactive-decay and ionisation spectroscopy of very exotic isotopes of copper and gallium at the CERN-ISOLDE facility

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


The UK Nuclear Physics Advisory Panel has recently identified a series of key questions concerning the atomic nucleus. For example, how do reaction rates determine the final abundance of the different elements in the universe? Or how do the nucleons interact in the high-density environment of a neutron star? While some of the isotopes that are key to these questions may be studied in the laboratory, most of them are out reach and the scientific community must rely on extrapolations based on nuclear models and existing data.

This project is set in the vicinity of 78Ni, an isotope of nickel with Z=28 protons and N=50 neutrons, both numbers providing special additional stability to a nucleus, as closed shells do to an atom, and being referred to as magic. The persistence of those magic numbers in very exotic systems is however questioned and could impact the nuclear models. In this project, the copper (Z=29) and gallium (Z=31) isotopes at and around N=50 are under investigation. The determination of their ground-state properties such as spin, shape and electromagnetic properties (named moments) will bring an insight into their quantum configuration, a probe to the magic nature of Z=28 and N=50.

The half-lives of the neutron-rich gallium isotopes will also be addressed. Those have recently been identified to depart from the predicted extrapolations. New calculations were made on the basis of the observation that may have an impact up to 200% on the abundance of some elements in our solar system. It is therefore crucial to the main questions of modern nuclear physics to confirm those measurements and to extend them closer to the isotopes of interest.

In order to achieve this project, the technique of Collinear Resonance Ionisation Spectroscopy (CRIS) will be used. It combines high resolution (from the collinear geometry) while benefiting from high efficiency (from the ion detection). The exotic radioactive ion beams produced online at the CERN ISOLDE facility are delivered in bunches to the experimental setup where they are neutralised in an alkali vapour. The atom bunches are overlapped with a series of laser beams, which frequencies are tuned to specific transitions in the atomic structure of the element of interest. A valence electron is hereby excited beyond the ionisation threshold and the isotope is ionised. It is then counted with a beam intensity monitor (e.g. micro-channel plate detector), or a decay spectroscopy station. The high resolution of the laser frequency allows to probe nuclear-induced perturbations of the atomic transition at the level of 1 part in 1,000,000 and determine ground-state properties such as spin, electromagnetic moments or changes in the proton distribution.

This method can also be used to select a specific isotope, or even isomer, from a bunch and deliver an ultra-pure sample of a well identified isotope to a decay spectroscopy station. This particular aspect of the technique will be used to study the decay properties of the most exotic nuclei of gallium, but could also offer unique opportunities for the production of reference samples or isotopic ratios monitoring on a global scale.

Planned Impact

This research project has a wide range of benefits to fundamental research as well as to the society. A trained PhD student has a large array of skills that can be used directly in their field of interest or that can benefit other areas of our society. The developments related to the CRIS experiment can directly be transferred for applied studies. Finally, the study of exotic systems has an impact on the people's imagination.

1- Training a skilled worker

a) The Nuclear Physics Group of the University of Manchester offers a unique environment for the training of PhD students, thanks to its excellent track record but also to its involvement with trans-departmental institutes such as the Photon Science Institute or the Dalton Institute. The skills that a PhD student will develop include the following: ion beam transport, radiation detector technology, nuclear measurement and nuclear data evaluation, and a deep understanding of radiation processes and nuclear structure physics.

b) Those skills can be directly transferred into nuclear research (new reactor designs, reactor safety, deep geological disposal of waste, nuclear safeguards, threat reduction and homeland security, non-proliferation and proliferation resistance), into nuclear medicine (imaging, cancer treatment), or into oil and gas industry and space research.

c) The global analysis capabilities of trained physics doctoral students are also widely recognized and graduates are frequently hired in the private sector for their modelling and problem-solving skills.

2- Knowledge transfer

a) The CRIS experiment can be used to perform ultra-trace analysis, i.e. separate isotopes and, from this, measure the quantity ratio between two isotopes of an element. This property can be used to identify geological origin, weather and oceanic patterns, and for extreme discrepancies can be associated with dramatic nuclear events (nuclear power facility malfunction, weapon testing).

b) The National Physical Laboratory has interest in the production and study of ultra-pure samples, such as the CRIS experiment can provide, to establish references in radiation measurements, to produce calibration samples, and to study the property of nuclei in ultra-pure conditions.

3- Outreach

a) Atomic and nuclear physics research capture the interest of both younger scientists and the general public. Tours of facilities and media interactions are used to answer their interest and questions.

b) Educating the new generation is the most efficient way to both draw young people to research and to ensure that research is recognised. Dedicated outreach activities are engaged in that direction.

c) I plan, through my outreach activities, to demystify the field of fundamental nuclear physics research in the eye of the general public.


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publication icon
Cocolios T (2017) A new perspective on charge radii around Z = 82 in Hyperfine Interactions

publication icon
Cocolios T (2016) High-resolution laser spectroscopy with the Collinear Resonance Ionisation Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at CERN-ISOLDE in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Description Through the use of a higher duty cycle (namely 200 Hz thanks to this awards, against the previously available 30 Hz), shorter-lived isotopes (with half-lives of the order of 5 ms, namely comparable to the duty cycle) have become accessible.
Beyond this technical achievement, the CRIS experiment has also achieved the study of new elements (namely copper & gallium), with gallium being the aim of this research award. For gallium, the first scheme with three lasers was use, opening a new set of possible elements for this experiment.
Exploitation Route The access to shorter-lived isotopes and over a wider range of elements has been demonstrated for the CRIS technique, hereby increasing its interest at ISOLDE and for other members of the community.
The preliminary results on gallium (and on copper) are currently being investigating for their impact on the understanding of the interaction of laser fields with atoms.
Sectors Environment


Security and Diplomacy

Description Through the involvement of many UK partners, this work has been featured repeatedly in newsletter from CERN that promote fundamental research to policy makers.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Other
Impact Types Policy & public services

Title IS471 - Decay spectroscopy data from the CRIS francium campaign 2014 
Description Decay spectroscopy data from the November 2014 campaign of the experiment IS471 on francium isotopes with the CRIS experimental setup at CERN ISOLDE. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description CRIS 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Department Engineering: Sources, Targets and Interactions (EN-STI)
Country Switzerland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Manchester proposed the original idea, made the design and constructed the setup The Spokesperson is from Manchester My contribution is to be the convener for the Decay Spectroscopy programme I am directly contributing a full-time PhD student with minimum 1 year LTA and some equipment
Collaborator Contribution Additional equipment (e.g. lasers) and manpower
Impact Scientific publications
Start Year 2008
Description CRIS 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Department ISOLDE Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Country Switzerland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Manchester proposed the original idea, made the design and constructed the setup The Spokesperson is from Manchester My contribution is to be the convener for the Decay Spectroscopy programme I am directly contributing a full-time PhD student with minimum 1 year LTA and some equipment
Collaborator Contribution Additional equipment (e.g. lasers) and manpower
Impact Scientific publications
Start Year 2008
Description CRIS 
Organisation IPN Orsay - Nuclear structure
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Manchester proposed the original idea, made the design and constructed the setup The Spokesperson is from Manchester My contribution is to be the convener for the Decay Spectroscopy programme I am directly contributing a full-time PhD student with minimum 1 year LTA and some equipment
Collaborator Contribution Additional equipment (e.g. lasers) and manpower
Impact Scientific publications
Start Year 2008
Description CRIS 
Organisation Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Department LARISSA
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Manchester proposed the original idea, made the design and constructed the setup The Spokesperson is from Manchester My contribution is to be the convener for the Decay Spectroscopy programme I am directly contributing a full-time PhD student with minimum 1 year LTA and some equipment
Collaborator Contribution Additional equipment (e.g. lasers) and manpower
Impact Scientific publications
Start Year 2008
Description CRIS 
Organisation University of Leuven
Department Institute for Nuclear and Radiation Physics
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Manchester proposed the original idea, made the design and constructed the setup The Spokesperson is from Manchester My contribution is to be the convener for the Decay Spectroscopy programme I am directly contributing a full-time PhD student with minimum 1 year LTA and some equipment
Collaborator Contribution Additional equipment (e.g. lasers) and manpower
Impact Scientific publications
Start Year 2008
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Department ISOLDE Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Country Switzerland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation Istanbul University
Department Department of Physics
Country Turkey 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Department Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Material Sciences (CSNSM)
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation Technical University of Dresden
Department Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description ISOLTRAP 
Organisation University of Greifswald
Department Institute of Physics
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Convener for the Tape Station programme New decay spectroscopy setup for alpha decay 1 full-time PhD student including minimum 1 year LTA
Collaborator Contribution Full experimental setup Full operation support
Impact Scientific publications on my research themes Extended collaboration with other partners at ISOLDE
Start Year 2010
Description I'm a scientist, get me out of here! 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Several hundreds students got the opportunity to ask questions directly through live chat sessions and offline about science and life as a scientist.

A very positive response was received from the students who might in return seriously consider studying science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description LEGO Mindstorm workshops 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact As of end February 2016, 6 schools workshops delivered by physics undergraduates have engaged ~120 secondary school pupils under age 14 in explaining the nuclear research being carried out at CERN and teaching basic programming, in the context of challenging pupils to complete a task with a Lego Mindstorms robot.
Follow-up comment emailed by a parent: "[My child] really enjoyed the STEM activity. He had a real excitement about the event both leading up to it and afterwards. I think he particularly enjoyed the fact that they had some independence on their project, with support from the STEM team. He also really appreciated how science can be used in the workplace, how it can be a career and the sort of areas it can impact on."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016
Description Random Walk in Physics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 30 3rd-year undergraduate students attended the lecture and interacted with me afterwards.

2 students requested specifically to perform their summer internship within the Nuclear Physics Group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description STFC Career event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation to doctoral students about the path to academic research an on how to best position oneself towards success in academia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015