DiRAC-2 Datacentric support grant

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


The grant is to pay for management and running costs of the DiRAC-2 Durham datacentric facility for 36 months starting 1/4/14

Planned Impact

DiRAC would seek to engage with industry at various levels, from the provision of computing cycles for industrial applications to the exchange of technical knowledge and shared training programmes. The facility will serve to train young scientists in the most advanced techniques for supercomputing. These have extensive application beyond academia, for example in industry. Finally, output from Dirac-based projects will be used for science outreach activities.


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AchĂșcarro A (2019) Cosmological evolution of semilocal string networks. in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

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Adam AY (2019) Variationally Computed IR Line List for the Methyl Radical CH3. in The journal of physical chemistry. A

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Al-Refaie A (2021) TauREx 3: A Fast, Dynamic, and Extendable Framework for Retrievals in The Astrophysical Journal

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Ali A (2023) Star cluster formation and feedback in different environments of a Milky Way-like galaxy in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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Alioli S (2021) Four-lepton production in gluon fusion at NLO matched to parton showers in The European Physical Journal C

Description The grant supported the DiRAC-2 Data Centric supercomputer service at Durham. This service forms part of the national DiRAC-2 facility that supports theoretical research in astronomy, cosmology and, particle and nuclear physics.

The work has led to a large number of scientific publications mainly to do with astronomy. A publication list is provided on the DiRAC website given below.

Particular highlights include the first large simulation of galaxy formation in a large volume that is able to accurately reproduce the masses and sizes of galaxies, and the modelling of the first gravitational wave event detected, which was used to help determine the sizes and properties of the black holes that merged and generated the gravitational waves.
Exploitation Route The papers written contribute to the scientific literature and in
some cases have been cited hundreds of times.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



URL https://dirac.ac.uk/science_news.html