LOFAR-UK 2016-2019: LOFAR-UK Compute Facility

Lead Research Organisation: University of Hertfordshire
Department Name: School of Physics, Astronomy and Maths


LOFAR, the LOw-Frequency ARray, is the world's most sensitive radio telescope operating at metre wavelengths. It is now producing extremely sensitive and detailed images of the radio sky at these wavelengths, but the data reduction process is complex. The proposed funding allows us to maintain and expand an existing computing facility for the use of UK astronomers involved in LOFAR.

Planned Impact

See main LOFAR-UK proposal for details.


10 25 50
Description The LOFAR-UK compute facility was used by scientists round the UK to process LOFAR individual observations and surveys data. It underpinned the release of LoTSS data release 1, with many tens of papers on active galaxies, clusters, star-forming galaxies being produced as a direct result.
Exploitation Route Astronomers round the world are building on the newly processed data, including the original team.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


URL https://lofar-surveys.org/
Title 144MHz radio fluxes of z>5 quasars 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Low frequency radio properties of the z > 5 quasar population.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...656A.137G) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/656/A137
Title 24 new radio-bright quasars spectra 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Discovery of 24 radio-bright quasars at 4.9 <= z <= 6.6 using low-frequency radio observations.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...668A..27G) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/668/A27
Title 2A0335+096 LOFAR images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'A LOFAR view into the stormy environment of the galaxy cluster 2A0335+096.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...659A..20I) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/659/A20
Title 3C295 LOFAR, MERLIN and VLA images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Spectral analysis of spatially-resolved 3C295 (sub-arc second resolution) with the International LOFAR Telescope.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...658A..10B) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/658/A10
Title ACS J1149.5+2223 LOFAR and VLA images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR and JVLA view of the distant steep spectrum radio halo in MACS J1149.5+2223.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...650A..44B) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/650/A44
Title Abell 2256 radio images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Deep low-frequency radio observations of Abell 2256. II: The ultra steep spectrum radio halo.' (bibcode: 2023A&A...669A...1R) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/669/A1
Title Abell 2626 radio source LOFAR image at 144MHz 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The great Kite in the sky: A LOFAR observation of the radio source in Abell 2626.' (bibcode: 2020A&A...643A.172I) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/643/A172
Title Broad absorption line quasars in LDR1 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The origin of radio emission in broad absorption line quasars: Results from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...622A..15M) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A15
Title ClG 0217+70 radio images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'A 3.5 Mpc long radio relic in the galaxy cluster ClG 0217+70.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...656A.154H) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/656/A154
Title LOFAR LBA Sky Survey First Release 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey. II. First data release.' (bibcode: 2023A&A...673A.165D) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/673/A165
Title LOFAR LBA Sky Survey. I. 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...648A.104D) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/648/A104
Title LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) DR2 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS). V. Second data release.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...659A...1S) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/659/A1
Title LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey DR1 source catalog 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...622A...1S) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A1
Title LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Deep Fields DR1 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey: Deep Fields Data Release 1. III. Host-galaxy identifications and value added catalogues.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...648A...3K) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/648/A3
Title LOFAR observations XMM-LSS field 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'LOFAR observations of the XMM-LSS field.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...622A...4H) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A4
Title LoTSS-DR2 sample overview release 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. I. LoTSS-DR2: New detections and sample overview.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...660A..78B) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/660/A78
Title LoTSS/HETDEX. Optical quasars. I. 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'LoTSS/HETDEX: Optical quasars. I. Low-frequency radio properties of optically selected quasars.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...622A..11G) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A11
Title NGC 507 144-675MHz and X-ray images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The galaxy group NGC 507: newly detected AGN remnant plasma transported by sloshing.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...661A..92B) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/661/A92
Title Nearby galaxies in LoTSS-DR2 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Nearby galaxies in the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Insights into the non-linearity of the radio-SFR relation.' (bibcode: 2022A&A...664A..83H) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/664/A83
Title Properties of the 2060 giant radio galaxies 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Measuring the giant radio galaxy length distribution with the LoTSS.' (bibcode: 2023A&A...672A.163O) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/672/A163
Title Radio galaxy alignment in ELAIS-N1 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Revisiting the alignment of radio galaxies in the ELAIS-N1 field.' (bibcode: 2023A&A...672A.178S) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/672/A178
Title Reproduction package for 'Limits on long-timescale radio transients at 150 MHz using theTGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues' 
Description This is a basic reproduction package for 'Limits on long-timescale radio transients at 150 MHz using theTGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues' by de Ruiter et al (2021). It aims to provide the most important data products to check and reproduce the main results of the paper. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/4745527
Title VLA double-double radio galaxy candidates images 
Description VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'LoTSS DR1: Double-double radio galaxies in the HETDEX field.' (bibcode: 2019A&A...622A..13M) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A13
Title LOFAR Tier 1 pipeline 
Description A fully automatic LOFAR data reduction pipeline for imaging. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact A number of publications have already used this software. 
URL https://github.com/mhardcastle/ddf-pipeline